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Ten specimens ofBoiga irregularis were presented with clean or bloody tampons. The latter were used by women during menses. Trial duration was 60 sec, intertrial interval was 24 hr, and the dependent variable was rate of tongue flicking (a measure of chemosensory investigation). Bloody tampons elicited significantly more tongue flicking than did control tampons. An additional snake is shown attacking and ingesting a soiled tampon, confirming that chemosensory interest was associated with predatory behavior.  相似文献   

The ability of snakes to follow pheromone trails has significant consequences for survival and reproduction. Of particular importance is the ability of snakes to locate conspecifics during the breeding season via the detection of pheromone trails. In this study, the ability of male brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis), a tropical, rear-fanged colubrid, to follow pheromone trails produced by reproductively active conspecifics was tested in the laboratory by using a Y maze. Males displayed a trailing response to both female and male pheromone trails over blank controls. As males of this species display ritualized combat behavior, these responses likely represent both direct and indirect mechanisms, respectively, for the location of potential mates in the wild. Males did not, however, discriminate between male and female trails when given a choice on the Y maze.  相似文献   

Young corn snakes,Elaphe guttata, were tested for responses to chemicals from heterospecific snakes. Corn snakes exhibited more tongue-flicks to swabs freshly rubbed against the skin of an ophiophagous kingsnake,Lampropeltis getulus, than to blank swabs. Responses toL. getulus and a nonophiophagous western plains garter snake,Thamnophis radix haydeni, did not differ significantly. Corn snakes exhibited more tongue-flicks to swabs treated with chloroform extracts of the shed skins ofL. getulus; an ophiophagous eastern coachwhip,Masticophis flagellum; and a nonophiophagous gray ratsnake,Elaphe obsoleta, than to blank swabs, but they did not discriminate between ophiophagous and nonophiophagous species in every case. Corn snakes, when offered shelters containing bedding from the home cages of a nonophiophagous water snake,Nerodia erythrogaster, an occasionally ophiophagous water moccasin,Agkistrodon pisdvorus; orL. getulus and untreated bedding, failed to reside under snake-scented shelters at a rate significantly different from that expected by chance. The responses of corn snakes are compared with those reported for other snakes presented with heterospecific snake chemicals.  相似文献   

Brown treesnakes are an invasive species to the island of Guam that have caused extensive ecological and economic damage. Efforts to control the snake population have included trapping using live mouse lures, but for logistical and economic reasons a synthetic lure is needed. When searching for live food, brown treesnakes use both visual and odor cues. However, when searching for carrion, odor cues are sufficient. Attempts to develop synthetic lures based on chemical reconstruction of the complex carrion odor have not succeeded. We provide evidence that a microbial–substrate interaction is important for bait take by brown treesnakes. Microbial cultures taken from mouse carrion indicate that Enterobacter agglomerans is the predominant bacterium, and field tests suggest that this organism may be important to odor production that attracts brown treesnakes. This information may prove useful in the development of microbial-based biological reactors that could be formulated to produce a continuous stream of odor of sufficient complexity so as to be attractive to foraging snakes.  相似文献   

We conducted a predator bite survey on a population of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) considered to be under substantial predation pressure by western plains garter snakes (Thamnophis radix). Scarring, due to failed predation attempts by garter snakes and crayfish (Orconectes virilis), was observed significantly more often in breeding males than in breeding females and nonbreeding minnows. Likely, territorial nest defense under the edges of rocks along the water's edge, a habitat occupied by crayfish and frequented by snakes, caused the breeding males to be differentially vulnerable to predation. Under controlled laboratory conditions, breeding males from this population exhibited an antipredator response to chemical stimuli from live snakes (T. sirtalis andT. radix) significantly more often than breeding female minnows from the same population and breeding minnows of both sexes from a population that was presumed to be under lower predation pressure from snakes.  相似文献   

Black tegu lizards (Tupinambis teguixin) have the ability to detect food odors and discriminate between them and nonfood odors. This was tested by offering chemical stimuli on cotton-tipped applicators to the animals. Stimuli were from two plant and two animal species known to be principal items in these lizards' diets, demineralized water as an odorless control, and eaude-cologne as an odorous control lacking feeding or social importance. Tongueflick attack score, latency to attack, preattack tongue-flicks, and number of attacks were analyzed. The results clearly demonstrated that this species responds to chemical food stimuli, but does not respond to odorless nonfood stimuli. Responses differed among food types. There were no sex differences. These results are in agreement with the prediction that lizards having forked tongues and an active foraging mode rely on chemical cues for feeding.  相似文献   

