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This article presents and discusses the results of measurements of solar radiation and wind speed obtained during the operation of a test-bed hybrid wind/solar generator with hydrogen support designed and constructed at the Industrial Engineering School at the University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain). An energy balance analysis is made of the different components of the system, calculating their conversion efficiencies, and proposing future improvements to increase the efficiency of the use of the surplus energy produced by the wind/solar generator. The continued collection of this data series will make it possible to perform energy and exergy analyses to allow extrapolation of the results to real stand-alone applications providing an uninterrupted power supply to receptors isolated from the grid.  相似文献   

Hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) can provide power without emission for off-grid areas. Due to intermittency of renewable energy, energy storage system (ESS) is essential for reliable power supply, while its cost is still relatively high. Appropriate power management strategy (PMS) can help to delay the degradation of energy storage devices and reduce the system cost. In this study, power management strategy and configuration optimization of the system are focused and the study includes three main contributions. First, mathematical models of the system, including photovoltaics (PVs), wind turbines (WTs), batteries, fuel cells (FCs), electrolyzers (ELZs), and hydrogen tanks are developed. The degradation of fuel cells and electrolyzers is considered in the modeling process. Second, power management strategy considering hysteresis band is employed to control energy flow to delay fuel cell and electrolyzer degradation. Third, a multi-objective optimization function including the system net annual value (NAV), loss of power supply probability (LPSP) and excess energy (Eexcess) is established. Non-dominating Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) is used to solve objective function. The results demonstrate that using hysteresis band help improve the system performance and reduce the cost. In addition, by setting the goal of excess energy, system reliability is well preserved with a LPSP as low as 0.92%. Compared with other optimization algorithms such as MOEA/D, NSGA-II has a smaller SI value of 422.10 and a larger DI value of 830.78, therefore the Pareto solution obtained by NSGA-II has a more uniform distribution and larger coverage.  相似文献   

This work presents a design methodology for a hybrid energy system based on multiple renewable power sources and bioethanol. The new concept of generation consists on having multiple power sources such as a PEM fuel cell system fed by the hydrogen produced by a bioethanol reformer and wind-solar sources working all together supervised by the energy management system. The necessary heating for the bioethanol reforming reaction can be provided by the renewable sources to enhance the efficiency of the hydrogen production. It is worth noting that, from the power balance as well as backup point of views, the hybrid system is equipped with energy storage devices. An optimal sizing methodology integrated with the energy management strategy is proposed here for designing the overall hybrid system. The suggested approach is based on genetic algorithms, using historical climate data and load demands over a period of one year. Several simulation results are given to show the methodology performance in terms of loss of power supply probability (LPSP), costs and bioethanol consumption.  相似文献   

A simple method for sizing phase-change energy storage (PCES) units for air-based solar heating systems is presented. An effective heat capacity for the phase change unit is obtained as a function of its mass, latent heat, specific heat, and melting temperature. The effective heat capacity can then be used, along with any convenient design method for systems with sensible heat stores, such as the f-chart method, to estimate the thermal performance of the system utilizing PCES.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses the results of an exergy analysis conducted during the operation of a test-bed hybrid wind/solar generator with hydrogen support, designed and constructed at the Industrial Engineering School of the University of Extremadura, Badajoz (Spain). An exergy analysis is made of the different components of the system, calculating their exergy efficiencies and exergy losses, and proposing future improvements to increase the efficiency of the use of the surplus energy produced by the wind/solar generator. The results show the electrolyzer to have an acceptable efficiency (ηex = 68.75%), but the photovoltaic modules a low exergy efficiency (ηex = 8.39%) as also is the case, though to a lesser extent, for the fuel cell (ηex = 35.9%).  相似文献   

Stand-alone hybrid renewable energy systems usually incur lower costs and demonstrate higher reliability than photovoltaic (PV) or wind systems. The most usual systems are PV–Wind–Battery and PV–Diesel–Battery. Energy storage is usually in batteries (normally of the lead-acid type). Another possible storage alternative, such as hydrogen, is not currently economically viable, given the high cost of the electrolyzers and fuel cells and the low efficiency in the electricity–hydrogen–electricity conversion. When the design of these systems is carried out, it is usually done resolve an optimization problem in which the Net Present Cost (NPC) is minimized or, in some cases, in relation to the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCE). The correct resolution of this optimization problem is a complex task because of the high number of variables and the non-linearity in the performance of some of the system components. This paper revises the simulation and optimization techniques, as well as the tools existing that are needed to simulate and design stand-alone hybrid systems for the generation of electricity.  相似文献   

