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A novel system for mammary epithelial cell culture   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A method is described for the isolation and density gradient enrichment of mammary epithelial fragments from pregnant, nonlactating bovine tissue. Immunocytochemical analysis prior to and following culture revealed specific staining with antibodies to keratin, indicating that these cells are epithelial in nature. Fragments enriched for epithelium could be stored in liquid nitrogen for extended periods prior to culture. When cast within a three-dimensional matrix of collagen gel, the mammary fragments grew as branching, duct-like structures and displayed a 4-fold increase in cell number during 10 to 12 d of culture.  相似文献   

Luteal inadequacy is a major cause of poor embryo development and infertility. Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is an essential process underpinning corpus luteum (CL) development and progesterone production. Thus, understanding the factors that regulate angiogenesis during this critical time is essential for the development of novel strategies to alleviate luteal inadequacy and infertility. This study demonstrates the development of a physiologically relevant primary culture system that mimics luteal angiogenesis. This system incorporates all luteal cell types (e.g. endothelial, steroidogenic cells, fibroblasts and pericytes). Using this approach, endothelial cells, identified by the specific marker von Willebrand factor (VWF), start to form clusters on day 2, which then proliferate and develop thread-like structures. After 9 days in culture, these tubule-like structures lengthen, thicken and form highly organized intricate networks resembling a capillary bed. Development of the vasculature was promoted by coating wells with fibronectin, as determined by image analysis (P<0.001). Progesterone production increased with time and was stimulated by LH re-enforcing the physiological relevance of the model in mimicking in vivo luteal function. LH also increased the area stained positively for VWF by twofold (P<0.05). Development of this endothelial cell network was stimulated by fibroblast growth factor 2 and vascular endothelial growth factor A, which increased total area of VWF positive staining on day 9, both independently (three- to fourfold; P<0.01) and in combination (tenfold; P<0.001). In conclusion, the successful development of endothelial cell networks in vitro provides a new opportunity to elucidate the physiological control of the angiogenic process in the developing CL.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of removal of the largest follicle or all visible follicles during the first follicle wave on subsequent follicular growth, steroid, inhibin A and gonadotrophin secretion in sheep. On day 4.5 of a synchronized oestrous cycle, ewes (n = 18) were assigned to one of three groups which underwent either no treatment (control), ablation of the largest follicle (largest follicle aspirated and cauterized via laparotomy) or ablation of all follicles (all visible follicles ablated). Between day 0 and day 10 of the oestrous cycle, blood samples were collected every 8 h and ovaries were examined daily using transrectal ultrasonography. The lifespan of the second largest follicle (number of days > 3 mm in diameter) was longer (6.7 +/- 0.9 days; P < 0.05) and the maximum diameter tended to be greater (4.8 +/- 0.3 mm; P = 0.07) in ewes in which the largest follicle was ablated than in the control ewes (3.8 +/- 0.4 days; 4.2 +/- 0.3 mm). There was no difference in the day of emergence of the second follicular wave between groups (day 6.9 +/- 0.4). However, the peak of the transient increase in FSH concentrations after ablation was earlier (day 5.67 +/- 0.15; P < 0.05) in ewes in which all follicles were ablated than in control ewes (day 6.72 +/- 0.36); the timing in ewes that had only the largest follicle ablated was intermediate (day 6.11 +/- 0.28). Serum inhibin A concentrations were about three-fold lower (P < 0.05) in both follicle ablation groups than in the control group. The numbers of follicles 2-3 mm in diameter during the first 3 days of the second follicular wave were greater in 'ablated ewes' (both groups had 2.6 +/- 0.2 follicles day-1) than in control ewes (1.7 +/- 0.3 follicles day-1). It is concluded that: (i) transient increases in FSH concentrations precede the emergence of follicle waves; (ii) ablation of all follicles on day 4.5 after oestrus advanced the timing of the next peak in FSH concentrations and the numbers of small follicles associated with the development of the second follicular wave; and (iii) ablation of the largest follicle resulted in an increase in the lifespan of the second largest follicle, indicating a regulatory role of large dominant follicles over smaller subordinate follicles.  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of short-term energy inputs on ghrelin secretion and possible links with changes in the follicle population or the ovulation rate. Oestrous cycle was synchronized in 16 Manchega sheep using progestagen sponges and cloprostenol. Half of the animals were treated from days 0 to 4 by the oral administration, twice daily, of 200 ml of a glucogenic mixture containing 70% of glycerol, 20% of 1,2-propanediol and 10% of water; the control group received 200 ml water. The mean (+/-S.E.M.) plasma glucose increased immediately after the first administration (3.9+/-0.3 vs 3.0+/-0.1 mmol/l in control group, P<0.05), remaining statistically different during the treatment. However, plasma ghrelin levels were similar in both groups. On the other hand, the results indicated that short-term energy inputs modify ovulation rate (1.9+/-0.1 vs 1.3+/-0.2 in control group, P<0.05) by increasing the number of follicles able to be selected to ovulate during the period of treatment (>or=4 mm in size; 5.9+/-0.6 vs 4.3+/-0.4 at day 2, P<0.05). After sponge withdrawal, the number of these follicles decreased throughout follicular phase (5.8+/-0.8 to 1.5+/-0.4, P<0.0005) while the number of large follicles increased (>or=6 mm in size; 0.8+/-0.4 to 2.0+/-0.3, P<0.05); this would indicate an active growth of preovulatory follicles that were not found in the control group. Thus, the increases of ovulation rate by high-energy inputs would be caused by an enhancement in the developmental competence of preovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

