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通过金相分析、断口观察以及力学性能测定等,对致冷机冷冻泵轴断裂失效进行了分析.结果表明,断裂的内因是材料冶金质量低劣,显微夹杂物含量很高,热加工工艺不完善,致使组织均匀性差;外因是泵轴加工质量极差,键槽无圆角过渡,槽面加工刀痕明显引发极大的应力集中.  相似文献   

采用化学成分分析、断口分析、金相检验和力学性能测试,对某齿轮箱轴发生断裂的原因进行了分析。结果表明:其断裂模式为疲劳断裂,起源于退刀槽尖角位置,直角退刀槽造成应力集中产生疲劳裂纹;而原材料的锻造和热处理工艺不合理,加速了轴的疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

对ZLH10-395型减速器输出轴齿轮断裂进行了分析,结果表明:球铁齿轮存在铸造缩孔和非正常灰口铸铁组织,造成强度降低,加上齿轮轮毂轮幅和轮缘较薄,在受大的冲击负荷时,产生脆性断裂。  相似文献   

某汽车变速器输入轴在渗碳淬火热处理后校直时断裂,采用断口宏微观分析、低倍酸蚀检验、金相检验及硬度测试等方法对输入轴断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明:该输入轴断裂部位的横向剖面存在棒料未切除干净的残余缩孔缺陷,使轴直径变化的R部位有效承载面积减小,成为结构上的危险截面;加之输入轴表面渗碳层存在粗大的马氏体,脆性较大,从而导致输入轴在较大的校直外力作用下于应力集中的R部位表面萌生裂纹,并迅速扩展发生一次性断裂。  相似文献   

张涛 《材料保护》2020,(7):172-176
通过扫描电镜、金相组织分析、化学成分检测和显微硬度测试等手段研究了17Cr2Ni2Mo变速箱副箱输出轴断裂失效的原因。结果表明:17Cr2Ni2Mo输出轴属单向弯曲、脆性断裂; 17Cr2Ni2Mo输出轴热处理过程中淬火温度过高,回火温度偏低,表面形成了粗大的针状马氏体,且淬火的晶粒粗大,表面脆性增加;输出轴断裂源发生于输出轴轴颈变截面过渡部位,在热处理过程中极易产生表面裂纹并向内部扩展,是整个轴中最为薄弱的区域,建议改进热处理工艺。  相似文献   

张亦良  司洪斌 《工程力学》1998,(A01):526-530
本文从宏观力学及微观机理两方面分析了大型煤气压缩机十字轴销断裂事故的原因,对此轴进行受力分析,建立力学模型,考察其疲劳强度,结果表明,造成破不的主要原因是热处理工艺控制不当,导致韧性下降,硬度偏高,以致发生疲劳破坏。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜观察、力学性能检测、化学成分分析和残余应力测定等方法系统分析了甲酸钠尾气吸收塔发生泄漏的原因。结果表明:泄漏部位的腐蚀产物含有钠、氯等元素,同时泄漏部位存在残余应力偏高问题,在不断遭受腐蚀和工作应力的共同作用下产生应力腐蚀开裂,最终导致设备的失效。  相似文献   

曲柄销轴断裂失效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

M5-36-11 No.20.5风机轴断裂分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用宏微观检验、化学分析和显微硬度检测等方法对风机轴的断裂原因进行了分析。结果表明,该轴断裂是由于轴表面存在焊接缺陷,在旋转弯曲应力作用下产生应力疲劳开裂。  相似文献   

采用断口分析、金相检验、力学性能测试和化学成分分析等方法,对服役10多天便发生断裂的给水泵轴进行了失效分析。结果表明,断口宏观上有明显的贝纹线花样,贝纹区面积较小,而瞬断区面积很大,其微观形态主要为疲劳辉纹,因此泵轴的断裂属早期疲劳断裂。而材料的显微组织中存在较多的呈带状分布的δ-铁素体和残余奥氏体,使材料强度偏低,这是引起泵轴早期断裂的主要原因。  相似文献   

This article presents metallurgical failure analysis of a gearbox shaft and a clutch shaft from a marine engine. The gearbox shaft was made of low alloy steel, and the clutch shafts were components made of carbon steel. Fracture surface examination revealed circumferential ratchet marks with the presence of inward progressive beach marks suggesting rotary-bending fatigue failure in the case of gearbox shaft. The star-shaped pattern on the clutch shaft fracture surface suggested that the failure was due to torsional overloading which might have initiated at corrosion pits visible around the fracture surface. The gearbox shaft experienced rotational bending stresses which induced fatigue failure because the fatigue strength of the alloy was too low. The fatigue failure of the gearbox shaft led to the torsional failure of the corroded clutch shaft. The sudden, high level failure load on the clutch shaft occurred when the gear box shaft failed.  相似文献   