Female fathead minnows,Pimephales promelas, were attracted to water that had contained conspecific males in breeding condition. The attraction was particularly strong in the morning and occurred in both females with mature gonads and gonadally regressed females. Females were also attracted to water that had contained other females but this attraction was weaker than the attraction to breeding males and tended to occur in afternoon trials. When offered a choice, females preferred breeding male water over regressed male water or female water. Swarming behavior, in which females formed a very active group near the water inlet, occurred primarily in test locations receiving water from breeding males. Our results indicate that breeding maleP. promelas produce water-borne chemical stimuli that attract females and that females distinguish breeding male stimuli from female or regressed-male waterborne stimuli.  相似文献   

The ability of hatchling pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) to follow or avoid the chemical trails of conspecifics and a king snake (Lampropeltis getulus) on paper substrates was investigated inY-maze experiments. Hatchlings entered the arm with the adult conspecific trail and avoided the arm containing the king snake trail at a frequency much greater than that due to chance. The data support the hypotheses that pine snakes follow the chemical trails of adult conspecifics and avoid the chemical trails of a predator.  相似文献   

The ability of hatchling pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) to select and follow or avoid chemical odors of prey (mice,Mus musculus) on a shavings and paper substrate was investigated in Y-maze experiments, as a function of incubation temperature and experience. Incubation temperature affected behavior in the maze, and the maze choices of naive snakes, but not of snakes that had already eaten a mouse. The data indicate that snakes that have eaten, preferentially enter the arm bearing chemical stimuli from mice, whereas those that have not eaten show no preference.  相似文献   

Postlarval lobsters were fed live amphipods (Gammarus oceanicus), soft clam spat (Mya arenaria), or frozen brine shrimp (Artemia salina) for five weeks in order to determine by behavioral bioassay if chemically mediated prey-search behavior is established by feeding experience. Chemosensory responses of predatorily naive lobsters to live clam and amphipod metabolites were low and erratic. After five weeks, amphipod-fed lobsters had developed strong responses towards amphipod metabolites but not clam metabolites. In contrast, clam-fed lobsters did not develop responses to either prey. Chemical fractionation of amphipod metabolites indicated that attractants were confined to the same fraction as for prey extracts, i.e., polar, low-molecular-weight compounds. Survival (80–90%) was similar for each diet group; growth was greatest for amphipod-fed lobsters (100%), followed by clam-fed lobsters (72%) and brine shrimp-fed lobsters (18%); and feeding rates increased for amphipod-fed lobsters and decreased for clam-fed lobsters. Coloration of lobsters indicated that only amphipod diet provided desirable pigments. Differences in ingestive conditioning results between clamfed and amphipod-fed lobsters may have been related to (1) clam metabolites being qualitatively or quantitatively less attractive than amphipod metabolites or (2) differences in the predisposition of lobsters to show ingestive conditioning to different prey and their associated metabolites as a function of quality of prey as a diet.  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments to assess how chemical stimuli affect feeding behavior, grooming, and walking in the crayfishesOrconectes virilis andOrconectes rusticus. In the first experiment,O. virilis was tested with 29 amino acids; in the second experiment,0. rusticus was tested with 12 amino acids, 13 additional single compounds, and two six-compound mixtures. InO. virilis, the following amino acids, in order of potency, elicited feeding movements:l-isoleucine, glycine, hydroxy-l-proline,l-glutamate,l-valine, and B-alanine. Grooming increased in response tol-phenylalanine,l-tryptophan,l-tyrosine,l-leucine,l-methionine, and D-aspartate. InO. rusticus, both mixtures and the following single compounds, in order of potency, elicited feeding movements: cellobiose, sucrose, glycine, maltose, glycogen, nicotinic acid methyl ester, putrescine, andl-glutamate. Grooming increased in response to putrescine only, and walking increased in response to glycogen only. The responsiveness of these crayfishes to a wide variety of chemicals may reflect the omnivorous foraging habits of these crustaceans.  相似文献   

