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导航系统中冗余IMU传统故障检测方法由于数学模型过于复杂,计算量大,存在较大延时,难以实现实时故障检测,而主成分分析法仅仅应用于静态情况下的故障检测与隔离,针对主成分分析法无法在动态情况下对冗余IMU进行故障检测的缺点,提出了一种基于奇偶空间法改进主成分分析的故障检测算法,该方法利用奇偶向量隔离车辆的动态变量,以消除动态变量对故障检测的影响,再用PCA方法检测数据以实现对车辆传感器信息的实时检测,通过将原始数据集转置到特征平面来形成图案,实现了IMU传感器正常与故障模式的准确分离,提高了冗余IMU故障检测的结果精确性和可靠性。实验结果表明,该方法能够较好检测动态状态下冗余IMU的故障,提高了主成分分析的故障检测性能,可有效消除导航系统运动的负面影响。  相似文献   

The paper presents a robust fault estimation approach for a class of nonlinear discrete‐time systems. In particular, two sources of uncertainty are present in the considered class of systems, that is, an unknown input and an exogenous external disturbance. Thus, apart from simultaneous state and fault estimation, the objective is to decouple the effect of an unknown input while minimizing the influence of the exogenous external disturbance within the framework. The resulting design procedure guarantees that a prescribed disturbance attenuation level is achieved with respect to the state and fault estimation error while assuring the convergence of the observer. The core advantage of the proposed approach is its simplicity by reducing the fault estimation problem to matrix inequalities formulation. In addition, the design conditions ensure the convergence of the observer with guaranteed performance. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by its application to a twin rotor multiple‐input multiple‐output system. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over past decades, kernel principal component analysis(KPCA) appeared quite popularly in data-driven process monitoring area. Enormous work has been done to show its simplicity, feasibility, and effectiveness. However, the introduction of kernel trick makes it impossible to directly employ traditional contribution plots for fault diagnosis. In this paper, on the basis of revisiting and analyzing the existing KPCA-relevant diagnosis approaches, a new contribution rate based method is proposed which can explain the faulty variables clearly. Furthermore, a scheme for online nonlinear diagnosis is established. In the end, a case study on continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR) benchmark is applied to access the effectiveness of the new methodology, where the comparisons with the traditional linear method are involved as well.  相似文献   

基于小波神经网络观测器的故障监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李力  方华京 《控制与决策》2001,16(5):621-623
首先针对一类Lipschitz非线性系统构造了实用稳定的故障观测器,然后研究如何有限神经元小波神经网络实现上述观测器,并通过数值结果验证了其在故障监测中的有效性。  相似文献   

基于贡献率法的非线性工业过程在线故障诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
彭开香  张凯  李钢 《自动化学报》2014,40(3):423-430
在过去几十年,核主成分分析(KPCA)已经广泛应用在数据驱动的过程监测领域. 大量的应用案例显示该算法简单、易用且有效. 然而,核函数的引入使得KPCA不能直接利用传统的贡献图方法进行故障诊断. 本文在重新审视和分析现有KPCA相关诊断方法的基础上,提出了一类新的贡献率方法,该方法能较清晰地解释故障变量. 在此基础上,建立了一套面向非线性在线故障诊断的框架. 最后,将该诊断框架应用到CSTR过程,结果显示该方法较传统的线性方法更有效.  相似文献   

In this article, we address the problem of adaptive state observation of linear time-varying systems with delayed measurements and unknown parameters. Our new developments extend the results reported in our recently works. The case with known parameters has been studied by many researchers. However in this article we show that the generalized parameter estimation-based observer design provides a very simple solution for the unknown parameter case. Moreover, when this observer design technique is combined with the dynamic regressor extension and mixing estimation procedure the estimated state and parameters converge in fixed-time imposing extremely weak excitation assumptions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present an experimental design and application of a novel model-based fault detection technique by using a nonlinear minimum variance (NMV) estimator. The NMV estimation technique is used to generate a residual signal which is then used to detect faults in the system. The main advantage of the approach is the simplicity of the nonlinear estimator theory and the straightforward structure of the resulting solution. The proposed method is implemented and validated experimentally on DC servo system. Experimental results demonstrate that the technique can produce acceptable performance in terms of fault detection and false alarm.  相似文献   

针对核主元分析(KPCA)方法只能实现故障检测,但无法实现故障变量识别的问题,提出一种基于数据重构的KPCA故障变量识别方法。采用改进的数据重构方法对各参数进行重构,然后利用故障识别指数对监控参数进行故障变量识别。通过对某型涡扇发动机进行实验的结果表明,该方法能够准确识别故障变量,从而有助于维护人员分析故障原因,初步确定可能的故障源,大大缩短故障定位及排故的时间,可预防重大事故的发生。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the application of the dedicated observer scheme (DOS) to a real tank system. As described, this system is not ‘DOS-instrument-fault-detectable’ due to the location of the sensors and the dynamical characteristics of the system itself. In order to overcome such a difficulty, this work proposes a dedicated observer scheme with periodic resetting (DOSPR). The design of the observers and the new algorithm are detailed in the paper. The new procedure was tuned and tested on a pilot plant. A complete nonlinear model with physical parameters measured from the plant are included. Some results are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper presents an observer‐based robust fault estimation scheme for a class of nonlinear systems. We consider the system where the fault enters both the state and output equations via unmeasurable nonlinear functions, for which currently no fault estimation scheme exists. The proposed scheme exploits the special structures and information embedded in the fault‐dependent nonlinear functions. We propose a design method to minimize the ?2 gain from the disturbances to the fault estimation, and provide conditions for the existence of such observers. The effectiveness of this scheme is demonstrated on a nonlinear single‐link flexible joint robot system with disturbances.  相似文献   

