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从认知心理学的角度,研究了概念设计的过程,探讨性地指出辅助设计工具应当以灵感为中心。阐述了适合概念设计过程的新的设计方法和交互技术,并介绍了基于手势的草图技术及新一代交互范式——PIBG交互范式。全面分析了约束捕捉、约束求解等关键问题,最后在此基础上给出智能图板系统的设计与实现,为用户提供了一种自然和谐的界面。  相似文献   

针对目前文档管理模式和WIMP界面交互范式对笔式交互的不足,提出了笔式界面软件文档资源管理的统一模型,能够有效地管理笔式界面软件所产生的文档数据,并且根据此模型实现了笔式界面的文档资源管理系统,采用了PIBG交互范式和实物界面.评估结果表明,根据此模型设计的系统,能够提高用户工作效率,降低用户的认知负担.  相似文献   

基于视觉的手势界面关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对视觉手势界面存在的问题,提出了一套行之有效的解决方案.首先,为了解决视觉手势交互中的MidasTouch问题,以人类注意的信息加工模型为理论依据提出了一个可扩展的视觉手势交互模型,该模型将手势交互过程分为选择性处理、分配性处理和集中处理3个不同阶段;然后,基于该模型提出了一个视觉手势识别框架,并结合认知心理学从手势检测、跟踪和识别3个方面对该框架的各个组成模块的关键技术进行了阐述,其中手势检测模块和识别管理模块能够辅助系统在复杂的背景中滤除掉不相关信息而选择性地搜索人手并根据上下文信息对手势识别任务重定向,从而避免了系统时刻都处于激活状态并对所有的手势动作都进行识别分析,有效解决了Midas Touch问题.文中介绍了使用该方法实现的IEToolkit手势界面工具平台,并基于一个视觉手势交互系统进行了实验测试与评估,结果验证了文中方法的可用性.  相似文献   

普适计算的人机交互框架研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
普适计算通过向用户提供透明的计算服务使其注意力回归到任务本身.它正在逐步发展成主流的计算模式.人机交互的效率和自然性是影响其发展的关键因素之一.文章从认知心理学的角度分析了用户在普适计算环境中的认知特征,论证了人类有限的认知是普适人机交互中的瓶颈,计算系统的交互模式必须适应用户的认知特征.据此提出了普适计算模式的Multimodal context-sensitive交互框架,对上下文信息和用户多通道主动输入信息进行无缝融合,作者将其在移动导游导航系统TGH中加以实现.用户评测结果初步证明该框架对于提高普适计算人机交互效率和自然性具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

王松  刘亮  蔡婷  赵韦鑫  吴亚东 《图学学报》2022,43(3):496-503
沉浸式网络可视化在空间沉浸、用户参与、多维感知等方面具有天然的优势。受用户与日常物体交互方式所启发,基于所触即所得(WYTIWYG)的理念提出一种沉浸式网络可视分析方法来挖掘网络特征和关联模式。首先提出手势舒适度评估模型来指导手势动作设计,并引入窗口状态模型来优化手势识别稳定性。此外,将网络分析交互需求与手势动作语义绑定,定义沉浸式网络手势交互范式。与真实世界中抓取交互类似,用户可利用自然交互手势在沉浸式环境下执行移动、高亮、布局维度变换、边绑定等操作。最后,案例研究验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

MTBuilder:一个多触点交互桌面界面工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对基于WIMP范式的图形用户界面工具不能解决多触点交互桌面的多指手势识别、界面组件朝向等问题,提出基于自然用户界面通用隐喻OCGM(objects,containers,gestures and manipulations)的多触点交互桌面界面工具箱——MTBuilder.首先用层次化多触点数据表示模型存储多触点数据,然后对多指手势识别器进行动态管理以加速识别处理,最后基于OCGM设计并实现界面组件库.通过多人信息浏览、城市规划等原型系统的开发和实验评估可以看出,MTBuilder能够为交互桌面界面构造与快速原型系统开发提供强有力的支持.  相似文献   

基于ACT-R模型的互联网交互模式库设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文以用户行为中心的交互设计理念,提出了基于AC T-R认知模型的新型交互模式库的组织方法,并给出相应的界面评估方法和界面效率。设计者可根据设计需求和关注点发掘交互模式,并参考模式对应的认知原则以及界面效率,对交互方案进行选择和优化。  相似文献   

随着智能移动终端的发展及摄像镜头的小型化,自拍变得越来越流行。如何设计新型自拍交互方法使得用户在自拍过程中能够自由、实时地控制相机是自拍相机交互界面的关键问题。提出利用基于视觉的运动手势交互界面的新方法,使自拍过程中用户只要挥一挥手臂就可以实现与自拍相机的交互功能。使用手势交互的方法,用户可以把相机放在任意的平台上,自由地摆出各种自拍姿态,增加了自拍的丰富性,提高了用户体验。主要提出挥手及画圈两种交互手势,通过组合应用可以实现丰富高效的自拍交互控制功能,如快门控制、白平衡,曝光度等。手势的识别利用相机摄像的实时图像进行处理,采用稀疏光流算法来识别运动手势。用户评估实验表明,所提出运动手势自拍交互界面具有较好的交互效率以及良好的用户满意度,两种手势的识别效率约为85%。  相似文献   

首先从认知心理学的角度对Post-WIMP界面下的隐式交互特征进行分析和描述。然后通过对传统界面的交互任务生成结构和Post-WIMP界面的交互任务生成结构进行比较,分析Post-WIMP界面交互任务的生成特点。根据这些特点提出了利用识别技术、上下文感知技术和用户修正技术(User Mediation)相结合的方法来支持Post-WIMP界面的隐式交互,并构造了Post-WIMP界面的交互任务生成框架。这些隐式交互特征的研究将为建立Post-WIMP界面软件框架和交互平台提供底层支持。  相似文献   

