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Assume that P is any path in a bipartite graph G of length k with 2?k?h, G is said to be h-path bipancyclic if there exists a cycle C in G of every even length from 2k to |V(G)| such that P lies in C. Based on Lemma 5, the authors of [C.-H. Tsai, S.-Y. Jiang, Path bipancyclicity of hypercubes, Inform. Process. Lett. 101 (2007) 93-97] showed that the n-cube Qn with n?3 is (2n−4)-path bipancyclicity. In this paper, counterexamples to the lemma are given, therefore, their proof fails. And we show the following result: The n-cube Qn with n?3 is (2n−4)-path bipancyclicity but is not (2n−2)-path bipancyclicity, moreover, and a path P of length k with 2?k?2n−4 lies in a cycle of length 2k−2 if and only if P contains two edges of dimension i for some i, 1?i?n. We conjecture that if 2n−4 is replaced by 2n−3, then the above result also holds.  相似文献   

If two solutions YZ of the DARE are given then the set of solutions X with YXZ can be parametrized by invariant subspaces of the closed loop matrix corresponding to Y. The paper extends the geometric theory of Willems from the continuous-time to the discrete-time ARE making the weakest possible assumptions.  相似文献   

The flow around two-dimensional cylinders at moderate Reynolds numbers has been much studied, both for cylinders perpendicular to the flow and for cylinders yawed to the flow. In contrast, yawed finite aspect ratio cylinders have received little attention. In this article we describe computer simulations of cylinders with aspect ratios 2  L/D  20 yawed at angles 0°  α  90° relative to a free stream. The simulations were carried out for Reynolds numbers in the range 1  Re  40. The simulations show that the Independence Principle [Zdravkovich MM. Flow around circular cylinders, vol. 2: applications. New York: Oxford University Press; 2003[1]] is not accurate for α  45°. We have also found that for all aspect ratios, the ratio of the lift to drag force reaches a maximum for 40° < α < 50°. Finally, we present CL and CD relationships as best curve fits to computational data.  相似文献   

A path between distinct vertices u and v of the n-dimensional hypercube Qn avoiding a given set of f faulty vertices is called long if its length is at least 2n-2f-2. We present a function (n)=Θ(n2) such that if f(n) then there is a long fault-free path between every pair of distinct vertices of the largest fault-free block of Qn. Moreover, the bound provided by (n) is asymptotically optimal. Furthermore, we show that assuming f(n), the existence of a long fault-free path between an arbitrary pair of vertices may be verified in polynomial time with respect to n and, if the path exists, its construction performed in linear time with respect to its length.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an inductive synthesis algorithm for a recursive process. To synthesize a process, facts, which must be satisfied by the target process, are given to the algorithm one by one since such facts are infinitely many in general. When n facts are input to the algorithm, it outputs a process which satisfies the given n facts. And this generating process is repeated infinitely many times. To represent facts of a process, we adopt a subcalculus of μ-calculus. First, we introduce a new preorder d on recursive processes based on the subcalculus to discuss its properties. pd q means that pf implies qf, for all formulae f in the subcalculus. Then, its discriminative power and relationship with other preorders are also discussed. Finally, we present the synthesis algorithm. The correctness of the algorithm can be stated that the output sequence of processes by the algorithm converges to a process, which cannot be distinguished from the intended one (if we could know it) by a given enumeration of facts, in the limit. A prototype system based on the algorithm is stated as well.  相似文献   

To be fair or efficient or a bit of both   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introducing a new concept of (α,β)-fairness, which allows for a bounded fairness compromise, so that a source is allocated a rate neither less than 0α1, nor more than β1, times its fair share, this paper provides a framework to optimize efficiency (utilization, throughput or revenue) subject to fairness constraints in a general telecommunications network for an arbitrary fairness criterion and cost functions. We formulate a non-linear program (NLP) that finds the optimal bandwidth allocation by maximizing efficiency subject to (α,β)-fairness constraints. This leads to what we call an efficiency–fairness function, which shows the benefit in efficiency as a function of the extent to which fairness is compromised. To solve the NLP we use two algorithms. The first is a well-known branch-and-bound-based algorithm called Lipschitz Global Optimization and the second is a recently developed algorithm called Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems (AGOP).We demonstrate the applicability of the framework to a range of examples from sharing a single link to efficiency fairness issues associated with serving customers in remote communities.  相似文献   