Using a well-in-drop (WID) oocyte/embryo culture system that allows identification of follicular origin, we have investigated the effects of granulosa cells (GCs) apoptosis, follicle size, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) morphology, and cumulus expansion on the developmental competence of goat oocytes matured and cultured individually following parthenogenetic activation. The WID system supported oocyte maturation and embryo development to a level similar to the conventional group system. The majority of goat oocytes acquired competence for development up to the 8-16 cell stage in follicles larger than 2 mm, but did not gain the ability to form morula/blastocyst (M/Bs) until follicles larger than 3 mm in diameter. The extent of atresia affected M/Bs formation. This effect varied according to the follicle size. Cumulus expansion increased with follicle size and decreased with increasing incidence of GCs apoptosis. Oocyte developmental potential was also correlated with cumulus expansion. Regardless of the degree of follicle atresia, 73-84% of the floating cells in the follicular fluid (FF) underwent apoptosis. Correlation between floating cell density in FF and oocyte developmental potency suggests the possibility to use the floating cell density as a simple and non-invasive marker for oocyte quality. It is concluded that the developmental potential of an oocyte is determined by multifactor interactions, and multiple factors must be considered together to accurately predict the quality of an oocyte.  相似文献   

As shown in many intervention studies, probiotic bacteria can have a beneficial effect on rotavirus and HIV-induced diarrhoea. In spite of that fact, antiviral effects of probiotic bacteria have not been systematically studied yet. Non-tumorigenic porcine intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-J2) and alveolar macrophages (3D4/2) were treated in different experimental designs with probiotic and other lactic bacteria and their metabolic products. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was used in the study as a model virus. Cell survival and viral inhibition were determined by antiviral assay and confirmed by immunofluorescence. Pre-incubation of cell monolayers with probiotic bacteria reduced viral infectivity up to 60%. All bacteria used prevented VSV binding to the cell monolayers by direct binding of VSV to their surface. Probiotic and other lactic bacteria prevented viral infection also by establishment of the antiviral state in pre-treated cell monolayers. Probiotic and other lactic bacteria secreted antiviral substances during their growth, as the infectivity of the virus was diminished by 68% when bacterial supernatants were tested. It was shown for the first time that probiotic and other lactic bacteria exhibit an antiviral activity in a cell culture model. Possible mechanisms of antiviral activity include: 1) hindering the adsorption and cell internalisation of the VSV due to the direct trapping of the virus by the bacteria, 2) "cross-talk" with the cells in establishing the antiviral protection and 3) production of metabolites with a direct antiviral effect.  相似文献   

