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Spatial and temporal availability of small fishes, as forage for interior least terns (Sterna antillarum), was compared to the least tern reproductive period during 1993 and 1994 in the lower Mississippi River, Missouri. Timing of forage availability and least tern reproduction was also related to river stage and temperature regimes. Four deep-water habitats (main channel, secondary channel, side channel, and connected slough) and two shallow-water habitats (main-channel interface and side-channel interface) were sampled using a seine and neuston net, yielding 67 245 fish≤10 cm. Catch-per-volume and richness were highest in shallow-water habitats in both years. Highest catches in deep- and shallow-water habitats occurred between 56 and 64 days after peak spring flows in both years. Water temperature was increasing rapidly during the spring flood peak each year. About 80% of total fish catch consisted of taxa known to spawn in floodplain habitats, supporting the connection between the spring flood and the timing and amount of forage available for nesting least terns. Timing of least tern reproduction was related to falling river stages in May and increased forage–fish availability in June. A conceptual model integrates the abiotic factors of hydrology and sand island area to least tern reproduction and small fish availability. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Oliver P. Harmar Nicholas J. Clifford Colin R. Thorne David S. Biedenharn 《河流研究与利用》2005,21(10):1107-1131
During the twentieth century, the planform and profile of the Lower Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois, to New Orleans, Louisiana, have been transformed by a series of engineering modifications. These include steepening of the long profile by removal of the most sinuous bends, extensive bank stabilization, and regulating sediment movement by dyke field construction. Prior to these modifications, the Lower Mississippi River adjusted its morphology in the planform, long profile and cross‐section. Planform adjustment has, however, effectively been negated and other adjustments are now constrained. Nevertheless, analysis of hydrographic surveys between 1949 and 1989 demonstrates that geomorphological response during the post‐cutoff period remained complex. Morphological adjustments involved phased patterns of aggradation and degradation, together with changes in cross‐sectional form, and in the number, size, location and shape of pools and crossings. Greatest changes occurred in the early post‐cutoff period (1949–64) upstream from Vicksburg, Mississippi, but were accompanied by complementary changes elsewhere which propagated downstream. The combined set of responses may be interpreted with respect to a dynamic equilibrium in which the river responded to additional energy created by the cutoffs by increasing and adapting flow resistance over various scales and time periods. This study helps resolve paradoxes from previous analyses, and has significance for interpreting past engineering impacts and for suggesting future management strategies for the Lower Mississippi River. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The Importance of Shallow‐Low Velocity Habitats to Juvenile Fish in the Middle Mississippi River 下载免费PDF全文
Habitat management is a crucial aspect of fisheries management. Without knowledge of habitat associations, fisheries scientists are unable to effectively make habitat conservation or restoration recommendations. This becomes especially prominent when trying to manage commercially harvested populations and protect threatened or endangered species. To determine juvenile fishes habitat associations in the Middle Mississippi River, we analysed mini‐trawl catch data of six common juvenile fish species: blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), channel shiner (Notropis wickliffi), freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), paddlefish (Polyodon spathula), and shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus). Overall, we conducted 2251 mini‐trawl sampling efforts between 2002 and 2013, resulting in the capture of 23,742 target specimens. Catch per unit effort was evaluated by structural habitat (i.e. velocity, depth, and substrate). Overall, these data suggest that juvenile fish species are more prevalent in shallow water and slower velocities. Ultimately the information garnered during this evaluation should be incorporated when considering habitat modifications, especially those modifications that impact the availability of shallow‐low velocity habitats. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Navigation dams on the upper Mississippi River have altered the long-term relationship of river stage to river discharge. Analysis of the 34-year pre-dam and 74-year post-dam data sets indicated that the completion of Lock and Dam 19 in 1913 increased river width and volume behind the dam. The immediate impact was a higher mean river stage less influenced by changes in river discharge. The dam's long-term impact was to increase sedimentation causing a steady loss of both river width and volume that resulted in stage/discharge relationships approaching those of the pre-dam era. The present condition of higher mean river stage coupled with greater stage fluctuation is a major factor in the increased recurrence and duration of floods on the upper Mississippi River in recent decades. 相似文献
