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多孔铝合金的铸造工艺研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
采用加压铸造工艺,制备出了多孔铝合金。系统地研究了预制块的制备工艺过程及影响因素。利用所制备的预制块,研究了多孔铝合金的加压铸造工艺。研究表明,预制块孔隙大小及其初始温度、金属液浇注温度、外加压力等影响了金属液在预制块中的充型长度。采用合理的工艺,就可以获得大尺寸的多孔制品。 相似文献
Hengcheng LIAO Guoxiong SUNDepaxtment of Materials Science Engineering Southeast University Nanjing China 《材料科学技术学报》2004,20(5):589-591
Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope were used to observe the microstructure of the AI-11.6%Si and AI-11.6%Si-0.4%Mg alloys and the morphology of the massive silicon particles. It is found that the massive silicon phase, observed in the unfully modified alloys with 0.010%Sr, disappears completely in the alloys fully modified with 0.020%Sr. The serrations and reentrant edges shown in the massive silicon particles with the conventional casting indicate that the TPRE mechanism plays an important role in the growth of the massive silicon phase. The ripples and steps suggest that the "lateral microscopic growth" may be another operating mechanism. 相似文献
Shijun Jia 《Materials and Manufacturing Processes》2000,15(6):903-912
High-power-density electron beam with single pulse was performed on the LD11R aluminum alloy. Variation of penetration depth and cavity width with focus position and duration time was studied by using the “rapid fixing” method. The influence of focus position on deep penetration was investigated as well. An electron beam deep penetration mechanism is proposed. The results indicate that the electron fusion range rate was the main factor of the deep penetration. 相似文献
以铸造Al-Si过共晶合金为研究对象,采用现场金相显微镜对Al-Si过共晶合金的断裂过程进行观察,探讨了两相合金的断裂机理。试验发现:Al-Si过共晶合金的断裂首先发生在先析Si相的凹角处,随着外力的增加,裂纹向先析Si相内部进行扩展,达到相界处时改变方向,沿着Al-Si两相的相界进行扩展。分析认为:Al-Si两相合金中,相界的结合强度最弱,裂纹的扩展是择弱进行的。 相似文献
Effects of natural aging and test temperature on the tensile behaviors have been studied for a highperformance cast aluminum alloy Al–10Si–1.2Cu–0.7Mn. Based on self-strengthening mechanism and spheroidization microstructures, the alloy tested at room temperature(RT) exhibits higher 0.2% proof stress(YS) of 206 MPa, ultimate tensile strength(UTS) of 331 MPa and elongation of 10%. Increasing aging time improves the YS and UTS and reduces the ductility of the alloy. Further increasing aging time beyond72 h does not signi?cantly increase the tensile strengths. Increasing test temperature signi?cantly decreases the tensile strengths and increases the ductility of the alloy. The UTS of the alloy can be estimated by using the hardness. The Portevin–Le Chatelier effect occurs at RT due to the interactions between solid solution atoms and dislocations. Similar behaviors occurring at 250 °C are attributed to dynamic strain aging mechanism. Increasing aging time leads to decrease in the strain-hardening exponent(n) value and increase in the strain-hardening coe?cient(k) value. Increasing test temperature apparently decreases the n and k values. Eutectic phase particles cracking and debonding determine the fracture mechanism of the alloy. Final failure of the alloy mainly depends on the global instability(high temperature, necking) and local instability(RT, shearing). Different tensile behaviors of the alloy are mainly attributed to different matrix strengths, phase particle strengths and damage rate. 相似文献
采用旋转柱体法系统地对纯铝及铝硅合金在液相线以上不同温度的粘度进行了研究。实验结果表明:随着温度的升高,熔体的粘度都呈减小的趋势;且当Si含量增至5%时,熔体的粘度在720~790℃之间存在着异常变化,可能是熔体结构发生了改变;在较大过热度(ΔT=100℃或135℃)时,Si含量在不超过7%条件下,Si含量对Al-Si合金熔体粘度的影响较小;而当Si含量达到9%或11%以上时,Si含量对熔体粘度的影响变大。 相似文献
