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Proline 40 in Escherichia coli thioredoxin is located close to the redox active site (Cys32-Cys35) within the alpha2 helix. The conservation of this residue among most of the thioredoxins suggests that it could play an important role in the structure and/or function of this protein. We have substituted Pro40 for Ala by using site-directed mutagenesis and expressed the mutant P40A in E.coli. The effects of the mutation on the biophysical and biological properties of thioredoxin have been analyzed and compared with molecular dynamics simulations. Modeling predicted that the replacement of Pro40 by Ala induced a displacement of the active site which exposes Trp31 to the solvent and opens a cleft located between helices alpha2 and alpha3. The solvation free energy (SFE) calculation also indicated that P40A became more hydrophobic as W31 became more accessible. These predictions were totally in agreement with the experimental results. The mutant P40A exhibited chromatographic behavior and fluorescence properties very different from those of the wild-type (WT) protein, in relationship with the displacement of W31. The determination of the free energy of unfolding of P40A showed that the mutant was globally destabilized by 2.9 kcal/mol. However, the effect of the mutation on the transition curve was highly unusual as the midpoint of the unfolding transition increased, indicating that some local structures were actually stabilized by the mutation. Despite these structural modifications, neither the ability of the protein to reduce a chloroplastic enzyme nor its reactivity with the bacterial reductase decreased. The only functional difference was the higher stability of P40A in light activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase under air, which suggests that the mutant was less rapidly re-oxidized than WT. Therefore, it can be concluded that Pro40 is not essential for maintaining the redox function of thioredoxin but rather is required for the stability of the protein.  相似文献   

The role of N-glycosylation in the expression, ligand recognition, activity, and intracellular localization of a rat vesicular monoamine transporter (rVMAT1) was investigated. The glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin induced a dose-dependent decrease in the rVMAT1-mediated uptake of [3H]serotonin. Part of this effect was due to a general toxic effect of the drug. Therefore, to assess the contribution of each of the glycosylation sites to the transporter activity, the three putative N-glycosylation sites were mutated individually, in combination, and in toto ("triple" mutant). Mutation of each glycosylation site caused a minor and additive decrease in activity, up to the triple mutant, which retained at least 50% of the wild-type activity. No significant differences were found either in the time dependence of uptake or the apparent affinity for ligands of the triple mutant compared with the wild-type protein. It is interesting that in contrast to plasma-membrane neurotransmitter transporters, the unglycosylated form of rVMAT1 distributed in the cell as the wild-type protein. Pro43 is a highly conserved residue located at the beginning of the large loop in which all the potential glycosylation sites are found. A Pro43Leu mutant transporter was inactive. It is remarkable that despite the presence of glycosylation sites, the mutant transporter was not glycosylated. Moreover, the distribution pattern of the Pro43Leu mutant clearly differed from that of the wild type. In contrast, a Pro43Gly mutant displayed an activity practically identical to the wild-type protein. As this replacement generated a protein with wild-type characteristics, we suggest that the conformation conferred by the amino acid at this position is essential for activity.  相似文献   

Asp187 in the Na+/proline transporter of Escherichia coli (PutP) is conserved within the Na+/solute cotransporter family. Information on the role of this residue has been gained by amino acid substitution analysis. PutP with Glu, Asn, or Cys in place of Asp187 catalyzed Na+-coupled proline uptake at 75%, 25%, and 1.5%, respectively, of the Vmax of PutP-wild-type while the apparent Km for proline was only slightly altered. Importantly, acetylation or amidoacetylation of an engineered transporter containing a single Cys at position 187 stimulated proline uptake. Strikingly, PutP-D187C exhibited high-affinity proline binding even at very low Na+ concentrations (2 microM) while proline binding to PutP-wild-type, -D187E, and -D187N was strictly dependent on the Na+ concentration. The apparent independence of proline binding from the Na+ concentration can at least partially be attributed to an enhanced Na+ affinity of PutP-D187C. In addition, reaction of PutP containing a single Cys at position 187 with N-ethylmaleimide was inhibited by Na+ but not by Li+ or proline. The results indicate that electrostatic interactions of the amino acid side chain at position 187 in PutP with other parts of the transporter and/or the coupling ion are crucial for active proline transport. It is suggested that Asp187 is located close to the pathway of the coupling ion through the membrane and may be involved in the release of Na+ on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane.  相似文献   