本文讨论故障诊断的启发式参数估计法.文中首先讨论了用知识选择待估模型参数,从而减少模型参数估计计算量的问题.接着讨论了在物理意义(体现为知识)下求解方程 p=f-1(θ),从而减小 p 解范围,加强故障定位能力的问题.文末给出了一个用以说明所提方法的仿真算例.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a linear parameter varying (LPV) interval observer for state estimation and unknown inputs decoupling in uncertain continuous-time LPV systems. Two different problems are considered and solved: (1) the evaluation of the set of admissible values for the state at each instant of time; and (2) the unknown input observation, i.e. the design of the observer in such a way that some information about the nature of the unknown inputs affecting the system can be obtained. In both cases, analysis and design conditions, which rely on solving linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), are provided. The effectiveness and appeal of the proposed method is demonstrated using an illustrative application to a two-joint planar robotic manipulator.  相似文献   

为解决2.4米风洞试验装备的故障监测与诊断(FDD)问题,设计了一种基于规则推理(RBR)和主元分析(PCA)的并行故障诊断系统;对试验流程和因果关系较强的单一装备故障,采用RBR诊断方法;而对控制过程和重要传感器的故障,通过构建PCA模型,根据平方预报误差(SPE)实现系统故障的诊断;运行效果表明:该系统实时性好、诊断结果与实际相符合、且对过程故障具有较强的针对性。  相似文献   

传感器状态的好坏很大程度上影响暖通空调(HVAC)系统的运行,对其展开故障诊断十分必要。核主成分分析(KPCA)方法通过集成算子与非线性核函数计算高维特性空间的主元成分,有效捕捉过程变量中的非线性关系,将其用于传感器常见4种故障的诊断,先用Q统计量进行故障监测,再用T2贡献量百分比变化来识别故障。实验结果表明:KPCA方法具有很好的故障监测与诊断能力。  相似文献   

传统的多元统计过程控制(MSPC)的故障诊断方法要求观测变量数据服从高斯分布,然而实际化工流程中的仪表数据中难以满足这一要求。针对这一问题,提出在仪表数据中提取分离出非高斯信息和高斯信息,并分别利用独立元分析法和主元分析法建立不同的故障诊断模型。在检测到发生故障后,通过改进的贡献度算法定位出发生故障的仪表。通过对Tennessee Eastman(TE)过程数据进行仿真研究,验证了ICA-PCA故障诊断法在化工流程仪表不同故障诊断中的有效性。  相似文献   

具有过渡特性的多阶段间歇过程故障监测是一个复杂的问题,既需要考虑稳定阶段下的故障监测,也需要考虑不同阶段间的过渡故障监测.为克服传统硬划分方法导致误警和漏报率高的缺陷,同时也为实现更加精确、有效的故障监测与诊断,提出一套完整的基于核主元分析-主元分析(KPCA-PCA)的多阶段间歇过程故障监测与诊断策略.该方法依据数据相似度实现阶段划分,定义模糊隶属度辨识相邻阶段间的过渡,最后对稳定阶段和过渡过程分别建立具有时变协方差的PCA和KPCA故障监测与诊断模型.通过对青霉素发酵过程的仿真平台及工业应用研究表明,该方法具有更可靠的监控性能,能及时、准确的检测出过程中存在的异常情况.  相似文献   

夏静萍  姜斌  张柯 《控制与决策》2019,34(4):727-734
针对一类互联非线性系统,提出一种分布式故障估计观测器设计方法.首先,将状态向量和故障向量进行增广设计,得出等价的增广互联系统;其次,利用互联子系统之间的耦合信息,设计包含关联子系统估计信息的分布式故障估计观测器,用于在线实时估计子系统中出现的故障;再次,提出基于$H_infty$性能和$L_2-L_infty$性能的方法求解观测器增益矩阵;最后,通过一个仿真实验表明所提出方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a parity relation based fault estimation for a class of nonlinear systems which can be modelled by Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models. The design of a parity relation based residual generator is formulated in terms of a family of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design techniques.  相似文献   

解析余度的研究对提高系统的容错能力具有重要意义,对解析余度的发展,研究内容等进行了介绍,探讨了这一领域的一些重要问题,主要内容包括参数估计、观测器/滤波器、等价空间、基于知识的解析余度技术和解析余度集成设计技术,并对解析余度的发展趋势和研究热点做了简要的分析与讨论。  相似文献   

在对常用故障诊断方法进行简单介绍的基础上,着重对多元统计方法在故障诊断领域的应用进行综述。针对常规方法在解决非线性、时变动态、故障隔离和辨识等问题的缺陷,总结了不同学者解决这些问题的最新进展。最后给出了多元统计方法在工业过程故障诊断领域可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

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