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Postembryonic development in higher plants is marked by repetitive organ formation via a self-perpetuating stem cell system, the shoot meristem. Organs are initiated at the shoot meristem periphery, while a central zone harbors the stem cells. Here we show by genetic and molecular analyses that the ZWILLE (ZLL) gene is specifically required to establish the central-peripheral organization of the embryo apex and that this step is critical for shoot meristem self-perpetuation. zll mutants correctly initiate expression of the shoot meristem-specific gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS in early embryos, but fail to regulate its spatial expression pattern at later embryo stages and initiate differentiated structures in place of stem cells. We isolated the ZLL gene by map-based cloning. It encodes a novel protein, and related sequences are highly conserved in multicellular plants and animals but are absent from bacteria and yeast. We propose that ZLL relays positional information required to maintain stem cells of the developing shoot meristem in an undifferentiated state during the transition from embryonic development to repetitive postembryonic organ formation.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a small group of dividing cells that generate all of the aerial parts of the plant. With the goal of providing a framework for the analysis of Arabidopsis meristems at the cellular level, we performed a detailed morphometric study of actively growing inflorescence apices of the Landsberg erecta and Wassilewskija ecotypes. For this purpose, cell size, spatial distribution of mitotic cells, and the mitotic index were determined in a series of optical sections made with a confocal laser scanning microscope. The results allowed us to identify zones within the inflorescence SAM with different cell proliferation rates. In particular, we were able to define a central area that was four to six cells wide and had a low mitotic index. We used this technique to compare the meristem of the wild type with the enlarged meristems of two mutants, clavata3-1 (clv3-1) and mgoun2 (mgo2). One of the proposed functions of the CLV genes is to limit cell division rates in the center of the meristem. Our data allowed us to reject this hypothesis, because the mitotic index was reduced in the inflorescence meristem of the clv3-1 mutant. We also observed a large zone of slowly dividing cells in meristems of clv3-1 seedlings. This zone was not detectable in the wild type. These results suggest that the central area is increased in size in the mutant meristem, which is in line with the hypothesis that the CLV3 gene is necessary for the transition of cells from the central to the peripheral zone. Genetic and microscopic analyses suggest that mgo2 is impaired in the production of primordia, and we previously proposed that the increased size of the mgo2 meristem could be due to an accumulation of cells at the periphery. Our morphometric analysis showed that mgo2 meristems, in contrast to those of clv3-1, have an enlarged periphery with high cell proliferation rates. This confirms that clv3-1 and mgo2 lead to meristem overgrowth by affecting different aspects of meristem function.  相似文献   

A number of proteins have been identified that contain prominent sequence signatures that are uniquely shared by the members of the Deinococcus-Thermus genera and the cyanobacterial species but which are not found in any of the other eubacterial or archaebacterial homologs. The proteins containing such sequence signatures include (1) the DnaJ/Hsp40 family of proteins, (2) DNA polymerase I, (3) the protein synthesis elongation factor EF-Tu, and (4) the elongation factor EF-Ts. A strong affinity of the Deinococcus-Thermus species to cyanobacteria is also seen in the phylogenetic trees based on Hsp70 and DnaJ sequences. These results provide strong evidence of a close and specific evolutionary relationship between species belonging to these two eubacterial divisions.  相似文献   

Meristems are distinctive regions of plants that have capacity for continuous growth. Their developmental activity generates the majority of plant organs. It is currently unknown how cell division and cell differentiation are orchestrated in meristems, although genetic studies have demonstrated the relevance of a proper balance between the two processes. Root meristems contain a distinct central region of mitotically inactive cells, the quiescent centre, the function of which has remained elusive until now. Here we present laser ablation and genetic data that show that in Arabidopsis thaliana the quiescent centre inhibits differentiation of surrounding cells. Differentiation regulation occurs within the range of a single cell, in a manner strikingly similar to examples in animal development, such as during delamination of Drosophila neuroblasts. Our data indicate that pattern formation in the root meristem is controlled by a balance between short-range signals inhibiting differentiation and signals that reinforce cell fate decisions.  相似文献   

