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The system Ba2SiO4-Ca2SiO4 was studied by heating mixtures of Ba2SiO4 and Ca2SiO4 at 1723 K. Six distinct phases resulted; they were examined by both X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis. The phases β -(Ba0.05Ca1.95)SiO4 and α-(Ba0.15Ca1.85)SiO4 are isostructural with corresponding high-temperature modifications of Ca2SiO4. The X phase (Ba0.48Ca1.52SiO4) is orthorhombic, is a pure phase rather than a solid solution, and is defined for the first time in the present work. The T phase (Ba1.31Ca0.69SiO4) is hexagonal and interpreted in terms of a unit cell with a doubled c parameter, in contrast with literature data.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation of the system Ba2SiO4–Ca2SiO4 by powder X-ray and electron diffraction suggest a greater complexity than supposed hitherto. The previously recognized phases α, α' h α' l , X, T, and the newly reported Y have room-temperature structures that are modulated distortions of hexagonal (or pseudohexagonal) parent structures. Each displays characteristic and distinctive modulations. The phases are more readily distinguished in this way than by their unit-cell dimensions and compositions which, for a given phase, can vary with bulk starting composition and thermal history.  相似文献   

Ternary phase relations have been studied and several modifications made to Kracek's phase equilibrium diagram. These include location of the primary phase fields of Na6Si8O19 and Li2Si2O5. Metastable phases and polymorphs were often encountered, notably a primary phase, δ-Na2Si2O5, and a new polymorph of Li2Si2O5.  相似文献   

Thermal expansion of Pb3O4 was investigated by high-temperature X-ray diffraction. The coefficient in the a 0 direction is 14.6×10−6/°C. Expansion in the c0 direction is 32% greater, with a coefficient of 19.3×10−6/°C. Coefficients of expansion are linear from 25° to 490°C and are comparable with those of tetragonal and orthorhombic PbO.  相似文献   

Polytitanates in the BaO-TiO2 system with Ba: Ti ratios ranging from 1:2 to 1:5 were prepared employing the liquid mix technique. The samples were heated at 600° to 1300°C in oxygen, and Raman spectroscopy was used to investigate the phase relations in the system. The powders of various compounds were amorphous at temperatures less than 600°C. They crystallized into a single phase or a mixture of phases at 700°C. These mixtures underwent further phase transformation at higher temperatures to form single-phase compounds. Details of the procedure for sample preparation and characterization of the products are described. The results from the present study are compared with previously published data.  相似文献   

The reciprocal salt pair Sr2SiO4-Sr2GeO4-Ba2GeO4-Ba2SiO4 was investigated using X-ray powder diffraction and DTA. Unlimited solubility in the low-K2SO4 structure type (α') occurs throughout the system above 85°C. The nonlinear changes of some lattice constants of the solid solutions are discussed. A stable monoclinic low-temperature (β) form of Sr2SiO4 was found which converts reversibly to the high-temperature α'-modification at 85°C. The enthalpy of the β-α' transition is 51 cal/mol. In the reciprocal salt pair the β-form solid solutions occur in a very narrow region below 85°C.  相似文献   

The ordered structures of the (Pb1- x Ba x )(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3crystalline solution series were investigated by selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM). At low Ba contents (e.g., x < 0.40), the ordered structure was found to be isostructural with Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3, with a doubled unit cell characterized by 1/3{111} superlattice reflections. At higher Ba contents (e.g., x > 0.60), the ordered structure was characterized by 1/3{111} superlattice reflections. For intermediate Ba contents (e.g., x - 0.60), diffuse scattering along the {111} between diffuse 1/2{111} and 1/3{111} reflections was observed. The ordering is attributed to the distribution of the B-site cations between multiple sublattices. Strong fluctuations in the B-site cation ratio between ordered and disordered regions are believed not to exist; however, the possibility of weak fluctuations is consistent with the observed lattice images.  相似文献   

New data obtained on the join Ca2SiO4-CaMgSiO4 established a limit of crystalline solubility of Mg in α-Ca2SiO4 corresponding to the composition Ca1.90Mg0.10SiO4 at 1575°C. The α-α'Ca2SiO4 inversion temperature is lowered from 1447° to 1400°C by Mg substitution in the lattice. α'-Ca2SiO4 takes Mg into its lattice up to the composition Ca1.94Mg0.06SiO4 at 1400°C and to Ca1.96Mg0.04SiO4 at 900°C. A new phase (T) reported previously by Gutt, with the approximate composition Ca1.70Mg0.30SiO4, was stable between 979° and 1381°C, and should be stable at liquidus temperatures in multicomponent systems involving CaO–MgO–SiO2.  相似文献   

The system B2O3-NaF-NaBF, has been studied by subjecting selected compositions to thermal treatment in the range 400° to 600°C. Weight losses, chemical analyses, ir, Raman, and X-ray diffraction techniques were used to define the composition of the crystalline phases and the structural units being formed in the system. The stoichiometry of the BF3 evolved from NaBF4-B2O3 mixtures indicated that a composition corresponding to Na2B3F5O3 was formed in mixtures containing up to 33.3 mol% B2O3. At higher boron oxide concentrations, Na2B3F5O3 was consumed, yielding 2NaF.3B2O3. The crystalline compounds Na3B3F6O3, 2NaF.3B2O3, and phase B (apparently NaF.B2O3) were formed in the system. The compound Na3B3F6O3 appeared as the stable oxygen-containing species in NaBF4-NaF mixtures of low oxide content. The main fluorine-containing structural units of the system are BF4, (–O)3BF, (–O)2BF2, (–O)2BF, whereas the main structure for binary NaF-B2O3 mixtures is (–O)3BF.  相似文献   