A cell surface display system was developed in yeast Hansenula polymorpha.The four genes HpSED1, HpGAS1, HpTIP1and HpCWP1, encoding glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-anchored cell surface proteins from H. polymorpha, were cloned, characterized and evaluated for their efficacies as cell surface display motifs of reporter proteins. Sequence analysis of these genes revealed that each encodes a typical GPI-anchored protein that is structurally similar to a counterpart gene in S. cerevisiae. The genes showed a high content of serine-threonine (alanine) and harboured a putative secretion signal in the N-terminus and the GPI-attachment signal in the C-terminus. The surface anchoring efficiency of these putative cell surface proteins was tested by fusion to the C-terminal of carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) from Bacillus subtilis. In all cases, high CMCase activities were detected in intact cell fraction, indicating anchoring of CMCase to the cell surface. HpCwp1p, HpGas1p and the 40 C-terminal amino acids of HpTip1p from H. polymorpha exhibited a comparatively high CMCase surface anchoring efficiency. When these proteins were used as anchoring motifs for surface display of the glucose oxidase (GOD) from Aspergillus niger, most enzyme activity was detected at the cell surface. Fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis of cells displaying GOD on the cell surface demonstrated that GOD was well exposed on the cell surface. HpCwp1p showed the highest anchoring efficiency among others.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies have shown correlations between morbidity and particles < or = 2.5 microm generated from pollution processes and manufactured nanoparticles. Thereby nanoparticles seem to play a specific role. The interaction of particles with the lung, the main pathway of undesired particle uptake, is poorly understood. In most studies investigating these interactions in vitro, particle deposition differs greatly from the in vivo situation, causing controversial results. We present a nanoparticle deposition chamber to expose lung cells mimicking closely the particle deposition conditions in the lung. In this new deposition chamber, particles are deposited very efficiently, reproducibly, and uniformly onto the cell culture, a key aspect if cell responses are quantified in respect to the deposited particle number. In situ analyses of the lung cells, e.g., the ciliary beat frequency, indicative of the defense capability of the cells, are complemented by off-line biochemical, physiological, and morphological cell analyses.  相似文献   

Concentrations of estradiol-17 beta in follicular fluid were correlated to follicular size, stage of estrous cycle, location of corpus luteum, and presence of large follicles. Paired ovaries were obtained from 481 nonpregnant cows at slaughter and follicles were classified as ipsilateral or contralateral to the corpus luteum. Follicular fluid estradiol-17 beta concentrations from 2494 small, 1485 medium, and 396 large follicles were quantified by radioimmunoassay. Stage of estrous cycle was estimated by visual examination of the corpus luteum. Follicles in stage 1 of the estrous cycle (d 1 to 4) had the highest estradiol-17 beta concentration and the smallest mean follicular diameter. Location of follicles relative to the corpus luteum had no influence on estradiol-17 beta concentrations. As follicular size increased, concentration of estradiol-17 beta also increased. The presence of a single large follicle did not affect the concentration of estradiol-17 beta in medium or small follicles. In contrast, if multiple large follicles occurred in the same cow, concentrations of estradiol-17 beta were significantly lower in medium but not small follicles.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of Lactobacillus casei on Chinese sauerkraut fermentation, L. casei 11MZ‐5‐1 was inoculated into Chinese sauerkraut. Physicochemical indexes were measured, and the microbial dynamics during the fermentation were analysed by quantitative real‐time PCR (qRT‐PCR) and polymerase chain reaction‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR‐DGGE). The result showed that inoculation with L. casei 11MZ‐5‐1 lowered the pH of the fermentation system more rapidly than in the control model (CK). The content of vitamin C (VC) (44.64 ± 2.12 mg kg?1) was higher and nitrite (under 0.76 mg kg?1) was lower than CK (< 0.05). The numbers of 16S rRNA gene copies in the experimental model (BA) were lower than in CK at the end fermentation time. According to the PCR‐DGGE analyses, 22 and 17 specific bands were detected in CK and BA, respectively. L. paracasei and L. casei were predominant during the fermentation in BA. The relative abundance and diversity indices of bacteria in BA were 8.23 ± 0.25 and 2.01 ± 0.06, respectively, lower than in the CK (< 0.05). So, the L. casei 11MZ‐5‐1 inoculations could effectively inhibit the microbial diversity in the fermentation system. The fermented cabbage with L. casei 11MZ‐5‐1 was more favourably estimated by consumers in terms of colour, crispness, sourness, aroma, bitterness, stink, stale flavour and overall acceptability.  相似文献   

