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The flow around two-dimensional cylinders at moderate Reynolds numbers has been much studied, both for cylinders perpendicular to the flow and for cylinders yawed to the flow. In contrast, yawed finite aspect ratio cylinders have received little attention. In this article we describe computer simulations of cylinders with aspect ratios 2  L/D  20 yawed at angles 0°  α  90° relative to a free stream. The simulations were carried out for Reynolds numbers in the range 1  Re  40. The simulations show that the Independence Principle [Zdravkovich MM. Flow around circular cylinders, vol. 2: applications. New York: Oxford University Press; 2003[1]] is not accurate for α  45°. We have also found that for all aspect ratios, the ratio of the lift to drag force reaches a maximum for 40° < α < 50°. Finally, we present CL and CD relationships as best curve fits to computational data.  相似文献   

If two solutions YZ of the DARE are given then the set of solutions X with YXZ can be parametrized by invariant subspaces of the closed loop matrix corresponding to Y. The paper extends the geometric theory of Willems from the continuous-time to the discrete-time ARE making the weakest possible assumptions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an inductive synthesis algorithm for a recursive process. To synthesize a process, facts, which must be satisfied by the target process, are given to the algorithm one by one since such facts are infinitely many in general. When n facts are input to the algorithm, it outputs a process which satisfies the given n facts. And this generating process is repeated infinitely many times. To represent facts of a process, we adopt a subcalculus of μ-calculus. First, we introduce a new preorder d on recursive processes based on the subcalculus to discuss its properties. pd q means that pf implies qf, for all formulae f in the subcalculus. Then, its discriminative power and relationship with other preorders are also discussed. Finally, we present the synthesis algorithm. The correctness of the algorithm can be stated that the output sequence of processes by the algorithm converges to a process, which cannot be distinguished from the intended one (if we could know it) by a given enumeration of facts, in the limit. A prototype system based on the algorithm is stated as well.  相似文献   

In [C.H. Tsai, S.Y. Jiang, Path bipancyclicity of hypercubes, Inform. Process. Lett. 101 (2007) 93–97], the authors showed that any path in an n-cube with length of k, 2k2n−4, lies on a cycle of every even length from 2k to 2n inclusive. Base on Lemma 5 of that paper, they proved the subcase 2.2.1 of the main theorem of that paper. However, the lemma is false, therefore, we propose a lemma to replace that lemma. Therefore, the main result of [C.H. Tsai, S.Y. Jiang, Path bipancyclicity of hypercubes, Inform. Process. Lett. 101 (2007) 93–97] is still correct.  相似文献   

For linear systems described by , where A is a diagonal operator on the state space lr for some 1r<∞ and blr, we develop necessary and sufficient conditions for b to be p-admissible. This extends results by Ho, Russell and Weiss to the case r≠2.  相似文献   

To be fair or efficient or a bit of both   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introducing a new concept of (α,β)-fairness, which allows for a bounded fairness compromise, so that a source is allocated a rate neither less than 0α1, nor more than β1, times its fair share, this paper provides a framework to optimize efficiency (utilization, throughput or revenue) subject to fairness constraints in a general telecommunications network for an arbitrary fairness criterion and cost functions. We formulate a non-linear program (NLP) that finds the optimal bandwidth allocation by maximizing efficiency subject to (α,β)-fairness constraints. This leads to what we call an efficiency–fairness function, which shows the benefit in efficiency as a function of the extent to which fairness is compromised. To solve the NLP we use two algorithms. The first is a well-known branch-and-bound-based algorithm called Lipschitz Global Optimization and the second is a recently developed algorithm called Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems (AGOP).We demonstrate the applicability of the framework to a range of examples from sharing a single link to efficiency fairness issues associated with serving customers in remote communities.  相似文献   

