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低RCS栅格微带天线研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了栅格微带天线在微带天线RCS减缩中的应用。分析了栅格线宽度、栅格线间距、栅格化方式等参数对天线的谐振频率、增益的影响。设计了一副具有低RCS特性的栅格微带天线,与谐振在同频率的微带贴片天线相比,天线的增益仅降低0. 6dBi,而天线在2~10GHz频带内的平均RCS降低4dBsm。 相似文献
Kanda M. Chang D.C. Greenlee D.H. 《Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on》1985,(4):212-220
The fabrication of various iris-fed millimeter-wave rectangular microstrip patch antennas is described. A mathematical model is proposed to describe the iris-fed antenna. An iris having 15 percent of the area of the patch is used to couple energy into the antenna. Resonance of the antenna is observed to be insensitive to the size of the iris for irises up to 115 percent of the size of the patch. A study is also made of the coupling to the antenna as a function of position of the iris with respect to the transverse plane of the waveguide, the iris always being centered with respect to the patch. In general, the antenna has a VSWR in the waveguide feed of roughly 5:1 at resonance, except for the fully open waveguide which gives rise to a VSWR of 2.9:1 at resonance. Far-field antenna power patterns are observed to be quite broad with H-plane beamwidths about 130°. Maximum antenna gain observed was 4.5 dB relative to an isotropic source (dBi), with 2 dBi typical. An initial study is made of the microstrip patch antenna fed from a longitudinal waveguide wall. Results indicate that this feed structure is likely to prove valuable for microstrip patch antennas, with coupling at least as good as for the transverse-fed patch, added to the possibility of feeding multiple patches from a single waveguide. 相似文献
Erdil E. Topalli K. Unlu M. Civi O.A. Akin T. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》2007,55(4):1193-1196
A novel reconfigurable microstrip patch antenna is presented that is monolithically integrated with RF microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) capacitors for tuning the resonant frequency. Reconfigurability of the operating frequency of the microstrip patch antenna is achieved by loading it with a coplanar waveguide (CPW) stub on which variable MEMS capacitors are placed periodically. MEMS capacitors are implemented with surface micromachining technology, where a 1-mum thick aluminum structural layer is placed on a glass substrate with a capacitive gap of 1.5 mum. MEMS capacitors are electrostatically actuated with a low tuning voltage in the range of 0-11.9 V. The antenna resonant frequency can continuously be shifted from 16.05 GHz down to 15.75 GHz as the actuation voltage is increased from 0 to 11.9 V. These measurement results are in good agreement with the simulation results obtained with Ansoft HFSS. The radiation pattern is not affected from the bias voltage. This is the first monolithic frequency tunable microstrip patch antenna where a CPW stub loaded with MEMS capacitors is used as a variable load operating at low dc voltages 相似文献
缝耦合微带双贴片天线阻抗和辐射特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文提出了将阵列单元由单贴片改成缝耦合双贴片的形式。利用并矢Green函数和谱域矩量法分析了单贴片及缝耦合双贴片天线的输入阻抗。考虑了阵列天线的馈电网络中不均匀性的影响,根据解积分方程所得出的微带天线贴片表面电流分布。计算出其方向图特性,结果表明,缝耦合双贴片两单元微带阵列天线的阻抗频带提高到普通两单元微带阵列天线频带的2.5倍,文中实验数据与理论计算结果吻合甚好。 相似文献
《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》2008,56(11):3433-3439
文中研究了在时间上采用5级4阶差分、空间上采用4阶差分的高阶辛时域有限差9(SFDTD)数值方法。给出其三维差分公式.将吸收边界条件应用于微带天线的计算中,计算了微带贴片天线的回波损耗及输入阻抗等.计算结果证明,该方法的精确性和正确性. 相似文献
《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》2008,56(9):2865-2874
A novel method for the design of broadband patch antennas is described. The approach taken is to broadside couple two dual-mode patch antennas, resulting in a quad resonance antenna. The equivalent circuit of the antenna is similar to that of microwave filters, thus filter design techniques maybe employed to synthesize the antenna to obtain maximum return-loss bandwidth. This is the first time an increase in the bandwidth is achieved on a relatively thin substrate antenna as a result of coupling four resonant modes using two stacked circular microstrip patches. Electromagnetic simulation and measured results demonstrate bandwidth improvement of over four times that of a single-mode design. 相似文献
Pradeep Kumar Ghanshyam Singh 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2009,30(11):1148-1160
In this paper, we have explored a simple theoretical input impedance computation technique for the two gap-coupled circular
microstrip patch antennas by using circuit theory approach. The frequency characteristics of the input impedance of the two
gap-coupled circular microstrip patch antennas with the gap-distance between the feed patch and parasitic patch is analyzed
and simulated. The effect of feed location in the feed patch on the input impedance of proposed antenna is also studied. The
theoretical results are compared with the simulated results as well as other reported literature. The simulation has been
performed by using a method-of-moment based commercially available simulator IE3D. 相似文献
