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Phytoestrogens are a group of polyphenolic plant metabolites that can induce biological responses. Their bioactivity is based on their similarity to 17beta-estradiol and their ability to bind to the beta-estrogen receptor. Although epidemiological data are inconclusive, phytoestrogens are considered to be beneficial for a variety of conditions, for example, hormone-related cancers like breast and prostate cancer. To investigate the biological effects of these compounds and to assess the exposure of larger cohorts or the general public, reliable data on the phytoestrogen content of food is necessary. Previously, food analysis for phytoestrogens was performed using either HPLC-UV or GC/MS. Here, we describe the development of the first generic method for the analysis of phytoestrogens in food, using automated solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The presented method shows a good reproducibility and can be easily adapted to other phytoestrogens if required.  相似文献   

Hayen H  Karst U 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(18):4833-4840
The on-line electrochemical conversion of phenothiazine and its derivatives after liquid chromatographic separation has been studied by mass spectrometry and fluorescence spectroscopy. In an electrochemical cell consisting of porous glassy carbon, the phenothiazines are readily converted to oxidized products, which can be detected by on-line fluorescence spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The method allows rapid investigations on the electrochemical oxidation pathways, as demonstrated for phenothiazine itself. The phenothiazine derivatives are transferred into their strongly fluorescent sulfoxides. Based on this reaction, an LC/electrochemistry/fluorescence method was developed that allows for limits of detection between 5 x 10(-9) and 4 x 10(-8) mol/L and limits of quantification between 2 x 10(-8) and 1 x 10(-7) mol/L for the individual phenothiazines. The linear ranges comprised three decades starting at the limit of quantification.  相似文献   

Liu X  Lovell MA  Lynn BC 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(18):5982-5989
Acrolein is a highly reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde and is known to react with DNA forming exocyclic acrolein-deoxyguanosine adducts (Acro-dG). These aldehyde-DNA lesions may play a role in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and neurodegenerative diseases. In the present work, we described the development and evaluation of a highly sensitive and selective capillary liquid chromatography nanoelectrospray isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry method for quantitatively analyzing Acro-dG in DNA hydrolysates. This was achieved by applying a stable isotope-labeled analogue Acro-dG-13C10,15N5 as an internal standard to the DNA to be analyzed and then hydrolyzing the DNA enzymatically to nucleosides. The acrolein-modified nucleosides were separated from normal nucleosides by capillary liquid chromatography and quantified by a high-capacity ion trap mass spectrometer in the MS/MS mode. The developed method achieved attomole-level sensitivity (limit of detection was 10 fg, 31 amol on column) for detection of pure Acro-dG adduct standards. The limit of quantification of Acro-dG adducts obtained in 10 mug of DNA hydrolysates was 1.5 fmol, which corresponded to 50 adducts/10(9) normal nucleosides. Application of this method to the analysis of Acro-dG adducts in acrolein (10-fold)-treated calf thymus DNA showed approximately 830 lesion/10(6) DNA nucleosides using as low as 50 ng of DNA. Application of this method to DNA samples (1-2 mug) isolated from brain tissues from Alzheimer's disease subjects and age-matched controls demonstrated 2800-5100 Acro-dG adducts/10(9) DNA nucleosides. Statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) in levels of Acro-dG between AD subjects and controls were observed in DNA isolated from the hippocampus/parahippocampal gyrus.  相似文献   

We report a robust, reliable, and comprehensive analytical method for the identification and quantification of the entire class of coenzyme A (CoA) activated substances, particularly short-, medium-, and long-chain acyl-CoAs derived from various biological tissues. This online SPE-LC/MS/MS-based method is characterized by a simple three-step sample preparation: (1) addition of buffer, organic solvents, and internal standards; (2) homogenization; and (3) centrifugation. The supernatant is injected directly into the SPE-LC/MS/MS system. Identification of CoA activated compounds is performed by accurate mass determination within the HPLC run. Method validation for short-, medium-, and long-chain acyl-CoA fatty acids revealed excellent quality. Accuracy was found to be between 87 and 107% and precision was between 0.1 and 12.8% in mouse skeletal muscle. The lower limit of quantification for all investigated compounds was well below 3.1% of estimated physiological levels in 200 mg of mouse tissue. Comparable results were obtained for mouse liver, mouse brown white adipose tissue and rat liver. For all investigated tissues, no matrix effect was observed.  相似文献   

