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分析了克拉玛依石油污染土壤的理化性质,采用固体微生物菌剂对该土壤进行生物修复,考察了最优修复条件及修复过程中土壤微生物数量、酶活性和石油烃组分的变化。结果表明,克拉玛依石油污染土壤是以粉砂为主的灰漠土,含水率低,含油率高,弱碱性,土壤中三大营养元素(氮、磷、钾)的有效含量低,不利于微生物的生长繁殖。最优修复条件为土壤孔隙度55%、含水率25%、固体菌剂添加量5%、氮/磷摩尔比10、生物表面活性剂添加量05%,在此条件下经过60 d的生物修复,含油率由最初的407%下降到181%,降解率为5553%,小于C27的正构烷烃得到了明显的降解,土壤中的微生物数量、酶活性(脱氢酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性和多酚氧化酶活性)均有所提高。在生物修复过程中,单靠改善外在环境条件进行生物刺激,无法有效去除石油烃,添加微生物菌剂进行生物强化是去除土壤中石油类污染物的关键因素。  相似文献   

Soil contamination with crude oil is an important worldwide issue and the remediation of oil contaminated soils, sediments and groundwater is a major environmental challenge. In the target area of this survey, which is a petroleum refinery near Tehran, soil and groundwater pollution, and its source, contaminated area, and distribution of pollution were studied by means of different measurements. Oil content and volatile organic compounds were measured to determine soil and groundwater contamination. The investigations showed that the contamination of soil which is mainly silt and clay has reached to the groundwater which is around 20 m underground and formed an oily layer mainly containing gasoline, kerosene, and gas oil with different thicknesses in the whole area. The free oil existing over the groundwater table could be removed by physical ways such as pump and treat method but decontamination of soil is more complex. Due to long-lasting contamination of the field, the existence of accumulated indigenous microorganisms and the probable ability of them to effectively biodegrade pollutants by man-assisted interventions are expected. In this survey in order to clarify the contamination problem, some experiments have been done on the region soil and groundwater. Besides, the feasibility assessment of bioremediation in the investigated area is performed.  相似文献   

激活剂对石油污染土壤修复的强化作用及修复条件的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在石油污染土壤生物修复实验中,通过添加氮源、葡萄糖、H2O2、木屑4种不同作用的激活剂来强化修复,考察了激活剂的强化修复效果以及各激活剂之间的相互关系,并在单因素实验的基础上,选定氮源、H2O2和木屑的添加量3个影响显著性因素进行响应面优化实验研究,得到最优实验条件,并建立了土壤石油残留率与各激活剂添加量的二次回归方程。结果表明,石油污染土壤生物修复的最佳实验条件为C/N质量比24.6、H2O2的加入量(质量分数)0.32%,木屑加入量2.9%;在此条件下,石油污染土壤强化修复30 d后的石油残留率的理论值达43.6%(以修复前土壤样品的石油烃含量为基准), 验证值为42.4%,两者相差不大,该模型能用于预测和分析添加激活剂强化修复石油污染土壤的情况。  相似文献   

Precipitation and seasonal water level fluctuations mostly add to the problem of soil and groundwater contamination and lead to pollution of capillary fringe layer and exacerbation of groundwater contamination. At the Tehran Oil Refining Company (TORC), with critical problem of soil and groundwater pollution, finding a suitable remediation method has been a big concern. As bioremediation is one of the most economically and technically attractive decontamination methods, it was chosen for preliminary study to solve this problem. For simulation of the region, soil column treatment method by using oil habituated indigenous microorganisms of the area was selected. The main purpose was assessing the suitability of bioremediation method in the target area for treatment of capillary fringe layer. Two columns (one as treatment column and the other as a control) were designed and the variation of different parameters including dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, the number of viable and active microorganisms (CFU/mL), and biodegradation rate during 30 working days were recorded. The experiments showed that a major part of degrading microorganisms were facultative anaerobic. pH was not an inhibiting factor and the number of active microorganisms was increasing during aeration time. The results of solvent extraction method also revealed that during 30 days, about 6% of total petroleum hydrocarbon in columns was biologically degraded. Finally, it was disclosed that bioremediation method could be effective in solving the area's pollution problem. However, new studies should be conducted to optimize the biodegradation rate and extrapolate from the laboratory scale results to the field ones.  相似文献   

Illumina high-throughput sequencing method was used to reflect fluctuation of indigenous microbial community during phragmites stimulation process in this study. Results showed Proteobacteria, Fimicutes, and Actinobacteria were most influential in process, Firmicutes and Deinococcus-Thermus were positively affected by nutrient amendment. Firmicutes can be seen as indicator of degradation rate. Dietzia, Salinimicrobium, and Halomonas were the most dominant genus in both Phragmites and Blank setups. These results indicated phragmites addition improved the efficiency of biodegradation and significantly regulated the microbial community structure and functions during remediation process.  相似文献   

An environmentally friendly, cheap, and quick method for total petroleum hydrocarbons determination in solid matrixes (soil and sediments) is described. The method involves a simple extraction process (ultrasonic bath) and requires reduced amounts of solvent and solid sample. The analysis is carried out by Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry. Detection limits were 63 or 24 mg kg?1 depending on the cell path length (10 or 40 mm, respectively). The method is suitable for application in weathered contaminated soils, which usually presents low availability of contaminants and seems to be a good choice, for instance, for monitoring evolution of soil or sediment recovering during a decontamination process.  相似文献   

