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Studies of organics and trace metals of the resin fraction of Nigerian bitumen were carried out with an opinion to establish the environmental consequences of the fossil fuel and as well as characterize them. Bitumen samples were extracted from oil sands via Soxhlet extraction procedure using toluene as the extracting solvent. The bitumen samples were deasphaltened to obtain maltene by dissolving the samples in n-pentane (1:40). Column chromatography was used to fractionate the maltene into its components (saturates, aromatics, and resin) using silica gel as adsorbent and dissimilar solvents of varying polarity (n-hexane for saturates, toluene for aromatics, and methanol for resins). The organic compounds of the resin fraction were examined using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophometry (FTIR) and the elemental concentrations were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrophotometry (ICP-OES). The infrared spectra of all the resin samples presented distinctive bands including expected polar functional groups which confirmed that the resin was cleanly eluted from the bitumen samples. The concentrations of the analyzed trace metals in the resin fraction were found to be high compared to other fractions and this was confirmed by their T-test values. Fe had the highest average concentration of 34.81 ± 14.37 mg/kg and a range of 19.35–47.48 mg/kg, while Mn had the least mean concentration of 0.94 ± 0.71 mg/kg and a range of 0.35–1.88 mg/kg. The result of cross-plot analysis revealed that resin fraction has strong and positive inter elemental correlation with the NSO and asphaltene fraction of the same bitumen samples. The overall results indicated that processing of the bitumen and/or its resin may cause catalyst poisoning and fouling, corrosion of equipment and pipelines, and particulate emissions into the environment and therefore adequate demetalisation of the fossil fuel must be done before processing.  相似文献   

介绍了对牙哈原油进行的综合评价。结果表明:该原油的特点是密度小(849.9 kg/m3),轻质油收率高,且质量好,初馏点~145℃馏分是理想的重整原料,初馏点~180℃是较理想的汽油调合组分,也是优良的乙烯裂解原料,初馏点~350℃收率72.17%,加工时应严格控制比例,比例过高,常压塔的汽相负荷大,会影响常减压装置的稳定操作和安全生产。牙哈原油重整原料的收率较高,砷、氯,硫含量低,腐蚀合格。牙哈原油芳烃潜含量较高,重整加工时芳烃收率指数高达73.51%,是较理想的重整原料。牙哈原油喷气燃料组分加工前应针对碱性氮小的情况采取白土精制,保证航空煤油颜色的稳定性。240~300℃,300~350℃两段组分是较理想的柴油馏分,但必须经过加氢或碱洗精制,240~300℃是调合低凝柴油的优质组分。其减压蜡油作为润滑油馏分粘度指数大,黏温性能好,酸值小,芳烃含量较低,适合作生产高黏度指数润滑油的基础油,也是较好的催化裂解原料,大于520℃的减压渣油收率低,应与其他渣油掺炼,没有单独深加工的必要。  相似文献   

马跃明 《石油机械》1999,27(4):32-33,41
原油加热器是安装在油井井口给原油加热的一种采油设备,主要由原油流道、电热元件、保温层、电气控制系统和外壳等组成,其原理是以正电阻温度系数热敏电阻器(PTC)为电热元件对原油等流体加热。衡量PTC性能最重要的特性是电阻-温度特性,表征PTC效应的重要参数为升阻比和温度系数。根据加热器的结构特点和油田现场情况将电气控制系统和加热器制成整体。辽河油田、大庆油田和东北输油管理局等单位的试用情况证明,这种加热器完全适合油田采油的需要  相似文献   

石油加工过程中,油品的残炭值是一项非常重要的指标,特别是重油轻质化加工过程.它是油品生焦倾向大小的体现,能够直接或间接反映重油轻质化加工过程中的产品分布比率、生焦率和加工损失.油品的残炭值一般通过实验方法获取.通过对国内外35种原油60余组独立数据分析研究,利用最小二乘法拟合出原油与渣油之间的残炭值关联函数,并参照国家现行的残炭测定标准对关联函数计算值的精密度进行比较和分析.结果证实,残炭关联函数的精密度基本满足现行国家测定标准的再现性要求.  相似文献   

在考察了盐添加量与原油乳状液升温速率、脱水率、盐回收率关系的基础上,提出了盐-高分子联合作用对原油进行微波辐射破乳的方法。结果表明,利用SH9402微波反应系统,使含水质量分数为50%的大庆石蜡基高蜡原油乳状液在辐射功率为225W、系统压力为0.7MPa、恒压时间为12min、剂油质量比为0.05、乙酸钠/聚乙二醇2000质量比为3:7时,脱水率达95.97%,盐回收率达91.23%;与单一使用乙酸钠相比,脱水率提高了0.14个百分点,盐的用量降低了70%(质量分数),盐回收率提高了29.29%。  相似文献   

