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介绍了平板太阳集热器的基本结构及酚醛复合保温板,对比了酚醛复合保温板与其他保温材料在平板太阳集热器中的应用.  相似文献   

李洪勇  温立国  陈康  刘娟 《太阳能》2007,(4):21-21,20
太阳能热水器按照是否承压可以分为承压式和非承压式两种。目前大部分太阳能集热器工程为非承压式,而承压式集热器工程由于自身的特点,正逐渐受到企业和用户的青睐。本文主要介绍U型管集热器串并联工程。  相似文献   

平板-真空管式太阳能集热器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
倪建华 《太阳能》2008,(2):19-20
随着住宅建筑的日益高层化,如何在多层和高层住宅上安装太阳能热水器成为业内共同的课题,破解这个难题的关键在于如何让太阳能集热器和建筑有机地结合在一起.天润经过了七年不懈努力研制成了镶嵌在阳台栏杆上的平板一真空管太阳能集热器,它可以实现太阳能与建筑有机结合.  相似文献   

龚小辉  羌季 《太阳能》2010,(2):44-47
提出了与建筑一体化的太阳能热水系统核心部件——太阳能集热器的选型设计依据;为保障与建筑一体化太阳能集热器的正常运行,针对与建筑一体化的太阳能集热器选型可能出现的技术性问题,总结了解决的对策。  相似文献   

葛晓敏  殷骏 《太阳能》2011,(14):52-54
SUN & WIND ENERGY杂志(以下简称S&WE)2010年第七期刊登的文章,是针对全球平板太阳能集热器生产现状,通过书面调研后编写的,内容详实,图片丰富。我国平板太阳能集热器正面临快速发展,中国太阳能热水器企业应该结合企业自身情况、市场与国情,走自己的路,发展有特色的太阳能集热器。殷志强教授认为这篇编译文章值得研读,本刊发表这篇编译文章(副标题为本刊加),以飨读者。  相似文献   

曹静  曲春光 《太阳能》2010,(6):41-41,50
<正>一引言彩钢复合板是一种超轻型(一般为15~25kg/m~2)的多功能复合建筑板材。该种板材通常由彩色镀锌钢板作为面层,中间为高效保温材料(聚氨酯泡沫塑料或聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料,近年也开始采用矿物面板)芯体。彩色涂层钢板(经辊压,冷弯成各种波型的压型板)与保温材料用高强粘合剂经加热、加压复合而  相似文献   

平板-真空管式太阳能集热器及其在建筑上的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
倪建华 《太阳能》2010,(3):42-45
<正>一前言为解决太阳能集热器与建筑有机结合的问题,天润经过多年努力,研制出平板-真空管式太阳能集热器。该集热器的核心技术是把高效率的真空管太阳能集热器进行平板化设计,使之实现模块化。本文结合实际工程案例,介绍平板-真空管式太阳能集热器的结构、技术性能以及在建筑上的应用,供大家参考。  相似文献   

倪建华 《太阳能》2011,(13):53-56
早在1999年召开的世界太阳能大会上就有专家认为,当代世界太阳能科技发展有两大基本趋势,一是光电与光热结合;二是太阳能与建筑的结合。就太阳热水器而言,如果需要实现与建筑的结合,太阳热水器要成为建筑的一个部件,必  相似文献   

葛晓敏  殷骏 《太阳能》2011,(13):9-10,17
平板集热器制造公司的排名变化GREENoneTEC、Bosch Thermotechnik和Viessmann是2009年排名前三的平板集热器制造公司(见图6),而后由于德国制造商生产量下降,其他国家的生产量上升,排名发生了一些变化。2009年中国的鹏桑普和巴西的Soletrol经历了国际市场的快速发展,排名较靠前。总体来说,2009年排名前20的平板集热器制造公司的生产量与2008年相比下降了7%。  相似文献   

太阳能辅助热泵和热水器系统的设计与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有太阳能热泵随太阳能辐射强度变化而致使系统运行不稳定的问题,提出了一种太阳能辅助热泵和热水器系统,并介绍了这种系统的工作原理和控制原理.  相似文献   