Analysis of perchlorate in water and soil by electrospray LC/MS/MS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method has been developed for the determination of perchlorate in water and soil matrixes using electrospray liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry. Perchlorate is quantitated by monitoring the ion signal from mass 83, which is formed by a loss of an oxygen atom from the perchlorate molecular ion. The method was developed to be effective and economical in production laboratory analysis of perchlorate in environmental water and soil samples. Data were gathered to define method sensitivity, performance, selectivity, and robustness. Analyte stability, method susceptibility to interferences, and the reliability of the chlorine isotope ratio as an identification tool were examined. The aqueous method detection limit (MDL) is 0.05 microg/L and was determined using an actual groundwater matrix. The soil MDL is 0.5 microg/kg and was determined using Ottawa sand. The stability study was performed by spiking water samples at 0.25, 10, and 20 microg/L and analyzing them 50 days later. Acceptable recoveries were obtained for all samples. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for the replicate analyses in the stability study indicates that the method is capable of RSD values less than 5% in a relatively clean groundwater matrix. The ionization suppression study was performed by spiking water samples containing 1000 mg/L carbonate, chloride, and sulfate with 0.05 and 0.5 microg/L perchlorate and then measuring the recovery of the spike. The results indicate that the procedure does not have significant suppression effects at the high salt levels tested. Calibration, quality control sample, field sample, and suppression study data were combined to examine isotope ratio reliability. The results of that work show that chlorine isotope ratios can be used to define statistical process control limits for use as an additional analyte identification tool.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol is being investigated as a biomarker to monitor disease states involving the central nervous system. We have developed and validated a quantitative method to study endogenous myo-inositol metabolism in rat brain tissue. Tissue samples were homogenized, and their myo-inositol content was determined using spiked calibration curves and mass spectrometry. The assay was validated on an LC/MS/MS platform, and specificity was evaluated using accurate mass measurements. A novel chiral LC/MS/MS method was also developed to resolve myo-inositol from other endogenous inositol epimers and confirm the selectivity of the quantitative procedure. The validated method is selective, convenient, precise (<15% RSD), accurate (<15% RE), and sensitive over a linear range of 0.100-100 microg/mL. This method could potentially be used as an instrument for monitoring pathological conditions related to psychotherapeutics, as well as a tool for screening curative pharmaceuticals for efficacy.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was the development of N-terminal tags to improve peptide identification using high-throughput MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. Part 1 of the study was focused on the influence of derivatization on the intensities of MALDI-TOF MS signals of peptides. In part 2, various derivatization approaches for the improvement of peptide fragmentation efficiency in MALDI-TOF/TOF MS are explored. We demonstrate that permanent cation tags, while significantly improving signal intensity in the MS mode, lead to severe suppression of MS/MS fragmentation, making these tags unsuitable for high-throughput MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analysis. In the present work, it was found that labeling with Alexa Fluor 350, a coumarin tag containing a sulfo group, along with guanidation of epsilon-amino groups of Lys, could enhance unimolecular fragmentation of peptides with the formation of a high-intensity y-ion series, while the peptide intensities in the MS mode were not severely affected. LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analysis of tryptic peptides from the SCX fractions of an E. coli lysate revealed improved peptide scores, a doubling of the total number of peptides, and a 30% increase in the number of proteins identified, as a result of labeling. Furthermore, by combining the data from native and labeled samples, confidence in correct identification was increased, as many proteins were identified by different peptides in the native and labeled data sets. Additionally, derivatization was found not to impair chromatographic behavior of peptides. All these factors suggest that labeling with Alexa Fluor 350 is a promising approach to the high-throughput LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analysis of proteomic samples.  相似文献   

