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Using survey results of Japanese Americans (JA) living on the West Coast of the USA in 1998, and JA and non-JA living in Hawaii in 1999–2000, we examined cultural links between native Japanese, JAs, and Americans. For data on Japanese and Americans, survey results from 1988 were used for the analysis. To understand the social and cultural similarities and differences among Japanese, JAs, and American society groups, we examined interpersonal attitudes, ways of thinking, religious attitudes, and so forth. The results revealed that Japanese- like attitudes were maintained in both society groups of JA. The cultural links of these society groups was not one-dimensional.


伴随着网络文化的迅猛发展和繁荣,在信息产业与文化产业、网络产业与内容产业的激荡交融中崛起了一个新型产业——网络文化产业,国际上也称之谓“数字内容产业”或“数字娱乐产业”。在文化的创作、制作、储存、传输、消费、欣赏中发生了革命性的变化,创造出诸如网络游戏、网络动漫、网络音乐、网络影视、网络媒体、网络通讯、网络出版、网络教育、网络社区、  相似文献   

磨炼 《包装工程》2023,44(2):358-364
目的 从理性视角理解文创产品,探索文创产品在设计时应考虑的问题,进而提供文创产品设计方法、思路与参考。方法 以词源的方式理解“文创”及其发展变化,帮助更好地理解文创。基于人为事物科学理论就文创产品在设计时应考虑的视角、维度与要素展开讨论,结合相关案例解读当下大家的关注与忽视。结论 文创产品不应是简单符号化的简易贴图处理,设计师需要构建一种链接关系。这种关系将会赋予产品更多意义、为生活带来更多价值,同时亦让大家对文创有更深的认识。这些将对设计理论研究和文创产品设计创新带来新的价值。  相似文献   

At the Central Government level, the national quality work has been consistently attached high importance. The subsequent issuance and implementation of the two middle and long-term plans, the Quality Invigoration Programme (1996-2010) and the Quality Development Outline (2011- 2020), has consolidated the legislative groundwork for national quality work. At the key time of comprehensively deepening reforms, quality is placed at a more prominent strategic position, explicitly putting forward the idea of "turning to quality and efficiency for further and better development."  相似文献   

陶海鹰 《包装工程》2018,39(24):18-22
目的 字体设计在平面设计中的地位是举足轻重的,也逐渐成为国内设计专业的热议话题。在今天,代表东亚文化的汉字形意、象征西方文明的拉丁字母,以及起源于印度文化的阿拉伯数字,共同构筑了当代字体的设计主流趋势,应加强对字体设计尤其是汉字印刷字体设计的重视。方法 字体设计的文化、社会内涵非常广泛,文字的首要功能是准确地传递信息,因此字体设计最本质的目是实现“视觉传达”的有效性。结论 字体设计在文化、经济、社会领域承载着深刻的符号意向,它的设计与形式传递着人类的文明、科技的进步、思想的变迁以及审美的更迭。  相似文献   

A brief overview is given of the problem of high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates, with emphasis on theoretical ideas.  相似文献   

采购管理理论综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对国外采购管理理论文献进行了系统梳理,将采购管理分为:基于库存理论的采购管理、供应链协调的及时采购理论和快速反映采购系统以及逆向拍卖的专业采购管理理论.从企业采购应对市场环境变迁的视角,分析阐述了企业采购管理机制的变迁,旨在为国内理论研究和企业采购实践提供借鉴.从采购管理的历史演进过程可以看出:企业而临的市场竞争越激烈,采购管理越专业.现在,企业的采购管理不仅成为了其管理的专业职能,而且成为了实现企业经营目标的战略手段.  相似文献   

About 100 uremic retention solutes have been identified at present, but not all of these compounds are necessarily toxic. They can be defined as uremic toxins if they exert biochemical/biological actions. Based on their physicochemical characteristics, there are three major groups of uremic retention solutes: 1) the small water‐soluble compounds (<500 Da), which are easily removed by standard low‐pore‐size dialyzer membranes; 2) the protein‐bound solutes (also mostly <500 Da), whose dialytic removal is hampered by their protein binding, irrespective of the membrane type; and 3) the so‐called middle molecules (>500 Da), which can be removed only by membranes with a large pore size and/or adsorptive capacity. In the present review, we will summarize the currently known information about the toxicity of the uremic retention solutes. Although removal of small water‐soluble urea has been recognized for many years as a current measure of dialysis adequacy, data on its toxicity are very scanty. Almost 50 other water‐soluble compounds are known to be retained in uremia, but only a few exert biological effects. Most of the toxic water‐soluble moieties, such as the guanidines, phosphate, xanthine, and hypoxanthine show an intra‐dialytic compartmental behavior, which is different from urea. A substantial number of uremic solutes are protein bound, and most of them exert biological action. Among them are the phenols, indoles, homocysteine, and carboxy‐methyl‐propyl‐furanpropionic acid. Recent data suggest that protein binding acts as a buffer against the toxic effects of these compounds, and that hypoalbuminemia increases both their free fraction and their toxicity. In addition, many middle molecules, such as ß2‐microglobulin, leptin, and advanced glycation end products, have been related to biological/clinical effects. Our current knowledge of the biological impact of the middle molecules is very likely incomplete. It is concluded that many of the water‐soluble compounds exert little or no toxicity, and that urea removal pattern per se is not identical to that of many biologically active molecules. Hence, in dialysis, more than urea removal alone should be pursued.  相似文献   

材料计量是计量新兴领域,是支撑材料产业发展的国家质量基础设施之一,其目标是实现材料产业的高质量发展.本文论述了材料计量的定义、研究内容、成果及社会服务路径、框架和国内外现状,总结并展望了急需材料计量的四大产业.  相似文献   