In 2005, Rahman and Kaykobad proved that if G is a connected graph of order n such that d(x)+d(y)+d(x,y)n+1 for each pair x, y of distinct nonadjacent vertices in G, where d(x,y) is the length of a shortest path between x and y in G, then G has a Hamiltonian path [Inform. Process. Lett. 94 (2005) 37–41]. In 2006 Li proved that if G is a 2-connected graph of order n3 such that d(x)+d(y)+d(x,y)n+2 for each pair x,y of nonadjacent vertices in G, then G is pancyclic or G=Kn/2,n/2 where n4 is an even integer [Inform. Process. Lett. 98 (2006) 159–161]. In this work we prove that if G is a 2-connected graph of order n such that d(x)+d(y)+d(x,y)n+1 for all pairs x, y of distinct nonadjacent vertices in G, then G is pancyclic or G belongs to one of four specified families of graphs.  相似文献   

Sian-Jheng  Ja-Chen   《Pattern recognition》2007,40(12):3652-3666
This paper presents a novel method to combine two major branches of image sharing: VC and PSS. n transparencies are created for a given gray-valued secret image. If the decoding computer is temporarily not available at (or, not connected to) the decoding scene, we can still physically stack any t received transparencies (tn is a threshold value) to get a vague black-and-white view of the secret image immediately. On the other hand, when the decoding computer is finally available, then we can get a much finer gray-valued view of the secret image using the information hidden in the transparencies. In summary, each transparency is a two-in-one carrier of the information, and the decoding has two options.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider general simulations of algorithms designed for fully operational BSP and CGM machines on machines with faulty processors. The BSP (or CGM) machine is a parallel multicomputer consisting of p processors for which a memory of n words is evenly distributed and each processor can send and receive at most h messages in a superstep. The faults are deterministic (i.e., worst-case distributions of faults are considered) and static (i.e., they do not change in the course of computation). We assume that a constant fraction of processors are faulty.  We present two fault-tolerant simulation techniques for BSP and CGM:  1. A deterministic simulation that achieves O(1) slowdown for local computations and O((logh p)2) slowdown for communications per superstep, provided that a preprocessing is done that requires O((logh p)2) supersteps and linear (in h) computation per processor in each superstep.  2. A randomized simulation that achieves O(1) slowdown for local computations and O(logh p) slowdown for communications per superstep with high probability, after the same (deterministic) preprocessing as above.  Our results are fully scalable over all values of p from Θ(1) to Θ(n). Furthermore, our results imply that if pn for 0<<1 and h=Θ((n/p)δ) for 0<δ1 (which hold in almost all practical BSP and CGM computations), algorithms can be made resilient to a constant fraction of processor faults without any asymptotic slowdown.  相似文献   

For linear systems described by , where A is a diagonal operator on the state space lr for some 1r<∞ and blr, we develop necessary and sufficient conditions for b to be p-admissible. This extends results by Ho, Russell and Weiss to the case r≠2.  相似文献   

A causal feedback map, taking sequences of measurements and producing sequences of controls, is denoted as finite set if, within any finite time horizon, its range is in a finite set. Bit-rate constrained or digital control are particular cases of finite-set feedback. In this paper, we show that the finite gain (FG) lp stabilization, with 1p∞, of a discrete-time, linear and time-invariant unstable plant is impossible by finite-set feedback. In addition, we show that, under finite-set feedback, weaker (local) versions of FG lp stability are also impossible. These facts are not obvious, since recent results have shown that input to state stabilization is viable by bit-rate constrained control. In view of such existing work, this paper leads to two conclusions: (1) even when input to state stability is attainable by finite-set feedback, small changes in the amplitude of the external excitation may cause, in relative terms, a large increase in the amplitude of the state (2) FG lp stabilization requires logarithmic precision around zero. Since our conclusions hold with no assumption on the feedback structure, they cannot be derived from existing results. We adopt an information theoretic viewpoint, which also brings new insights into the problem of stabilization.  相似文献   