The crude oil in Zhundong Oilfield has good self-emulsification phenomenon. In order to reveal the mechanism, the crude oil was divided into saturated hydrocarbon, unsaturated hydrocarbon, resin and asphalt by chromatographic method, and their contents are 40.09%, 11.19%, 48.05% and 0.67%, respectively. The effects of the petroleum components on self-emulsification were investigated. The results show that the resin has the most important effect on emulsification and plays the role of emulsifier. The saturated hydrocarbon and unsaturated hydrocarbon act as the basic oil and cannot be emulsified with the injection water without the resin emulsifier. Moreover, the resin content is very important, only when it is in a proper proportion, the system can be well self-emulsified. This work is useful for water flooding.  相似文献   

为探究蒸馏装置电脱盐系统波动原因,分别考察了电脱盐罐操作条件及原油性质两方面因素,并结合原油混合相容性理论进行分析,得到以下结论.两种性质差异较大的原油混合时,存在不相容的可能,沥青质析出,增大原油乳化程度,导致电脱盐系统运行波动;重质原油掺炼比例越低,不相容程度越明显,随着重质原油混合比例增加,原油不相容状态逐渐得到...  相似文献   

In this work, an experimental investigation on removing crude oil from a stainless steel tube using a biosurfactant such as emulsan was studied. The emulsan used in this study was produced by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus PTCC1318. The produced emulsan was able to reduce the surface and interfacial tension of water to 24 mN/m and 3 mN/m, respectively. Also influence of water- oil ratio on emulsifying property was studied. The results showed at CMC concentration, emulsification index (E24) of emulsions decreased with increasing water- oil ratio. At 25°C, 30 mg/L, with a water–oil ratio of 1:2, produced emulsan formed an excellent emulsification of crude oil about 98%. Cleaning parameters tested included washing time and flow rate. It also demonstrated that the emulsan is useful for the tube cleaning with removal percentages of 100% at the room temperature, depending on the washing conditions.  相似文献   

原油碳源微生物自动寻的提高原油采收率机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
景贵成  郭尚平  俞理 《石油学报》2006,27(6):84-88,92
应用可视化实验观测方法,对3种原油碳源微生物提高原油采收率的机理进行的研究发现,原油碳源微生物有向原油定向运移并直接接触原油的“自动寻的”功能,并使原油碳源处菌群高度富集。这种自动寻的运移是原油碳源微生物提高原油采收率的基础。实验发现,在任何时候,原油碳源处的菌浓度比其他各处高出5~6个数量级。距原油碳源越远,菌浓度越低,其代谢产物浓度分布规律与菌浓度分布规律相符。微观模拟实验表明,高浓度的菌群及其大量代谢产物协同作用于原油碳源有利于剩余油启动。依据所得规律,对应用原油碳源微生物提高采收率的生产模式提出了建议。  相似文献   

大庆原油蜡沉积规律研究   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
在理论分析及室内试验的基础上,系统研究了油温、流速、管壁处温度梯度等参数对大庆原油蜡沉积的影响.在原油与管壁温差相同时,不同温度段蜡沉积速率并不相同,存在蜡沉积高峰区.在壁温相同时,随油温升高,蜡沉积速率逐渐增加.在油温、壁温相同的条件下,随流速增加,蜡沉积速率下降.建立了大庆原油蜡沉积模型,并利用该模型预测了铁岭-秦皇岛输油管线不同季节、不同时间沿线蜡沉积分布.铁-秦线冬季存在蜡沉积高峰区;春、秋季出站时蜡沉积最严重,下一站进站时蜡沉积最轻;夏季蜡沉积速率更小,且沿线变化不大.  相似文献   

在概述了塔河原油顺序输送的背景、塔轮线基本概况的基础上,简述了塔河中质原油、重质原油在塔轮线的顺序输送方案,研究、总结了顺序输送过程中的混油机理、混油因素、管线水力特性的基本规律,以便指导塔轮线高质高效安全运行。  相似文献   

以新建加工进口原油千万吨级炼油厂的规划设计过程为例,阐述了在规划设计新建炼油厂的过程中,如何分析和考察原油的选择、原油供应的可靠性、第二原油的选择和加工第二原油的适应性。针对加工第二原油遇到的瓶颈,在总流程的规划设计过程中提出了相应设计预留措施,以提高炼油厂总流程的适应性。  相似文献   

熊玉平  张国静 《炼油与化工》2012,(2):13-16,57,58
俄罗斯原油属于高硫中间基原油,掺炼俄罗斯原油可以打破国内炼油厂加工原油的单一格局。文中从掺炼俄罗斯原油对催化裂化装置的产品分布、产品性质、对含硫污水、汽油烯烃等方面的影响进行分析和讨论,提出了掺炼俄罗斯原油后应增加催化剂、防腐剂的注入量等对策。  相似文献   

