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从对总溶解气体(TDG)过饱和概念的分析入手,阐述TDG过饱和的危害。通过对不同典型水体TDG饱和度的测量,表明泄流可以导致水体TDG含量增加甚至过饱和。在此基础上,采用试验研究的方法,探讨了TDG过饱和产生原因及其释放过程,表明水利工程泄流引起的TDG过饱和与泄流掺气、压力、紊动强度、水温等要素相关,并由此提出减缓水利工程TDG过饱和影响的建议。  相似文献   

通过不同风速下的过饱和总溶解气体(TDG)室内释放试验,研究风速对过饱和TDG释放过程的影响,并根据已有释放模型对释放系数进行估算,建立了过饱和TDG释放系数与风速的定量关系式。结果表明在8.5~9.5℃条件下,风速较小时,水体中过饱和TDG释放相当缓慢,随着风速的增大,过饱和TDG的释放速率显著增大;在无风工况下,TDG释放系数为0.005 42 h-1;当风速为1.08~11.33 m/s时,TDG释放系数为0.007 09~0.066 68 h-1;相对释放系数为1~12.303,拟合的相对释放系数与风速的定量关系式计算偏差在-11.76%~10.21%之间。  相似文献   

张政  肖柏青 《人民长江》2020,51(4):14-19
随着水电工程的不断兴起,高坝建设引起的过饱和水体问题日渐突出。总结了近年来国内外的的研究成果,从鱼类的耐受性、鱼类对过饱和总溶解气体(TDG)的规避效应以及过饱和TDG对鱼类的致死机理3方面分析了过饱和TDG与下游水生生物之间的相互作用,并提出了一些研究思路和想法。此外,还重点论述了促进过饱和TDG释放速率方面取得的进展和不足之处,指出实际工况条件下过饱和TDG的释放易受河流形态等周边环境影响,而实验条件下无法准确反映实际工况,今后室内试验和原型观测需进一步加强。而如何在安全行洪的前提下实现快速高效的TDG释放是该领域下一步研究的重点。  相似文献   

总溶解气体(Total Dissolved Gas,简称“TDG”)过饱和可能直接导致鱼类和水中生物患有“气泡病”甚至死亡。文章为解决该问题开展研究。实验结果表明,在紊动的系列条件下,紊动能促进过饱和总溶解气体的释放,转速和温度对过饱和TDG释放起促进作用,而水深对其起抑制作用。研究还获得过饱和TDG释放系数(释放速率)分别与水深、转速和温度的关系表达式,以及紊动因素对过饱和TDG的影响大小为KTDG,n>KTDG,T>KTDG,H。该研究成果是一种减缓过饱和TDG危害的方法,为探讨减缓过饱和TDG不利影响的措施提供科学指导和依据。  相似文献   

曲璐  李然  李嘉  李克锋 《水利学报》2011,42(5):523-528
大坝泄水对环境的不利影响之一是会产生总溶解气体(TDG)过饱和现象,导致鱼类患气泡病甚至死亡.在理论分析的基础上,建立了基于面流消能的TDG过饱和浓度预测公式.该预测公式采用平均静水压强作为自变量进行TDG饱和度计算,避免了以往采用很难精确定量的动水压强进行TDG预测而带来的不便.通过对大渡河上龚嘴水电站泄洪期间TDG...  相似文献   

高坝下泄洪水导致大坝下游河道水体总溶解气体(TDG)过饱和,威胁着下游鱼类的生存。目前,高坝泄洪引起的TDG过饱和问题及其对鱼类的影响,已成为备受关注的生态环境问题之一。针对国内已有的研究,从气体过饱和引起的鱼类气泡病症状、耐受性、回避性等方面进行了总结。发现鱼类对TDG过饱和的耐受性阈值并未确定,TDG过饱和对鱼类影响的解决方案尚未明确。提出进一步开展野外原位观测试验,着手TDG与其他环境因子的耦合作用对鱼类的影响研究,以及利用多学科交叉的方法揭示TDG过饱和对鱼类影响的内在机制,有助于水库调度方案和鱼类保护措施的制定。  相似文献   

高坝泄洪会导致下游水体总溶解气体过饱和,鱼类长期处于这种环境容易患气泡病甚至死亡.为保护生态环境,找出切实可行的TDG饱和度消减措施,我国针对高坝泄洪导致的总溶解气体过饱和现象开展了大量研究.对高坝工程过饱和溶解气体的产生、释放过程、鱼类对过饱和溶解气体耐受性、TDG饱和度预测模型及TDG过饱和减缓措施的研究成果进行了总结,同时针对已有研究成果的不足提出了建议,旨在为进一步开展研究工作提供参考.  相似文献   

