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The Fogarty International Center (FIC) initiative, "International Tobacco and Health Research Capacity Building Program" represents an important step in US government funding for global tobacco control. Low- and middle-income countries of the world face a rising threat to public health from the rapidly escalating epidemic of tobacco use. Many are now parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and capacity development to meet FCTC provisions. One initial grant provided through the FIC was to the Institute for Global Tobacco Control (IGTC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) to support capacity building and research programmes in China, Brazil, and Mexico. The initiative's capacity building effort focused on: (1) building the evidence base for tobacco control, (2) expanding the infrastructure of each country to deliver tobacco control, and (3) developing the next generation of leaders as well as encouraging networking throughout the country and with neighbouring countries. This paper describes the approach taken and the research foci, as well some of the main outcomes and some identified challenges posed by the effort. Individual research papers are in progress to provide more in-depth reporting of study results.  相似文献   

Research on nicotine and tobacco: a decade of progress.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 10th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) was held February 19-21, 2004, in Scottsdale, Arizona. With nearly 850 registered attendees, this year's meeting was the largest to date. The 3-day scientific program included William Corrigall as the keynote speaker, three theme lecturers, one award address, 10 symposia, nine oral paper sessions, and four poster sessions that contained over 100 presentations per session. The meeting content emphasized three major areas of SRNT's scientific focus: Preclinical, clinical, and epidemiology/public health research in the nicotine and tobacco field. The meeting provided many opportunities to interact with and learn from colleagues engaged in broad topics within nicotine and tobacco research. Additional events included two preconference meetings, an opening reception, several evening workshops, scientific and travel awards, and a members' meeting. The scientific excellence and innovation presented at this year's meeting represented SRNT's growth and continued contributions to advancing our understanding of nicotine addiction and tobacco use.  相似文献   

Tobacco use is one of the major risk factors for non-communicable diseases, with a profound impact on resource-poor low-income and middle-income countries such as India, where tobacco use is high and where socioeconomic as well as health inequalities are rampant. Effective implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control requires multisectoral efforts that can fructify through integration of tobacco control into broader health and development agendas such as food and water security, environment, the right to education and human rights. The global tobacco control community will need to explore innovative partnerships beyond its traditional confines and build a global coalition that supports tobacco control by partnering with others having convergent concerns on common determinants. A firm political commitment and intersectoral coordination between government and non-government agencies is paramount in order to implement effective tobacco control programmes. Integration of tobacco control into other health and development agendas as described in this paper has the potential to contribute to the achievement of all the eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals. This paper explores why the whole of government should accord a high priority to tobacco control, and how this integration could be achieved.  相似文献   

Research on the role of businesses in tobacco control has focused primarily on retailers, advertising firms and the hospitality industry, all of which have tended to support tobacco industry interests and resist effective tobacco control policies. However, in several countries, businesses have a history of voluntarily adopting tobacco-related policies that may advance tobacco control objectives. These phenomena have received little research attention. Existing literature on businesses ending tobacco sales, instituting voluntary workplace smoking restrictions and establishing non-smoker only hiring policies was reviewed. A research agenda on voluntary business initiatives would enhance and complement research on mandatory tobacco control policies by identifying new advocacy opportunities; suggesting avenues for strengthening or reinforcing existing policy initiatives; laying the groundwork for new mandatory policies; helping to inform ethical debates about contentious voluntary policies; and contributing to a better understanding of how alliances between the tobacco industry and other businesses might be weakened.  相似文献   

Hafez N  Ling PM 《Tobacco control》2005,14(4):262-271
Objective: To describe Philip Morris'' global market research and international promotional strategies targeting young adults. Methods: : Analysis of previously secret tobacco industry documents. Results: Philip Morris pursued standardised market research and strategic marketing plans in different regions throughout the world using research on young adults with three principle foci: lifestyle/psychographic research, brand studies, and advertising/communication effectiveness. Philip Morris identified core similarities in the lifestyles and needs of young consumers worldwide, such as independence, hedonism, freedom, and comfort. In the early 1990s Philip Morris adopted standardised global marketing efforts, creating a central advertising production bank and guidelines for brand images and promotions, but allowing regional managers to create regionally appropriate individual advertisements. Conclusions: Values and lifestyles play a central role in the global marketing of tobacco to young adults. Worldwide counter marketing initiatives, coupled with strong, coherent global marketing policies such as the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, are needed to break associations between young adult values and tobacco brands. As globalisation promotes the homogenisation of values and lifestyles, tobacco control messages that resonate with young adults in one part of the world may appeal to young adults in other countries. Successful tobacco control messages that appeal to young people, such as industry denormalisation, may be expanded globally with appropriate tailoring to appeal to regional values.  相似文献   