X-ray tomography was used to characterize the porosity in high pressure die casting of AM60B alloy. In situ tensile deformation was performed to observe the change of porosities and their influences on crack initiation,propagation and subsequent fracture of specimen. Results showed that four types of porosities,including gas-shrinkage pore,gas pore,net-shrinkage and island-shrinkage,could be identified according to the formation mechanism and morphology characterization. During tensile deformation,it was shown that the gas-shrinkage pore and net-shrinkage,rather than gas pore or island-shrinkage,were the main sources for crack initiation. In addition,the crack propagated by interconnecting the porosities at the cross section with minimum efficient force bearing area. At these locations where externally solidified crystals(ESCs) were present,the crack would propagate along the ESC boundaries in an intergranular mode,while at these locations without ESCs,the crack would propagate roughly along the direction perpendicular to the tensile stress in a combination of trans-granular and inter-granular modes. 相似文献
研究使用功率超声制备SiCp颗粒增强铝基复合材料的新方法,并对所制得不同粒度SiCp的复合材料进行了组织分析和磨损性能的测试。实验结果表明,利用功率超声可以制备出颗粒在基体中均匀分布的复合材料,可增加SiCp的复合量,使SiCp与基体间润湿性良好。小粒度的SiCp颗粒增强复合材料较大尺寸的复合材料的耐磨性要好。 相似文献
Electromagnetic filtration of primary Fe-rich phases(complex compound of AIFeSiMn)from Al-Si alloy melt containing 1.2 wt pct Fe have been studied by theoretical analysis and on a selfdesigned electromagnetic filtration equipment. The principle of the electromagnetic filtration is that the EMF(electromagnetic force)scarcely acts on the primary Fe-rich phases having low electric conductivity, which are then moved in the direction opposite to that of the EMF.Experimental results show that the primary Fe-rich phases are separated from Al-Si alloy melt and are collected in the filter while the melt is in horizontal flow.The removal efficiency of the primary iron-phases(η)calculated is less as the greatest flow velocity of the melt(uM)and the height of the filter (2h) are larger,while it becomes larger as EMF, operating distance of electromagnetic force (x) and particle size (dp) become larger. lt has been confirmed that the primary iron-phases larger than 20 μm can be removed efficiently by theoretical analysis and experiments. This new technique is high efficient and available for continuously flowing melts as compared with natural settling and filtration methods, which offer a possibility for recycling high quality aluminum alloys. 相似文献
目的通过真空增压工艺改善Mg-Y-Nd-Gd-Zn-Zr合金的铸造性能和力学性能。方法采用螺旋法、热裂环法、线收缩率测试方法,分别测试了不同真空度、浇注温度、凝固压力下合金的流动性、热裂倾向和收缩率。采用万能拉伸机测试合金的力学性能,采用金相显微镜观察合金的显微组织,采用截线法测量平均晶粒尺寸。结果重力下Mg-Y-Nd-Gd-Zn-Zr合金的螺旋长度为240~270 mm,裂环宽度为10~15 mm;真空下的螺旋长度为245~330 mm,裂环宽度为7.5~12.5 mm;凝固压力从0.2 MPa提升至0.8 MPa,合金的抗拉强度从320 MPa提升至335 MPa,断后伸长率从4.5%提升至6.0%。结论提高真空度、浇注温度,可显著提升合金的充型能力;提高凝固压力、降低浇注温度,可明显降低合金的热裂倾向;凝固压力越高、真空压力转换时间越短,合金的组织越致密,力学性能越高。 相似文献
Microstructure and mechanical properties of hyper-eutectic Al-Si alloy fabricated by spray casting were in- vestigated and then these results were compared with those by squeeze cast.The spray-cast specimen was found to have finer Si particles (~5μm) compared to the squeeze-cast specimen (10-25μm).The tensile strength and elongation of the spray-cast specimen are also higher than those of the squeeze cast one.It was considered that the increased mechanical properties of the spray-cast specimen were mainly due to finer size of the Si particles distributed in Al matrix. 相似文献
目的 研究钛合金高铁轴箱铸件采用石墨铸型工艺时,铸件尺寸、成形及内部质量控制技术。方法 通过对高铁轴箱铸件的结构特点进行分析,针对铸件结构复杂、尺寸比较大、铸件成形比较困难、容易变形的特点,开展了铸型结构设计、铸件尺寸控制技术和铸件成形工艺等方面研究。采用多活块组合的石墨铸型,设计底注开放式浇注系统,利用Procast软件对高铁轴箱铸件的浇注方案进行了模拟分析。选用Ti321合金,设定合理的浇注参数,利用真空自耗电极凝壳炉对铸件进行浇注。结果 铸件成形良好,经过热等静压和后精整后的铸件,铸件内外部冶金质量和性能指标,满足客户标准要求,验证了方案的合理性。结论 铸件的计算机模拟对铸件工艺的设计提供了技术支撑,高铁轴箱铸件采用的石墨型浇注工艺比较合理。 相似文献
采用旋转直管浇注法制备A356铝合金半固态浆料,在不同浇注温度和转速下进行了系列试验,并与直管法进行了对比分析。结果表明,在不同转速条件下,浇注温度越低,得到的浆料凝固组织晶粒尺寸就越小,颗粒球化程度越高。与直管法相比,同一工艺参数下,旋转直管法制备的坯料的晶粒更为细小和圆整,并且随着旋转速度的增加,可得到理想浆料组织的浇铸温度区间也随之增大。本实验条件下,当转速为300r/mim时,浇注温度为670℃也能得到较理想的半固态凝固组织。 相似文献