LetRbe a Hilbertian domain and letKbe its fraction field. Letψ(x1, …, xny) be a quantifier free arithmetical formula overR. We may also takeψ(x1, …, xny) to be an arithmetical formula overK[x1, …, xn] and write it asψ(y). In this paper we show that ifRhas enough non-units and x1xn y ψ(x1, …, xny), called an n  sentence, is true inR, then y ψ(y) is true inK[x1, …, xn]. Also, ifR=K[T], whereKis an infinite integral domain andx1xn y ψ(x1, …, xn, y)is true inR, then y ψ(y) is true inR[x1, …, xn]. These results are applied to find the upper and lower bounds of the time complexities of various decision problems on diophantine equations with parameters and arithmetical sentences. Some of the results are: 1. The decision problem of sentences and diophantine equations with parameters over the ring of integers of a global field are co-NP-complete. 2. The decision problem of sentences over the ring of integers of a global field is NP-complete. 3. LetKbe an infinite domain, the time complexities of the decision problems of equations with parameters and sentences over the polynomial ringK[t] are polynomial time reducible to factoring polynomials overK. 4. The decision problem of sentences over all algebraic integer rings is in P. 5. The decision problem of sentences over all integral domains with characteristic 0 is in P. 6. The time complexity of the decision problem of sentences over all integral domains is polynomial time reducible to factoring integers overZand factoring polynomials over finite fields.  相似文献   

We propose predicate abstraction as a means for verifying a rich class of safety and liveness properties for dense real-time systems. First, we define a restricted semantics of timed systems which is observationally equivalent to the standard semantics in that it validates the same set of μ-calculus formulas without a next-step operator. Then, we recast the model checking problem S for a timed automaton S and a μ-calculus formula in terms of predicate abstraction. Whenever a set of abstraction predicates forms a so-called basis, the resulting abstraction is strongly preserving in the sense that S validates iff the corresponding finite abstraction validates this formula . Now, the abstracted system can be checked using familiar μ-calculus model checking. Like the region graph construction for timed automata, the predicate abstraction algorithm for timed automata usually is prohibitively expensive. In many cases it suffices to compute an approximation of a finite bisimulation by using only a subset of the basis of abstraction predicates. Starting with some coarse abstraction, we define a finite sequence of refined abstractions that converges to a strongly preserving abstraction. In each step, new abstraction predicates are selected nondeterministically from a finite basis. Counterexamples from failed μ-calculus model checking attempts can be used to heuristically choose a small set of new abstraction predicates for refining the abstraction.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider factorizing codes C over A, i.e., codes verifying the factorization conjecture by Schützenberger. Let n be the positive integer such that anC, we show how we can construct C starting with factorizing codes C′ with anC′ and n′ < n, under the hypothesis that all words aizaj in C, with z(A\a)A*(A\a) (A\a), satisfy i, j, > n. The operation involved, already introduced by Anselmo, is also used to show that all maximal codes C=P(A−1)S+1 with P, SZA and P or S in Za can be constructed by means of this operation starting with prefix and suffix codes. Old conjectures by Schützenberger have been revised.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider general simulations of algorithms designed for fully operational BSP and CGM machines on machines with faulty processors. The BSP (or CGM) machine is a parallel multicomputer consisting of p processors for which a memory of n words is evenly distributed and each processor can send and receive at most h messages in a superstep. The faults are deterministic (i.e., worst-case distributions of faults are considered) and static (i.e., they do not change in the course of computation). We assume that a constant fraction of processors are faulty.  We present two fault-tolerant simulation techniques for BSP and CGM:  1. A deterministic simulation that achieves O(1) slowdown for local computations and O((logh p)2) slowdown for communications per superstep, provided that a preprocessing is done that requires O((logh p)2) supersteps and linear (in h) computation per processor in each superstep.  2. A randomized simulation that achieves O(1) slowdown for local computations and O(logh p) slowdown for communications per superstep with high probability, after the same (deterministic) preprocessing as above.  Our results are fully scalable over all values of p from Θ(1) to Θ(n). Furthermore, our results imply that if pn for 0<<1 and h=Θ((n/p)δ) for 0<δ1 (which hold in almost all practical BSP and CGM computations), algorithms can be made resilient to a constant fraction of processor faults without any asymptotic slowdown.  相似文献   

By reduction from the halting problem for Minsky's two-register machines we prove that there is no algorithm capable of deciding the -theory of one step rewriting of an arbitrary finite linear confluent finitely terminating term rewriting system (weak undecidability). We also present a fixed such system with undecidable *-theory of one step rewriting (strong undecidability). This improves over all previously known results of the same kind.  相似文献   