We examined total suspended solids (TSS) and phosphorus (P) dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) above naturally impounded Lake Pepin between 1994 and 1996, with attention to P loadings which may be contributing to impaired water quality conditions. The Minnesota River, located 97 km upstream of Lake Pepin, accounted for most of the annual and summer TSS and total P load while the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant, located 80 km upstream of Lake Pepin, accounted for much of the annual soluble reactive P (SRP) loading to the UMR. Lake Pepin retained 80% and 13% of the TSS and total P load, respectively, during the summer period. However, the lake was a source of SRP during the same period, exporting up to 130% of the summer SRP load it received. Diffusive P flux from profundal sediments averaged 7.5 mg m?2 d?1 during the summer, accounting for 41% of the net SRP export from the lake. Recently deposited sediments in Lake Pepin (originating primarily from the Minnesota River) also exhibited a high equilibrium P concentration (EPC=0.155 mg l?1) and linear adsorption coefficient (Kd=1043 l kg?1). Application of these P equilibrium characteristics to TSS loads entering the system resulted in a calculated potential P desorption flux from TSS of 2.0 mg m?2 d?1 during the summer. Potential P desorption flux to the system was driven by dilution of SRP concentrations in the Mississippi River below the EPC by SRP‐deficient inflows of the St Croix River, located 16 km upstream of the lake. P desorption was, thus, an important additional internal P flux that is not commonly included in P budgets of riverine systems. Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Management at 27 low-head dams affects water surface elevations for a 1050km stretch of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) between St Louis, Missouri and Minneapolis, Minnesota. A systemic overview is given of current operating plans at dams on the UMR and historical data are analysed to determine how well the operating plans are being met. Water level elevations at all 27 dams are regulated as a function of discharge, although plans are specific for each dam. The management objective is to maintain a target water level at specific locations (control point) in each impoundment over specific ranges of discharge. The target water level and control point may change as discharge changes in each impoundment. In some of the impoundments water regulation causes drawdowns below the elevation for which the dams were planned, and at other dams no drawdown occurs. During the navigation seasons of 1980 to 1990, water levels were within their target window for an average of 72·5% of the time for 25 dams analysed. Difficulties in meeting targets are caused by winds, local rainfall events, ice dams and rapidly fluctuating discharges from tributaries with upstream reservoirs used for peaking hydropower. 相似文献
River cutoff works have been implemented on Lower Jingjiang section for 30 years. Engineering practices have shown that channel straightening has been the river regulation measure for the permanent control of the meandering Lower Jingjiang section. River cutoff have been carried out in accordance with the evolution property of meandering rivers and these works have brought about expected benefits. It has also been noted that certain aspects in river cutoff had not been fully understood. River cutoff is a dynamic engineering. River channel evolution properties shall be fully understood so as to adroitly guide actions according to circumstances in cutoff works. In addition, river channel evolution observation and engineering effectiveness monitoring should be strengthened with a view to update the designs. The diversion canals for channel shortening are of great importance that will account for the success or failure of river cutoff works. The newly formed river channels and the river regime control works on the adjacent upper and lower reaches are guarantees for river cutoff works to be brought into play in the long run. 相似文献