For an arbitrary n×n constant matrix A the two following facts are well known:
• (1/n)Re(traceA)−maxj=1,…,nRe λj(A)0;
• If U is a unitary matrix, one can always find a skew-Hermitian matrix A so that U=eA.
In this note we present the extension of these two facts to the context of linear time-varying dynamical systemsAs a by-product, this result suggests that, the notion of “slowly varying state-space systems”, commonly used in literature, is mathematically not natural to the problem of exponential stability.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of periodic exploration of all nodes in undirected graphs by using a finite state automaton called later a robot. The robot, using a constant number of states (memory bits), must be able to explore any unknown anonymous graph. The nodes in the graph are neither labelled nor coloured. However, while visiting a node v the robot can distinguish between edges incident to it. The edges are ordered and labelled by consecutive integers 1,…,d(v) called port numbers, where d(v) is the degree of v. Periodic graph exploration requires that the automaton has to visit every node infinitely many times in a periodic manner. In this paper, we are interested in minimisation of the length of the exploration period. In other words, we want to minimise the maximum number of edge traversals performed by the robot between two consecutive visits of a generic node, in the same state and entering the node by the same port. Note that the problem is unsolvable if the local port numbers are set arbitrarily, see [L. Budach, Automata and labyrinths, Math. Nachr. 86 (1978) 195–282]. In this context, we are looking for the minimum function π(n), such that, there exists an efficient deterministic algorithm for setting the local port numbers allowing the robot to explore all graphs of size n along a traversal route with the period π(n). Dobrev et al. proved in [S. Dobrev, J. Jansson, K. Sadakane, W.-K. Sung, Finding short right-hand-on-the-wall walks in graphs, in: Proc. 12th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, SIROCCO 2005, in: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 3499, Springer, Berlin, 2005, pp. 127–139] that for oblivious robots π(n)10n. Recently Ilcinkas proposed another port labelling algorithm for robots equipped with two extra memory bits, see [D. Ilcinkas, Setting port numbers for fast graph exploration, in: Proc. 13th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, SIROCCO 2006, in: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 4056, Springer, Berlin, 2006, pp. 59–69], where the exploration period π(n)4n−2. In the same paper, it is conjectured that the bound 4nO(1) is tight even if the use of larger memory is allowed. In this paper, we disprove this conjecture presenting an efficient deterministic algorithm arranging the port numbers, such that, the robot equipped with a constant number of bits is able to complete the traversal period in π(n)<3.75n−2 steps hence decreasing the existing upper bound. This reduces the gap with the lower bound of π(n)2n−2 holding for any robot.  相似文献   

A queue layout of a graph consists of a linear order of its vertices, and a partition of its edges into queues, such that no two edges in the same queue are nested. The minimum number of queues in a queue layout of a graph G, denoted by qn(G), is called the queuenumber of G. Heath and Rosenberg [SIAM J. Comput. 21 (1992) 927-958] showed that boolean n-cube (i.e., the n-dimensional hypercube) can be laid out using at most n−1 queues. Heath et al. [SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5 (1992) 398-412] showed that the ternary n-cube can be laid out using at most 2n−2 queues. Recently, Hasunuma and Hirota [Inform. Process. Lett. 104 (2007) 41-44] improved the upper bound on queuenumber to n−2 for hypercubes. In this paper, we deal with the upper bound on queuenumber of a wider class of graphs called k-ary n-cubes, which contains hypercubes and ternary n-cubes as subclasses. Our result improves the previous bound in the case of ternary n-cubes. Let denote the n-dimensional k-ary cube. This paper contributes three main results as follows:
if n?3.
if n?2 and 4?k?8.
if n?1 and k?9.