The iron-sulfur clusters of iron-sulfur proteins are not only essential for the structure and function but they also seem to play an important role in the folding process of these proteins. So far, no data on reversible unfolding/refolding of iron-sulfur proteins under aerobic conditions have been reported. We found appropriate conditions, which might also be applicable for other iron-sulfur proteins, for reversible unfolding/refolding of bovine adrenodoxin (Adx) that prevent cluster decomposition during the unfolding process. The unfolding/refolding studies have been performed under aerobic conditions using fluorescence measurements (with mutant Y82W of Adx, providing a sensitive internal probe), absorption, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy as well as activity measurements. Without protecting reagent, adrenodoxin becomes an apoprotein upon denaturation which is an irreversible process with respect to cluster rebinding. However, reversibility of unfolding/refolding can be observed after protein denaturation in the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT). Upon removal of the denaturant, we regained 65, 63, and 64% refolding from CD, fluorescence, and activity measurements, respectively. In the case of thermal denaturation, the percentage of refolding is about 60% according to CD measurements. DTT appears to stabilize the [2Fe-2S] cluster and prevents its decomposition during aerobic unfolding, providing thereby the means of correct refolding of the protein.  相似文献   

Two forms of mitochondrial adrenodoxin reductase from bovine adrenals and recombinant bovine adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase expressed in Escherichia coli were isolated, purified to homogeneity and biochemically characterized. Recombinant adrenodoxin reductase was expressed as a single polypeptide; its retention time on DEAE-Fractogel coincides with the second form (F2) of the mitochondrial reductase. Two enzyme forms have similar adrenodoxin reductase activities in two types of systems comprising either cytochrome c or cytochrome P-450 (11 beta) as the terminal electron acceptor. Adrenodoxin and each of two reductase forms were cross-linked using 1-ethyl-3-(dimethyl-amino-propyl)carbodiimide. An effective two-step method for the purification of the active heterologous cross-linked complexes is suggested that enables purification of the functional complexes to homogeneity. The cross-linked bimolecular complex of adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase was crystallized for the first time.  相似文献   

As reported previously (MacDonald, R. I., Musacchio, A., Holmgren, R. A., and Saraste, M. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 91, 1299-1303), an unfolded peptide was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis of Trp-22 to Ala in the cloned, wild type 17th repeating unit (alpha17) of chicken brain alpha-spectrin. Trp occurs in position 22 of nearly all repeating units of spectrin. In the present study, Trp-22 was mutated to Phe or to Tyr to compare thermodynamic stabilities of urea-induced unfolding of alpha16 and mutants thereof. alpha16 was chosen for this study instead of alpha17, because alpha16 has two tryptophans, allowing urea-induced unfolding to be tracked by the fluorescence of the Trp remaining in each mutant peptide and by circular dichroism in the far UV. The free energies of unfolding of W22Y and W22F were 50% that of alpha16, showing that Trp-22 is crucial in stabilizing the triple helical bundle motif of the spectrin repeating unit. Mutation of the moderately conserved Trp-95 of alpha16 to Val, which occupies position 95 in alpha17, also yielded a peptide with 50% of the free energy of unfolding of alpha16. Thus, the thermodynamic stability of a given spectrin repeating unit may depend on both moderately and highly conserved tryptophans. Different structural roles of Trp-22 and Trp-95 in alpha16 are suggested by the slightly higher wavelength of maximum emission of Trp-22, the greater acrylamide quenching of Trp-95 than Trp-22, and the longer lifetime of Trp-95. For comparison with alpha16, urea-induced unfolding of spectrin dimer isolated from human red cells was monitored by far UV-CD and by tryptophan fluorescence. Thermodynamic parameters could not be rigorously derived for the stability of spectrin dimer because unfolding of spectrin dimer involved more than two states, unlike unfolding of cloned repeating units. However, the similar midpoints of CD-monitored denaturation curves of alpha16 and spectrin dimer, i. e. 2.7 and 3.2 M urea, respectively, indicate that investigation of cloned repeating units of spectrin can provide physiologically relevant information on these structures.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a truncated mutant of bovine adrenodoxin has been resolved at 1.85 A resolution by MAD. The protein consists of a large core region and a more flexible hairpin loop bearing residues which have been previously described as being involved in redox partner recognition. To study the role of distinct protein domains and amino acids of adrenodoxin in interaction with adrenodoxin reductase (AdR), CYP11A1 and CYP11B1, as well as in electron transfer, mutants of adrenodoxin have been prepared by site-directed mutagenesis and produced in Escherichia coli, and their structural and functional properties have been characterized in detail. It could be demonstrated that Tyr82 is located at the edge of the flexible interaction loop of adrenodoxin participating in interactions with AdR and P450s. His56, being close to Tyr82, forms a bridge between the core region of adrenodoxin and the interaction loop. Its role in transmitting changes of the cluster region to the interaction site has also been supported by functional studies. Pro108 of adrenodoxin, the only proline residue contained in the protein and being conserved in this position among several other vertebrate-type ferredoxins, has been demonstrated to be of importance for the correct folding of this protein.  相似文献   