生物技术在我国烟草研究领域的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
烟草是重要的经济作物,也是研究植物生命活动的模式植物。随着分子生物学研究的不断深入,分子生物学的研究手段在烟草基础理论研究领域得到了越来越多的应用,并且取得了重大进展。本文综述了生物技术在我国烟草研究领域的应用及取得的成就,并对以后的发展趋势进行了展望。   相似文献   

Novotny TE  Carlin D 《Tobacco control》2005,14(Z2):ii26-ii30
On 28 February 2005, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control came into force as a result of at least 40 countries becoming State Parties through ratification of this first ever health treaty sponsored by the World Health Organization. This article discusses the bioethical, trade, and legal aspects of global tobacco control. Special emphasis is given to globalisation of tobacco use and the challenges it poses to sovereign nations. It also advocates a bioethical basis in the pursuit of global solutions to expanding tobacco use.  相似文献   

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is a seminal event in tobacco control and in global health. Scientific evidence guided the creation of the FCTC, and as the treaty moves into its implementation phase, scientific evidence can be used to guide the formulation of evidence-based tobacco control policies. The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC Project) is a transdisciplinary international collaboration of tobacco control researchers who have created research studies to evaluate and understand the psychosocial and behavioural impact of FCTC policies as they are implemented in participating ITC countries, which together are inhabited by over 45% of the world's smokers. This introduction to the ITC Project supplement of Tobacco Control presents a brief outline of the ITC Project, including a summary of key findings to date. The overall conceptual model and methodology of the ITC Project--involving representative national cohort surveys created from a common conceptual model, with common methods and measures across countries--may hold promise as a useful paradigm in efforts to evaluate and understand the impact of population-based interventions in other important domains of health, such as obesity.  相似文献   

  目的  通过对我国烟草行业SCI论文的概览与分析, 为烟草科研人员明确研发方向, 为我国烟草行业科技创新以及科研管理等提供参考。  方法  基于烟草科技文献数据库、科研大数据平台以及WOS资源, 使用文献计量学和知识网络分析技术, 全面分析我国烟草行业2011—2019年发表的SCI论文。  结果  ① SCI论文数量逐年提升, 从2011年的124篇提高到2019年的402篇; ②发表SCI论文最多的单位是中国烟草总公司郑州烟草研究院, 其次是云南省烟草农业科学研究院等, 从时间维度上看企业技术中心的占比逐年增加; ③从技术领域角度看, 烟草病虫害研究与防治、烟草化学、烟气科学、烟草生物技术、吸烟与健康等领域的论文是烟草类SCI论文的主流, 而卷烟工艺领域论文较少, 智能烟草和新型烟草制品研究方兴未艾。   相似文献   

国内外禁止或限制烟草广告现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》生效前后,世界上不同国家和地区禁止或限制烟草广告的现状以及趋势进行了分析,并结合《烟草控制框架公约》有关烟草广告的具体规定,提出了新形势下如何合理合法开展烟草产品的广告宣传工作的一些建议。   相似文献   

【背景】烟草包装是品牌文化的重要载体,受控烟履约、绿色环保等法律、政策的影响。【目的】展望未来中国烟草包装设计的发展方向。【方法】通过对烟草包装的历史发展、国际趋势和国产卷烟的商标设计分析,概括了国产卷烟包装设计的既有特点,探讨了中国烟草包装设计的未来发展之路。【结果】(1)国产卷烟的包装设计具有时代特点、民族特征和文化包容性,支撑了中式卷烟品牌的群体崛起;(2)中式卷烟品牌系列化是以品牌名称为纽带的系列化,并没有完成品牌与规格间的文化协调;(3)国际控烟履约、绿色发展将持续影响中国烟草包装的设计方向;(4)国内控烟履约、绿色发展的政策、法律持续完善为国产烟草制品包装设计起到了重要的引领作用;(5)烟草平装的市场技术壁垒作用将对我国卷烟走向世界产生重大影响;(6)我国烟草包装的工业设计已达国际先进水平,未来的设计重点将是装潢设计的系列化水平提升。【建议】坚持民族特色为主,深化宏观策略研究,强化包装技术开发,提高商标国际“化境”能力,防范新型烟草制品技术壁垒,弘扬本土雪茄文化和提高追溯信息设计水平是未来中国烟草包装设计的重要方向。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to review internal tobacco industry documents written between 1985 and 1995 regarding the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) population in the USA. These documents detail opportunities and barriers to promotion of tobacco products, as viewed by the tobacco industry and its market research firms. DATA SOURCES:/methods: Researchers reviewed tobacco industry documents from the document depository in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the tobacco industry's website, The Tobacco Archive, in a systematic fashion. A combined technique was employed using title keywords, dates, and names to search the 4(b) index. FINDINGS: A review of internal tobacco company documents reveal that during the late 1980s, the industry and its market research firms recognised the importance of the AAPI community as a potential business market. Documents describe the population growth in this community, the high prevalence of smoking in countries of origin, high purchasing power of AAPI immigrants, cultural predisposition to smoking, opportunities afforded by the high proportion of retail businesses under AAPI ownership, barriers to developing the AAPI market, comprehensive campaigns, and political and lobbying efforts. Comprehensive campaigns were designed to integrate promotion efforts in AAPI consumer, retail, and business communities. CONCLUSIONS: The documents show that the tobacco industry developed specific promotion strategies to target the AAPI population. Tobacco control initiatives in the AAPI group have been slower to develop than in other targeted ethnic groups, and may benefit by increased awareness of industry methods to promote tobacco use.  相似文献   