In a direct test of conditioned antisickness (CAS; B. T. Lett, 1983) theory, the authors measured emesis in ferrets and found those with a history of forward pairings of pentobarbital and lithium to have fewer and shorter bouts of emesis on test, whether induced by lithium or, in a subsequent test, by the highly emetogenic anticancer drug cisplatin. In an indirect test of her CAS theory, B. T. Lett (1992) paired interoceptive (drug) or place cues with lithium chloride toxicosis and found that rats with a forward-pairings history ate less food than controls on a forward-pairing test, consistent with conditioned sickness rather than CAS. But rats eat dirt or clay in response to sickness and adaptively eat small amounts of food when clay is not available. We substituted clay (kaolin) for food in a partial procedural replication of B. T. Lett's (1992, Experiment 1) experiment and found that rats with a history of forward pairings of pentobarbital and lithium ate less kaolin, which is consistent with CAS.  相似文献   

Shoot apical meristems (SAMs) of seed plants are small groups of pluripotent cells responsible for making leaves, stems and flowers. While the primary SAM forms during embryogenesis, new SAMs, called axillary SAMs, develop later on the body of the plant and give rise to branches. In Arabidopsis plants, axillary SAMs develop in close association with the adaxial leaf base at the junction of the leaf and stem (the leaf axil). We describe the phenotype caused by the Arabidopsis phabulosa-1d (phb-1d) mutation. phb-1d is a dominant mutation that causes altered leaf polarity such that adaxial characters develop in place of abaxial leaf characters. The adaxialized leaves fail to develop leaf blades. This supports a recently proposed model in which the juxtaposition of ad- and abaxial cell fates is required for blade outgrowth. In addition to the alteration in leaf polarity, phb-1d mutants develop ectopic SAMs on the undersides of their leaves. Also, the phb-1d mutation weakly suppresses the shoot meristemless (stm) mutant phenotype. These observations indicate an important role for adaxial cell fate in promoting the development of axiallary SAMs and suggest a cyclical model for shoot development: SAMs make leaves which in turn are responsible for generating new SAMs.  相似文献   

Determinate growth of floral meristems in Arabidopsis requires the function of the floral regulatory gene AGAMOUS (AG). Expression of AG mRNA in the central region of floral meristems relies on the partially overlapping functions of the LEAFY (LFY) and APETALA1 (AP1) genes, which promote initial floral meristem identity. Here, we provide evidence that AG function is required for the final definition of floral meristem identity and that constitutive AG function can promote, independent of LFY and AP1 functions, the determinate floral state in the center of reproductive meristems. Loss-of-function analysis showed that the indeterminate central region of the ag mutant floral meristem undergoes conversion to an inflorescence meristem when long-day-dependent flowering stimulus is removed. Furthermore, gain-of-function analysis demonstrated that ectopic AG function results in precocious flowering and the formation of terminal flowers at apices of both the primary inflorescence and axillary branches of transgenic Arabidopsis plants in which AG expression is under the control of the 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus. Similar phenotypes were also observed in lfy ap1 double mutants carrying a 35S-AG transgene. Together, these results indicate that AG is a principal developmental switch that controls the transition of meristem activity from indeterminate to determinate.  相似文献   

Mutations at the CLAVATA2 (CLV2) locus of Arabidopsis result in enlarged shoot and flower meristems, as well as alterations in the development of the gynoecia, flower pedicels, and stamens. The shoot and flower meristem phenotypes of clv2 mutants are similar to weak clv1 and clv3 mutants. We present genetic analysis that CLV2 may function in the same pathway as CLV1 and CLV3 in the regulation of meristem development, but function separately in the regulation of organ development. We also present evidence that clv2 phenotypes are altered when the mutants are grown under short-day light conditions. These alterations include flower-to-shoot transformations, as well as a nearly complete suppression of the flower phenotypes, indicating that the requirement for CLV2 changes in response to different physiological conditions. The stm-1 mutation dominantly suppresses clv2, and clv2 mutations suppress the strong stm-1 allele, but not the weak stm-2 allele.  相似文献   