To promote the application of strain FY-07 in oilfield development, experiments were performed on the mechanism of microscopic profile control using an etched glass micromodel. The physical simulation experiments were applied to evaluate the plugging ability and oil displacement performance. The results showed that the biopolymers were preferentially generated and existed in large pores that can improve the swept volume and oil recovery. The plugging rate of FY-07 for different permeability cores was 67–78%, which indicates FY-07 exhibited good plugging capacity. The EOR value of FY-07 was 10.54%, which demonstrated that FY-07 has great potential to enhance oil recovery.  相似文献   

A practical method to estimate the abundance of each C26-C28 triaromatic steroid isomer was proposed and a triangular diagram can therefore be drawn to distinguish oil populations in the cratonic region of the Tarim Basin, NW China. The results indicate that oils discovered in this region can be divided into two petroleum systems. Oils derived from the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician source rocks show relatively high abundance of C27 triaromatic steroids with the relative abundance of C27 TAS being more than 25% of all TAS isomers. In contrast, the values are below 25% in oils and source rocks from the Middle-Upper Ordovician. The petroleum system definition is in agreement with previous studies using regular steranes, tricyclic terpanes, norcholestanes, and other molecular markers to distinguish oil groups. In addition, high thermal stability and greater resistance to biodegradation make triaromatic steroids more effective in distinguishing oil groups in the tectonic region of the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

为了有效识别柴达木盆地三湖坳陷岩性生物气藏,以台南—台东地区为研究区,开展微生物勘探技术试验研究。东西向长24 km的采样测线横穿工区,在各采样点(间隔150 m)采集20 cm深度处的土壤200 g,样品共156个,由美国GMT公司完成甲烷氧化菌分析。结果显示,研究区20 cm深度处土壤湿度可维持甲烷氧化菌的生长;pH值平均为8.20,不抑制甲烷氧化菌生长;大量样品全盐盐度大于20%,高盐度降低了甲烷氧化菌的浓度,但气藏区与非气藏区微生物浓度差别显著,气藏上方盐度高达50%以上仍发育微生物异常;而且探井试气产量与其上方微生物浓度呈显著正相关,表明微生物勘探技术适用于三湖坳陷。利用微生物异常判断,在台南9井东侧1 km处、台南气田西侧边界以外可能存在含气丰度高于台南9井的岩性气藏,是较为有利的勘探目标区。图6表1参26  相似文献   

排2井位于准噶尔盆地西缘车排子高凸起带.排2井新近系沙湾组"滩坝砂"是在第三纪类前陆盆地演化阶段的挤压背景下,随着车排子凸起的不断右旋、隆升,在盆地斜坡上形成"湖进扇摆"作用,由湖浪改造扇三角洲并在其前端或侧翼再沉积而成."滩坝砂"具有岩性细、较疏松、厚度薄、累积概率曲线呈两段式、C-M图表现为以PQRS段为主、成分成熟度及结构成熟度中等、自然电位曲线呈指形、电阻率曲线呈半漏斗状的沉积特征及电性特征.充注轻质油后的"滩坝砂"油藏具有"强振幅、中低频率、高吸收系数"的地球物理属性特征和"周围边界清晰、上凸下平"的振幅能量分布特征.研究认为,"滩坝砂"是一种规律分布的储集群体,储集物性好,易形成岩性油气藏,具有较好的勘探前景.图10参13  相似文献   

近年来,中国油气化探分析技术取得了较大的发展,特别是烃类分析技术和方法不断地被更新和完善。在传统分析技术基础上出现了许多改进,并涌现出了一些全新的分析技术,样品采集与现场化分析技术也不断地发展。但仍存在着分析技术精细化程度不高\,高精度分析项目较少等问题。未来油气化探分析技术的发展方向:充实分析技术应用的理论基础;传统技术的改进与完善;借鉴、吸收其他学科先进分析技术;发展精细化分析技术;促进标准化进程与现场化分析技术发展;针对油气源类型进行分析技术有效组合,需重点关注和研究C6—C18烃类、多环芳烃、苯系物的检测技术;走技术综合之路。  相似文献   

CH-8 oil reservoir holds the characteristics of near-source and multi-source in Ordos Basin, China. The sterane is one of the effective biomarkers in the study of oil-source correlation. The research results show that the parent material source and maturity degree of source rocks (CH-7, CH-9 and CH-10) and crude oil (CH-8) are similar. At the same time, the diasterane parameters of DiaC27βα(20S?+?20R), DiaC28βα(20S?+?20R) and DiaC29βα(20S?+?20R) can distinguish the source rocks into 5 types with great result, including CH-7, CH-10, CH9-WQ, CH9-HXK and CH9-SN. In addition, the dominated source of CH-8 crude oil is CH-7 source rock, the CH9-WQ source rock may make a small amount of contribution and the other of source rocks have little contribution to CH-8 crude oil in Shanbei area of Ordos Basin, China.  相似文献   

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