Evidence of the causal role of marketing in the tobacco epidemic and the advent of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control have inspired more than half the countries in the world to ban some forms of tobacco marketing. This paper briefly describes the ways in which cigarette marketing is restricted and the tobacco industry's efforts to subvert restrictions. It reviews what is known about the impact of marketing regulations on smoking by adults and adolescents. It also addresses what little is known about the impact of marketing bans in relation to concurrent population-level interventions, such as price controls, anti-tobacco media campaigns and smoke-free laws. Point of sale is the least regulated channel and research is needed to address the immediate and long-term consequences of policies to ban retail advertising and pack displays. Comprehensive marketing restrictions require a global ban on all forms of promotion, elimination of packaging and price as marketing tools, and limitations on the quantity, type and location of tobacco retailers.  相似文献   

烟叶原料生产应满足卷烟工业的要求   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
烟叶原料是卷烟生产的物质基础。随着市场的变化和科技的发展,卷烟工业对烟叶原料提出更高的要求,结合工业的生产现状和发展趋势,分析了卷烟工业对原料质量和稳定性的要求,针对当前我国烟叶原料生产供应存在突出问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

近年来,电子烟、加热不燃烧烟草制品等新型烟草制品正在快速兴起。本文概述了新型烟草制品的主要类型和基本特征,具体介绍了新型烟草制品在国际市场的发展态势,提出了新型烟草制品将是烟草行业的第三次重大变革,可能会对传统烟草行业带来颠覆性影响的观点,回顾了近年来中国烟草围绕技术、装备、产品三个方面开展的新型烟草制品全产业链研发布局情况,最后对新型烟草制品的发展趋势、研发方向、市场前景和行业未来发展战略作了展望。   相似文献   

Tobacco use remains the number one cause of preventable morbidity and premature death in the United States. As a result, military leaders are recognizing that tobacco can adversely affect military fitness levels, deployment readiness, and safety and can increase health care costs. Yet military members continue to use tobacco. Tobacco may be viewed as part of the military culture since military members have used tobacco for many decades for pleasure, comfort, and currency and as a morale booster. Most recently, the military has seen an increase in tobacco use among young military members. A number of research studies have examined the prevalence of tobacco and factors related to use in the military, and several have evaluated cessation and prevention interventions. This article provides a brief historical perspective of military tobacco use in the 20th century and a critical review of the literature published between 1991 and 2006 describing prevalence of tobacco use, factors influencing use, and cessation interventions in the military. Recommendations for future research and for interventions are provided.  相似文献   

综述了相关国家烟草制品包装和标签履约动态,介绍了已经实施图片健康警告的国家和地区图片警示标签使用情况,以及有关烟草制品包装和标签问题的学术研究,提出了公约履约对我国卷烟包装影响的思考.  相似文献   

The 1972 U.S. surgeon general's report The Health Consequences of Smoking was the first to include a warning about exposure to second-hand smoke. Because the tobacco industry has a record of withholding the results of their research from the public, we searched the internal tobacco industry documents and compared internal industry research on second-hand smoke to what the industry published in the open scientific literature through 1972. We found chemical analyses, sensory evaluations, and discussions of sidestream cigarette smoke (the smoke emitted by the cigarette between puffs, the main component of second-hand smoke), beginning in 1929. American Tobacco Company research in the 1930s indicated that, compared with mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke was produced in larger quantities and contained, per cigarette, 2 times more nicotine and 12 times more ammonia. Research funded by the Tobacco Industry Research Committee in the 1950s revealed that sidestream smoke contained, per unit cigarette, higher concentrations of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, per unit mass, including four times more 3,4 benzopyrene. In 1956 and 1957, respectively, Philip Morris and R. J. Reynolds also began to research sidestream smoke. In 1961, Philip Morris began to do sensory evaluation and modification of sidestream odor during product development. This sensory evaluation of sidestream smoke was the first biological testing of sidestream smoke by a tobacco company. Prior to the release of the 1972 U.S. surgeon general's report, the tobacco industry published the majority of its findings in the open scientific literature and does not appear to have perceived second-hand smoke as a threat to human health.  相似文献   

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