PAN Qing-shenProfessor-senior Engineer Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute Changjiang Water Resources Commission Wuhan China 《人民长江》2002,(Z1)
1 IntroductionTheLowerJingjiangsectionislocatedonmiddleChangjiang (Yangtze)River.Thisriversectionisatypicalmeanderingstreamwithmeanderingchannelswherefloodscannotbesmoothlyreleasedanddifficultyencounteredinnavigation .Studiesonandplanningforrivercutoffo… 相似文献
长江中下游阻隔性河段特征及成因初步研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
长江中下游长河段长时段的演变资料分析表明河势调整往往会向下游传递,但是部分河段却能阻隔这种河势调整的传递效应,称之为阻隔性河段。统计表明,阻隔性河段应同时具有单一微弯的平面形态、凹岸抗冲性较强且中上段无挑流节点、河宽随水位变化率不超过45等三个特征。进一步分析表明,这种河段具有阻隔性的根本原因是其能够归顺不同流量级的主流平面位置,使得无论上游河势如何调整,其出流的主流平面位置基本稳定,为下游河段提供相对稳定的入流条件。河道整治过程中,宜抓住有利时机塑造阻隔性河段效果,无阻隔性影响的长河段宜自上而下系统规划整治,对大幅度崩岸、滩体大幅萎缩等可能破坏阻隔性的变化应及时整治,防止阻隔性丧失。 相似文献
We report the results of five experiments performed during periods of lowered river water level in Pool 26 of the Mississippi River. Four experiments compared survivorship of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and unionid mussels (Unionidae). Under mild spring conditions (March), survivorship of zebra mussels was similar to that of unionid mussels, but during summer (July) survivorship of zebra mussels was lower than that of unionid mussels. Survivorship of zebra mussels was greatest when attached to native unionids, compared with detached zebra mussels and zebra mussels attached rocks. A fifth experiment compared survivorship of 10 species of unionid mussels after 24 hours of aerial exposure. In general, survivorship of thick-shelled species, such as Amblema plicata, was greater than survivorship of thin-shelled species, such as Potamilus ohiensis. The experiments conducted suggest that drawdowns during warm summer conditions could have a profound, negative influence on zebra mussel demography and distribution. In contrast, unionid mussel survival was unaffected by aerial exposure of up to 24 hours during a midsummer drawdown. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Impacts of the Mississippi River spillway opening on faecal coliform concentration in Lake Pontchartrain 下载免费PDF全文
This study focuses on explaining the role of the periodic opening of the Bonnet Carré Spillway on the faecal coliform levels in Lake Pontchartrain. Water quality data were collected by the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation to analyse the faecal coliform bacteria levels, turbidity, salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen in the lake water. The results show that the faecal coliform concentrations were lower during the spillway opening than the preceding and subsequent months. Statistical analysis shows the dilution effect, characterized by an effective reduction in faecal coliform concentrations due to increase in water turbidity, coupled with decrease in water salinity and dissolved oxygen because of spillway opening. It is also indicated that the combine effect of more than one factor produces a significantly greater reduction in the faecal coliform than each factor acting independently. Periodic spikes in faecal coliform concentrations were observed at sampling points located near the outlets of streams and drainage canals with high settlement densities. A positive correlation (r = 0.78467) was found between the average faecal coliform counts and average monthly precipitations, highlighting the role of precipitation run‐offs. The results of this study indicate that the spillway opening contributed to a reduction in the faecal coliform concentration in the lake's surface water during the studied periods. 相似文献
Spatial and Temporal Relationships Between the Invasive Snail Bithynia tentaculata and Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River 下载免费PDF全文
Bithynia tentaculata is an invasive snail that was first reported in Lake Michigan in 1871 and has since spread throughout a number of freshwater systems of the USA. This invasion has been extremely problematic in the Upper Mississippi River as the snails serve as intermediate hosts for several trematode parasites that have been associated with waterfowl mortality in the region. This study was designed to assess the abundance and distribution of B. tentaculata relative to submersed aquatic vegetation as macrophytes provide important nesting and food resources for migrating waterfowl. Temporal changes in both vegetation and snail densities were compared between 2007 and 2015. Between these years, B. tentaculata densities have nearly quadrupled despite minor changes in vegetation abundance, distribution and composition. Understanding the spatial distribution of B. tentaculata in relation to other habitat features, including submersed vegetation, and quantifying any further changes in the abundance and distribution of B. tentaculata over time will be important for better identifying areas of risk for disease transmission to waterfowl. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