The fourth transmembrane segment (S4) has been shown to function as a voltage sensor in voltage-gated channels. On membrane depolarization, a stretch of S4 moves outward and initiates a number of conformational changes that ultimately lead to channel opening. Conserved proline residues are in the middle of the S4 of motifs I and III in voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Because proline often introduces a "kink" into a helical structure of proteins, these residues might have an intrinsic function in the voltage sensor. Here, we report that the removal of S4 prolines results in a dramatic shortening of channel open time whereas the introduction of extra prolines to the corresponding positions in motif IIS4 and IVS4 lengthens channel open time. The number of S4s with a proline residue showed a clear positive correlation with the mean open time of the channel. The mean open time was >11-fold longer for a channel mutagenized to have prolines in all four S4s compared with a channel that had no prolines in the S4 region. Additionally, prolines in the S4s slowed activation kinetics and shifted the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation in a hyperpolarized direction. Our results strongly suggest that proline residues in the S4s are critical for stabilizing the open state of the channel. Moreover, it is suggested that motif IS4 and IIIS4 contribute to the channel opening more efficiently than motif IIS4 and IVS4.  相似文献   

The structure, stability, and unfolding-refolding kinetics of Escherichia coli-expressed recombinant goat alpha-lactalbumin were studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and stopped-flow measurements, and the results were compared with those of the authentic protein prepared from goat milk. The electric properties of the two proteins were also studied by gel electrophoresis and ion-exchange chromatography. Although the overall structures of the authentic and recombinant proteins are the same, the extra methionine residue at the N terminus of the recombinant protein remarkably affects the native-state stability and the electric properties. The native state of the recombinant protein was 3.5 kcal/mol less stable than the authentic protein, and the recombinant protein was more negatively charged than the authentic one. The recombinant protein unfolded 5.7 times faster than the authentic one, although there were no significant differences in the refolding rates of the two proteins. The destabilization of the recombinant protein can be fully interpreted in terms of the increased unfolding rate of the protein, indicating that the N-terminal region remains unorganized in the transition state of refolding, and hence is not involved in the folding initiation site of the protein. A comparison of the X-ray structures of recombinant alpha-lactalbumin determined here with that of the authentic protein shows that the structural differences between the proteins are confined to the N-terminal region. Theoretical considerations for the differences in the conformational and solvation free energies between the proteins show that the destabilization of the recombinant protein is primarily due to excess conformational entropy of the N-terminal methionine residue in the unfolded state, and also due to less exposure of hydrophobic surface on unfolding. The results suggest that when the N-terminal region of a protein has a rigid structure, expression of the protein by E. coli, which adds the extra methionine residue, destabilizes the native state through a conformational entropy effect. It also shows that differences in the electrostatic interactions of the N-terminal amino group with the side-chain atoms of Thr38, Asp37, and Asp83 bring about a difference in the pKa value of the N-terminal amino group between the proteins, resulting in a greater negative net charge of the recombinant protein at neutral pH.  相似文献   

The expression system for human recombinant cystatin A has already been established to be a fusion protein with porcine adenylate kinase in Escherichia coli [Kaji et al. (1990) Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371, Suppl., 145-150]. After cyanogen bromide cleavage of the fused protein expressed in E. coli, the cystatin portion could be readily isolated. The inhibitory activity of the obtained variant (Cyst A (2-98)) was found to be almost identical with that of the wild type, and thereafter a mutation was introduced into this variant (Ctst A(2-98)), called the standard variant. To elucidate the role of the Gly-4 residue, which is completely conserved in all cystatin species, this residue was substituted with 17 other amino acids by means of cassette mutagenesis. Thus 17 variants (Cyst A(2-98)[G4X]) obtained were examined as to their inhibitory activity towards papain. As the side chain of the substituted amino acid residue became more bulky, the inhibitory activity of the variant markedly decreased. Variants whose side chains were bulkier than a Val residue showed almost no inhibitory effect towards papain. Consequently, it was deduced that the large side chain of a substituted amino acid may cause steric hindrance, which may be responsible for the decrease in inhibitory activity. Thus, we could conclude that the 4th (Gly) residue on cystatin A must be small, because amino acids which existed on the N-terminal side of this residue could interact with a papain molecule.  相似文献   