A hybrid power system may be used to reduce dependency on either conventional energy or renewable systems. This article deals with the sizing, generator running hours, sensitivity analysis, optimisation, and greenhouse gas emission analysis of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES). Two locations have been selected where the feasibility of using different hybrid systems is studied for the same load demand. One site is the small remote community of Amini in the Lakshadweep Islands, located in southern India in the Arabian Sea, where solar and/or wind energy is always available throughout the year to provide energy security. Another place is the rural township of Hathras, in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where agricultural biomass is found in abundance for the whole year. A comparative study has been made for the two locations for the same load demand by simulating HRES. To achieve the goal of simulation, the hybrid optimisation model for electric renewables (HOMER) software of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA, is used. An optimisation model of a hybrid renewable system has been prepared which simplifies the task of evaluating the design of an off-grid/standalone system. After simulating all possible system equipment with their sizes, a list of many possible configurations may be evaluated and sorted by net present cost to compare the design options. An elaborate sensitivity analysis has been used for each input variable; the whole optimisation process is repeated to get simulated system configurations  相似文献   

Lead acid battery storage model for hybrid energy systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper describes a new battery model developed for use in time series performance models of hybrid energy systems. The model is intended to overcome some of the difficulties associated with currently used methods. It is based on the approach of chemical kinetics. This model, which can be used for charging and discharging, is specifically concerned with the apparent change in capacity as a function of charge and discharge rates. It assumes that the charge can be stored in two ways, either as immediately available or as chemically bound. As described in this paper, it requires the determination of as few as three constants. Examples of the deviation of the battery model constants and comparisons of the new model with those used previously are given. Based on the success of the new model, it has been incorporated into the latest versions of the University of Massachusetts's wind/diesel simulation codes.  相似文献   

Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles (FCHV) can reach near zero emission by removing the conventional internal combustion from the vehicle powertrain. Nevertheless, before seeing competitive and efficient FCHV on the market, at market prices, different technical, economic, and social challenges should be overcome. A typical hybrid fuel cell powertrain combines a fuel cell stack and a dedicated energy storage system along with their necessary power converters. Energy storage systems are used in order to enhance the well-to-wheel efficiency and thus reducing the hydrogen consumption. An efficient management of power flows on the vehicle, allows optimizing the recovery of energy braking. Moreover, working in the fuel cell maximum efficiency leads to reduced thermal losses and thus to the downsizing of the heat exchangers. This paper presents an enhanced control of the power flows on a FCHV in order to reduce the hydrogen consumption, by generating and storing the electrical energy only at the most suitable moments on a given driving cycle. While the off-line optimization-based on dynamic programming algorithm offers the necessary optimal comparison reference on a known demand, the proposed strategy which can be implemented on-line, is based on a fuzzy logic decision system. The fine tuning of the fuzzy system parameters (mainly the membership functions and the gains), is made using a genetic algorithm and the fuzzy supervisor shows performing results for different load profiles.  相似文献   

To quantify the potential for performance improvements of photovoltaic-diesel (PV-diesel) hybrid energy systems, a test facility has been installed at the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology. The research facility is part of the cooperative program to develop improved power conditioning systems for the provision of electricity in remote areas (ACRE Project 4.1). A customised control interface has been developed using the control and data acquisition software, LabVIEW. The graphical user-interface supports the automatic or manual definition of control parameters, which allows the system designer to apply optimal control methods for the management of PV-diesel hybrid energy systems. Continuously monitored weather data supports the integration of photovoltaic resource and load demand forecasts as part of the control strategy. The paper describes the developed test facility and discusses the potential for performance improvements of stand-alone renewable energy systems, which can be achieved through the application of “intelligent” energy management strategies.  相似文献   

A pilot region was selected and cost analysis of using renewable energy sources with a hydrogen system for that region’s energy demand is introduced, in a techno-economic perspective, in this paper. The renewable energy potential for the region was evaluated by implementing energy cost analysis. The study also evaluates the feasibility of utilizing solar and wind energy with hydrogen as a storage unit to meet the electricity requirements of the pilot region as a standalone system and in conjunction with the conventional grid based electricity.In order to simulate the operation of the system and to calculate the technical and economic parameters, micropower optimization program Homer (NREL, US) was used in this study. Homer requires some input values, such as technological options, cost of components, and resource compliance; and then the program ranges the feasible system configurations according to the net present cost (system cost) by using these inputs.The pilot region in this study, where the renewable based energy will be used, is determined to be Electrics & Electronics Faculty, Istanbul Technical University.  相似文献   