介绍了纳米吸波材料的吸波原理。叙述了碳纳米管、纳米金属与合金、纳米陶瓷、纳米氧化物、纳米导电高分子几类吸波材料的特点和应用情况。比较了各种吸波材料的优缺点,对吸波材料的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Until recently, investment in logistics has focused mainly on the flows from companies to markets. Growing concerns for the environment and conserving resources have created new logistical approaches to more effectively manage the distribution function, and make better use of the resources available to an organization. One such approach is reverse logistics, which uses various methods to give scope for a back-load of finished products, components, waste, reusable packing, etc. from consumer to manufacturer. Back-loads allow manufacturers to reduce costs by using the distribution vehicle‘s return journey to create income or added value. This basic concept is now being developed to create novel solutions to the problems of reducing pollution, costs and vehicle movements, whilst maintaining high customer service levels. In this paper, the idea of reverse logistics is presented; motivations for it are analyzed, several successful practices are demonstrated and some important truths regarding successful reverse logistics are identified, trend of reverse logistics is provided.  相似文献   

Yoshino  Ryozo  Khor  Diana 《Behaviormetrika》1995,22(2):155-184

This paper discusses different methods of measuring and comparing national character cross-nationally, considered respectively in terms of a multifaceted phenomenon and a specific aspect such as the quality of life. Using data collected in seven nations, we first applied the GHT model with VA representations to both a global and a specific pool of quality of life items, making use of the concept of “superculture” as a basis of comparison among countries. We then undertook principal components analysis for another global pool of items and the quality of life items, comparing the structure of different attitudes and the substantive level of quality of life among countries. The substantive results of the different methods of analyses concurred in some respects and differed in others. Importantly, the paper underscored the complementarity of different methods as equally fruitful ways to understanding national character in a cross-national context.


Introduction Energy supply is one of the major challenges facing China. The rate at which demand is outstripping supply led the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to pass the Renewable Energy Law of the PRC at its fourteenth session in February, 2005.  相似文献   

投影机是高新科技发展的产物。本文介绍了近年来投影机使用的新技术,包括投影机的核心显示技术。亮度、色彩、对比度控制技术,个性化使用技术以及安全防护技术,为投影机产品的选购提供技术参考。  相似文献   

康乐 《包装工程》2018,39(12):245-248
目的探究民族文化元素在陶瓷装饰中的应用方向及实践。方法基于丰富而广泛的民族文化资源,从中选取一些具有典型性的传统纹样、传统绘画及书法作为主要研究对象,分别对云纹、龙凤纹、工笔画、木版画和书法等元素在陶瓷装饰中的应用进行探究,总结相关的设计策略,并借助具体的相关设计案例展开深入的分析与展望,指出要想使陶瓷装饰艺术在激烈的市场竞争中一席之地,必须进行继承性创新,丰富其文化底蕴和民族特性。结论将民族文化元素与陶瓷装饰艺术相结合,能够构成新的视觉意义,在丰富陶瓷装饰形式和内涵的基础上,实现美的艺术效果,既给人以愉悦的感官体验,又能够很好地传承与发展优秀的民族文化形式,从而促成两者的良性发展。  相似文献   

民族文化元素在产品设计中的应用   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
吕中意  杨波 《包装工程》2015,36(20):1-4,20
目的研究民族文化元素在产品设计中的应用目标、造型艺术要求和应用方法。方法从符号学角度分析民族文化元素应用于产品设计的核心目标,以我国传统艺术文化特色为基础,总结民族文化元素在产品设计中的重构要旨,并在此指引下,完成四川藏、羌地区多个路灯产品设计,通过实践分析总结民族文化元素在产品设计中的应用方法。结论以和谐、含蓄、简练为产品造型的艺术方向,利用线、形寓意,纹、色传情,更有助于在现代产品设计中实现"有形"民族文化元素传递"无形"情感内涵,并弘扬民族文化的核心目标。  相似文献   

国家级非遗“包头剪纸”文化衍生产品设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李志春  张路得 《包装工程》2018,39(22):205-212
目的 以文化衍生产品为媒介实现国家级非遗“包头剪纸”文化的生产性保护与创新式传承,并验证“文化衍生产品系统设计方法”的可行性。方法 运用“文化衍生产品系统设计方法”展开“包头剪纸”文化衍生产品设计中的文化因子提取、文化因子的设计符号转化、文化产品载体选取与重塑、要素融合构造法选取,在获得“包头剪纸”文化衍生产品设计构成要素的基础上,采用矩阵法进行各要素的组合,展开“包头剪纸”文化衍生产品的设计。结果 依据“文化衍生产品系统设计方法”所得结果,完成了4种“包头剪纸”文化衍生产品的设计。结论 以“包头剪纸”文化衍生产品的设计,验证了“文化衍生产品系统设计方法” 的可行性,有助于为不同文化主题的衍生产品提供系统设计的方法和快速开发的路径。  相似文献   

JTCA (Japan Technical Communicators Association) is developing dynamic activities as a leading association in Japanese technical communication.This paper is an introduction to its ideology, organizational structure, services offered, standardization in Japan, and its interactions with overseas TC-related associations which have been as of recent rapidly expanding.  相似文献   


This paper describes the methodology employed to survey Japanese Americans in the Seattle, Washington and San Jose, California areas. Japanese name dictionaries were used to generate a sampling frame of Japanese Americans who were registered voters in the counties that contained the two cities. Random samples were drawn and 344 survey respondents were interviewed. Items from the “Japanese National Survey” and from studies of Japanese American interpersonal style and community persistence were administered.


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