Characteristic properties of phenolic foam as the interstitial material of a vacuum insulation panel are investigated experimentally. For the measurement of effective thermal conductivity, a vacuum guarded hot plate (VGHP) apparatus is used and the conductivity is measured at various vacuum levels. Radiative properties are found using a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) device. Solid conductivity is estimated using the porosity of the foam. Effective thermal conductivity at high level of vacuum is measured to be 5 mW/m K which is sum of solid conductivity (2.56 mW/m K) and radiative conductivity (2.44 mW/m K) with 5% of measurement uncertainty. The pore size of the foam is estimated to be 260 μm using rarefied gas conduction theory. This ensures insulation performance of phenolic foam up to about 10?3 atm. Other practical characteristics of phenolic foam as the VIP core material are also discussed.  相似文献   

构建表面积为1.50 m×1.50 m的小型实验用盐梯度太阳池,并与平板太阳能集热器配合使用,分别对普通太阳池和集热增强型太阳池进行了储热、放热实验。实验研究与理论分析表明:单独盐梯度太阳池的放热量为3.5×103k J,热效率为13.6%;集热增强型太阳池放热量可以达到4.8×103k J,且热效率增至28.1%。另外后者下对流层温度最高可提升10℃以上,从而证明太阳能集热器可以有效提高太阳池热效率,增加下对流层储热量。此外,考虑了放热过程换热器对太阳池下对流层的扰动,对比实验前后的溶液浓度,可以看出实验后太阳池盐度曲线合理,非对流层呈良好梯度分布,太阳池稳定性并未遭到破坏。  相似文献   

Improved equations are formulated for the transfer of heat in flat-plate solar collector absorbers, including a shape factor accounting for details of flow duct designs, and developing heat transport in the ducts. Approximate, analytical solutions are obtained in terms of perturbation series, which are applicable to practical collectors with lengths much greater than the distance between flow ducts.The primary result of the analysis is a universal-type design equation, or chart, which determines the collector efficiency factor for any duct design, heat transfer development, or other absorber-plate parameter. Collector performance is stated in terms of an effectiveness/number-of-transfer-unit relationship. Ease of use and utility of the design chart is illustrated by examples.  相似文献   

A 3-dimensional unit cell model is developed for analyzing effective thermal conductivity of xonotlite-aerogel composite insulation material based on its microstructure features. Effective thermal conductivity comparisons between xonotlite-type calcium silicate and aerogel as well as xonotlite-aerogel composite insulation material are presented. It is shown that the density of xonotlite-type calcium silicate is the key factor affecting the effective thermal conductivity of xonotlite-aerogel composite insulation material, and the density of aerogel has little influence. The effective thermal conductivity can be lowered greatly by composite of the two materials at an elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Criteria are presented for optimizing solar thermal energy collection. These criteria are then used in setting the design of a fixed solar thermal energy collector. This design is obtained by proceeding carefully through a series of optimization steps. While seeking near optimum performance, features have been retained which should lead to low cost. Initial optimization steps lead to an all glass vacuum collector tube whose side and lower walls are internally silvered to provide optimal Winston concentration on an interior glass tube coated with a selective absorber. Heat transfer calculations, performed for an array module of these collector tubes, produce values for the radiation, heat conduction and pumping losses and indicate operating conditions which minimize these losses. Near this minimum, heat conduction and pumping losses are small and can usually be neglected. Liquids provide much better heat transfer than gases. For liquid heat transfer fluids, the minimum loss collector tube window width (setting the transverse scale) is ~3 cm and tube length ~4 m, depending somewhat upon array area and the weighting used for the various losses. A window width of~5 cm and tube length~2 m should provide lower cost fabrication, while still allowing operation near minimum loss. Skills now used in the glass and lighting industry are expected to lead to low cost production of these tubes.  相似文献   

A numerical experiment has been carried out to study the thermal performance of a large solar collector assembly, which could be integrated as part of the roof structure without undue difficulties. The collector assembly consists of a network of riser tubes and headers as if rows of flat-plate collectors are connected in series to form a large flat-plate collector. Results show that the thermal efficiency of the collector assembly is mainly influenced by the number of riser tubes, collector aspect ratio (H/W), mass flow rate, thermal conductivity and thickness of absorber plate. Differences in the range of 2.5%–8% were detected depending on the specific parameter tested.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the cost effectiveness of a self-constructed and installed flat plate solar energy collector. The report analyzes the theoretical energy output of the solar collector, the experimental measured energy output and the theoretical insulation properties of the collector as constructed and installed.The results obtained indicate the collector is cost effective because of its insulation property when installed inside a single glazed window. The collector produces a relatively small energy income as a solar energy collector.  相似文献   

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