Y. Tripanagnostopoulos   《Solar Energy》2007,81(9):1117-1131
Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T or PVT) solar systems consist of PV modules coupled to water or air heat extraction devices, which convert the absorbed solar radiation into electricity and heat. At the University of Patras, an extended research on PV/T systems has been performed aiming at the study of several modifications for system performance improvement. In this paper a new type of PV/T collector with dual heat extraction operation, either with water or with air circulation is presented. This system is simple and suitable for building integration, providing hot water or air depending on the season and the thermal needs of the building. Experiments with dual type PV/T models of alternative arrangement of the water and the air heat exchanging elements were performed. The most effective design was further studied, applying to it low cost modifications for the air heat extraction improvement. These modifications include a thin metallic sheet placed in the middle of the air channel, the mounting of fins on the opposite wall to PV rear surface of the air channel and the placement of the sheet combined with small ribs on the opposite air channel wall. The modified dual PV/T collectors were combined with booster diffuse reflectors, achieving a significant increase in system thermal and electrical energy output. The improved PV/T systems have aesthetic and energy advantages and could be used instead of separate installation of plain PV modules and thermal collectors, mainly if the available building surface is limited and the thermal needs are associated with low temperature water or air heating.  相似文献   

M.J. Khan  M.T. Iqbal   《Renewable Energy》2005,30(6):835-854
A potential solution for stand-alone power generation is to use a hybrid energy system in parallel with some hydrogen energy storage. In this paper, a pre-feasibility study of using hybrid energy systems with hydrogen as an energy carrier for applications in Newfoundland, Canada is explained. Various renewable and non-renewable energy sources, energy storage methods and their applicability in terms of cost and performance are discussed. HOMER is used as a sizing and optimization tool. Sensitivity analysis with wind speed data, solar radiation level, diesel price and fuel cell cost was done. A remote house having an energy consumption of 25 kW h/d with a 4.73 kW peak power demand was considered as the stand-alone load. It was found that, a wind–diesel–battery hybrid system is the most suitable solution at present. However, with a reduction of fuel cell cost to 15% of its current value, a wind–fuel cell system would become a superior choice. Validity of such projection and economics against conventional power sources were identified. Sizing, performance and various cost indices were also analyzed in this paper.  相似文献   

The increasing penetration of intermittent renewable sources, fostering power sector decarbonization, calls for the adoption of energy storage systems as an essential mean to improve local electricity exploitation, reducing the impact of distributed power generation on the electric grid. This work compares the use of hydrogen-based Power-to-Power systems, battery systems and hybrid hydrogen-battery systems to supply a constant 1 MWel load with electricity locally generated by a photovoltaic plant. A techno-economic optimization model is set up that optimizes the size and annual operation of the system components (photovoltaic field, electrolyzer, hydrogen storage tanks, fuel cell and batteries) with the objective of minimizing the annual average cost of electricity, while guaranteeing an imposed share of local renewable self-generation. Results show that, with the present values of investment costs and grid electricity prices, the installation of an energy storage system is not economically attractive by itself, whereas the installation of PV panels is beneficial in terms of costs, so that the baseline optimal solution consists of a 4.2 MWp solar field capable to self-generate 33% of the load annually. For imposed shares of self-generation above 40%, decoupling generation and consumption becomes necessary. The use of batteries is slightly less expensive than the use of hydrogen storage systems up to a 92% self-generation rate. Above this threshold, seasonal storage becomes predominant and hybrid storage becomes cheaper than batteries. The sale of excess electricity is always important to support the plant economics, and a sale price reduction sensibly impacts the results. Hydrogen storage becomes more competitive when the need for medium and long terms energy shift increases, e.g. in case of having a cap on the available PV capacity.  相似文献   

Public awareness of the need to reduce global warming and the significant increase in the prices of conventional energy sources have encouraged many countries to provide new energy policies that promote the renewable energy applications. Such renewable energy sources like wind, solar, hydro based energies, etc. are environment friendly and have potential to be more widely used. Combining these renewable energy sources with back-up units to form a hybrid system can provide a more economic, environment friendly and reliable supply of electricity in all load demand conditions compared to single-use of such systems. One of the most important issues in this type of hybrid system is to optimally size the hybrid system components as sufficient enough to meet all load requirements with possible minimum investment and operating costs. There are many studies about the optimization and sizing of hybrid renewable energy systems since the recent popular utilization of renewable energy sources. In this concept, this paper provides a detailed analysis of such optimum sizing approaches in the literature that can make significant contributions to wider renewable energy penetration by enhancing the system applicability in terms of economy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a sizing method and different control strategies for the suitable energy management of a stand-alone hybrid system based on photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, hydrogen subsystem and battery. The battery and hydrogen subsystem, which is composed of fuel cell (FC), electrolyzer and hydrogen storage tank, act as energy storage and support system. In order to efficiently utilize the energy sources integrated in the hybrid system, an appropriate sizing is necessary. In this paper, a new sizing method based on Simulink Design Optimization (SDO) of MATLAB was used to perform a technical optimization of the hybrid system components. An analysis cost has been also performed, in that the configuration under study has been compared with those integrating only batteries and only hydrogen system. The dynamic model of the designed hybrid system is detailed in this paper. The models, implemented in MATLAB-Simulink environment, have been designed from commercially available components. Three control strategies based on operating modes and combining technical-economic aspects are considered for the energy management of the hybrid system. They have been designed, primarily, to satisfy the load power demand and, secondarily, to maintain a certain level at the hydrogen tank (hydrogen energy reserve), and at the state of charge (SOC) of the battery bank to extend its life, taking into account also technical-economic analysis. Dynamic simulations were performed to evaluate the configuration, sizing and control strategies for the energy management of the hybrid system under study in this work. Simulation results show that the proposed hybrid system with the presented controls is able to provide the energy demanded by the loads, while maintaining a certain energy reserve in the storage sources.  相似文献   