在总结国内外对TDG过饱和问题研究的基础之上,通过物理模型试验并结合数值模拟,以鱼道模型为例研究了绕流、回流等复杂流动条件下过饱和TDG的释放过程及释放系数。结果表明,鱼道模型内挡墙等建筑物的布置使水流出现绕流、回流等复杂水力学特征,由此增加了水体在鱼道内的滞留时间和局部区域的紊动动能,大大增加了过饱和TDG的释放。分析显示,在高紊动区域,过饱和TDG的释放速率与紊动强度成正相关关系。  相似文献   

总溶解气体过饱和含沙水体对齐口裂腹鱼影响的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高坝泄洪形成总溶解气体(Total Dissolved Gas,TDG)过饱和的含沙水流,由于泥沙的作用,加剧了对高坝下游鱼类的影响。为探讨TDG过饱和含沙水体对鱼类影响的规律,以齐口裂腹鱼幼鱼为实验对象,选取中值粒径为7.4μm的泥沙,对TDG饱和度为100%、120%、125%、130%、135%、140%的水体,分别设置0、20、60、80 mg/L的含沙量实验工况,开展含沙水体TDG过饱和的持续暴露实验。实验结果表明,含沙量不同但TDG饱和度保持为100%不变的实验组中,未出现实验鱼死亡现象。TDG饱和度为130%时,含沙量为0、20、60、80 mg/L的实验组中,实验鱼的半致死时间分别为15.3 h、10.75 h、8.3 h、7.85 h。在TDG饱和度相同时,含沙量越高半致死时间越短,但高含沙量实验组(60 mg/L,80m g/L)的半致死时间相差不大;含沙量相同时,TDG饱和度越高,半致死时间越短。  相似文献   

水库建设促进了库区渔业养殖的发展,但高坝大库泄水导致的总溶解气体(Total Dissolved Gas, TDG)过饱和可能导致下游河道尤其下一梯级水库的鱼类患气泡病甚至死亡。为探究TDG过饱和对鱼类的胁迫效应,以金沙江梯级电站溪洛渡至向家坝江段为研究对象,构建立面二维TDG动态模型,推求库区控制断面的安全水深阈值,结合库区主要鱼类生活习性和网箱养殖深度,研究TDG过饱和对野生鱼类和网箱养殖鱼类的胁迫效应。结果表明:梯级电站库区的野生鱼类具有足够的垂向空间进行深度补偿以规避TDG过饱和的危害,其生活习性以及利用深度补偿的能力决定了受过饱和TDG胁迫的程度;但养殖鱼类受网箱限制难以自由下潜至安全水深,为保证养殖鱼类的安全,网箱深度至少应大于安全水深阈值,在TDG过饱和胁迫期,鱼类的游泳水深应持续限制在安全水深阈值以下。对于具有利用深度补偿能力的鱼类,梯级电站的库区比最后一个梯级的下游河道更安全,需要对最后一级电站实施比中间梯级更严格的坝下近区TDG饱和度限制标准。  相似文献   

More and more high dams have been constructed and operated in China. The total dissolved gas (TDG) supersaturation caused by dam discharge leads to gas bubble disease or even death of fish. Through a series of experiments, the conditions and requirements of supersaturated TDG generation were examined in this study. The results show that pressure (water depth), aeration, and bubble dissolution time are required for supersaturated TDG generation, and the air-water contact area and turbulence intensity are the...  相似文献   

Elevated levels of the Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) may be reached downstream of dams, leading to increased incidences of gas bubble diseases in fish. The supersaturated TDG dissipates and transports more slowly in reservoirs than in natural rivers because of the greater depth and the lower turbulence, which endangers the fish more seriously. With consideration of the topographical characteristics of a deep reservoir, a laterally averaged two-dimensional unsteady TDG model for deep reservoir is proposed. The dissipation process of the TDG inside the waterbody and the mass transfer through the free surface are separately modeled with different functions in the model. Hydrodynamics equations are solved coupling with those of water temperature and density. The TDG concentration is calculated based on the density current field. A good agreement is found in the simulation of the Dachaoshan Reservoir between the simulation results and the field data of the hydrodynamics parameters and the TDG distribution in the vertical direction and their unsteady evolution with time. The hydrodynamics parameters, the temperature and the TDG concentration are analyzed based on the simulation results. This study demonstrates that the model can be used to predict the evolutions of hydrodynamics parameters, the temperature and the TDG distribution in a deep reservoir with unsteady inflow and outflow. The results can be used in the study of the mitigation measures of the supersaturated TDG.  相似文献   

