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梁喜  刘莹 《工业工程》2022,(5):29-37
考虑由单个主导制造商和单个零售商组成的双渠道供应链,以及政府以社会福利最大化为目的对制造商履行的社会责任进行补贴决策,研究集中式和分散式决策下政府补贴比率和制造商谎报因子对供应链和社会福利的影响。研究发现,分散式决策中的企业社会责任努力水平和最大社会福利总是低于集中式决策;分散式决策中的最优政府补贴比率高于集中式决策;利用成本分担-收益共享的组合契约可以实现双渠道供应链的完美协调与帕累托改进。  相似文献   

供应链中供应商-零售商之间的渠道协调机制的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了由一个供应商、N个零售商组成的供应链的渠道协调机制,建立了协调机制的基本模型,得到协调价格和联合最优订货数量,以此来提高供应链的整体效益;分析了影响供应链协调的主要因素和因供应商或整个供应链采取协调机制而新增收益的来源,对进一步分析供应链协调机制提供了依据。  相似文献   

王垒  曲晶  刘新民 《工业工程》2018,21(3):21-31
考虑双渠道零售商和制造商组成的闭环供应链,分别构建了制造商直接回收、委托第三方回收模式下的动态博弈模型,以公平中性时的均衡策略为参照,对比分析了线下零售商的横向公平偏好对双渠道闭环供应链中各决策主体定价策略及利润的影响。研究表明,无论零售商是否存在横向公平关切行为,制造商直接回收模式都优于委托第三方回收。在直接回收模式下,线下零售商的横向公平偏好使得在正向供应链中的两零售商为提高市场占有率会竞相降低零售价格,制造商为鼓励竞争会降低批发价,并且价格均与横向公平关切系数负相关。在逆向供应链中,制造商会提高废旧产品的回收率;相比公平中性的情况,此定价策略使制造商和整个供应链系统效用增加,而两零售商收益递减。制造商作为渠道管理者为鼓励零售商之间竞相降价,可通过一个三方收益共享的契约实现协调,达到帕累托最优。  相似文献   

主持人:得渠道者得天下,生存于供应商和终端商夹缝中的经销商更是如此.无论是供货渠道还是销售渠道,都关系着经销商的存亡.良好的供货渠道可以让经销商以最低价及时地拿到产品,保证其利润;还可以帮助提升其信誉.良好的销售渠道可以实现经销商的营销目标,使其获得利润,实现发展目标.而良好的营销渠道管理可以给经销商带来良好的供货渠道和销售渠道.  相似文献   

为了对双渠道供应链中互相独立的不同渠道零售商的决策进行分析,从考虑顾客对不同购买渠道的心理偏好角度出发,构建出在Hotelling线性城市模型基础上加以改进的博弈模型。在前往不同渠道购买的产品存在成本差异,产品对网络渠道适用性不同这两个条件的约束下,分析了互相独立的不同渠道零售商之间博弈均衡价格、市场份额和利润的变化趋势。研究说明,随着产品网络渠道适用性的增大,不同渠道零售商的博弈均衡价格差异、均衡市场份额差异均会随之减小,同时,传统零售商利润也会随之减小,而电子渠道零售商利润会随之增大。网络渠道的适用性确定时,对网络适用性好的产品会受到不同渠道购买成本的影响,导致不同渠道零售商的定价和市场份额占比不同。  相似文献   

价格相依的闭环供应链渠道选择和协调策略   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从社会环保意识、回收价格以及产品销量的角度构建了EOL(End-of-life)产品的供给函数,对分散决策时零售商销售渠道下的不同回收模式之闭环供应链进行了博弈分析,得到了闭环供应链成员的最优定价策略和最终利润,以及制造商渠道选择与回收成本的临界关系.设计了一个收入费用分享合同用以协调分散决策下的闭环供应链.  相似文献   