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is a popular over-the-counter antihistaminic medication used for the treatment of allergies. After consumption, excretion, and subsequent discharge from wastewater treatment plants, it is possible that diphenhydramine will be found in environmental sediments due to its hydrophobicity (log P = 3.27). This work describes a methodology for the first unequivocal determination of diphenhydramine bound to environmental sediments. The drug is removed from the sediments by accelerated solvent extraction and then analyzed by liquid chromatography with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and an ion trap mass spectrometer. This combination of techniques provided unequivocal identification and confirmation of diphenhydramine in two sediment samples. The accurate mass measurements of the protonated molecules were m/z 256.1703 and 256.1696 compared to the calculated mass of m/z 256.1701, resulting in errors of 0.8 and 2.3 ppm. This mass accuracy was sufficient to verify the elemental composition of diphenhydramine in each sample. Furthermore, accurate mass measurements of the primary fragment ion were obtained. This work is the first application of time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the identification of diphenhydramine and shows the accumulation of an over-the-counter medication in aquatic sediments at five different locations.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the development of the first multiclass pesticide residue method applied to essential oils. A total of 70 pesticides covering a wide range of polarity and currently used on essential oil crops have been included in the method. The procedure consists of a 10-fold dilution of lavandin essential oil followed by a direct injection analysis by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. The system used is an API 4000 QTrap equipped with an electrospray ionization interface and operating in scheduled selected reaction monitoring acquisition mode. Matrix effects were evaluated by comparing the slopes of matrix-matched and solvent-based calibration curves. Weak signal suppression or enhancement (<20%) was observed for most of the compounds. Method sensitivity was determined statistically by the injection of five matrix-matched calibration curves with the distribution's normality and the variance's homogeneity checked before establishment of a suitable regression model. Limits of detection (LODs) and quantification (LOQs) were then determined using the blank standard's deviation and the slope of the mean curve. The analytical method has been validated for 67 of the 70 pesticides and meets the following LOQs: ≤1 μg/L for 9 pesticides, ≤5 μg/L for 44, ≤10 μg/L for 9, and ≤20 μg/L for 5.  相似文献   

A new 6-plex isobaric mass tagging technology is presented, and proof of principle studies are carried out using standard protein mixtures and human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. The Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) comprise a set of structurally identical tags which label peptides on free amino-terminus and epsilon-amino functions of lysine residues. During MS/MS fragmentation, quantification information is obtained through the losses of the reporter ions. After evaluation of the relative quantification with the 6-plex version of the TMT on a model protein mixture at various concentrations, the quantification of proteins in CSF samples was performed using shotgun methods. Human postmortem (PM) CSF was taken as a model of massive brain injury and comparison was carried out with antemortem (AM) CSF. After immunoaffinity depletion, triplicates of AM and PM CSF pooled samples were reduced, alkylated, digested by trypsin, and labeled, respectively, with the six isobaric variants of the TMT (with reporter ions from m/z = 126.1 to 131.1 Th). The samples were pooled and fractionated by SCX chromatography. After RP-LC separation, peptides were identified and quantified by MS/MS analysis with MALDI TOF/TOF and ESI-Q-TOF. The concentration of 78 identified proteins was shown to be clearly increased in PM CSF samples compared to AM. Some of these proteins, like GFAP, protein S100B, and PARK7, have been previously described as brain damage biomarkers, supporting the PM CSF as a valid model of brain insult. ELISA for these proteins confirmed their elevated concentration in PM CSF. This work demonstrates the validity and robustness of the tandem mass tag (TMT) approach for quantitative MS-based proteomics.  相似文献   