Precise determination of the effective angle of shearing resistance (′) value is a major concern and an essential criterion in the design process of the geotechnical structures, such as foundations, embankments, roads, slopes, excavation and liner systems for the solid waste. The experimental determination of ′ is often very difficult, expensive and requires extreme cautions and labor. Therefore many statistical and numerical modeling techniques have been suggested for the ′ value. However they can only consider no more than one parameter, in a simplified manner and do not provide consistent accurate prediction of the ′ value. This study explores the potential of Genetic Expression Programming, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy (ANFIS) computing paradigm in the prediction of ′ value of soils. The data from consolidated-drained triaxial tests (CID) conducted in this study and the different project in Turkey and literature were used for training and testing of the models. Four basic physical properties of soils that cover the percentage of fine grained (FG), the percentage of coarse grained (CG), liquid limit (LL) and bulk density (BD) were presented to the models as input parameters. The performance of models was comprehensively evaluated some statistical criteria. The results revealed that GEP model is fairly promising approach for the prediction of angle of shearing resistance of soils. The statistical performance evaluations showed that the GEP model significantly outperforms the ANN and ANFIS models in the sense of training performances and prediction accuracies.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of a proof system for encoding generic judgments, the logic FOλΔ of Miller and Tiu, with an induction principle. The logic FOλΔ is itself an extension of intuitionistic logic with fixed points and a “generic quantifier”, , which is used to reason about the dynamics of bindings in object systems encoded in the logic. A previous attempt to extend FOλΔ with an induction principle has been unsuccessful in modeling some behaviours of bindings in inductive specifications. It turns out that this problem can be solved by relaxing some restrictions on , in particular by adding the axiom Bx.B, where x is not free in B. We show that by adopting the equivariance principle, the presentation of the extended logic can be much simplified. Cut-elimination for the extended logic is stated, and some applications in reasoning about an object logic and a simply typed λ-calculus are illustrated.  相似文献   

ACP is combined with Belnap’s four-valued logic via conditional composition (if–then–else). We show that the operators of ACP can be seen as instances of more general, conditional operators. For example, both the choice operator + and δ (deadlock) can be seen as instances of conditional composition, and the axiom x + δ = x follows from this perspective. Parallel composition is generalized to the binary conditional merge ψ where covers the choice between interleaving and synchronization, and ψ determines the order of execution. The instance BB is ACP’s parallel composition, where B (both) is the truth value that models both true and false in Belnap’s logic. Other instances of this conditional merge are sequential composition, pure interleaving and synchronous merge. We investigate the expression of scheduling strategies in the conditions of the conditional merge.  相似文献   

We propose a semantics for the -quantifier of Miller and Tiu. First we consider the case for classical first-order logic. In this case, the interpretation is close to standard Tarski-semantics and completeness can be shown using a standard argument. Then we put our semantics into a broader context by giving a general interpretation of in categories with binding structure. Since categories with binding structure also encompass nominal logic, we thus show that both -logic and nominal logic can be modelled using the same definition of binding. As a special case of the general semantics in categories with binding structure, we recover Gabbay & Cheney's translation of FOλ into nominal logic.  相似文献   

Wireless network design via 3-decompositions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider some network design problems with applications for wireless networks. The input for these problems is a metric space (X,d) and a finite subset UX of terminals. In the Steiner Tree with Minimum Number of Steiner Points (STMSP) problem, the goal is to find a minimum size set SXU of points so that the unit-disc graph of S+U is connected. Let Δ be the smallest integer so that for any finite VX for which the unit-disc graph is connected, this graph contains a spanning tree with maximum degree Δ. The best known approximation ratio for STMSP was Δ−1 [I.I. Măndoiu, A.Z. Zelikovsky, A note on the MST heuristic for bounded edge-length Steiner trees with minimum number of Steiner points, Information Processing Letters 75 (4) (2000) 165–167]. We improve this ratio to (Δ+1)/2+1+ε.In the Minimum Power Spanning Tree (MPST) problem, V=X is finite, and the goal is to find a “range assignment” on the nodes so that the edge set contains a spanning tree, and ∑vVp(v) is minimized. We consider a particular case {0,1}-MPST of MPST when the distances are in {0,1}; here the goal is to find a minimum size set SV of “active” nodes so that the graph (V,E0+E1(S)) is connected, where , and E1(S) is the set the edges in with both endpoints in S. We will show that the (5/3+ε)-approximation scheme for MPST of [E. Althaus, G. Calinescu, I. Măndoiu, S. Prasad, N. Tchervenski, A. Zelikovsky, Power efficient range assignment for symmetric connectivity in static ad hoc wireless networks, Wireless Networks 12 (3) (2006) 287–299] achieves a ratio 3/2 for {0,1}-distances. This answers an open question posed in [E. Lloyd, R. Liu, S. Ravi, Approximating the minimum number of maximum power users in ad hoc networks, Mobile Networks and Applications 11 (2006) 129–142].  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking (BMC) searches for counterexamples to a property with a bounded length k. If no such counterexample is found, k is increased. This process terminates when k exceeds the completeness threshold (i.e., k is sufficiently large to ensure that no counterexample exists) or when the SAT procedure exceeds its time or memory bounds. However, the completeness threshold is too large for most practical instances or too hard to compute.Hardware designers often modify their designs for better verification and testing results. This paper presents an automated technique based on cut-point insertion to obtain an over-approximation of the model that 1) preserves safety properties and 2) has a which is small enough to actually prove using BMC. The algorithm uses proof-based abstraction refinement to remove spurious counterexamples.  相似文献   

