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在两个制造商和单个零售商组成的供应链中,为了得到供应链内生时机,构建了促销-定价博弈模型,分析产品替代度和促销效率对促销-定价策略和内生时机的影响,并通过数值仿真探讨成本差异对成员决策和内生时机的影响。研究表明:强势品牌促销效率的增加将提高供应链的协调水平;成本差异不改变整体内生时机,只对区域范围产生一定影响,如果研究者随意假设博弈参与人的行动时机,那么所得结论可能是错误的。 相似文献
研究零售商公平偏好下考虑质量和营销努力的联合决策问题.首先考虑制造商Stackelberg的情形,研究发现, 零售价格、批发价格、质量努力水平、营销努力水平以及制造商利润均随零售商嫉妒偏好系数的增大而递减,但是零售商利润关于其嫉妒偏好系数的变化不大;然后,考虑零售商Stackelberg的情形,研究发现,批发价格、质量努力水平、营销努力水平以及制造商利润均随零售商的同情偏好系数的增大而递增,零售商利润则随其同情偏好系数的增大而递减;最后进行算例分析,并给出一些管理学的意义. 相似文献
动态定价策略下的精确库存成本建模与优化 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出一种更接近实际的需求率公式,在式中同时考虑了价格和出厂时间对客户需求率的影响.基于新的需求率公式,建立了动态定价策略下的精确库存持有成本模型和库存商品的利润函数.注意到利润函数的复杂性,使用遗传算法分析了利润函数的性质,得出最优定价时间、定价价格和最大利润的关系,并分析了库存持有成本变化和消费者购买欲望变化对各定价参数的影响. 相似文献
面对强势制造商控制网络直销渠道和批发价格,零售商在此不利局面下如何改善自身绩效,针对该问题,构建了零售商提高服务水平和开辟网络渠道的最优定价决策模型。在集中式和Stackelberg分散式两种供应链情形下,研究了零售商开辟和未开辟网络渠道下服务水平对定价策略和各成员利润的影响。研究表明,零售商提高服务水平有利于零售商和制造商以及整个供应链的绩效;开辟网络渠道会提升零售价格,增加零售商和制造商以及整个供应链的利润。 相似文献
直播电商作为电商市场的新趋势日益受到人们的关注,鉴于此,研究一个品牌服务提供商、一个主播和一个直播服务平台所组成的直播电商服务供应链质量努力策略问题.考虑主播不签约和主播签约两种情形,分别构建直播电商服务供应链成员的利润函数,以利润最大化为目标,运用博弈理论优化得到两种情形下直播电商服务供应链成员最优质量努力策略和利润.通过算例分析,探讨主播佣金比例和直播服务平台抽成比例对服务供应链最优策略和最优利润的影响.研究结果表明:两种情形下主播服务质量努力随主播佣金比例的增加而增大,随直播服务平台抽成比例的增加而减少,而直播服务平台质量努力均随主播佣金比例和直播服务平台抽成比例的增加而增大. 相似文献
从期望利润最大化的角度研究了单周期两级模糊闭环供应链的定价与销售努力最优决策问题。分析了包含一个制造商和一个零售商的闭环供应链中的模糊不确定性及需求依赖于零售价格和零售商销售努力的性质,分别建立了集中式决策模型和零售商主导的Stackelberg 博弈模型并进行了求解。数值算例验证了模型的有效性,结论表明:考虑销售努力时产品的最优零售价格、批发价格分别高于不考虑销售努力情形下的相应价格;考虑销售努力时零售商和系统的最大期望利润分别大于不考虑销售努力情形下的最大期望利润。 相似文献
研究变质品的订购、定价和保鲜技术投资联合决策问题.假设产品需求同时受价格和库存水平的影响,系统不允许缺货并放松期末库存水平为零的约束,零售商拥有有限的货架空间或存储空间,同时考虑零售商可以通过投资保鲜技术减低产品的变质率,以平均利润最大化为目标构建库存水平影响需求下变质品的订购、定价和保鲜技术投资联合决策模型.首先证明最优策略的存在性和唯一性,并给出零售商建立期末库存的条件;然后利用最优解的相关性质设计一个求解模型的多阶段迭代算法;最后通过具体算例验证展示模型和算法的可行性和实用性,并完成相关参数的敏感性分析,获得一定的管理启示. 相似文献
针对零售商提供并销售延保服务,产品质量同时对产品和延保服务需求产生影响的产品服务供应链,研究了有无产品质量约束情形下的产品价格、延保服务价格和产品质量的联合决策,设计了制造商和零售商的协调契约以降低分散决策下的“双重边际效应”问题,分析了产品价格系数、产品质量约束水平等对产品和延保服务定价的影响。研究表明,对产品质量的约束对于防止制造商基于自身利益过度降低产品质量具有重要意义;协调契约可以有效降低产品价格并提高产品质量,并实现制造商、零售商和产品服务供应链系统利润的帕累托改善;产品质量系数和产品价格系数将同时对零售商的产品和延保服务价格策略产生影响。 相似文献
Retailer promotional activity has become prevalent in the business world. Promotional efforts impact the replenishment policy and the sale price of goods. In this paper, the problem of replenishment policy and pricing for non-instantaneous deteriorating items subject to promotional effort is considered. We adopt a price dependent stochastic demand function in which shortages are allowed and partially backlogged. The major objective is to simultaneously determine the optimal selling price, the optimal replenishment schedule, and the optimal order quantity to maximize the total profit. First, we prove that a unique optimal replenishment schedule exists for any given selling price. Second, we prove that the total profit is a concave function of price. Third, we present an algorithm to obtain the optimal solution and solve a numerical example. Last, we extend the numerical example by performing a sensitivity analysis of the model parameters and discuss specific managerial insights. 相似文献
This study develops an inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items with imprecise deterioration free time and credibility constraint. The model assumes price sensitive demand when the product has no deterioration and price and time dependent demand when the product has deterioration. Under these considerations, the study attempts to offer best policy for selling price and replenishment cycle for the retailer that aims at maximizing the total profit per unit time. Making use of nearest interval approximation and interval arithmetic, the single objective problem is transformed to multi objective problem. Employing Weighted Sum Method, an analytical approach along with simple algorithm is developed to identify Pareto optimal solution. Finally, the behavior of the model with varied parameters is illustrated in numerical examples. 相似文献
Kun-Shan Wu Liang-Yuh Ouyang Chih-Te Yang 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(12):1273-1281
This article will formulate and solve an inventory system with non-instantaneous deteriorating items and price-sensitive demand. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal selling price and the length of replenishment cycle such that the total profit per unit time has a maximum value for the retailer. We first establish a proper model for a mathematical formulation. Then we develop several theoretical results and provide the decision-maker with an algorithm to find the optimal solution. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the solution procedure, and a sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution with respect to major parameters is carried out. 相似文献
随机需求随机补货间隔零售商补货控制策略研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究分销系统中零售商的补货控制策略.分销系统中各零售商可独立决定自己的补到水平.零售商需求率是随机变量.服从某一泊松分布;分销中心循环为各零售商送货.送货间隔是随机变量.认为所有未满足的需求销售机会都丢失,零售商既要支付库存持有费用.又要支付缺货损失费用.给出了收益数学期望值函数,求出了送货间隔是均匀分布随机变量时使收益数学期望值最大化的零售商补到水平控制策略. 相似文献