Nonenzymatic protein glycation is caused by a Schiff's base reaction between the aldehyde groups of reducing sugars and the primary amines of proteins. A reversed-phase liquid chromatography method followed by a neutral loss scan mass spectrometric method was developed for the screening of glycation in proteins. The neutral loss scan was based on a unique sugar moiety neutral loss (-162 Da) that we observed in the fragmentation spectra of glycated peptides on Q-Tof type mass spectrometers. The collision energy was optimized for this neutral loss using a glycated synthetic peptide, and 20 eV was found to be the optimum collision energy. The neutral loss scan experiment was composed of two segments. In the first segment, the glycated peptides were identified based on the signature neutral loss of 162 Da when the collision energy was elevated to 20 eV. In the second segment, the glycated peptides were selected as the parent ions and fragmented at higher collision energy to break the peptide bonds. The fragmentation spectra of the selected glycated peptides revealed both the amino acid sequences and the sites of glycation. This neutral loss scan method was used to study the glycation in human serum albumin (HSA). The glycation sites in HSA were identified based on the retention time shift of glycated peptides, the mass accuracy from the MS scan, the signature neutral loss, and MS/MS information. Using this method, we were able to identify that 31 lysine residues were partially glycated from the glycated HSA sample, which has a total of 59 lysine residues.  相似文献   

Eichhorn P  Aga DS 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(20):6002-6011
In the present work, a photoproduct of chlortetracycline (CTC) was identified for the first time in hog lagoon samples from confined animal feeding operations. Screening of several samples by LC/ESI-MS indicated the presence of a potential photooxygenation product of CTC with a nominal mass that was 32 Da higher than the parent drug. Generation of this assumed photoproduct (designated M510) was achieved in a 24-h irradiation experiment of an oxygenated alkaline medium containing 50 mg L(-)(1) CTC. Accurate mass measurements with an ESI-TOF-MS of the protonated isomerization product of CTC (iCTC) and the postulated photooxygenation product, bearing two oxygen atoms more than iCTC, were m/z 479.1229 and 511.1109, respectively. These corresponded to errors of -2.8 ppm for iCTC and +1.0 ppm for M510 relative to the theoretical masses. The generation of second- and third-stage mass spectra in an ESI-ion trap-MS showed similar characteristic fragmentation patterns for iCTC and the photoproduct M510, leading to the conclusion that the M510 structure consisted of an iCTC-like skeleton bearing two additional hydroxy groups. The site and configuration of one hydroxylation was confidently assigned, while the position of the other hydroxy group was tentatively assigned. Comparison of the (+)-ESI-MS(3) spectrum and the retention time of M510 in the sample from the irradiation experiment with those from the hog lagoon samples yielded excellent agreement, suggesting that the compounds were identical. Quantitative analysis of seven hog lagoon samples showed iCTC concentrations of 1910-15 800 microg L(-)(1), while the levels of M510 were found to be between 46 and 303 microg L(-)(1).  相似文献   

Li Y  George EJ 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(14):4453-4458
A new method was developed for the analysis of perchlorate in water by using reversed-phase liquid chromatograhy/electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) in the negative ESI mode. Selective and sensitive perchlorate detection was obtained by monitoring the 35ClO4- --> 35ClO3- and 37ClO4- --> 37ClO3- mass transitions. The 35ClO4- --> 35ClO3- transition was quantitated against the internal standard oxygen-labeled sodium perchlorate (NaCl18O4). Sample pretreatment for the removal of major common anions and dissolved metal ions along with internal standard quantitation sufficiently compensated for ion suppression caused by the matrix. The 37ClO4- --> 37ClO3- transition was examined to provide additional specificity. The method sensitivity, accuracy, and precision were investigated by analyzing fortified blank samples, field samples, and performance evaluation samples. The results (1.01-13.5 microg/L) for the proficiency evaluation samples differed from the certified values (1.04-14.1 microg/L) by 3-18%. The developed reversed-phase LC/ESI-MS/MS method was rapid, accurate, and reproducible. The calculated method detection limits were 0.007 microg/L for deionized reagent water and 0.009 microg/L for synthesized reagent water, respectively. The minimum reporting limit was conservatively set to 0.05 microg/L.  相似文献   

