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两起学生食物中毒案例分析及反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人民生活水平的提高,学生就餐由传统的家庭制作逐步社会化,受到了学生和家长的普遍欢迎。但在为学生提供集体餐的名义下,一些食品生产经营者把不符合卫生要求的食品销售到学校,加上学校食堂内部管理不善,导致学生集体食物中毒的事件屡屡发生。仅统计1990~1...  相似文献   

目的探索卫生监督部门如何通过监管使农村学校食堂整体卫生质量得到逐步提升。方法立足农村学校食堂条件相对落后的现实,根据农村学校食品卫生问题编写教材,集中培训和个剐示范相结合,指导学校按轻重缓急对食堂进行投入,明细经营许可范围,抓好加工操作过程中的关键控制点,监督与服务相结合。结果农村学校食堂的整体卫生质量得到逐步提升,生产经营过程更加符合卫生要求,而且有效预防了食物中毒事故的发生。  相似文献   

第一章:总则 第一条:为规范学校食堂食品安全监督检查,保障学生集中用餐食品安全,根据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》及其实施条例、《学校食品安全与营养健康管理规定》等法律法规规章,结合本省实际,制定本办法. 第二条:本办法适用于全省范围内实施学历教育的各级各类学校、幼儿园食堂和为学生供餐的集体用餐配送单位(以下统称学校食堂...  相似文献   

(简讯 蔚宏奎)河南省郑州市各级各类学校逐步有序开学,郑州市市场监督管理局安排部署学校食堂、集体用餐配送单位等多个专项检查,切实保障广大师生身体健康和生命安全.  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局、教育厅 (教委 ) ,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局、教委 :为进一步做好学校食堂和学生集体用餐卫生监督管理工作 ,近来 ,卫生部、教育部先后印发了《卫生部关于切实加强中秋、国庆期间食品卫生安全监督管理工作的紧急通知》(卫发电 [2 0 0 2 ]2 0号 )、《教育部关于进一步加强学校食品卫生安全管理工作的紧急通知》(教电 (2 0 0 2 ) 30 3号 )、《学校食堂和学生集体用餐卫生管理规定》(教育部、卫生部第 14号令 )、《卫生部教育部关于加强学校食物中毒预防与控制工作的紧急通知》(卫发电 [2 0 0 2 ]2 3号 )等文件。…  相似文献   

第一章:总则第一条:为进一步加强全省各级各类学校食堂餐饮食品安全监督管理,规范学校食堂经营行为,保障师生饮食安全,防止食物中毒或其他食源性疾患等食品安全事故发生,根据《中华人民共和国食品安全法》及其实施条例、《餐饮服务食品安全监督管理办法》、《餐饮服务许可管理办法》、《餐饮服务食品安全操作规范》和《学校食堂与学生集体用餐卫生管理规定》、《农村义务教育学校食堂管理暂行办法》等规定,结合我省实际,制定  相似文献   

严隽德 《美食》2009,(9):74-74
2002年9月20日.教育部、卫生部《学校食堂与学生集体用餐卫生管理规定》发布后,各级政府和教育、卫生等部门在学校食品卫生安全方面做了大量的工作,取得了一定的成绩。但是,学校食物中毒的发生尚未得到有效控制,食物中毒事件数量仍有所增加.有些学校还发生了传染病流行。  相似文献   

为了解湖北省学校集体食堂食源性疾病的发生状况,对湖北省2002年学校食源性疾病的发生状况进行了分析.2002年湖北省共有13所学校发生食源性疾病,773人患病,死亡1人.其中食物中毒发生的起数、发病人数及死亡人数分别占当年湖北省集体食堂食物中毒的46.2%、48.9%和100.0%.引起学校食源性疾病的主要原因为学校食堂采取了以赢利为目的的私人承包制,学校领导及食堂承包人的责任心差、卫生知识缺乏,食堂基础设施差,使用的食品原料安全问题严重.针对学校食源性疾病发生的原因提出对策:山区及农村学校食堂不宜搞承包制;政府应对山区及农村学校有所投入;学校应加强学生食堂的卫生管理;学校食堂的采购应采取定点采购的管理体制.  相似文献   