The exchange of an alanine with a proline residue in position 31 of the loop region of the dimeric 4-alpha-helical-bundle protein ROP causes a reduction in the alpha-helix content of 7% and a reduction in stability of about 40% compared to the wild type parameters. The Gibbs energy of unfolding by denaturants extrapolated linearly to zero denaturant concentration, delta G0D (buffer, 25 degrees C), has been determined to be 43 kJ (mol dimer)-1. The corresponding ROPwt value is 72 kJ (mol dimer)-1 (Steif et al., 1993). The extrapolated delta G0D values obtained from urea and GdmHCI un- and refolding studies are identical within error limits. Deconvolution of the stability values into enthalpy and entropy terms resulted in the following parameters. At T1/2 = 43 degrees C (Cprotein = 0.05 mg.ml-1) the ROP A31P mutant is characterized by delta Hv.H.0 = 272 kJ (mol dimer)-1, delta Cp = 7.2 kJ (mol dimer)-1 K-1, delta S0 = 762 J (mol dimer)-1 K-1. These parameters are only approximately 50% as large as the corresponding values of ROPwt. We assume that the significant reduction in stability reflects the absence of at least one hydrogen bond as well as deformation of the protein structure. This interpretation is supported by the reduction in the change in heat capacity observed for the A31P mutant relative to ROPwt, by the increased aggregation tendency of the mutant and by the reduced specific CD absorption at 222 nm. All results support the view that in the case of ROP protein the loop region plays a significant role in the maintenance of native structure and conformational stability.  相似文献   

3-Nitropyrrole (M) was introduced as a non-discriminating 'universal' base in nucleic acid duplexes by virtue of small size and a presumed tendency to stack but not hydrogen bond with canonical bases. However, the absence of thermally-induced hyperchromic changes by single-stranded deoxyoligomers in which M alternates with A or C residues shows that M does not stack strongly with A or C nearest neighbors. Yet, the insertion of a centrally located M opposite any canonical base in a duplex is sometimes even less destabilizing than that of some mismatches, and the variation in duplex stability is small. In triplexes, on the other hand, an M residue centrally located in the third strand reduces triplex stability drastically even when the X.Y target base pair is A.T or G. C in a homopurine. homopyrimidine segment. But, when the target duplex opposition is M-T and the third strand residue is T, the presence of M in the test triplet has little effect on triplex stability. Therefore, a lack of hydrogen bonding in an otherwise helix-compatible test triplet cannot be responsible for triplex destabilization when M is the third strand residue. Thus, M is non-discriminating and none-too-destabilizing in a duplex, but in a triplex it is extremely destabilizing when in the third strand.  相似文献   

Intramolecular interactions between the Src homology domains (SH2 and SH3) and the catalytic domains of Src family kinases result in repression of catalytic activity. The crystal structure of the Src family kinase Hck, with its regulatory domains intact, has been solved. It predicts that a conserved residue, Trp260, at the end of the linker between the SH2 and the catalytic domains plays an important role in regulation by the SH3 and SH2 domains. We have mutated this residue and compared the activities of C-terminally phosphorylated wild type Hck and W260A Hck. The W260A mutant has a higher specific activity than wild type Hck. The W260A mutant requires autophosphorylation at Tyr416 for full activity, but it is not activated by ligand binding to the SH3 or SH2 domains. This mutation also changes the accessibility of the SH2 and SH3 domains to their cognate peptide ligands. Our results indicate that Trp260 plays a critical role in the coupling of the regulatory domains to the catalytic domain, as well as in positioning the ligand binding surfaces.  相似文献   