We present a study on the mass spectral as well as the binding properties of three triterpene glycosides (cimicifugoside, cimiracemoside F, 27-deoxyactein) contained in black cohosh to the ligand binding domain of estrogen receptor beta (ER-beta). Using affinity ultrafiltration and LC/ MS detection, initial experiments using estradiol and the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein (compounds known to bind ER-beta) were performed to serve as positive controls. The same affinity techniques and LC/MS procedures were then employed to show that neither the triterpene glycosides nor their enzymatically prepared aglycons bound significantly to ER-beta, except for 27-deoxyactein aglycon, which showed weak binding affinity (4%). Additionally, metabolites of the aglycons were prepared by incubation with female human liver microsomes and subjected to binding experiments with ER-beta. No significant binding of the metabolites to the receptor was observed. Further studies are needed to fully characterize whether these triterpene glycosides as well as other components of black cohosh in this plant extract bind to the estrogen receptor alpha (ER-alpha).  相似文献   

LC/NMR and LC/MS (the latter technique in the MSn mode) were used to characterize the organic constituents of industrial wastewater with emphasis on polar, nonvolatile compounds. In the effluent of a textile company, various compounds such as anthraquinone-type dyes and their byproducts, a fluorescent brightener, a byproduct from polyester production, and auxiliaries such as anionic and nonionic surfactants and their degradation products were identified. It is shown that the combined use of both hyphenated techniques provides complementary structural information. If applied under comparable chromatographic conditions, they are well-suited for the nontarget analysis.  相似文献   

Myosin light chain 1 (Myl3) is a 23-kDa isoform of one of the subunits of myosin, a protein involved in muscle contraction. Myl3 is presently being studied as a biomarker of cardiac necrosis to predict drug-induced cardiotoxicity, and in the work presented here, an LC/MS/MS assay was developed and validated to measure Myl3 in rat serum. The key steps in this approach involved immunoaffinity purification of Myl3 from serum followed by on-bead digestion with trypsin to release a surrogate peptide. This tryptic peptide was quantified using a synthetic peptide standard and a corresponding stable isotope-labeled internal standard, and the results were stoichiometrically converted to Myl3 serum concentrations. Myl3 concentrations were corrected for peptide recovery following immunoprecipitation and digestion (85%) and showed excellent agreement with synthetic peptide standards. Both the synthetic peptide and His-Myl3 protein were used to evaluate assay accuracy (% RE) and precision (% CV), which were measured on each of 3 days. The synthetic peptide was evaluated over the range of 0.073-7.16 nM, while Myl3 protein QC samples prepared in rat serum were evaluated over the range of 0.13-6.62 nM. To prepare control matrix, endogenous Myl3 was immunodepleted from pooled rat serum. Peptide interday accuracy and precision did not exceed 7.6 and 11.1%, and Myl3 interday accuracy and precision did not exceed 12.9 and 13.2%, respectively. Data are presented from the application of this assay to establish a time course in which rats demonstrated a marked increase in Myl3 serum concentrations following administration of isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic receptor agonist known to induce cardiac injury. This assay is an example of a larger effort in our laboratory to use LC/MS/MS in conjunction with immunoaffinity techniques to evaluate candidate biomarkers of target organ toxicity and to expedite the development of biomarker assays for drug development.  相似文献   

