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Some of the world's most valuable aquatic ecosystems such as deltas, lagoons and estuaries are located in the coastal zone. However, the coastal zone and its aquatic ecosystems are in many places under environmental stress from human activities. About 50% of the human population lives within 200 km of the coastline, and the population density is increasing every day. In addition, the majority of urban centres are located in the coastal zone. It is commonly known that there are important linkages between the activities in the upstream river basins and the environment conditions in the downstream coastal zones. Changes in river flows, e.g. caused by irrigation, hydropower and water supply, have changed salinity in estuaries and lagoons. Land use changes, such as intensified agricultural activities and urban and industrial development, cause increasing loads of nutrients and a variety of chemicals resulting in considerable adverse impacts in the coastal zones. It is recognised that the solution to such problems calls for an integrated approach. Therefore, the terms Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are increasingly in focus on the international agenda. Unfortunately, the concepts of IWRM and ICZM are mostly being developed independently from each other by separate management bodies using their own individual approaches and tools. The present paper describes how modelling tools can be used to link IWRM and ICZM. It draws a line from the traditional sectoral use of models for the Istanbul Master Planning and assessment of the water quality and ecological impact in the Bosphorus Strait and the Black Sea 10 years ago, to the most recent use of models in a Water Framework Directive (WFD) context for one of the selected Pilot River Basins in Denmark used for testing of the WFD Guidance Documents.  相似文献   

This study discusses research that develops a general framework and presents a specific implementation of a stochastic modelling system, using linked overland flow and routing simulation models. The specific implementation uses the Gridded Surface Sub‐surface Hydrological Analysis (GSSHA) overland flow model, and the reservoir routing and quality model CE‐QUAL‐W2, to develop the stochastic modelling system. For stochastic simulations, modellers can define up to six GSSHA parameters for stochastic treatment, select the appropriate probability density functions and range, and determine the number of runs in the simulation. The tools described herein then create the correct input and output files, run the linked simulation models using the defined stochastic parameters, and aggregate the voluminous results. Interactive tools were developed to compute credible intervals from the results, and create reports that present the variability in a manner that is easily understood and communicated. Model set‐up and development, stochastic and statistical parameter input, stochastic simulation execution and results analysis were implemented using the Watershed Modeling System, model pre‐ and postprocessing system. This study presents the tools, algorithms and user interfaces developed to implement the linked stochastic modelling system, as well as a simple example demonstrating the tools and the type of analysis supported by this system.  相似文献   

杨得瑞  姜楠  马超 《中国水利》2012,(20):13-16
对水资源综合管理与最严格水资源管理制度进行综述和比较分析,并指出:两者都以可持续发展为目标,强调全过程管理,倡导多手段运用,注重跨部门协调和公众参与,兼顾政府与市场,注重法制和体制.同时,两者在视角上各有侧重,前者更强调“综合”,后者更注重“严格”,并在实施公众参与、强调水土资源统筹、关注风险管理等方面有所不同.  相似文献   

水循环研究是水资源综合管理的理论依据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘昌明 《中国水利》2009,(19):27-28
1.水资源综合管理的内涵与必要性 联合国《世界水资源开发报告》指出,全球水资源开发存在九大问题:①水资源的管理、制度建设、基础设施建设均不足,②水质差导致生活贫困和卫生状况不佳,③大部分地区的水质正在下降,④90%的自然灾害与水有关,⑤农业用水供需矛盾更加紧张,⑥城市用水紧张,⑦水力资源开发不足,(固水资源浪费严重,⑨用于水资源的财政投入滞后。  相似文献   

我国水资源综合管理评估与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合国际上水资源综合管理评估的内容和方法,梳理我国水资源管理涉及的实施环境、机构框架、管理工具、资金筹措等方面,评估了我国水资源综合管理整体状况。结果显示,我国水资源综合管理分值为74.5分,尽管存在薄弱环节,总体处于国际上相对较高水平。针对评估揭示的主要问题,提出加强水资源综合管理的措施建议。  相似文献   

水资源一体化管理的概念及其应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
探讨了水资源一体化管理的概念、定义及其发展过程 ,阐述了水资源一体化管理的基本原则 ,剖析其基本内涵 ,给出了国外有关水资源一体化概念的应用案例  相似文献   

《甘肃省石羊河流域水资源管理条例》是在借鉴国际、国内流域立法经验的基础上,结合石羊河流域实际制定的地方性法规。条例实施以来对流域水资源统一管理建立了约束机制,起到了保障作用。为进一步贯彻实施条例,提出了四点建议:一是加大宣传力度,增强全社会水忧患意识和水法制观念;二是进一步强化水资源管理工作,提升管理能力和水平;三是切实加强水资源的节约和保护工作;四是加强执法队伍建设,加大水行政执法力度。  相似文献   

将流域水资源水量水质集成管理模型分为优化模型、模拟模型、优化和模拟相结合模型以及决策支持系统四大类,按此分类总结了目前国内外研究的相关进展,并针对模型中出现的水量水质耦合项,分析了直接求解法、大系统分解协调技术、逐步求解法和情景优选法等水量水质变量的解耦原理和技术,并展望了流域水资源水量水质集成管理模型在水资源优化配置、生态环境需水配置和水资源冲突协调领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对唐山市丰润区地下水资源超采、水资源供需严重失衡现状,浅述了水资源综合管理措施,保证水资源可持续利用.  相似文献   

