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This study is devoted to technical evaluation of a carbon dioxide removal in an existing Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plant. This IGCC case is based on an oxygen blown entrained flow gasifier operating at 27 bar, the removal of acid gas (H2S) is performed with MDEA unit, the efficiency of this IGCC is 43% based on the low heating value (LHV) of coal. A carbon dioxide separation unit conveniently integrated in a pre-combustion separation process is chosen, in order to take advantage of the high pressure of the gas. The methanol process for carbon dioxide removal is integrated downstream the existing desulfuration unit, and after a CO shift conversion unit. In this study, the integration of the CO2 capture process to the IGCC is simulated as realistically as possible. The design parameters of both the gas turbine (the turbine inlet temperature, compressor pressure ratio, reduced flow rate) and the steam turbine (Stodola parameter) are taken into account. Maintenance of low NOxNOx production in the combustion chamber is also considered. The production of NOxNOx is supposed to be influenced by the low heating value of the gas which is maintained as low as for case of the synthesis gas without CO2 capture. Thus the choice is made to feed the gas turbine of the combined cycle with a diluted synthesis gas, having similar low heating value than the one produced without the CO2 capture. Plant performances for different conversion and capture rates are compared. A final optimized integration is given for 92 mol% CO conversion rate and 95 mol% CO2 absorption rates, a comparison with former studies is proposed.  相似文献   

整体煤气化联合循环_IGCC_系统变工况特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
作者分析了影响IGCC系统变工况的因素,基于通用性模块化建模思想,建立了IGCC系统变工况特性模型和开发出相应程序软件,通过大量的计算,得出三种调节方式下系统随负荷与大气温度变化时的变工况特性曲线簇,揭示了系统特性随主要变量变化关系。  相似文献   

本文探讨了一种较快捷准确的选择带CO2捕集的IGCC电厂最优建设地址的评价方法,即采用层次分析法(AHP)来综合评定选址问题中的多方面因素,通过赋予各因素权重并进行矩阵计算得到各备选地址相对优劣程度.该方法将所研究的问题即选择最优建厂地址分解为多个评价层次,建立递阶评价系统.在此基础上,利用专家讨论确定评价指标的权重,...  相似文献   

研究了IGCC汽轮机的热力循环特性、热力参数、结构的特点及其滑压运行方式和相应技术  相似文献   

整体煤气化联合循环_IGCC_技术的发展和应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)系统商业化过程中所遇到的主要问题,作者阐述了目前世界上的解决这些问题,在降低成本和关键技术的发展方向所采取的主要手段及其进展,同时还分析了IGCC在我国可能应用的具体途径。  相似文献   

In this paper, an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), which uses waste tires as a feedstock, for power, hydrogen and freshwater production is modeled using both EES and Aspen Plus software packages and assessed thermodynamically. During the study, it is found that tire gasification is a viable solution for leftover tire waste in the world. Furthermore, the novel integration of a multi effect desalination plant, driven by the excess heat from the combined cycle, further increases the systems plant efficiency. The hydrogen production to feed rate ratio is found to be 0.154, which is competitive to high-quality coals, such as Illinois No.6, making waste tires an excellent feedstock to produce hydrogen. The net power production output from the combined cycle is 14.5 MW which was driven by the excess thermal energy of the syngas. The water distillate production rate from the forward flow multi-effect desalination plant at the set conditions is found to be 0.99 kg/s. The systems overall energy and exergy efficiencies obtained are 58.9% and 57.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Recently, the estimation of accident costs within the social costs of nuclear power plants (NPPs) has garnered substantial interest. In particular, the risk aversion behavior of the public toward an NPP accident is considered an important factor when integrating risk aversion into NPP accident cost. In this study, an integrated framework for the external cost assessment of NPP accident that measures the value of statistical life (VSL) and the relative risk aversion (RRA) coefficient for NPP accident based on an individual-level survey is proposed. To derive the willingness to pay and the RRA coefficient for NPP accident risks, a survey was conducted on a sample of 1550 individuals in Korea. The estimation obtained a mean VSL of USD 2.78 million and an RRA coefficient of 1.315. Based on the estimation results in which various cost factors were considered, a multiplication factor of 5.16 and an external cost of NPP accidents of 4.39E−03 USD-cents/kW h were estimated. This study is expected to provide insight to energy policy decision-makers on analyzing the economic validity of NPP compared to other energy sources by reflecting the estimated external cost of NPP accident into the unit electricity generation cost of NPP.  相似文献   