In the iguanid lizardDipsosaurus dorsalis, chemical food stimuli were discriminated from other odorants by vomerolfaction. This was demonstrated in a 2 × 3 experiment in which groups of lizards with sealed vomeronasal ducts or sham-sealed vomeronasal ducts responded to carrot chemical stimuli, cologne, and distilled water presented on cotton-tipped applicators. Abilities to detect and discriminate food chemicals were abolished in lizards having sealed vomeronasal ducts. For tongue-flick attack score and number of lizards biting, the sham-sealed group responded more strongly to carrot stimuli than to the control stimuli, but the group having sealed ducts did not. Lizards having sham-sealed ducts responded more strongly to carrot stimuli than did lizards having sealed ducts; responses by the two groups of lizards to control stimuli did not differ. Tongue-flicking occurred when the vomeronasal system detected a chemical stimulus from either carrot or cologne. Biting occurred only when the vomeronasal organ detected food stimuli (from carrot). Most duct-sealed lizards opened their mouths, some repeatedly. Mouth-opening thus occurs when the vomeronasal organ does not detect chemicals. It may be an attempt to stimulate or prime the vomeronasal organ or to dislodge the sealant.  相似文献   

Mature female apple maggot flies,Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), were released individually onto a single potted, fruitless hawthorne tree in the center of an open field. The tree was surrounded by four 1-m2 plywood host tree models painted green or white, with or without synthetic host fruit odor (butyl hexanoate), and placed at one of several distances from the release tree. Each fly was permitted to forage freely on the release tree for up to 1 hr, or until it left the tree. Flies left the tree significantly sooner when green models with host fruit were present at 0.5, 1.5, or 2.5 m distance from the release tree than when these models were placed at a greater distance (4.5 m) from the release tree or when no models were present. Flies responded detectably to 1-m2 models without odor up to a maximum distance of 1.5 m. These results suggest that female apple maggot flies did not detect green 1-m2 models with odor 4.5 m away or models without odor 2.5 m or more away. Flies responded to white models with and without odor to a much lesser extent, both in terms of response distance and flight to and alightment upon models. Increasing model size to 2 m2 increased the distance to 2.5 m at which flies responded to green models without odor. Decreasing model size to 0.5 m2 reduced fly responsiveness to green or white models. The presence of host fruit odor alone, without the visual stimulus of a green model, did not influence residence time on the release tree.  相似文献   

Foliage from the pepper tree,Schinus molle L., is traditionally used in Ethiopia to repel house flies,Musca domestica L. The volatile extracts of pepper tree leaves were shown to have repellent and feeding-deterrent activity against house flies in a two-choice laboratory bioassay. High-performance liquid chromatographic fractionation of steam-distilled volatiles from leaves, monitored by laboratory bioassays, demonstrated that bioactivity is associated with two compounds,cis-menth-2-en-1-ol andtrans-piperitol. The absolute configuration of the latter was established as (1S,6S)-piperitol by comparison of acetyl lactate derivatives. Racemic compounds were synthesized from piperitone, and bioassays with house flies indicatedtrans-piperitol to be the most active house fly repellent.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate prey chemicals from control substances and the presence of a poststrike elevation in tongue-flicking (PETF) rate are experimentally demonstrated in the lacertid lizard,Podarcis muralis, The tongue-flick attack score, a composite index of response strength, was significantly higher in response to integumental chemicals from cricket than to cologne or distilled water. The cricket chemicals additionally elicited a significantly greater rate of tongue-flicking and higher proportion of attacks by the lizards than did control stimuli. PETF combined with apparent searching movements strongly suggest the presence of strike-induced chemosensory searching (SICS). Experimental evidence indicates that both PETF and SICS occur in insectivorous representatives of three families of actively foraging autarchoglossan lizards, suggesting their widespread occurrence in such lizards. The adaptive roles of chemosensory behavior in the foraging behavior of P.Muralis are discussed. It is proposed that these lizards may form chemical search images and that PETF and SICS may have been present in the lacertilian ancestors of snakes.  相似文献   

To identify contact feeding stimulants for adult cereal leaf beetles (CLB),Oulema melanopus (L.), compounds extracted from a host plant,Hordeum vulgare L. (cultivar Lakeland), were bioassayed in 3% agar. Damage to agar gel with the hydrophilic fraction was dominated by narrow channels; the hydrophobic fraction gel was dominated by bites, rashes, and shorter channels. This difference probably reflected the functional nature of compounds in each fraction. Crude extract and the hydrophobic fraction of nonhost pea seedlings,Pisum sativum L., prevented CLB feeding behavior, but the hydrophilic fraction only reduced it. Combination of barley and pea crude extracts, by weight at 11 or greater, evoked a small feeding response which indicated a host-specific recognition factor in the barley.Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Article No. 8227.The use of a trade name in this paper does nit constitute an official endorsement or approval by the USDA.  相似文献   