徐兵  刘露 《工业工程》2014,17(5):99-107
研究双渠道供应链中生产商负责的网上直销渠道对零售商负责的传统零售渠道的信息服务搭便车行为。假定产品需求随机且依赖于零售商信息服务水平,利用条件风险值准则和均衡分析方法建立了生产商与零售商均为风险厌恶者时双渠道供应链的集中式决策模型和分散式决策模型,利用合同理论给出了协调供应链的回购加信息服务补贴契约,利用数值仿真方法验证了模型的合理性和协调契约的有效性。研究表明,增加直销渠道对供应链而言是把“双刃剑”,既可吸引潜在需求,也应避免需求由零售渠道向直销渠道的大规模转移;直销渠道的信息服务搭便车行为有利于供应链各方;决策者越厌恶风险,其订货量越低,此时生产商、零售商和供应链的利润都将下降;当风险厌恶因子等于1时,决策者风险厌恶时双渠道供应链的决策与决策者风险中性时一致。  相似文献   

提出了零售商代发货模式,构建了一个由制造商和网络零售商组成的代发货双渠道供应链模型,其中制造商拥有网络直销渠道,并将订单全部交给网络零售商,由网络零售商代发到顾客手中。分析、比较了集中式和分散式决策下制造商和网络零售商的最优均衡解,论证了逆向收益共享契约对这种代发货双渠道供应链协调的有效性。最后通过算例分析,发现存在一个共享因子变化范围能够实现这种代发货双渠道供应链的完美协调。  相似文献   

李文龙 《工业工程》2020,23(1):126-133
在由第三方电商平台−分销商组成O2O双渠道二级供应链中,将生鲜农产品新鲜度和信息对称性作为供应链利益协调的主要考虑因素,分别利用收益共享契约和博弈论的方法对电商平台和分销商的利益进行分配,找到两种分配方法的不足,最终建立基于收益共享契约的博弈论的分配方案,旨在增加供应链整体利益及其稳定性,更好地协调成员之间的利益。结果表明,利用博弈下的收益共享契约模型进行供应链利益协调可以更加全面地考虑影响因素,通过考虑新鲜度影响下双方成员的得失使其得到最佳的利益分配结果。通过算例分析可以得出,在集中决策下的隐瞒度为0.8时,双方的利益差距呈缩减趋势,显示出博弈论下收益共享契约模型较博弈模型下利益分配的优势。  相似文献   

供应链库存协调问题研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋林  张怀胜 《工业工程》2010,13(4):129-133
供应链库存协调的研究具有很大的理论和现实意义,现已成为企业界和学术界关注的焦点,许多研究者进行了并且还在继续进行相关的研究工作。在查看大量文献的基础上,阐述了供应链库存协调的意义和概念,在此基础之上,从协调机制角度分5个方面对供应链库存协调的研究进行综述,提出未来研究的方向。为读者了解此领域的研究现状提供了依据。  相似文献   

Closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) management is an environmental approach to supply chain management that aims to prevent hazardous material from entering the nature by means of creating a reverse flow. This paper studies the short- and long-term behaviour of agents in implementing the appropriate collecting strategy in a two-echelon CLSC. In short-term, based on the Stackelberg game, several novel pricing models for different collecting strategies are proposed and compared. Then, the optimal policies of the pricing decisions are determined for each model. The long-term behaviour of companies in implementing collecting process is examined by evolutionary game theory and the most stable strategy is selected. Furthermore, a numerical example is presented to compare the different collecting structures. Finally, a managerial insight is provided to indicate the effect of key parameters such as remanufacturing rate, marketing elasticity and government subsidies on selecting the appropriate strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, a multi-period buffer space hedging coordination between a building contractor (BC) and a logistics provider (LP) is investigated. In order to facilitate the application of the construction lead-time hedging (CLTH) strategy, adopted by the BC, extra buffer space needs to be reserved at LP’s intermediate warehouse for contingency usage. This strategy is defined as ‘buffer space hedging (BSH)’ and it increases the pressure of LP on involving extra storage and maintenance cost. Two coordination mechanisms are adopted for solving this BSH problem. One scheme is by introducing a cost-sharing term. A Nash game model is studied to find the individual optimal decisions. Another scheme is a cooperative game model with proper side-payments. We show that adjusting the BSH amount for each review period benefits the supply chain. Both coordination mechanisms enable a win–win outcome. Especially, if system resources are sufficient, the cooperative game outperforms the Nash game. Numerical experiments further demonstrate that the benefit of the proposed model is more significant under the case with lower unit enlarging/rearrangement cost, higher tardiness penalty and unpredictable and uncontrollable construction process-determined assembled and installed prefabs.  相似文献   