The diameter, volume, triglyceride content and number of adipocytes were determined in male Wistar rats at the age of 6 weeks and 2, 3, 12 and 18 months, respectively. A standard diet and water were given ad libitum. The adipocytes were isolated by means of the method of RODBELL. The weight and fat content of the fatty tissues were determined gravimetrically. Age exerts no effect on the adipocyte parameter, nor on the weight and the fat content of the fatty tissue. In contrast to this, there are relationships between adipocyte diameter and the increases in body weight. In all age groups, the increase in size and number of the adipocytes was significantly greater in heavy animals than in light ones. Genetic, hormonal and dietarily-induced factors are discussed as a possible cause. The authors observed no difference in adipocyte size between epididymal and perirenal fatty tissues. As compared to this, the mesenteric adipocytes were smaller.  相似文献   

Polyphosphate-AMP phosphotransferase (PAP) and polyphosphate kinase (PPK) were used for designing a novel ATP regeneration system, named the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system. PAP is an enzyme that catalyzes the phospho-conversion of AMP to ADP, and PPK catalyzes ATP formation from ADP. Both enzymes use inorganic polyphosphate [poly(P)] as a phosphate donor. In the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system, ATP was continuously synthesized from AMP by the coupling reaction of PAP and PPK using poly(P). Poly(P) is a cheap material compared to acetyl phosphate, phosphoenol pyruvate and creatine phosphate, which are phosphate donors used for conventional ATP regeneration systems. To achieve efficient synthesis of ATP from AMP, an excessive amount of poly(P) should be added to the reaction solution because both PAP and PPK consume poly(P) as a phosphate donor. Using this ATP generation reaction, we constructed the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system with acetyl-CoA synthase and succeeded in synthesizing acetyl-CoA from CoA, acetate and AMP. Since too much poly(P) may chelate MG2+ and inhibit enzyme activity, the Mg2+ concentration was optimized to 24 mM in the presence of 30 mM poly(P) in the reaction. In this reaction, ATP was regenerated 39.8 times from AMP, and 99.5% of CoA was converted to acetyl-CoA. In addition, since the PAP-PPK ATP regeneration system can regenerate GTP from GMP, it could also be used as a GTP regeneration system.  相似文献   

细胞与组织培养技术在食用植物香料中的研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了利用植物细胞与组织培养技术在38种香料植物中精油生物合成的研究进展。  相似文献   

Due to problems of production instability, the production of plant secondary metabolites using dedifferentiated cells (callus) is not always feasible on an industrial scale. To propose a new methodology, which does not use dedifferentiated cells, a novel system for producing useful secondary metabolites using the direct culture of intact plant leaves was developed. Catharanthus roseus was used as a model medicinal plant to produce terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIAs) by suspension culture of the leaves in the phytohormone-free MS liquid medium. Adjustment of the osmotic pressure (993 kPa at 25 degrees C) in the medium, light irradiation (60 micromol m(-2) s(-1)) and addition of glucose (10 g/l) were effective to promote the production of TIAs such as ajmalicine (Aj) and serpentine (Sp). On the basis of semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses, it was revealed that the culture conditions promoted gene expression of enzymes in the TIA pathway in the cultured leaves. By feeding glucose (10 g/l) on day 10 of the culture period, Aj was produced at a concentration of about 18 mg/l and Sp was produced at a concentration about 11-fold that of the control. These results represent the first step in the development of a novel production system for plant secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Cultured muscle tissue-based protein products, also known as cultured meat, are produced through in vitro myogenesis involving muscle stem cell culture and differentiation, and mature muscle cell processing for flavor and texture. This review focuses on the in vitro myogenesis for cultured meat production. The muscle stem cell–based in vitro muscle tissue production consists of a sequential process: (1) muscle sampling for stem cell collection, (2) muscle tissue dissociation and muscle stem cell isolation, (3) primary cell culture, (4) upscaled cell culture, (5) muscle differentiation and maturation, and (6) muscle tissue harvest. Although muscle stem cell research is a well-established field, the majority of these steps remain to be underoptimized to enable the in vitro creation of edible muscle-derived meat products. The profound understanding of the process would help not only cultured meat production but also business sectors that have been seeking new biomaterials for the food industry. In this review, we discuss comprehensively and in detail each step of cutting-edge methods for cultured meat production. This would be meaningful for both academia and industry to prepare for the new era of cellular agriculture.  相似文献   