The contribution of solar thermal power to improve the performance of gas-fired combined cycles in very hot and dry environmental conditions is analyzed in this work, in order to assess the potential of this technique, and to feature Direct Steam Generation (DSG) as a well suited candidate for achieving very good results in this quest. The particular Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC) power plant proposed consists of a DSG parabolic trough field coupled to the bottoming steam cycle of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power plant. For this analysis, the solar thermal power plant performs in a solar dispatching mode: the gas turbine always operates at full load, only depending on ambient conditions, whereas the steam turbine is somewhat boosted to accommodate the thermal hybridization from the solar field.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the costs of achieving overall reduction targets for sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions of the British electricity sector under two alternative regulatory strategies: uniform limits to SO2 concentration in flue gas and transferable emission permits. The implications of the SO2 abatement technology for the allocation of abatement activities under the two types of regulation are analysed, and overall abatement costs are compared. An aggregate cost function is developed which may serve, together with transboundary SO2 transfer coefficients, as a basis for efficiently setting overall emission reduction targets for countries participating in a coordinated SO2 control policy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a newly established database of the European power plant infrastructure (power plants, fuel infrastructure, fuel resources and CO2 storage options) for the EU25 member states (MS) and applies the database in a general discussion of the European power plant and natural gas infrastructure as well as in a simple simulation analysis of British and German power generation up to the year 2050 with respect to phase-out of existing generation capacity, fuel mix and fuel dependency. The results are discussed with respect to age structure of the current production plants, CO2 emissions, natural gas dependency and CO2 capture and storage (CCS) under stringent CO2 emission constraints.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the rapid diffusion of combined heat and power (CHP) units through the Dutch greenhouse horticulture sector between 2003 and 2009 in order to gain new insights regarding technology transitions. We present a sectoral diffusion analysis framework, which we apply to identify and examine developments in technical, economic, institutional, cultural and ecological domains that all contributed to an emergent and thorough CHP diffusion in the Dutch greenhouse sector. Five identified key drivers behind the CHP diffusion are the opening of the energy market in 2002, the high spark spread during the transition period, the compatibility of output of a CHP unit with greenhouse demand, the flexibility provided by heat buffers, and the cooperative and competitive greenhouse sector culture. We conclude that policies to stimulate or steer technology diffusion will benefit from an in-depth analysis of domain interactions and company decision-making processes. Such an in-depth analysis makes for well informed and targeted policies that are better able to steer an industrial sector effectively and in a socially desired direction.  相似文献   

The power sectors of many big economies still rely on coal-fired plants and emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide. Emerging countries like Brazil, China and South Africa plan to expand the use of coal-fired thermal plants in the next decade. Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is an innovative technology that facilitates the implementation of carbon capture (CC). The present work analyzes the maturity and costs of the IGCC technology, with and without CC, and assesses the effect of the technology risk on its economic viability. Findings show that the inclusion of the risk in the economic analysis of IGCC plants raises the cost of CO2 avoided from 36 US$/tCO2 to 106 US$/tCO2 in the case of Shell Gasifiers and from 39 US$/tCO2 to 112 US$/tCO2 in the case of GE Gasifiers. Thus, the introduction of IGCC with CC on a wider scale faces huge uncertainties. The feasibility of these plants will rely heavily on the overcoming of the technology risk. Besides, its implementation in the short run will depend on government incentives to bear with the additional cost incurred in the first-generation plants.  相似文献   