正山东省广饶县市场监管局进一步加强学校食堂食品安全管理工作,在全县开展秋季学校食堂食品安全专项检查,确保了广大师生的用餐安全。检查中,执法人员着重从学校是否开展餐饮服务食品安全自查,是否完善并落实到位学校食堂食品安全制度,  相似文献   

正在全市大力实施"学生健康促进行动"的背景下,潍坊市高新区高点定位,严格落实《中华人民共和国食品安全法》《学校食堂与学生集体用餐卫生管理规定》等法律法规,从建章立制入手,强化源头管理和过程监管。建章立制,责任落实。有食堂的学校都实行"一把手"负总责,分管校长、科室负责人具体负责的食堂安全管理模式。制定《学校食堂工作人员绩效考核办法》,建立  相似文献   

为确定珠海市各类学校托幼机构集体食堂食品卫生风险度、信誉度现状及主要影响因素 ,制定监督频次和监督重点 ,我市于 2 0 0 3年 2月起对市辖区内 2 4 6所学校托幼机构集体食堂推行了食品卫生量化分级管理评定。实评的 2 35所各类学校托幼机构集体食堂中 ,信誉度和风险分级B级最多 ,占 4 6 8% ;其次为C级 ,占 30 6 % ;A级占 17 9% ;最少为D级 ,占 4 7%。小学和托幼机构食品卫生等级总体差于大中学校 ,预防性卫生监督及领导卫生管理意识是其重要影响因素 ,而推行食品卫生量化分级管理对提高学校托幼机构集体食堂食品卫生水平具有一定成效。对今后学校食品卫生工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate awareness and attitude regarding food-related hygienic practices in the home. For this purpose and within a sanitary education program in pricary schools in a town of Central Italy, a questionnaire was used to collect information from parents of pupils. The questionnaire included questions in four major areas: personal hygiene and cleaning up procedures; meal preparation; food storage; and knowledge of key terms and concepts pertaining to food safety. Analysis of 183 questionnaires showed either risk of cross contamination, improper thawing of food, or inadequate storing and reheating of cooked foods during home food preparation and storage practice. Particularly, 73% of respondents thawed large pieces of frozen food at room temperature; 89% did not reheat cooked food after it had been stored; 75% stored raw meat and poultry in the upper shelves of refrigerators. Precise information on the lack of food safety practices will facilitate the development of proper consumer education programs.  相似文献   

大型超市现场加工制作食品的卫生状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了解我市大型超市中食品现场加工制作的卫生状况 ,于 2 0 0 2年 9~ 10月对我市 15家大型超市中有关食品加工制作的场所及食品的生产经营过程进行了调查。食品加工现场普遍存在的主要卫生问题是 :各种食品加工间无相对密闭的达 73% ,糕点裱花间不具备相应的卫生条件而生产裱花糕点的生产场所达 4 0 % ,超市卖场中散装食品及现制现卖的食品呈暴露式销售 ,缺少防蝇防尘设施的达 6 6 %。针对超市中这一突出卫生问题 ,提出了有效卫生监督意见和具体的整改措施。严格按《食品卫生法》落实食品现场加工应达到的卫生要求。并对违法行为给予了相应的行政处罚。  相似文献   

Fermentation is one of the oldest technologies used for food preservation. Over the centuries, it has evolved and been refined and diversified. Today, a variety of food products is derived from this technology in households, small-scale food industries as well as in large enterprises. Furthermore, fermentation is an affordable food preservation technology and of economic importance to developing countries. In the report of an FAO/WHO Workshop (FAO/WHO, 1996), fermentation was reviewed and the nutritional and safety aspects of fermentation technologies and their products were assessed. Fermentation enhances the nutritional quality of foods and contributes to food safety particularly under conditions where refrigeration or other foods processing facilities are not available. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) studies of some fermented products have demonstrated that depending on the process and the hygienic conditions observed during preparation, some fermented foods, e.g. togwa prepared in Tanzania, may pose a safety risk. Fermented foods must therefore be studied following HACCP principles and small-scale food industries and households must be advised on the critical control points of fermentation processes and the control measures to be applied at these points. This paper reviews the risks and benefits of fermentation and demonstrates the application of the HACCP system to some fermented foods in developing countries.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来食品卫生标准工作进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解改革开放30年来食品卫生标准工作的进展,从我国食品卫生标准工作的成就和食品卫生标准体系面临的挑战和发展方向进行介绍。食品卫生标准工作有效地保障了食品的卫生质量和阻止了国外低劣食品的进入,降低了食源性疾病的发生,保护了消费者的健康,起到了重要的技术保障作用。  相似文献   