Single crystals of phenacite (Be2SiO4), bromellite (BeO), and tridymite (SiO2) were grown from an Li2MoO4-MoO3 flux. Phenacite, with rhombohedral symmetry, grew in three distinct shapes with aspect ratios (length/width) as follows: needles (>3), rods (>1.1 to 1.5), and rhombohedral-faced crystals (=1). The latter grew as single crystals; the others were twinned on the     . For most experiments the temperature was held constant at 1165°C and the Li2MoO4/MoO3 ratio at 1/16. The growth mechanism for crystallization was the evaporation of MoO3. The system produced one to three phases, depending on the BeO/SiO2 ratio. Bromellite grew until a BeO/SiO2 ratio of 0.8 was attained. It grew as a hemipyramidal crystal having a short prism with a curved     top or as a hexagonal plate. The pyramid- and prism-shaped crystals were twinned, although a few hexagonal plates were single. Tridymite grew in small hexagonal plates when the BeO/SiO2 ratio was less than 1.5. The effect of temperature, nucleation, and flux composition on crystal shape, twinning, and occurrence is discussed.  相似文献   

Activity-composition relations of cobalt orthosilicate in cobalt-iron-orthosilicate solid solutions were determined at 1180°C by studying the equilibrium between these solid solutions, silica, metallic cobalt, and a gas phase of known oxygen pressures. The solution shows a slight positive deviation from ideality.  相似文献   

Compositions along the Ca2SiO4–Ca3(PO4)2 join were hydrated at 90°C. Mixtures containing 15, 38, 50, 80, and 100 mol% Ca3(PO4)2 were fired at 1500°C, forming nagelschmidtite + a 1-CaSiO4, A -phase and silicocarnotite and a -Ca3(PO4)2, respectively. Hydration of these produces hydroxylapatite regardless of composition. Calcium silicate hydrate gel is produced when Ca2SiO4≠ 0 and portlandite when Ca2SiO4 is >50%. Relative hydration reactivities are a -Ca3(PO4)2 > nagelschmidtite > α 1-Ca2SiO4 > A -phase > silicocarnotite. Hydration in the presence of silica or lime influences the amount of portlandite produced. Hydration in NaOH solution produces 14-A tobermorite rather than calcium silicate hydrate gel.  相似文献   

Dicalcium silicate solid solutions (C2S(ss)) doped with Na2O, A12O3, and Fe2O3 were examined by high-temperature optical microscopy. Surface deformation caused by a possible martensitic transformation between a'L and β phases was observed in situ under the microscope during temperature changes, indicating that the transformation was thermoelastic. Both the start and finish temperatures of the a'L-to-β and β-to-a'L transformations decreased with increased Na:(Na + Ca) ratio. Because of the athermal nature of the a'L-to-β transformation, the a'L phase, when cooled below the finish temperature, should have been completely converted to the β phase.  相似文献   

Equilibrium partial pressures of SiF4 were measured for the reactions 2SiO2( c )+2BeF2( d )⇋SiF4( g )+Be2SiO4( c ) (log P siF4(mm) = [8.790 - 7620/ T ] ±0.06(500°–640°C)) and Be2SiO4( c ) +2BeF2( d )⇋SiF4( g ) +4BeO( c )(log P siF4(mm) = [9.530–9400/T] ±0.04 (700°–780°C)), wherein BeF2 was present in solution with LiF as molten Li2BeF4. The solubility of SiF4 was low (∼0.04 mol kg-1 atm-1) in the melt. The results for the first equilibrium were combined with available thermochemical data to calculate improved Δ Hf and Δ Gf values for phenacite (–497.57 ±2.2 and –470.22±2.2 kcal, respectively, at 298°K). The few measurements above 700°C for the second equilibrium are consistent with the temperature of the subsolidus decomposition of phenacite to BeO and SiO2 and with the heat of this decomposition as determined by Holm and Kleppa. Below 700°C, the pressures of SiF4 generated showed an increasing positive deviation from the expression given for the equilibrium involving Be2SiO4 and BeO. This deviation might have been caused by the formation of an unidentified phase below 700°C which replaced the BeO; it more likely resulted from a metastable equilibrium involving BeO and SiO2.  相似文献   

Microwave ceramic resonators composed of BaO-TiO2-WO3 were developed. The effect of WO3 addition on the system of BaO·xTiO2·(1+x)yWO3 (x=4 and 4.5, y=0 to 0.04) was studied. The ceramics of this system are composed of crystallines including Ba2Ti9O20, BaTi4O9, BaWO4, and TiO2. At y=0.02, the BaO·4TiO2·0.1WO3 ceramic was found to have excellent microwave properties such as ε=35, Q=8400 at 6 GHz, and nearly 0 ppm/°C of τf.  相似文献   

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