黄河下游河道平衡输沙的沙量阈值研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
考虑黄河未来可能的水资源条件,以及生态保护、经济社会发展多目标对水量年内过程分布需求,根据黄河下游水沙资料、河道冲淤资料,采用实测资料分析、公式计算、数学模型模拟等多种方法研究了有利于黄河下游河流生态良性维持的平衡输沙的沙量阈值。未来进入黄河下游的年来水量为250亿m3左右,实测资料分析和公式计算表明,未来较小的平衡输沙阈值为2.0~2.2亿t。数学模型计算在小浪底水库等现有工程联合调控作用下黄河下游平衡输沙的临界沙量为2.5亿t。中游古贤水库建成后和小浪底水库联合调度,可以进一步提高汛期的输沙效率,平衡输沙的沙量阈值可进一步提高。研究成果对黄河下游治理具有重要意义,可为黄河泥沙处置措施优化提供技术支撑。 相似文献
The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers experienced flooding in 1993 that fell outside the annual predictable flood period of spring and early summer. Flooding began in late June, peaked in late July (25 232 m3/s on the upper Mississippi and 21 240 m3/s on the Missouri) and remained at or near flood stage into October 1993. This study was performed to determine if disturbance by an unpredicted flood event would alter trophic dynamics of river–floodplain systems by creating shifts in the composition of organic matter available to consumers. The Ohio River, which did not flood during the same period, was examined for comparison. Stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen from samples collected in 1993 and 1994 were used to characterize potential food sources and determine linkages between food sources and invertebrate and fish consumers. Pairwise contrasts, performed separately for each river, indicated there were few interannual differences in δ13C and δ15N of organic matter sources and consumers. Between sample period (flood year versus normal water year) trends in both flooded rivers were similar to between‐year trends observed for the Ohio River. Trophic structure of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers was similar in both years, with fine and ultra‐fine transported organic matter and dissolved organic matter representing the major sources of organic matter. Overlapping isotopic signatures in the Missouri River made tracking of sources through the consumers difficult, but similarities in δ13C and δ15N between years indicated trophic structure did not change in response to the flood. The results suggest that consumers continued to rely on sources of organic matter that would be used in the absence of the unpredicted 1993 flood. It is proposed that trophic structure did not change in response to flooding in the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers because both rivers exhibited the same trends observed in the Ohio River. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Samuel N. Andrews Tommi Linnansaari Nathalie Leblanc Scott A. Pavey R. Allen Curry 《河流研究与利用》2020,36(1):13-24
Barriers such as dams have been cited as a serious threat to striped bass survival, especially when they affect or impede migration and access to spawning grounds. On the Saint John River, New Brunswick, the installation of the large Mactaquac Dam in the immediate vicinity of a historic striped bass spawning location was suspected to have caused the arrest of striped bass reproduction and the collapse of the native striped bass population. In 2014, juvenile striped bass of confirmed Saint John River origin were documented in the river for the first time since 1979. In the current study, we examined juveniles from 6 years of sampling to determine corresponding years of successful recruitment. We also tracked adult striped bass matching the ancestry of native Saint John River juveniles to determine the timing and location of spawning. Over 5 years, we observed an annual upstream migration by adult striped bass to historic spawning areas near Fredericton, identified a dominant year class of Saint John River origin juveniles reproduced in 2013, and linked the apparent successful production of year classes to definable discharge conditions, that is, extended periods of sustained flow >36 hr downstream from the Mactaquac Dam. The results of this study suggest important first management actions towards recovering and sustaining the re‐discovered striped bass population in the Saint John River, New Brunswick. 相似文献
1993年汛期黄河下游河势遥感调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用MERIDIAN遥感图象处理系统,通过TM图象最佳波段组合、线性拉伸放大、密度分割等处理手段,首次在黄河上进行了卫星遥感河势调查,其优势在于:(1)可以弥补目估河势的不足;(2)能够对河势流路、主流线位置、洪漫滩范围及水边线、生产堤、主要滩区洪水进出口门位置、进水和水围村庄等准确定位;(3)可以详细计算各类滩区面积与分布密度。 相似文献
黄河下游造床流量的变化及其对河槽的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
本文通过计算黄河下游的第一造床流量和第二造床流量,分析了黄河下游河槽的萎缩过程。第一造床流量与年水沙量的关系分析表明,黄河下游的深槽平浅滩流量700~1000m3/s是相对稳定的,恒定流的平衡输沙能力约为18~21kg/m3。通过小浪底水库拦粗排细年平均拦沙约3亿t,并在汛期强化调水调沙运用,基本可以控制黄河下游河槽的淤积萎缩。第二造床流量和平滩流量的关系分析表明黄河下游恢复和维持平滩流量约4000m3/s的中水河槽是比较合理的。根据小浪底水库调水调沙运用状况,提出了恢复和维持黄河下游稳定中水河槽的措施,并探讨了强化小浪底水库调水调沙运用的方案。 相似文献