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal proBNP (NTproBNP) are well established in the clinic as biomarkers of heart failure. BNP hormone and the inactive NTproBNP are predominantly secreted in the ventricles of the heart in response to pressure overload and, consequently, are being investigated as markers of drug-induced cardiac hypertrophy in rat to support drug development. In the work presented here, an immunoaffinity-based LC/MS/MS assay was developed and validated to measure a selective tryptic fragment of NTproBNP in rat serum. The assay covers the range of 13-329 pg/mL of the tryptic fragment LLELIR, corresponding to 0.1-2.5 ng/mL intact NTproBNP. A stable isotope-labeled version of NTproBNP containing the tryptic fragment LLELI[13C615N1]R was prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis and was used as an internal standard to minimize assay variability. Due to endogenous NTproBNP present in rat serum, human serum was used as the control matrix, and parallelism between rat and human serum was established by standard addition. Assay accuracy (% RE) and precision (% CV) were measured at three concentrations on each of 4 days and did not exceed 4.2 and 14.5%, respectively. Additionally, study data are presented from the application of this assay in which rats demonstrated a significant increase in NTproBNP serum concentration following administration of an agent known to induce cardiac hypertrophy. In this study, the relationship between serum NTproBNP and cardiac hypertrophy was corroborated by increases in heart weight and magnetic resonance imaging of the test subjects' left ventricle. To our knowledge, this represents the first reported assay for NTproBNP in preclinical species for the assessment of cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Treated wastewater effluent is a potential environmental point source for antidepressant pharmaceuticals. A quantitative method was developed for the determination of trace levels of antidepressants in environmental aquatic matrixes using solid-phase extraction coupled with liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Recoveries of parent antidepressants from matrix spiking experiments for the individual antidepressants ranged from 72 to 118% at low concentrations (0.5 ng/L) and 70 to 118% at high concentrations (100 ng/L) for the solid-phase extraction method. Method detection limits for the individual antidepressant compounds ranged from 0.19 to 0.45 ng/L. The method was applied to wastewater effluent and samples collected from a wastewater-dominated stream. Venlafaxine was the predominant antidepressant observed in wastewater and river water samples. Individual antidepressant concentrations found in the wastewater effluent ranged from 3 (duloxetine) to 2190 ng/L (venlafaxine), whereas individual concentrations in the waste-dominated stream ranged from 0.72 (norfluoxetine) to 1310 ng/L (venlafaxine).  相似文献   

Good reliability of Caco-2 permeability studies requires competent sampling and analytical methods to ensure the comparability of day-to-day experiments. In this work, two n-in-one LC/MS/MS methods based on two different ionization techniques were developed and validated for a group of reference compounds; eight of them are recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the evaluation of oral drug permeability. The performance of a new ionization technique, atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI), as an interface for quantitative LC/MS analysis was evaluated in comparison to the electrospray ionization (ESI). Generally, the validation parameters, including sensitivity, accuracy, and repeatability, were comparable for the APPI and ESI methods. The main difference was that the linear quantitative range of APPI was 3-4 orders of magnitude (r(2) >/= 0.998) whereas in ESI it was typically 2-3 orders of magnitude (r(2) >/= 0.990). By the APPI and ESI methods, the simultaneous analysis of nine highly heterogeneous compounds was achieved within 5.5-7 min, which leads to significant savings in time and cost of the analyses. The successful validation data indicate the usefulness of both the methods for the rapid and sensitive (LOD values typically 相似文献   

Dai J  Wang J  Zhang Y  Lu Z  Yang B  Li X  Cai Y  Qian X 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(23):7594-7604
The extreme complexity of sample and uninformative fragmentation of peptides in MS/MS experiments are two of several real challenges faced by proteomics. In this work, a strategy aimed at tackling these two problems is presented. Briefly, proteins were first oxidized by performic acid to cleave the disulfide bonds and simultaneously convert cysteine residue into its sulfonic form. Then the resultant sulfonic peptides were enriched by SCX chromatography, exploiting the negative solution charge of sulfonic group. The sulfonic peptide could be easily detected by MALDI-MS in negative mode and showed both enhanced fragmentation efficiency and a simplified spectrum in MALDI-MS/MS experiment in positive mode. The strength of the strategy was demonstrated by applying it to bovine serum albumin. Potential use of the strategy in proteomics was also discussed.  相似文献   

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