食品卫生监督与监测的关系探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为适应我国当前的食品卫生工作,提出了关于食品卫生监督与监测的关系的观点。这些观点是:食品监测是监督的组成部分;监测中的监督抽样必须由卫生监督员承担;定期监督抽检是日常卫生监督管理的有效方法;专项监督抽检针对性强、监督力度大;突击性监督抽检可及时掌握市场食品卫生质量动态;必要性监督抽检可为食品卫生监督管理提供科学依据;委托检验是企业的自身管理措施。  相似文献   

Foodborne protozoan parasites   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This report addresses Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Cyclospora, and more briefly, Toxoplasma as the main parasitic protozoa of concern to food production worldwide. Other parasitic protozoa may be spread in food or water but are not considered as great a risk to food manufacture. The protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Cyclospora have proven potential to cause waterborne and foodborne disease. Toxoplasma gondii has been considered a risk in specific cases, but humans are not its primary host. Cryptosporidium and Giardia are widespread in the environment, particularly the aquatic environment, and major outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis have occurred as a result of contaminated drinking water. Large outbreaks of waterborne cyclosporiasis have not been identified. Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Cyclospora have potential significance in the preparation and consumption of fresh produce and in catering practice, in which ready-to-eat foods may be served that have not received heat treatment. None of the three organisms Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Cyclospora has been shown to be a problem for heat processed food or tap water that has undergone appropriate treatment at a water treatment works. All three are sensitive to standard pasteurisation techniques. Although humans are not a primary host for T. gondii, the potential exists for both waterborne and foodborne toxoplasmosis. Parasitic protozoa do not multiply in foods, but they may survive in or on moist foods for months in cool, damp environments. Their ecology makes control of these parasites difficult. For general control of parasitic protozoa in the food chain, the following steps are necessary: - Follow good hygienic practice in food service and catering industries.- Minimise dissemination of cysts and oocysts in the farming environment and via human waste management.- Include these microorganisms in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans of water suppliers, industries or sectors that use fresh produce, and operations in which contaminated process or ingredient water could end up in the product (e.g., where water supplies may become contaminated).  相似文献   

Food poisoning from Staphylococcus aureus is sometimes caused by improper handling of food items in food preparation facilities. Prevention of contamination by employees is particularly important in facilities where a significant amount of food preparation is performed by hand. Some experiments have been performed to describe bacterial cross-contamination in the food preparation process, but there have been few studies of cross-contamination in actual food preparation facilities. Aiming to shed light on the transmission of S. aureus in food preparation facilities, this study collected samples of 66 strains of this bacterium from the fingers of food preparation staff, foodstuffs, prepared foods, cooking utensils, and cooking equipment and typed them with the ribotyping method. S. aureus from the same ribogroup was detected on the hands of a study participant, a faucet, knife, frying pan, and a salad, indicating that bacteria found on the hands of the study participant was transmitted to cooking utensils and prepared foods. Transmission (from a faucet to a frying pan handle) of bacteria by another person, a third party, was also detected.  相似文献   

为了解农村群体性食物中毒,对2003年第2季度在临夏州康乐、广河、和政3县农村连续发生的4起群体性食物中毒进行了分析,4起食物中毒共计446人用餐,发生中毒273人,总中毒患病率为61.21%,经实验室检测,在所采集样品中均检出变形杆菌(未进行生化分型).中毒主要发生在30岁以下人群,都是由共同进食同类食物引起,发生时间均在春夏季(4月、5月).通过分析这4次中毒事件,须吸取的教训是:应将农村群体性用餐纳入食品卫生监督管理;群体性活动中的饮食卫生差,应高度重视;少数民族地区宗教活动群体用餐多,而卫生意识差,须加强卫生宣教工作;农村畜禽检疫与卫生管理跟不上市场经济的发展;提高农民生活水平,使其讲求饮食质量,避免发生食物中毒;结合少数民族地区宗教活动等群体性聚餐较多的实际,制定相应的预防控制食物中毒对策.  相似文献   

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