This paper studies a coordination scheme to solve a production lead-time hedging (PLTH) issue in the prefabricated construction supply chain management. To mitigate tardiness delivery owing to prefab production uncertainty, the project contractor (PC) prefers to inform the prefab factory (PF) an earlier due date which is termed as PLTH strategy. However, this strategy forces the PF to compress its production process. A balance must be optimised through the proposed PLTH coordination scheme. It includes a PLTH-related cost term, i.e. crashing money (charged by the PF to the PC) and a constant transfer term. Three models with different power structures are considered. Firstly, two Stackelberg games with alternative decision-making sequences and an equal power model are discussed to obtain the optimal PLTH amount and crashing money. Later on, a cost-sharing term is used to fairly allocate the system surplus. It is observed that this coordination scheme reduces the PLTH amount and ensures win–win coordination for both parties. Some interesting managerial implications are also obtained from comparison analysis and numerical studies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a reward-driven policy, employed in a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC), for acquiring used products earmarked for remanufacture. Under the examined model, a single manufacturer sells products through a retailer as well as directly to end users in a forward supply chain. In the reverse supply chain, three different modes of collection are employed to capture used products for remanufacture: they are through a third party, directly by the manufacturer and from the retailer. Mathematical models for both non-cooperative and centralised scenarios are developed to characterise the pricing decisions and remanufacturing strategies that indicate individual and overall supply chain performance. Optimality of all the proposed models is examined with theory. To coordinate and achieve a win–win outcome for channel members, we proposed a three-way discount mechanism for the manufacturer. Extended numerical investigation provides insights on ways to manage an efficient reward-driven CLSC in a dual-channel environment.  相似文献   

This paper considers a supply chain in which a buyer purchases finished items from a contracting supplier to satisfy a stochastic market demand, where the supplier’s production is subject to random yield. We assume that the buyer can make up the shortage by sourcing from an emergency backup supplier. We develop two Stackelberg game models, i.e. buyer-Stackelberg (BS) model and supplier-Stackelberg (SS) model, and find that the decentralised BS model results in a higher stocking factor of supplier’s input than the decentralised SS model. Compared with BS model, the buyer in SS model performs more explicit order plan, and we find that only when the actual yield of the supplier is insufficient, the buyer would use emergency backup sourcing to make up the shortage. When the manufacturing operation of the supplier is in the good state, the buyer only orders a certain amount and has some leftover. When the actual yield of the supplier is moderate, the buyer uses up every item produced from the supplier regardless of the yield rate. Comparing both channel structures, SS operation is a more effective way of controlling both inventory cost and backup sourcing cost, and it can be beneficial for each player as well as for the whole channel. Finally, we develop the coordination mechanism for each channel to investigate the issues of risk handling and risk sharing for uncertain demand and uncertain yield.  相似文献   

This paper studies supply chain coordination with trust-embedded cost-sharing contract. In a two-tier supply chain, a retailer (she) and a supplier (he) make their private demand forecasting individually. The retailer places soft-orders, which are costless, non-verifiable and cancellable before shipping, to the supplier. After that, the supplier relies on the retailer’s ordering information to update his demand evaluation and prepare his capacity. How much the supplier relies on the retailer’s ordering information is specified by trust, which is a kind of psychological feeling and affected by multiple factors. When the supplier does not fully trust the retailer, he tends to prepare a conservative capacity to avoid over-production. To coordinate the supply chain, a two-stage coordination process is proposed. At the first stage, the supplier and retailer negotiate a cost-sharing rule to bind soft-orders. At the second stage, the retailer places a soft-order and decides whether or not to bind it referring to the cost-sharing rule. After that, the supplier determines his optimal production capacity. We show that the retailer and supplier value trust differently in the experimental studies. We also find that there is a threshold of negotiation power for the supply chain partners which means the supplier’s/retailer’s expected profit drops down if his/her negotiation power exceeds certain thresholds. The experimental studies also show that the proposed the two-stage coordination is effective.  相似文献   