The form of seed plants is determined by the growth of a number of meristems including apical meristems, leaf meristems and cambium layers. We investigated five recessive mutant alleles of a gene REVOLUTA that is required to promote the growth of apical meristems and to limit cell division in leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana. REVOLUTA maps to the bottom of the fifth chromosome. Apical meristems of both paraclades (axillary shoots) and flowers of revoluta mutants frequently fail to complete normal development and form incomplete or abortive structures. The primary shoot apical meristem sometimes also arrests development early. Leaves, stems and floral organs, in contrast, grow abnormally large. We show that in the leaf epidermis this extra growth is due to extra cell divisions in the leaf basal meristem. The extent of leaf growth is negatively correlated with the development of a paraclade in the leaf axil. The thickened stems contain extra cell layers, arranged in rings, indicating that they may result from a cambium-like meristem. These results suggest that the REVOLUTA gene has a role in regulating the relative growth of apical and non-apical meristems in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The hepatic clearance of ONO-5046 (N-[2-[4-(2,2-dimethylpropionyloxy)phenylsulphonylamino]benz oyl]aminoacetic acid), a low-molecular-weight neutrophil elastase inhibitor, has been investigated in rats and in the rat perfused liver. This ester was easily hydrolysed to its inactive metabolite EI-601 (N-[2-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)sulphonylamino]benzoyl]aminoacetic acid) in liver homogenate and in erythrocytes suspension in-vitro. On the other hand, it was stable in biological media such as plasma and whole blood, which contain plasma proteins. Scatchard plot analysis of ONO-5046 binding to bovine serum albumin (BSA) in-vitro indicated that the association constant (K) and number of binding sites (n) were 6.91 x 10(4) (M(-1)) and 4.33, respectively. Thus, ONO-5046 (100 microM) would bind to plasma proteins to an extent >99% at physiological plasma-protein concentrations. The total plasma clearance of ONO-5046 in rats was constant (approximately 9 mL min(-1) kg(-1)) under different steady-state plasma concentrations (5-50 microM) a value equivalent to the hepatic clearance. In the rat perfused liver, the hepatic extraction ratio of ONO-5046 was significantly reduced by adding BSA to the dosing solution. Thus, the relatively low hepatic clearance of ONO-5046, which has an ester linkage in its structure and is naturally susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis, was found to be because of the extremely high protein-binding of the compound.  相似文献   

In roots two distinct polar movements of auxin have been reported that may control different developmental and growth events. To test the hypothesis that auxin derived from the shoot and transported toward the root controls lateral root development, the two polarities of auxin transport were uncoupled in Arabidopsis. Local application of the auxin-transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) at the root-shoot junction decreased the number and density of lateral roots and reduced the free indoleacetic acid (IAA) levels in the root and [3H]IAA transport into the root. Application of NPA to the basal half of or at several positions along the root only reduced lateral root density in regions that were in contact with NPA or in regions apical to the site of application. Lateral root development was restored by application of IAA apical to NPA application. Lateral root development in Arabidopsis roots was also inhibited by excision of the shoot or dark growth and this inhibition was reversible by IAA. Together, these results are consistent with auxin transport from the shoot into the root controlling lateral root development.  相似文献   

An analysis of the factors that influence the increase in plasma immunoreactive beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (beta-MSH) concentration in chronic renal failure showed that: (a) the increase correlated with the increase in serum creatinine concentrations; (b) beta-MSH was not cleared from the plasma by haemodialysis; (c) beta-MSH concentrations increased with length of time on dialysis and increased further after bilateral nephrectomy but there was no further increase with time; (d) beta-MSH levels decreased to normal after renal transplantation; and (e) beta-MSH was excreted in urine only when plasma levels rose to well above those of chronic renal failure (in Nelson's syndrome). These findings suggest that the kidney regulated plasma beta-MSH by a non-excretory mechanism and is the major site of beta-MSH metabolism.  相似文献   

The review examines the evidence that the supply of cholesterol available for incorporation into nascent lipoprotein particles exerts a regulatory influence on apolipoprotein (apo) B secretion by the liver. Support for this hypothesis comes both from in vitro experiments and from recent observations in normal subjects and patients with dyslipidemia associated with familial hypercholesterolemia, obesity, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, growth hormone deficiency and cholesteryl ester storage disease. The findings do not negate a role for triglyceride synthesis in determining apoB secretion in very low density lipoprotein, but the inhibitory effects on the latter process of pharmacological blockade of cholesterol synthesis or esterification suggest that it is conditional upon an adequate supply of cholesteryl ester.  相似文献   