针对某汽车变速箱输出轴断裂失效问题,运用失效分析方法,开展了宏观痕迹分析、断口分析、化学成分分析、金相检验,硬度测试及氢含量测定。结果表明:汽车变速箱输出轴断裂为延迟断裂,输出轴尾部螺纹处表面渗碳层较高硬度的回火马氏体组织为延迟断裂提供"必要条件",这与螺纹处局部处理工艺的控制不合理相关;一定的外加静拉应力、自身残余应力和氢含量为延迟断裂的"充分条件"。最后提出了改进与预防措施。  相似文献   

In this paper, a root cause analysis of premature failure of a gearbox input shaft, manufactured of AISI 1045-H, was performed through standard procedures for failure analysis. Shaft failed on cross oil hole through a helical fracture and therefore did not meet bogie 100,000 cycles during the verification with 10 Hz frequency cyclic testing. The fracture in the oil hole implied evidence of fatigue (i.e., beach marks on the fracture surface were clearly visible). Prior to improving the fatigue life and suggesting required remedial actions, mechanism of failure has to be understood, especially the initiating point of cracking. To this end, chemical analysis, microstructural characterization, fractography, hardness measurements, and finite element simulation were used to assess the nature of fracture in detail. The fractography analysis showed that fatigue beach marks originate from transition zone of the case on the cross oil hole. This is possibly due to the fact that torsional strength in this area is lower than torsional fatigue strength which leads to fatigue crack initiation, crack growth, and final fracture. At the end of this paper, proper remedial actions have been proposed.  相似文献   

A cracked reducer flange was analyzed for the cause of the failure. The flange was carefully cut to obtain samples for metallographic, X-ray, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Examinations. The examinations revealed that the introduction of chloride ions in the operational service led to pitting corrosion in the inner surface of the flange. Chloride ion inclusions were probably the result of chemical contaminations, i.e., cleaning chemicals’ contamination during shutdown of the operation. The introduction of corrosion pits caused unexpected load stress intensification and cracking of the flange. Consequently, stress corrosion cracking emanated from the pits under the influence of chloride attack and operational pressure. Then the cracks propagated in a transgranular manner, in the radial direction of the flange, until the final failure occurred.  相似文献   

Two gear shafts cracked during the fabrication. The cracks are through the grooves associated with the gear teeth and propagated completely across the shaft. Fractography on the cracked teeth indicates that the crack origins are about 3.5 to 4.0 mm from the groove and exhibit pointlike features. Fracture surfaces near the crack origin regions were intergranular, and the fracture appeared to have occurred instantaneously. Metallurgical analysis indicates that decarburization had occurred on the surfaces of the gear shafts, but occurrence of decarburization has no relation to the cracking. Cracking occurred during the carburization-quenching process and originated at a cluster of Al2O2 complex inclusions. The thermal stress produced by quenching drove the cracking process.  相似文献   

This article presents a failure analysis on a gasoline engine cylinder head made of aluminum alloy, which has been used in passenger cars. During an endurance test, a crack initiated from the interior wall of a hole in the center of the cylinder head and then propagated through the thickness of the cylinder head. The metallurgical examinations are conducted in the crack origin zone. The results show that there are many casting pores due to poor quality of casting in the failed cylinder head which has certainly played a crucial role in initiating the crack. Finite element analysis of the cylinder head is performed to identify the stress components. Modeling of a bolt for the hole shows that the plastic stresses are occurred. Moreover, the lower strength of the material due to high assembly stress caused the failure in the cylinder head.  相似文献   

In this study, the fracture of a locomotive engine oil pump shaft is investigated. According to the reports, all oil pump shafts of this type fail in short periods of time due to the fracture at a location on the shaft which is in contact with a pinion. Stress analysis showed that the shaft bears torsion and cyclic bending stresses in the fracture site. The fracture surface observations revealed that the cracks are generated from the surface, and fatigue fracture occurs due to the cyclic bending stresses. According to the laboratorial analysis, the shaft is a surface-hardened low alloy steel. The lack of suitable pre-heat treatment and surface hardening and the roughness created by the slippage between the shaft and the pinion are concluded to be responsible for the failure of the oil pump shaft.  相似文献   

A shaft suddenly suffered fracture during the test of loading in three directions. The shaft was made from 30CrMnSiA steel. The failure cause was analyzed by visual, stereo, and scanning electron microscopic observations of appearance and fracture surface of the shaft, micro-area composition inspection, metallographic examination, and measurement of the hydrogen content. The results showed that the failure mechanism of the shaft was fatigue fracture resulting from hydrogen-induced intergranular microcracks. The hydrogen-induced cracks were mainly caused by abnormal pickling during production of the shaft.  相似文献   

A number of shaft failures were encountered in water recirculation pumps of an industrial setup. The shafts were made of martensitic stainless steel. A detailed study was carried out to determine the cause of the pump shaft failures. In this connection, the analyses performed include chemical analysis, microstructural characterization, fractography, tensile, shear, and hardness measurement. The chemical composition of the shafts was as per standard, however, hardness was very low. It was concluded that the material was used without heat treatment, causing inferior properties (hardness, tensile, and shear). Experimental heat treatments were done to improve the properties of the shaft material.  相似文献   

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