魏平俊  蔡丽丽  李铬 《纺织学报》2007,28(12):113-116
新型捻线机的控制系统多采用多电机传动系统,目前国内主要采用单片机控制,针对其控制系统的缺点,设计了基于PCI总线的新型捻线机传动与控制系统。传动系统采用4个电动机的多电机传动,运用解析法对新型捻线机的多电机传动系统进行运动分析,建立适合多电机传动系统的数学模型,综合运用交流伺服技术、变频调速技术和PCI局部总线控制技术,结合捻线工艺理论设计出合理的控制系统。通过程序实现锭子转动、筒子卷绕和导纱杆往复运动控制。结果表明,设计的传动与控制系统能实现新型捻线机的加捻卷绕的工艺目标。  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis is an important disease in the dairy industry, causing economic losses as a result of withheld milk and treatment costs. Several studies have suggested milk amyloid A (MAA) as a promising biomarker in the diagnosis of mastitis. In the absence of a gold standard for diagnosis of subclinical mastitis, we estimated the diagnostic test accuracy of a commercial MAA-ELISA, somatic cell count (SCC), and bacteriological culture using Bayesian latent class modeling. We divided intramammary infections into 2 classes: those caused by major pathogens (e.g., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, and lacto-/enterococci) and those caused by all pathogens (major pathogens plus Corynebacterium bovis, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Bacillus spp., Streptomyces spp.). We applied the 3 diagnostic tests to all samples. Of 433 composite milk samples included in this study, 275 (63.5%) contained at least 1 colony of any bacterial species; of those, 56 contained major pathogens and 219 contained minor pathogens. The remaining 158 samples (36.5%) were sterile. We determined 2 different thresholds for the MAA-ELISA using Bayesian latent class modeling: 3.9 µg/mL to detect mastitis caused by major pathogens and 1.6 µg/mL to detect mastitis caused by all pathogens. The optimal SCC threshold for identification of subclinical mastitis was 150,000 cells/mL; this threshold led to higher specificity (Sp) than 100,000 cells/mL. Test accuracy for major-pathogen intramammary infections was as follows: SCC, sensitivity (Se) 92.6% and Sp 72.9%; MAA-ELISA, Se 81.4% and Sp 93.4%; bacteriological culture, Se 23.8% and Sp 95.2%. Test accuracy for all-pathogen intramammary infections was as follows: SCC, sensitivity 90.3% and Sp 71.8%; MAA-ELISA, Se 88.0% and Sp 65.2%; bacteriological culture, Se 83.8% and Sp 54.8%. We suggest the use of SCC and MAA-ELISA as a combined screening procedure for situations such as a Staphylococcus aureus control program. With Bayesian latent class analysis, we were able to identify a more differentiated use of the 3 diagnostic tools. The MAA-ELISA is a valuable addition to existing tools for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis.  相似文献   

A multi-residue HETLC (High Efficiency Thin Layer Chromatography) screening procedure for 17 beta-oestradiol, diethylstilboesterol (DES), zearalanol (zeranol), zearalenone and their metabolites oestrone, zearalanone, and zearalenol is described. The anabolic oestrogens were analyzed on HETLC plates coated with silica gel and were developed in methylene chloride:methanol: 2-propanol (97:1:2 v/v). The spots were visualized by exposure to iodine vapours and subsequently sprayed with 1% starch solution. Analysis of standards by HETLC at 4 degrees C as a seven-component mixture showed six discrete bands with mean Rfs of 0.37 (oestrone), 0.35 (zearalanone and zearalenone), 0.26 (t-DES), 0.23 (oestradiol), 0.17 (zearalenol and zearalanol), and 0.15 (c-DES). Chicken muscle tissues (1, 2.5, or 5 g) were extracted with 95% acetone. Extracts were then fortified with 50-250 ng each of the anabolic oestrogens, purified in alumina and ion-exchange columns and analyzed by HETLC. Oestradiol, zeranol or DES in fortified tissue extracts were clearly detected when an equivalent of 4 ng were analyzed by HETLC after purification in alumina and ion-exchange columns. The intensity of their bands suggested near quantitative recovery when compared to intensity of bands of known amounts of standards. The described extraction, purification, and TLC procedures can be used to screen these oestrogens at low ppb amounts in chicken muscle tissues and should be applicable to screen tissues of cattle and sheep.  相似文献   

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