为解决某炼油厂加工高酸原油时出现的原油乳化严重、脱水脱盐不合格问题,通过模拟实验评选出了最佳破乳剂,并研究了工艺条件对电脱盐脱水效果的影响。结果表明,SH-2型破乳剂具有高效广谱性;在电场强度为600~800 V/cm,脱盐温度为125~130℃,破乳剂用量为25~30μg/g,注水量[m(水)/m(原油)]为6%的最佳工艺条件下,可将多-阿混合原油[m(多巴原油)/m(阿尔巴克拉原油)为1∶2]和荣-马混合原油[m(荣卡多原油)/m(马希拉原油)为3∶2]的含盐量由52.7,12.7 mg/L均降低至小于0.3 mg/L,脱盐脱水原油的含水质量分数均小于0.2%。  相似文献   

采用大港油田集团油田化学有限公司研制的HF-101脱钙剂对中国石油锦州石化分公司炼油厂掺炼杜巴原油进行了工业试验。应用结果表明:使用HF-101脱钙剂后原油中的钙平均脱除率可达到90.89%,脱后原油的平均钙质量分数为24.81μg/g;原油的灰分由脱钙前的0.065%降至0.030%左右;原油的盐含量和水含量也大幅度下降。锦州石化分公司使用脱钙剂后,满足石油焦和煅烧普通焦的灰分质量要求,经济效益显著,并且使用HF-101脱钙剂可使电脱盐装置的操作电流下降50%,具有较好的节能降耗作用。  相似文献   

高效吸油树脂性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
确定了高效吸油树脂吸油性能评价指标,并以此指标对用悬浮法聚合制备的3种高吸油树脂进行了吸油性能评价。结果表明,利用悬浮法聚合制备的甲基丙烯酸丁脂与甲基丙烯酸异辛脂共聚物型高吸油树脂,吸油倍率可达18,保油率可达90%以上。  相似文献   

The most economical way to overcome flow assurance problems associated with transportation of heavy crude oil through offshore pipelines is by emulsifying it with water in the presence of a suitable surfactant.In this research,a novel surfactant,tri-triethanolamine monosunflower ester,was synthesized in the laboratory by extracting fatty acids present in sunflower(Helianthus annuus)oil.Synthesized surfactant was used to prepare oil-in-water emulsions of a heavy crude oil from the western oil field of India.After emulsification,a dramatic decrease in pour point as well as viscosity was observed.All the prepared emulsions were found to be flowing even at 1°C.The emulsion developed with 60%oil content and 2wt%surfactant showed a decrease in viscosity of 96%.The stability of the emulsion was investigated at different temperatures,and it was found to be highly stable.The effectiveness of surfactant in emulsifying the heavy oil in water was investigated by measuring the equilibrium interfacial tension(IFT)between the crude oil(diluted)and the aqueous phase along with zeta potential of emulsions.2wt%surfactant decreased IFT by almost nine times that of no surfactant.These results suggested that the synthesized surfactant may be used to prepare a stable oil-in-water emulsion for its transportation through offshore pipelines efficiently.  相似文献   

在XTL-5小型提升管催化裂化实验装置上,以苏丹达尔高酸原油为原料,进行催化裂解增产丙烯实验,考察了催化剂类型、反应温度、停留时间以及水油比对丙烯收率的影响。实验结果表明,采用多产丙烯LTB-2催化剂,不仅可以获得较高的丙烯收率和较低的低价值产物收率,同时可获得较高的柴油收率;提高反应温度、延长停留时间和提高水油比,均可提高丙烯的收率,其适宜的反应条件是反应温度520℃、停留时间1.6~2.0 s、水油比0.25。  相似文献   

特稠油,超稠油油藏热采开发模式综述   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
方法利用水平井热采模式.对特、超稠油油藏进行开采。目的改善开发效果,提高经济效益。结果对油层厚度小于5m的特、超稠油油藏不宜采用水平井热采;对油层厚度在5~10m的特稠油油藏或油层厚度大于10m的超稠油油藏,可采用水平井蒸汽吞吐和蒸汽驱开采;对原油粘度大于5×104mPa·s的超稠油油藏,适用蒸汽吞吐开采;对油层厚度大于20m,原油粘度大于20×104mPa·s的超稠油油藏,必须采用蒸汽辅助重力泄油技术。结论对已投入蒸汽吞吐的特稠油油藏,尤其是处于中后期吞吐阶段的区块,应采用蒸汽加氮气泡沫驱及现有在井与水平共组合蒸汽驱模式;对尚未开发的特、超稠油油藏,应采用水平井注蒸汽热采模式及其它新技术。  相似文献   

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