One of the supply chain risks for hi-tech products is the result of rapid technological innovation; it results in a significant decline in the selling price and demand after the initial launch period. Hi-tech products include computers and communication consumer's products. From a practical standpoint, a more realistic replenishment policy is needed to consider the impact of risks; especially when some portions of shortages are lost. In this paper, suboptimal and optimal order policies with partial backordering are developed for a buyer when the component cost, the selling price, and the demand rate decline at a continuous rate. Two mathematical models are derived and discussed: one model has the suboptimal solution with the fixed replenishment interval and a simpler computational process; the other one has the optimal solution with the varying replenishment interval and a more complicated computational process. The second model results in more profit. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the two replenishment models. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to investigate the relationship between the parameters and the net profit. 相似文献
Ruey Huei Yeh 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(6):1123-1132
For survival and success, pricing is an essential issue for service firms. This article deals with the pricing strategies for services with substantial facility maintenance costs. For this purpose, a mathematical framework that incorporates service demand and facility deterioration is proposed to address the problem. The facility and customers constitute a service system driven by Poisson arrivals and exponential service times. A service demand with increasing price elasticity and a facility lifetime with strictly increasing failure rate are also adopted in modelling. By examining the bidirectional relationship between customer demand and facility deterioration in the profit model, the pricing policies of the service are investigated. Then analytical conditions of customer demand and facility lifetime are derived to achieve a unique optimal pricing policy. The comparative statics properties of the optimal policy are also explored. Finally, numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effects of parameter variations on the optimal pricing policy. 相似文献
In this paper, we introduce a model for allocating available resources in service-oriented network, with particular focus on delay sensitive services. The model is based on a pricing scheme for the offered services and also takes into consideration the quality of service requirements of each service class through a probabilistic delay-bound constraint. The proposed policy is dynamic in nature and relies on online measurements of the incoming traffic for adjusting the class allocations. We illustrate its performance and its robustness to various tuning parameters through an extensive simulation study that considers various simulation scenarios including experiments based on real network traces. 相似文献
When a supplier reduces the price of a product temporarily a buyer might place a large order and offer a sale on these units to its customers. In most cases a price discount results in an increase in demand. In this paper we relax the constant demand assumption made in most studies of inventory systems with price changes. We analyze the options available to a buyer and develop profit functions for different combinations of sales period and replenishment time and present optimal ordering policies. The paper also presents a procedure to include any relationship between price and demand to determine the combined optimal price and optimal order quantity. 相似文献
Yu-Chung Tsao 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(7):549-561
In the real world, the purchasing cost would normally decrease as the replenishment lot-size becomes larger. In other words, the quantity discount effect applies. The purchasing cost may also decrease with the passage of time, for example if the supplier has made effective improvements in their production efficiency, in other words due to the effect of the learning curve. In this article we discuss a purchasing cost pattern which considers these phenomena: i.e., lot-size and time-dependence. The objective of the model is to make decisions related to the pricing and replenishment of deteriorating items over a finite time horizon, given variable purchasing cost and credit period. We provide the properties and develop algorithms for solving the problems described. Also, we discuss the influence of the variable purchasing cost, the length of the credit period, the rate of deterioration, etc., on the retailer behavior. 相似文献