为了促进曝气技术在减缓过饱和溶解氧(DO)影响中的应用,设计开展了无曝气工况和曝气工况下的过饱和DO释放试验,研究了曝气对过饱和DO消散过程的影响规律,分析了不同曝气条件下过饱和DO的释放过程和释放系数。试验结果表明,曝气能显著促进过饱和DO的消散,曝气工况下DO饱和度从170%左右消散至105%左右所需时间均小于11 min,而无曝气工况下所需时间最少为240 min;过饱和DO释放系数随曝气量的增大而增大,随曝气水深的增大而减小,与曝气孔径呈现较强的负相关幂函数关系。根据曝气对过饱和DO的释放规律建立了过饱和DO释放系数与曝气条件的定量关系,通过量纲分析建立了过饱和DO释放系数与曝气条件、模型尺寸、流体参数之间的定量关系,两种定量关系中,后者的均方根误差和平均绝对误差较小、相关系数较高,且参数较易获取,因此实用性更好。  相似文献   

Supersaturation of dissolved gases in natural water, due to spillage from high dams and other factors, may cause fish mortality. In previous experiments, the dissipation coefficient has been used to denote the degassing process of total dissolved gas(TDG) saturation. These experiments mainly analyzed supersaturated TDG dissipation from a macroscopic view. To precisely clarify the mechanism of supersaturated TDG release, this study investigated bubble adsorption at a wall surface from a microscopic view. The experiment was conducted in a Plexiglas-wall container filled with supersaturated TDG water. A model that calculates the adsorption flux of supersaturated TDG by a solid wall, and helps describe construction for a contact angle at a three-phase intersection, was developed according to Young's equation. This model was used to investigate the formation process of bubbles adsorbed on a solid polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA) surface in supersaturated TDG water. The adsorption effect of a solid wall on TDG release was analyzed based on the experimental data. The modeling results were compared with observations under different wall area conditions, and it was found that TDG release tended to increase with wall area. This study helps improve our understanding of the mechanisms of supersaturated TDG release and provides an important theoretical method for accurate calculation of the release process. The adsorption flux model of the solid wall provides mitigation measures to combat the adverse effects of TDG supersaturation,which will be beneficial to the protection of aquatic organisms in hydropower-regulated rivers.  相似文献   

A high concentration of the total dissolved gas(TDG) in a flow downstream high dams may cause the gas bubble disease in fishes.To better understand the spatial distribution of a supersaturated TDG,a numerical simulation approach for determining the TDG concentration is shown to be effective and convenient; however,the determination of the model parameters relies to a great extent on the observed field data,which are scarce but are very sensitive to the accuracy of the simulation.In this regard,determining the source parameter in the TDG transport equation is the primary concern of this paper.Observed field data from six different spillways in China are used to calibrate the source parameter.A relationship between the source parameter and the hydrodynamic characteristics is established.The inclusion of this relationship in the predictive relationship will enable an accurate and rapid estimation of the source parameter and may help in developing mitigation measures for the TDG supersaturation downstream the spillways.  相似文献   

Dam discharges over spillways are the main reason for the gas-supersaturated water generated in rivers.Local aquatic organisms,especially fish,readily develop gas bubble disease(GBD) in a river with total dissolved gas supersaturation(TDGS).Sometimes,fish will die after a specific exposure period,which negatively affects the biological equilibrium.In this study,the influence of TDGS on silver carp was explored.Silver carp were exposed to gas-supersaturated water with TDGS levels of 140%,135%,130%,125%,120%,and 110%to test the impact of TDGS.Some silver carp died when the TDGS level was 120%or higher,and all the silver carp exposed to a TDGS level of 140%died within10 h.In comparison with the Chinese sucker,Prenant's schizothoracin,and rock carp,silver carp seem less sensitive to TDGS.In addition,we tested the catalase(CAT) activity in the muscles and gills of silver carp after they were exposed to gas-supersaturated water with a TDGS level of140%.The CAT activity changed with time;it increased first and then decreased until it was lower than the initial CAT activity.The results of this study can provide basic data for developing a standard for environmental evaluation.  相似文献   

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