Tracking of a reference signal (assumed bounded with essentially bounded derivative) is considered for multi-input, multi-output linear systems satisfying the following structural assumptions: (i) arbitrary—but known—relative degree, (ii) the “high-frequency gain” matrix is sign definite—but of unknown sign, (iii) exponentially stable zero dynamics. The first control objective is tracking, by the output y, with prescribed accuracy: given λ>0 (arbitrarily small), determine a feedback strategy which ensures that, for every reference signal r, the tracking error e=y-r is ultimately bounded by λ (that is, e(t)<λ for all t sufficiently large). The second objective is guaranteed output transient performance: the evolution of the tracking error should be contained in a prescribed performance funnel (determined by a function ). Both objectives are achieved by a filter in conjunction with a feedback function of the filter states, the tracking error and a gain parameter. The latter is generated via a feedback function of the tracking error and the funnel parameter . Moreover, the feedback system is robust to nonlinear perturbations bounded by some continuous function of the output. The feedback structure essentially exploits an intrinsic high-gain property of the system/filter interconnection by ensuring that, if (t,e(t)) approaches the funnel boundary, then the gain attains values sufficiently large to preclude boundary contact.  相似文献   

In [P. Hancock, A. Setzer, Interactive programs in dependent type theory, in: P. Clote, H. Schwichtenberg (Eds.), Proc. 14th Annu. Conf. of EACSL, CSL’00, Fischbau, Germany, 21–26 August 2000, Vol. 1862, Springer, Berlin, 2000, pp. 317–331, URL citeseer.ist.psu.edu/article/hancock00interactive.html; P. Hancock, A. Setzer, Interactive programs and weakly final coalgebras in dependent type theory, in: L. Crosilla, P. Schuster (Eds.), From Sets and Types to Topology and Analysis. Towards Practicable Foundations for Constructive Mathematics, Oxford Logic Guides, Clarendon Press, 2005, URL www.cs.swan.ac.uk/csetzer/] Hancock and Setzer introduced rules to extend Martin-Löf's type theory in order to represent interactive programming. The rules essentially reflect the existence of weakly final coalgebras for a general form of polynomial functor. The standard rules of dependent type theory allow the definition of inductive types, which correspond to initial algebras. Coalgebraic types are not represented in a direct way. In this article we show the existence of final coalgebras in intensional type theory for these kind of functors, where we require uniqueness of identity proofs () for the set of states and the set of commands which determine the functor. We obtain the result by identifying programs which have essentially the same behaviour, viz. are bisimular. This proves the rules of Setzer and Hancock admissible in ordinary type theory, if we replace definitional equality by bisimulation. All proofs [M. Michelbrink, Verifications of final coalgebra theorem in: Interfaces as Functors, Programs as Coalgebras—A Final Coalgebra Theorem in Intensional Type Theory, 2005, URL www.cs.swan.ac.uk/csmichel/] are verified in the theorem prover agda [C. Coquand, Agda, Internet, URL www.cs.chalmers.se/catarina/agda/; K. Peterson, A programming system for type theory, Technical Report, S-412 96, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, 1982], which is based on intensional Martin-Löf type theory.  相似文献   

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