Recently, the increasing energy demand has caused dramatic consumption of fossil fuels and unavoidable raising energy prices. Moreover, environmental effect of fossil fuel led to the need of using renewable energy (RE) to meet the rising energy demand. Unpredictability and the high cost of the renewable energy technologies are the main challenges of renewable energy usage. In this context, the integration of renewable energy sources to meet the energy demand of a given area is a promising scenario to overcome the RE challenges. In this study, a novel approach is proposed for optimal design of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) including various generators and storage devices. The ε-constraint method has been applied to minimize simultaneously the total cost of the system, unmet load, and fuel emission. A particle swarm optimization (PSO)-simulation based approach has been used to tackle the multi-objective optimization problem. The proposed approach has been tested on a case study of an HRES system that includes wind turbine, photovoltaic (PV) panels, diesel generator, batteries, fuel cell (FC), electrolyzer and hydrogen tank. Finally, a sensitivity analysis study is performed to study the sensibility of different parameters to the developed model.  相似文献   

Hydrogen energy storage systems (HydESS) and their integration with renewable energy sources into the grid have the greatest potential for energy production and storage while controlling grid demand to enhance energy sustainability. This paper presents a bibliometric analysis based on a comprehensive review of the highly cited articles on HydESS to provide a detailed insight into future directions and applications. The study was carried out by using the Scopus database search engine to look for filtered keywords in the HydESS and related research. It can be demonstrated that the HydESS literature expanded rapidly from 2016 to 2021 compared to 2011 to 2015. It is found that 89.17% of published articles explained control and test systems-based methods, whereas 10.83% of publications discuss review assessments. Our analysis of highly cited articles on HydESS highlights several aspects, such as methods and systems, issues, difficulties, and challenges to establishing current constraints and research gaps. This evaluation can enhance operational performance, environmental friendliness, energy savings, uninterrupted power supply service, cost benefits, on-site generation, and adaptability. It would be beneficial for technology development and the growth of the hydESS industry. This study may act as a guideline not only for academics in determining the line of research and generating additional discoveries, but also for the government in formulating financial strategies.  相似文献   

This paper provides a preliminary assessment of the performance and economic potential of a hybrid energy system (wind/diesel) power system which includes a variable speed diesel generator. Recent development in power electronics would be utilized to allow asynchronous operation of the diesel generator, while simultaneously delivering constant frequency electric power to the local electrical grid. In addition to the variable speed diesel, the system can include wind and/or solar electric sources. A hybrid energy system model recently developed at the University of Massachusetts is used to simulate this system configuration and other more conventional wind/diesel hybrid energy systems. Experimental data from a series of variable speed diesel generator tests were used to generate a series of fuel consumption curves used in the analytical model. In addition to performance (fuel savings) comparisons for fixed and variable speed systems, economic cost of energy calculations for the various system designs are presented. It is shown that the proposed system could offer both performance and economic advantages.  相似文献   

In this paper, an observer-based type-2 fuzzy method is proposed for control and energy management strategy (EMS) of the hybrid energy storage system (HESS) which can be composed of the fuel cell (FC), battery (BA), and supercapacitor (SC). The objective and main contribution of the suggested strategy is to provide: 1) Appropriate tracking performance of power sources by an observer-based control method in the presence of noise and signal ripples. 2) An observer-based composite adaptive type-2 fuzzy (OCAT2F) to approximate the voltage of power sources. 3) A dynamical model of DC-bus to guarantee the stability of closed-loop system. 4) An intelligent EMS. To have a high-power supply, the proposed EMS includes two parts; a type-2 fuzzy logic control rule table (T2FLCRT), and an observer-based robust adaptive fuzzy type-2 fuzzy (ORAT2F). Furthermore, stability analyses of the closed-loop system are provided by the input-output linearization (I-OL) approach and based on the Lyapunov theorem. The simulation results of the proposed control scheme under MATLAB/Simulink indicate that the suggested strategy can provide a suitable control performance, and stability of the whole system is achieved.  相似文献   

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