The seven-transmembrane CCR5 was recently found to double as a coreceptor for a genetically diverse family of human and nonhuman primate lentiviruses. Paradoxically, the main region of the envelope protein believed to be involved in CCR5 utilization was mapped to hypervariable region 3, or V3, of the envelope glycoprotein gp120. In this study, we addressed the question of whether functional convergence in CCR5 utilization is mediated by certain V3 residues that are highly conserved among HIV type 1 (HIV-1), HIV type 2, and simian immunodeficiency virus. Site-directed mutagenesis carried out on three such V3 residues revealed that the Arg-298 of HIV-1 gp120 has an important role in CCR5 utilization. In contrast, no effect was observed for the other residues we tested. The inability of Arg-298 mutants to use CCR5 was not attributed to global alteration of gp120 conformation. Neither the expression, processing, and incorporation of mutant envelope proteins into virions, nor CD4 binding were significantly affected by the mutations. This interpretation is further supported by the finding that alanine substitutions of five residues immediately adjacent to the arginine residue had no effect on CCR5 utilization. Taken together, our data strongly suggests that the highly conserved Arg-298 residue identified in the V3 of HIV-1 has a significant role in CCR5 utilization, and may represent an unusually conserved target for future anti-viral designs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: NMR studies of denatured states, both fully unfolded and partially folded, give insight into the conformations and interactions formed during folding. Although the complete structural characterization of partially folded proteins is a very difficult task, the identification of structured subsets, such as hydrophobic clusters, is of value in understanding the structural organization of such states. Here, we report the NMR characterization, in acidic conditions (pH 2), of a well-defined hydrophobic cluster localized in the core of bovine beta-lactoglobulin. RESULTS: The existence of a small hydrophobic cluster present in the lipocalin protein family has been assessed on the basis of structural alignment and NRM data obtained for the partially folded bovine beta-lactoglobulin. The presence of the cluster had been predicted identifying those residues that are highly conserved in most members of the family. An NMR study conducted at pH 2, where the protein exhibits a very stable beta-core together with disordered regions, reveals the presence of NOEs among sidechains of 11 hydrophobic residues centered around Trp19 and pointing towards the interior of the protein. This buried cluster is found to be unusually stable at pH 2, not only at room temperature but also at 323K. Furthermore, conserved hydrophobic residues pointing towards the surface of the protein define a hydrophobic surface patch located in a groove between the strands and the helix. CONCLUSIONS: The detected buried cluster most likely plays an important role in bovine beta-lactoglobulin stability. The analysis of five structurally related proteins reveals that the same extended cluster is present in these structures. We propose that the buried cluster may represent the internal binding site as well and that the hydrophobic surface patch is involved in a second external binding site.  相似文献   

CheY serves as a structural prototype for the response regulator proteins of two-component regulatory systems. Functional roles have previously been defined for four of the five highly conserved residues that form the response regulator active site, the exception being the hydroxy amino acid which corresponds to Thr87 in CheY. To investigate the contribution of Thr87 to signaling, we characterized, genetically and biochemically, several cheY mutants with amino acid substitutions at this position. The hydroxyl group appears to be necessary for effective chemotaxis, as a Thr-->Ser substitution was the only one of six tested which retained a Che+ swarm phenotype. Although nonchemotactic, cheY mutants with amino acid substitutions T87A and T87C could generate clockwise flagellar rotation either in the absence of CheZ, a protein that stimulates dephosphorylation of CheY, or when paired with a second site-activating mutation, Asp13-->Lys, demonstrating that a hydroxy amino acid at position 87 is not essential for activation of the flagellar switch. All purified mutant proteins examined phosphorylated efficiently from the CheA kinase in vitro but were impaired in autodephosphorylation. Thus, the mutant CheY proteins are phosphorylated to a greater degree than wild-type CheY yet support less clockwise flagellar rotation. The data imply that Thr87 is important for generating and/or stabilizing the phosphorylation-induced conformational change in CheY. Furthermore, the various position 87 substitutions differentially affected several properties of the mutant proteins. The chemotaxis and autodephosphorylation defects were tightly linked, suggesting common structural elements, whereas the effects on self-catalyzed and CheZ-mediated dephosphorylation of CheY were uncorrelated, suggesting different structural requirements for the two dephosphorylation reactions.  相似文献   