Pollen development and male gametogenesis are critically dependent upon cell polarization leading to a highly asymmetric cell division termed pollen mitosis I. A mutational approach was adopted in Arabidopsis thaliana to identify genes involved these processes. Four independent gemini pollen mutants were isolated which produce divided or twin-celled pollen. The gemini pollen1 mutant was characterized in detail and shown to act gametophytically resulting in reduced transmission through both sexes. gemini pollen1 showed an incompletely penetrant phenotype resulting in equal, unequal and partial divisions at pollen mitosis I. The division planes in gemini pollen1 were shown to be aligned with the polar axis (as in wild type) and evidence was obtained for incomplete nuclear migration, which could account for altered division symmetry. gemini pollen1 also showed division phenotypes consistent with spatial uncoupling of karyokinesis and cytokinesis suggesting that GEMINI POLLEN1 may be required for the localization of phragmoplast activity. Cell fate studies showed that in both equal and unequal divisions a vegetative cell marker gene was activated in both daughter cells. Daughter cells with a range of intermediate or hybrid vegetative/generative cell fates suggests that cell fate is quantitatively related to cell size. The potential mode of action of GEMINI POLLEN1 and its effects on cell fate are discussed in relation to proposed models of microspore polarity and cell fate determination.  相似文献   

The influence of suprathreshold electrical stimulation of the extensor and flexor carpi radialis muscles on biomechanical and functional movement parameters is compared with the effect of a standardized active repetitive training of hand and fingers. Twelve patients suffering from ischaemic lesions in the territory of the middle cerebral artery participated in the study, which was conducted using a multiple baseline design. Following a baseline phase that lasted between one and three weeks all patients received electrical muscle stimulation for 20 minutes twice daily. In a third phase the repetitive training of hand and fingers was conducted for 20 minutes twice daily. Both interventions were applied in addition to conventional occupational therapy and physiotherapy. With the exception of spasticity in hand and finger flexors, repetitive electrical muscle stimulation does not improve biomechanical or functional motor parameters of the centrally paretic hand and arm. The repetitive motor training, however, is appropriate to improve biomechanical and functional movement parameters significantly. Apart from a possible effect on the muscle cell itself, the electrical muscle stimulation is thought to represent a mainly sensory, i.e. proprioceptive, and cutaneous intervention, whereas the active motor training is characterized by a continuous sensorimotor coupling within motor centres of the brain. The underlying neurophysiological mechanisms as well as basic principles concerning the role of afferent input for motor learning and recovery are discussed.  相似文献   

A new mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana that initiates flowering early and terminates the inflorescence with floral structures has been identified and named terminal flower2 (tfl2). While these phenotypes are similar to that of the terminal flower1 (tfl1) mutant, tfl2 mutant plants are also dwarfed in appearance, have reduced photoperiod sensitivity and have a more variable terminal flower structure. Under long-day and short-day growth conditions tfl1 tfl2 double mutants terminate the inflorescence without development of lateral flowers; thus, unlike tfl1 single mutants the double mutant inflorescence morphology is not affected by day length. The enhanced phenotype of the double mutant suggests that TFL2 acts in a developmental pathway distinct from TFL1. The complex nature of the tfl2 single mutant phenotype suggests that TFL2 has a regulatory role more global than that of TFL1. Double mutant analysis of tfl2 in combination with mutant alleles of the floral meristem identity genes LEAFY and APETALA1 demonstrates that TFL2 function influences developmental processes controlled by APETALA1, but not those regulated by LEAFY. Thus, the TFL2 gene product appears to have a dual role in regulating meristem activity, one being to regulate the meristem response to light signals affecting the development of the plant and the other being the maintenance of inflorescence meristem identity.  相似文献   

Actin filaments could play a role in regulation of cell swelling by two distinct mechanisms. One is by a tensile mechanism involving the coordinated interaction of actin and actin-associated proteins with all plasma membrane domains. The actin-membrane linkage would restrain cell swelling in the event of the influx of water. In shark rectal gland cells, conditions that cause massive cell swelling (i.e., high K medium, exposure to mercurials) are associated with disruption of membrane-associated actin filaments. Under conditions that result in only moderate swelling (Na-pump inhibition, Li substitution) the actin filaments remain associated with the cell membrane. Thus, in this cell type, disruption of the actin-membrane organization is correlated with increased swelling. Another mechanism by which actin could limit cell swelling is via regulation of ion transport proteins that are activated by cell swelling. This could be accomplished by a vesicle transport and insertion mechanism that delivers ion transport units to the cell membrane or by interaction with transport proteins already present in the membrane. Cell-attached patch clamp studies of RCCT-28A cells exposed to hypotonic medium demonstrated the activation of Cl-channel activity coincident with an alteration in actin. Activation of the channel was mimicked by stretching the membrane. Exposure of inside-out patches to cytochalasins also increased Cl-channel activity. Treatment of isolated patches with phalloidin inhibited stretch-induced activation. Thus, regulation of a volume-sensitive Cl-channel appears to be directly related to the state of organization of actin filaments.  相似文献   

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