Tree shrews of both sexes exhibit marking behavior (chinning) in response to scent marks made by the urine of fertile male conspecifics. To isolate the effective odor components, the urine was fractionated by liquid-liquid extraction and TLC, and the fractions were tested by bioassay. The results show that chinning is elicited by several lipophilic urine fractions, which are more effective in combination than alone. To characterize the complex scent signal, the lipophilic extracts from urine of the two sexes were analyzed by GC-MS and compared. The GC profile of the males is distinguished by pyrazine compounds not detected in the profile of the females. The profiles of the sexes also differ with regard to several volatile monocarboxylic acids, which are present at higher concentrations in male than in female urine. More than 30 urine components have been identified. Synthetic equivalents of these urine components were bioassayed for effectiveness in eliciting chinning and compared with one another as well as with scent substances not normally present in tree-shrew urine. Strong chinning responses were elicited by (1) certain pyrazine compounds and (2) some monocarboxylic acids, when presented at the high concentrations specific to male urine. Marking behavior is usually not elicited by scent substances not contained in tree-shrew urine or by urine components common to mammals in general. The data so far available indicate that the male-specific scent signal of tree shrews is based less on a single unique component than on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of a multicomponent mixture. In the bioassay, tree shrews of both sexes respond equally to the male specific substances by chinning. As the scent signal represented by these substances has a different meaning to males and females (rival or potential mate, respectively), chinning probably serves several different functions.  相似文献   

Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), native to eastern North America, were introduced into Oregon in the 1930's. Bullfrogs are highly efficient predators that are known to eat a variety of prey including other amphibians. In laboratory experiments, we investigated whether juvenile Pacific treefrogs (Hyla regilla) recognize adult bullfrogs as a predatory threat. The ability of prey animals to acquire recognition of an introduced predator has important implications for survival of the prey. We found that treefrogs from a population that co-occurred with bullfrogs showed a strong avoidance of chemical cues of bullfrogs. In contrast, treefrogs from a population that did not co-occur with bullfrogs, did not respond to the bullfrog cues. Additional experiments showed that both populations of treefrogs use chemical cues to mediate predation risk. Treefrogs from both populations avoided chemical alarm cues from injured conspecifics.  相似文献   

Rice plant volatiles extracted as steam distillates significantly affected the behavior and biology of the brown planthopper,Nilaparvata lugens (Stål). In a multichoice test, more females settled and fed on tillers of a susceptible rice variety Taichung Native 1 (TN1), sprayed with its own extract or acetone than on TN1 tillers sprayed with the extract of the resistant variety ARC6650 or Ptb33. In another test,N. lugens females ingested significantly more of a 10% sucrose solution mixed with TN1 steam distillate extract than of plain sucrose solution or that mixed with extracts of resistant varieties. Topical application of the extracts of resistant varieties Mudgo, ASD7, Rathu Heenati, Babawee, Ptb33, and ARC6650 caused significantly higher mortality of females than did the TN1 extract. Likewise, significantly more first-instar nymphs died when they were caged on susceptible TN1 plants sprayed with the extracts of resistant varieties than on plants sprayed with TN1 extract. The extract of 60-day-old resistant plants was more toxic than the extract of 30-, 45-, or 100-day-old plants. However, toxicity of the extract from susceptible TN1 remained low at all plant growth stages.Principal Research Scientist (ICIPE), based at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines.  相似文献   

Unrestrained rabbits, 2–3 months old and nestlings, were exposed to the odors of the acid-neutral, acid, neutral, and basic fractions of the anal gland of male rabbits. The acid-neutral, acid, and neutral fractions elicited the strongest response in the form of avoidance. The heart rates of the nestlings were monitored using a radio telemetry technique. Statistically significant lowering of the heart rate and an increase in variability occurred on exposure to the fractions. The extent of the changes varied consistently in relation to a given odor, being greatest for the acid and neutral fractions. The results indicate the usefulness of heart-rate monitoring as a tool in the study of the perception of odors by animals.  相似文献   

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