The calcium ion-mediated interaction of bovine prothrombin (BF1) with negatively charged phospholipid membranes is assumed to be largely via the Gla domain of BF1 with the fold of the Gla domain essential for binding. It has been reported that Pro22 undergoes classical trans to cis isomerization in the presence of calcium ions with the cis conformation of Pro22 of BF1 responsible for membrane binding [Evans, T. C., Jr., and Nelsestuen, G. L. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 8210-8215]. However, Pro22 was found to be in the trans conformation in the crystal structure of BF1. In the present work, we have used molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the relative importance of the two conformations of Pro22 to the structural and dynamical properties of BF1. The initial trans conformation of Pro22 in BF1 was slowly converted to cis-Pro22 using constrained dynamics. The second-generation AMBER force field in conjunction with the particle mesh Ewald method to accommodate long-range interaction was employed in the trajectory calculations. Comparison of the BF1(trans-Pro22) and BF1(cis-Pro22) equilibrated structures reveals surprisingly that the overall structural changes associated with the trans-cis isomerization is minimal and only minor modifications to the hydrogen bond network and the network of N-terminus Ala1 take place. The calculated electrostatic potential energy surfaces of the two protein structures also appear to be very similar, indicating the near equality of the local interaction site environments in the protein prior to lipid binding.  相似文献   

The contribution of hydrogen bonding by peptide groups to the conformational stability of globular proteins was studied. One of the conserved residues in the microbial ribonuclease (RNase) family is an asparagine at position 39 in RNase Sa, 44 in RNase T1, and 58 in RNase Ba (barnase). The amide group of this asparagine is buried and forms two similar intramolecular hydrogen bonds with a neighboring peptide group to anchor a loop on the surface of all three proteins. Thus, it is a good model for the hydrogen bonding of peptide groups. When the conserved asparagine is replaced with alanine, the decrease in the stability of the mutant proteins is 2.2 (Sa), 1.8 (T1), and 2.7 (Ba) kcal/mol. When the conserved asparagine is replaced by aspartate, the stability of the mutant proteins decreases by 1.5 and 1.8 kcal/mol for RNases Sa and T1, respectively, but increases by 0.5 kcal/mol for RNase Ba. When the conserved asparagine was replaced by serine, the stability of the mutant proteins was decreased by 2.3 and 1.7 kcal/mol for RNases Sa and T1, respectively. The structure of the Asn 39 --> Ser mutant of RNase Sa was determined at 1.7 A resolution. There is a significant conformational change near the site of the mutation: (1) the side chain of Ser 39 is oriented differently than that of Asn 39 and forms hydrogen bonds with two conserved water molecules; (2) the peptide bond of Ser 42 changes conformation in the mutant so that the side chain forms three new intramolecular hydrogen bonds with the backbone to replace three hydrogen bonds to water molecules present in the wild-type structure; and (3) the loss of the anchoring hydrogen bonds makes the surface loop more flexible in the mutant than it is in wild-type RNase Sa. The results show that burial and hydrogen bonding of the conserved asparagine make a large contribution to microbial RNase stability and emphasize the importance of structural information in interpreting stability studies of mutant proteins.  相似文献   

Activation of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels is thought to involve two distinct steps: a recognition event in which a ligand binds to the channel and a conformational change that both opens the channel and increases the affinity of the channel for an agonist. Sequence similarity with the cyclic nucleotide-binding sites of cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases and the bacterial catabolite activating protein (CAP) suggests that the channel ligand binding site consists of a beta-roll and three alpha-helices. Recent evidence has demonstrated that the third (or C) alpha-helix moves relative to the agonist upon channel activation, forming additional favorable contacts with the purine ring. Here we ask if channel activation also involves structural changes in the beta-roll by investigating the contribution of a conserved arginine residue that, in CAP and the kinases, forms an important ionic interaction with the cyclized phosphate of the bound ligand. Mutations that conserve, neutralize, or reverse the charge on this arginine decreased the apparent affinity for ligand over four orders of magnitude but had little effect on the ability of bound ligand to open the channel. These data indicate that the cyclized phosphate of the nucleotide approaches to within 2-4 A of the arginine, forming a favorable ionic bond that is largely unaltered upon activation. Thus, the binding site appears to be polarized into two distinct structural and functional domains: the beta-roll stabilizes the ligand in a state-independent manner, whereas the C-helix selectively stabilizes the ligand in the open state of the channel. It is likely that these distinct contributions of the nucleotide/C-helix and nucleotide/beta-roll interactions may also be a general feature of the mechanism of activation of other cyclic nucleotide-binding proteins.  相似文献   

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