针对传统自适应界面缺乏自主学习用户交互历史、难以根据用户经验有效预测用户意图的现状,基于认知心理学相关理论,该文提出了基于经验感知的自适应用户界面模型,从界面静态组成元素、动态交互行为和自适应策略三个方面建立了该模型的统一描述,然后研究了自适应界面模型的实现架构、关键技术和建模方法.最后开发了一个个性化的虚拟家居定制原型系统,并进行了实验评估.实验结果表明,该模型能够根据用户交互历史和上下文环境,准确预测用户意图,实时调整界面布局和交互行为以主动地适应用户.  相似文献   

基于笔式交互的农产品信息采集系统的研究与设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统的农产品信息采集与发布过程中用户通常只能使用人工采集,之后二次录入计算机的方式,造成了资源的浪费;采用基于WIMP交互范式的界面软件分散了用户的注意力,给用户带来认知负担。针对此问题,本文基于笔式交互技术中的PGIS交互范式,结合笔式电子表单技术设计并实现农产品信息采集与发布系统。该系统有效地结合了笔交互自然、高效的特点和计算机强大的处理能力,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

桌面环境下的笔式三维交互框架   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
笔输入和三维交互结合是研究三维交互范型的一种新方法。提出一个桌面虚拟环境下的笔式三维交互框架,包含交互原语和交互任务构造两个核心组件。首先采用词法到语法的二级封装机制来生成高级事件和交互原语,然后综合交互上下文、用户修正和手势识别实现基本交互任务到复杂交互任务的整合机制。框架中内嵌的手势交互、约束感知和混合交互技术能有效降低任务分解和模式切换带来的认知负担,提高交互自然性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a three-dimensional user interface for synchronous co-operative work, Spin, which has been designed for multi-user synchronous real-time applications to be used in, for example, meetings and learning situations. Spin is based on a new metaphor of virtual workspace. We have designed an interface, for an office environment, which recreates the three-dimensional elements needed during a meeting and increases the user's scope of interaction. In order to accomplish these objectives, animation and three-dimensional interaction in real time are used to enhance the feeling of collaboration within the three-dimensional workspace. Spin is designed to maintain a maximum amount of information visible. The workspace is created using artificial geometry — as opposed to true three-dimensional geometry — and spatial distortion, a technique that allows all documents and information to be displayed simultaneously while centring the user's focus of attention. Users interact with each other via their respective clones, which are three-dimensional representations displayed in each user's interface, and are animated with user action on shared documents. An appropriate object manipulation system (direct manipulation, 3D devices and specific interaction metaphors) is used to point out and manipulate 3D documents.  相似文献   

Today, users interact with computers in an explicit manner and the system's response is independent from their situations. Hence, it is difficult to integrate computers with working life as embedded tools, which can facilitate users to accomplish real world objectives easily. Situated computing is a new paradigm for mobile computer users based on their physical context and activities carried out as a part of their working business. It provides the mechanism to have a mobile computer as a utility to satisfy the user's real world requirements as well as an infrastructure for the situated interaction using applications. In this paper, we are presenting a metaphor called situation metaphor to model interaction between the user and mobile computers in order to achieve expectations of situated computing. A three-layered schema is followed in developing situation metaphor. We discuss extensively the theoretical foundation and framework for the situation metaphor, and followed by applications developed based on the framework.  相似文献   

Accelerometer-based gesture control for a design environment   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Accelerometer-based gesture control is studied as a supplementary or an alternative interaction modality. Gesture commands freely trainable by the user can be used for controlling external devices with handheld wireless sensor unit. Two user studies are presented. The first study concerns finding gestures for controlling a design environment (Smart Design Studio), TV, VCR, and lighting. The results indicate that different people usually prefer different gestures for the same task, and hence it should be possible to personalise them. The second user study concerns evaluating the usefulness of the gesture modality compared to other interaction modalities for controlling a design environment. The other modalities were speech, RFID-based physical tangible objects, laser-tracked pen, and PDA stylus. The results suggest that gestures are a natural modality for certain tasks, and can augment other modalities. Gesture commands were found to be natural, especially for commands with spatial association in design environment control.  相似文献   

Pen-based user interfaces which leverage the affordances of the pen provide users with more flexibility and natural interaction.However,it is difficult to construct usable pen-based user interfaces because of the lack of support for their development.Toolkit-level support has been exploited to solve this problem,but this approach makes it hard to gain platform independence,easy maintenance and easy extension.In this paper a context-aware infrastructure is created,called WEAVER,to provide pen interaction services for both novel pen-based applcations and legacy GUI-based applications.WEAVER aims to support the pen as another standard interactive device along with the keyboard and mouse and present a high-level access interface to pen input.It emplolys application context to tailor its sevice to different applications.By modeling the application context and egistering the relevant action adapters,WEAVER can offer servicxes,such as gesture recognition,continuous handwriting and other fundamental ink manipulations,to appropriate applications.One of the distinct features of WEAVER is that off-the-shelf GUI-based software packages can be easily enhanced with pen interaction without modifying the existing code.In this paper,the architecture and components of WEAVER are described.In addition ,examples and feedbacks of its use are presented.  相似文献   

手持移动计算中的多通道交互   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
手持移动计算已逐渐成为当今主流的计算模式之一,人机交互是其中的关键问题.多通道用户界面和多通道交互方式能够有效地提高移动环境中人机交互的效率.讨论了移动环境中的多通道交互模型,并结合设计开发的移动导游系统TGH(tour guide on hand),分析了多通道交互在手持移动计算中的应用.性能测试表明,笔和语音结合的多通道交互方式在移动环境中能够较好地提高人机交互效率.  相似文献   

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