In this paper, Galerkin’s method in the Fourier transform domain is applied to the determination of the resonant frequencies and half-power bandwidth of rectangular microstrip patch on composite and suspended substrates. Using Galerkin’s method in solving the integral equation numerically, the complex resonant frequency of the microstrip antenna on suspended and composite substrates is studied with sinusoidal functions as basis functions, which show fast numerical convergence. The validity of the solution is tested by comparison of the computed results with experimental data. Finally, numerical results for the effects of suspended and composite substrates on the resonant frequency and half-power bandwidth are also presented. 相似文献
本文采用腔模理论导出了角馈双极化微带贴片天线的方向图表示式,并在此基础上分析了该天线的极化特性。结果表明角馈双极化微带贴片天线的两个不同极化并非处处正交,而是在有用的主瓣角度范围内,两个极化是接近正交的,而且采用多端口网络理论计算两馈电端口间的隔离度仍然大于20dB,因此角馈双极化微带天线能够用于极化分集接收。 相似文献
《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2007,17(7):522-524
We report on the development of a new microstrip line and Its experimental results on ultra-wideband pulse propagation. The transmission line employs electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures and is implemented in the multilayer metal stack of a 0.25-mum CMOS process. The inductance and capacitance per unit length of the new microstrip line can be independently adjusted to achieve various slow-wave factors for different characteristic impedances by properly selecting the dimensions of the EBG cells, their respective locations, and the CMOS metal layers. Experimental time-domain investigation of the pulse propagation reveals an interesting phenomenon of pulse compression. This unique property of the new CMOS multilayer EBG microstrip line can be exploited to help generate pico-second pulse as well as to compensate for the loss and dispersion of transmission lines, hence effectively retaining or enhancing the pulse propagation characteristics in UWB impulse circuits. 相似文献
设计微带天线阵时,减小阵元间距会导致阵元间耦合增加,从而导致增益下降(在考虑口径增益减小的基础上进一步下降).针对该问题,提出一种减弱小间距阵元间耦合的新方法,即通过在地板上蚀刻两条共面波导,引入新的幅度可调的耦合去抵消原有耦合,从而实现减小阵元间耦合的目的.该方法将邻边间距为0.024λ0(λ0是自由波长,中心间距约0.38λ0)的阵元之间的隔离度(IS21I)从6.1dB提高到21dB以上,改善了阵元的辐射特性,使每个阵元的辐射方向图接近单个贴片的辐射方向图.为验证有效性,本文基于该方法设计了一副二元微带天线阵,并对其进行测试,与等口径面的二元阵比较,增益提高了约1.2dBi,与等增益的二元阵比较,面积减少了约10.2%,且副瓣电平有较大改善. 相似文献
Debashis Sarmah Juti R. Deka Satyajib Bhattacharyya Nidhi S. Bhattacharyya 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2010,39(10):2359-2365
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)/titania (TiO2) and polystyrene (PS)/titania (TiO2) composite systems have been developed as alternative substrates for microstrip patch antennas (MPA) for handheld devices. Morphological, thermal, and microwave characterizations of these composites have been conducted for different volume fractions of TiO2 in the polymer matrix. The size of the titania particles was found to be of the order of 0.5 μm, and their distribution in the composite was quite uniform. Composite materials showed an improvement in thermal and microwave properties over the parent polymer. Verification of these composites as potential substrates for MPA was carried out by fabricating simple rectangular patch X-band antennas. Materials with optimized substrate properties were chosen to design the MPA. The patches were designed with 4% volume fraction TiO2 in the LDPE composite system and 6% volume fraction TiO2 in the PS composite system. Return loss of ∼18 dB was observed for both systems. 相似文献
Ghorbani A. Ansarizadeh M. Abd-alhameed R. A. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》2010,58(2):250-257
Yue Ping Zhang 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》2007,55(10):2701-2708
Design and experiment is given of differentially-driven microstrip antennas. First, the design formulas to determine the patch dimensions and the location of the feed point for single-ended microstrip antennas are examined to design differentially-driven microstrip antennas. It is found that the patch length can still be designed using the formulas for the required resonant frequency but the patch width calculated by the formula usually needs to be widen to ensure the excitation of the fundamental mode using the probe feeds. The condition that links the patch width, the locations of the probe feeds, and the excitation of the fundamental mode is given. Second, the wideband techniques for single-ended microstrip antennas are evaluated for differentially-driven microstrip antennas. A novel H-slot is proposed for differentially-driven microstrip antennas to improve impedance bandwidth. Third, the effects of imperfect differential signal conditions on the performance of differentially-driven microstrip antennas are investigated for the first time. It is found that they only degrade the polarization purity in the -plane with an increased radiation of cross-polarization. Finally, both differentially-driven and single-ended microstrip antennas were fabricated and measured. It is shown that the simulated and measured results are in acceptable agreement. More importantly, it is also shown that the differentially-driven microstrip antenna has wider impedance bandwidth of measured 4.1% and simulated 3.9% and higher gain of measured 4.2 dBi and simulated 3.7 dBi as compared with those of measured 1.9% and simulated 1.3% and gain of measured 1.2 dBi and simulated 1.2 dBi of the single-ended microstrip antenna. 相似文献
本文分析了偏心圆环微带天线TM11模的谐振特性,理论值与实测值一致性较好,所用的方法适用于分析多个扇形环组合组的微带天线。 相似文献