Nelson and Oppen provided a methodology for modularly combining decision procedures for individual theories to construct a decision procedure for a combination of theories. In addition to providing a check for satisfiability, the individual decision procedures need to provide additional functionalities, including equality generation.In this paper, we propose a decision procedure for a conjunction of difference constraints over rationals (where the atomic formulas are of the form xy+c or x<y+c). The procedure extends any negative cycle detection algorithm (like the Bellman-Ford algorithm) to generate (1) equalities between all pair of variables, (2) produce proofs and (3) generates models that can be extended by other theories in a Nelson-Oppen framework. All the operations mentioned above can be performed with only a linear overhead to the cycle detection algorithm, in the average case.  相似文献   

Pavlo V.   《Neurocomputing》2009,72(13-15):3191
A discrete-time mathematical model of K-winners-take-all (KWTA) neural circuit that can quickly identify the K-winning from N neurons, where 1K<N, whose input signals are larger than that of remaining NK neurons, is given and analyzed. A functional block scheme of the circuit is presented. For N competitors, such circuit is composed of N feedforward and one feedback hard-limiting neurons that are used to determine the dynamic shift of input signals. The circuit has low computational and hardware implementation complexity, high speed of signal processing, can process signals of any finite range, possesses signal order preserving property and does not require resetting and corresponding supervisory circuit that additionally increases a speed of signal processing.  相似文献   

The shuffle-cube SQn, where , a new variation of hypercubes proposed by Li et al. [T.-K. Li, J.J.M. Tan, L.-H. Hsu, T.-Y. Sung, The shuffle-cubes and their generalization, Inform. Process. Lett. 77 (2001) 35-41], is an n-regular n-connected graph. This paper determines that the super connectivity of SQn is 2n−4 and the super edge-connectivity is 2n−2 for n?6.  相似文献   

A lower bound theorem is established for the number of comparators in a merging network. Let M(m, n) be the least number of comparators required in the (m, n)-merging networks, and let C(m, n) be the number of comparators in Batcher's (m, n)-merging network, respectively. We prove for n≥1 that M(4, n)=C(4, n) for n≡0, 1, 3 mod 4, M(4, n)≥C(4, n)−1 for n≡2 mod 4, and M(5, n)=C(5, n) for n≡0, 1, 5 mod 8. Furthermore Batcher's (6, 8k+6)-, (7, 8k+7)-, and (8, 8k+8)-merging networks are optimal for k≥0. Our lower bound for (m, n)-merging networks, mn, has the same terms as C(m, n) has as far as n is concerned. Thus Batcher's (m, n)-merging network is optimal up to a constant number of comparators, where the constant depends only on m. An open problem posed by Yao and Yao (Lower bounds on merging networks, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.23, 566–571) is solved: limn→∞M(m, n)/n=log m/2+m/2log m.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a bus-based cube-type network, called psi-cube, that alleviates the two problems, long wires and a limited number of I/O pins, against the on-chip systems through a small diameter and dynamic clusters, respectively. The 2n-node psi-cube is organized on the sets of node-partitions produced with an extended n-bit Hamming code ψ(nk) [M. Takesue, Ψ-Cubes: recursive bused fat-hypercubes for multilevel snoopy caches, in: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks, IEEE CS Press, 1999, pp. 62–67] if we connect the nodes in each partition to the bus owned by the leader of the partition. Owing to the routing between the leaders separated by the distance of 1–3, the diameter equals n/2 if n≠2p − 1 or n/2 otherwise. The maximum bus length is O(2p−1) or O(2k−1) when the psi-cube is mapped onto an array. We dynamically produce separate sets of clusters for different off-chip targets such as memory blocks, so the traffic to the leaders of clusters is much smaller than in static clusters fixed in hardware. From simulation results, the psi-cube outperforms over the mesh if the bus delay is less than 4 times the mesh link’s, and the dynamic clusters increase the psi-cube bandwidth by over 60%.  相似文献   

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