Markup pricing policies have been widely employed in the retailing industry. Under such policies, a retailer requires a retail margin over the wholesale price charged by the supplier to guarantee her profitability. This paper investigates and compares the performance of two commonly used markup pricing policies, namely, fixed-dollar markup and percentage markup, for the dominant retailers facing chain-to-chain competition. Our results demonstrate that the equilibrium pricing strategy for the dominant retailers seeking to maximise their respective profits is [PP]-strategy (i.e. both retailers select the percentage markup pricing policy), no matter what the demand curve and the level of chain-to-chain competition are. Unfortunately, this equilibrium will get in the prisoner’s dilemma since the percentage markup pricing strategy might yield lower profits for the retailers and suppliers compared to its fixed-dollar counterpart when the level of chain-to-chain competition is high enough under the linear demand, which is contrast to the literature. If the criteria for the dominant retailers to select which markup pricing policy to offer is the whole channel’s profit obtained under the decentralised decision-making scenario instead of themselves, [PP]-strategy is the dominant strategy and the unique Nash equilibrium of the pricing policy choice game regardless of the competitive intensity under the iso-elastic demand. This result holds true for the linear demand only when the level of chain-to-chain competition is below certain threshold; otherwise, both [FF] (i.e. both retailers select the fixed-dollar markup pricing policy) and [PP] can be the equilibrium pricing strategy.  相似文献   

We consider a manufacturer-retailer supply chain in the pre-selling and selling seasons, whereby the manufacturer can offer the retailer an emergency order opportunity with a limited commitment quantity in addition to the regular order from the retailer before the selling season. Due to the short lead time for the emergency order, the manufacturer needs to prepare for it in the pre-selling season by producing more than the regular order or reserving its capacity for the responsive production. Through mathematically modelling and analyzing the supply chain, we found that, when the emergency order opportunity is provided, the manufacturer might be worse off, although the retailer is always better off. We derive the conditions whereby both the manufacturer and retailer can benefit from the emergency order, and the supply chain profit can be maximised. Further, we show that the supply chain can be coordinated by setting only the unit price and maximum commitment quantity for the emergency order. We also prove that Pareto improvement can be always achieved by setting the unit price for the regular order in addition to the unit price and maximum commitment quantity for the emergency order.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have considered a vendor-managed inventory (VMI) arrangement in a supply chain (SC), where the buyer imposes a penalty for shipments exceeding an upper limit. We have shown as how the industry practice of VMI under penalty can be used as a SC coordination mechanism. The vendor can influence the buyer to increase the batch size without making the buyer worse off. We also discuss how such a penalty scheme may be derived. Further, we have established the equivalence of VMI under deterministic demand with that of quantity discount models, thus highlighting the need to incorporate both cooperation and coordination perspectives while analysing SC collaboration mechanisms.  相似文献   

The consignment stock (CS) policy, independently or coupled with vendor managed inventory (VMI), has been practised by businesses and shown to be profitable. It helps to reduce or eliminate out-of-stock instances caused by fluctuations in demand. CS brings several benefits to collaborating parties. Unlike the two-level supply chain models in the literature, this paper considers a three-level supply chain that consists of a supplier, a vendor and a buyer with CS policy agreements. The paper also examines four coordination scenarios (a combination of traditional and CS) in conjunction with a payment scheme between adjacent parties. Nine coordination cases (models) are provided. A sensitivity analysis is performed to study the effects of some parameters on the performance of the developed models. Most of the results showed that a combination of traditional and CS policies returned a higher total system profit.  相似文献   

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