Korea's electric power industry was previously run by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) in a natural monopoly-type structure. As economy of scale was waning in influence and management effectiveness began to increase in importance, KEPCO was divided into six subsidiaries and faced competition beginning in April 2001. This study evaluates the restructuring process for Korea's power industry and analyzes the financial outcomes based on return on equity (ROE). The results show that the ROE ratio increased. In the analysis period (1993–2004), the financial ratio showed a better performance than that before restructuring. However, productivity ratios such as productivity of capital (or gross value added to total assets) and gross value added to property, plant, and equipment decreased compared to the situation before restructuring. It is believed that the results were due to the increased financial leverage of KEPCO. For this reason, KEPCO should make further efforts to manage its debt in a systematic way.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the potential of power generation resources for hydrogen production and electric grid load balancing in large scale management scenarios like the Spanish power system; much of which is currently underutilized and could deliver substantial amounts of energy, with great advantages for the reliability of the system at the same time. In this context, the production of hydrogen by electrolysis using the power grid mix is a promising option as an alternative to other operational procedures or exporting the electricity.  相似文献   

This paper explores the results and implications of an illustrative application of a sustainability assessment framework in the design and evaluation of a major integrated power system plan. The paper examines the integrated power system plan developed by the Ontario Power Authority in 2007. The basic framework rests on a generic set of evaluation criteria reflecting basic requirements for progress towards sustainability that was adopted, reinterpreted and applied by the Authority in support of its proposed plan. In response to evident deficiencies in the Authority’s work, the authors and colleagues undertook a re-examination using a more fully elaborated sustainability assessment framework, specified for application to power system planning. The results point to a plan and plan components substantially different from those proposed by the Authority. More generally, the results highlight three advantages of applying such a sustainability assessment framework: comprehensive coverage of key requirements for progress towards sustainability while ensuring careful attention to the context and concerns of the sector; emphasis on identifying plan options that avoid major trade-offs among the sustainability criteria and recognition of interactions among the social, ecological, economic and technological realms favouring options that offer multiple, mutually reinforcing and lasting benefits.  相似文献   

The complementary features of low-carbon power sources are a central issue in designing energy transition policies. The French current electricity mix is characterised by a high share of nuclear power which equalled 76% of the total electric production in 2015. With the increase in intermittent renewable sources, nuclear flexibility is examined as part of the solution to balance electricity supply and demand. Our proposed methodology involves designing scenarios with nuclear and intermittent renewable penetration levels, and developing residual load duration curves in each case. The load modulation impact on the nuclear production cost is estimated.This article shows to which extent the nuclear annual energy production will decrease with high shares of intermittent renewables (down to load factors of 40% for proactive assumptions). However, the production cost increase could be compensated by progressively replacing the plants. Moreover, incentives are necessary if nuclear is to compete with combined-cycle gas turbines as its alternative back-up option.In order to reconcile the social planner with plant operator goals, the solution could be to find new outlets rather than reducing nuclear load factors. Nuclear flexibility could then be considered in terms of using its power to produce heat or hydrogen.  相似文献   

Industrial cogeneration can be substantially increased in energy intensive process industries, such as pulp and paper, by making process and operating changes such as reducing water use, minimizing effluent discharge, generating chemicals on-site and drying biomass fuels. The economic benefits of cogeneration are demonstrated by comparing three cases. The first is the no generation case in which steam is generated for process use and electric power is purchased from the utility. The second is the thermal match case in which steam is generated at a pressure substantially higher than needed for process and passed through a turbine to generate electric power before being used to meet the plant's thermal demands. In the third case, the minimum cogeneration case, more steam is produced than required by the plant. The additional steam is expanded through the turbine-generator to a condenser and generates additional electricity which can be sold. The study is based upon the conceptual design of a hypothetical 1000 tons/day bleached kraft pulp mill scheduled to begin operation in the United States in 1985, but the general approach and conclusions are applicable to a wide variety of industries with high energy demands.  相似文献   

Efficient power plant licensing procedures are essential for the functioning of deregulated electricity markets. The purpose of this paper is to review and analyse the licensing process for nuclear power plants in Sweden, and in part contrast the Swedish case with the corresponding approaches in a selection of other countries. This approach permits a discussion of how licensing processes can be altered and what the benefits and drawbacks of such changes are. The paper highlights and discusses a number of important legal issues and implications, including, for instance: (a) the role of political versus impartial decision-making bodies; (b) the tension between national policy goals and implementation at the local level; (c) public participation and access to justice; (d) consistency and clarity of the legal system; and (e) the introduction of license time limits.  相似文献   

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