石羊河流域水资源严重短缺,用水矛盾突出,水资源已经成为区域经济社会发展的最主要制约因素,并引发了严重的生态环境问题,威胁到流域下游民勤绿洲的生态安全。在分析石羊河流域水资源管理现状问题的基础上,探讨了实施流域水资源综合管理的主要对策,提出了在石羊河流域实施水资源垂直管理模式试点的建议。  相似文献   

王海伟 《人民长江》2014,45(23):1-5
为适应中央生态文明建设、国家经济转型升级、实行最严格水资源管理制度和深化水利改革等国家与行业发展的新形势及对水资源管理的新要求,在总结长江流域取水许可管理、水资源配置和调度管理、水资源监测评估、流域最严格水资源管理制度试点等工作的基础上,分析了长江流域水资源管理面临的形势和存在的突出问题,结合长江流域近期水资源管理的总体思路,提出了推进流域水资源综合管理的建议。  相似文献   

长期以来,随着经济发展、人口不断增加,加之我国水管理的低效率运作,水资源问题日益成为中国社会经济发展的重要制约因素。从自然基础、社会基础与理论基础方面论证了流域水资源统一管理的必要性,提出了以流域为单元、以流域内水资源统一管理为核心、对我国水资源实施垂直管理的全新的水资源管理体制框架。  相似文献   

集体水利工程与其相关的水资源、土地资源改革不同步,严重制约农村水利发展。提出结合深化农村综合改革,加快集体水利工程所有权、使用权和经营权"三位一体"综合改革步伐,提出了政策构想和对策建议。  相似文献   

岳中明 《中国水利》2006,(24):80-82
2006年是“十一五”的开局之年,珠江水利委员会紧紧围绕珠江水利“十一五”规划整体部署.认真贯彻落实科学发展观,积极践行水利部党组提出的新时期治水思路,按照可持续发展水利的要求,紧密结合珠江水利实际.以“维护河流健康、建设绿色珠江”为总体目标.以加快能力建设、强化流域水资源统一管理为工作重点,在流域防洪、保障饮水安全、水资源管理、水土保持和水行政管理等方面开展了大量富有成效的工作。  相似文献   

Water scarcity and water pollution are severe problems in the Northern part of China, strongly affecting socio-economic development and standards of living and environment. The Shandong province is specifically plagued by water scarcity. In the coastal catchments of the Shandong province the water scarcity is even increased due to saltwater intrusion, reducing the usability of water resources available. The pressing water problems in the costal catchments in the Shandong province and resulting socio-economic troubles forced the Chinese authorities to implement a variety of measures to relieve water scarcity and abate saltwater intrusion. But not much has been achieved so far as the measures are not coordinated in their effects and cost-benefit relations have not been considered sufficiently. Such a situation calls for good, which means integrated, sustainable water management. The assessment of this situation in the project "Flood Control and Groundwater Recharge in Coastal Catchments" financed by the German Ministry of Research and Education is presented. Further objectives and first ideas for an IWRM-concept are explained. These ideas are based on concepts developed in Germany in the context of the fulfilment of the European Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

从2008年3月起,福建省泉州市相继开展节水型社会建设、地下水保护行动、水资源红黄蓝动态分区管理等试点工作,取得了成功经验。2010年,水利部水资源司将泉州市作为继深圳市之后的第二个全国水资源综合管理试点城市。  相似文献   

国外典型流域水资源综合管理的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国外流域水资源综合管理的先进经验进行总结、提炼和分析,认为各国先进的流域水资源综合管理经验虽不尽相同,但具有一些共性:1普遍注重立法革新,使得流域管理机构行使水管理权有法可依;2都建立了有效的流域管理机构,探求权利与民主的适宜均衡;3都注重公众参与,明确监督机构的责权。  相似文献   

田亦毅  曾庆彬 《中国水利》2010,(14):56-58,61
通过分析当前水务基础信息资源管理存在的主要问题,提出改变将信息资源管理工作依附于具体信息化项目的传统做法,将其从各个信息化项目的开发建设和运行维护过程中剥离出来,在更高的层次上用资源管理的理念来对其进行统一规划、系统组织、集中管理和共享使用。提出了建立水务基础信息资源管理的专职机构,加强水务档案和自动监测数据管理的建议。  相似文献   

通过研究海河流域水资源与水环境管理的政策法规现状,揭示并分析海河流域水资源和水环境管理相关政策法规存在的主要问题,明晰海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理实施方面存在的政策法规障碍,并针对GEF(全球环境基金)海河项目的研究目标要求,提出健全海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理政策法规框架的有关建议。  相似文献   

根据漳河的基本情况,在对漳河流域水资源开发利用情况分析评价的基础上,总结归纳了漳河水资源开发、利用和管理方面存在的问题,强调漳河流域实施水资源统一管理的必要性,提出通过工程措施、经济措施、行政措施、法制科技措施等手段加强漳河流域水资源统一管理的思路,以实现漳河流域水资源的优化配置、合理调度,从体制上解决长期存在的水事矛盾,实现漳河水事关系的长治久安。  相似文献   

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