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Teicoplanin is a macrocyclic glycopeptide that is highly effective as a chiral selector for LC enantiomeric separations. Two possible interaction paths were investigated and related to solute retention and selectivity: (1) interactions with the only teicoplanin amine group and (2) role of hydrogen bonding interactions. Mobile phases containing 0.5 and 5 mM copper ions were used to try to block the amine group. In the presence of copper ions, it was found that the teicoplanin stationary phase has a decreased ability to separate most underivatized racemic amino acids. However, it maintained its ability to separate enantiomers that were not alpha-amino acids. It is established that there is little copper-teicoplanin complex formation. The effect of Cu2+ on the enantioseparation of some alpha-amino acids appears to be due to the fact that these solutes are good bidentate ligands and form complexes with copper ions in the mobile phase. Isotopic exchange with deuterium oxide was performed using acetonitrile-heavy water mobile phases. It was found that the retention times of all amino acids were lower with deuterated mobile phases. The retention times of polar or apolar molecules without amine groups were higher with deuterated mobiles phases. In all cases, the enantioselectivity factors were unaffected by the deuterium exchange. It is proposed that the electrostatic interactions are decreased in the deuterated mobile phases and the solute-accessible stationary-phase volume is somewhat swollen by deuterium oxide. The balance of these effects is a decrease in the amino acid retention times and an increase in the apolar solute retention time. The enantioselectivity factors of all of the molecules remain unchanged because all of the interactions are changed equally. We propose a new global quality criterion (the E factor) for comparing and evaluating enantiomeric separations.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the potentials of porous and nonporous octadecyl-sulfonated-silica (ODSS) microparticles were demonstrated in the capillary electrochromatography (CEC) of small (e.g., nucleotides and dinucleotides) and large (e.g., transfer ribonucleic acids (t-RNAs)) nucleic acids. The ODSS stationary phase comprised two layers: a hydrophilic sulfonated (permanently charged) sublayer and an octadecyl top layer. While the sublayer is to provide a relatively strong electroosmotic flow, the octadecyl top layer is to ensure the retentivity and selectivity required for the separation of the analytes. Mono-, di-, and triphosphate nucleotides were best separated when a small amount of tetrabutylammonium bromide was added to the mobile phase. The tetrabutylammonium bromide functioned as an ion-pairing agent and consequently allowed the rapid separation of 12 different nucleotides. It is believed that the dynamic complex exchange model explains the basis of retention in ion pair reversed-phase CEC. Eight different dinucleotides, which have similar mass-to-charge ratios, separated very well by CEC. These solutes exhibited similar migration times (i.e., little or no separation) in capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). Similarly, t-RNAs that did not separate by CZE were well resolved in CEC with nonporous ODSS. This demonstrates that CEC is very suitable for the separation of solutes that have similar mass-to-charge ratios but differ in their hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

The main integral parameters of stationary plasma thrusters (SPTs) of the ATON type with the outer channel diameters 60 mm (model A-3) and 100 mm (model A-5) are presented. The SPT characteristics have been studied for the propellant (Xe) consumption rates [(m)\dot]\dot m = 2 and 1 mg/s for A-3 and [(m)\dot]\dot m = 4 and 1.5 mg/s for A-5. Special attention has been devoted to the operation of SPT models at high voltages and low propellant consumption rates. An increase in the voltage has to be accompanied by a corresponding change in the magnetic field topograph and by an increase in the magnetic field intensity at the channel edge, which leads to a decrease in the discharge current and its oscillations. Model A-3 operating at [(m)\dot]\dot m = 1 mg/s and a voltage somewhat below 1000 V exhibited a specific momentum of ∼3400 s. The integral characteristics of SPTs depend on the ratio of differently charged ions in the plasma. The most efficient operation of the plasma source is observed in the case of equal concentrations of singly and doubly charged xenon ions. A new method is proposed for evaluation of the limiting SPT efficiency using only the current-voltage and propulsion characteristics of discharge.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy is used to investigate the effects of temperature, surface coverage, polymerization method (surface or solution polymerized), and nature of the alkylsilane precursor on alkyl chain conformational order in a series of high-density docosylsilane (C22) stationary phases at surface coverages ranging from 3.61 to 6.97 mumol/m(2). The results of this study contribute to an enhanced understanding of the shape-selective retention characteristics of these phases at a molecular level. Conformational order is evaluated using the intensity ratio of the antisymmetric and symmetric nu(CH2) modes as well as the frequency at which these modes are observed. Alkyl chain order is shown to be dependent on surface coverage, alkyl chain length, and polymerization method. In general, alkyl chain order increases with surface coverage. Temperature-induced changes are observed between 250 and 350 K for the three phases with surface coverages between 3.61 and 4.89 mumol/m(2). These changes occur over a broad range of temperatures characteristic of two-dimensional systems, but in general adhere to the behavior predicted for a simple first-order transition. This change is not believed to be an abrupt cooperative disassociation characteristic of a phase transition in a bulk phase, but instead is thought to involve significant changes in conformational order in segments of the surface-tethered molecules, mostly those segments at the outer edge of the alkylsilane. In contrast to the changes observed in coverages below 5 mumol/m(2), a first-order change is not observed for the stationary phase with coverage of 6.97 mumol/m(2). A molecular picture of the temperature-induced disorder is proposed with disorder originating at the distal carbon and propagating only a short distance toward the proximal carbon. A comparison is made between these C22 stationary phases and similar high-density octadecylsilane (C18) bonded phases.  相似文献   

Zirconia stationary phases for extreme separations.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A new type of silica-based stationary phase with dramatically improved acid stability compared to any currently available silica-based stationary phase has been developed. Superior low pH stability is achieved by first self-assembling a densely bonded monolayer of (chloromethyl)-phenylethyltrichlorosilane (CMPES). The self-assembly step is followed by a Friedel-Crafts cross-linking of the reactive moieties with their neighbors, by addition of secondary, cross-linkable aromatic reagents, or by both. This phase is not endcapped. Elemental analysis data shows that an aluminum chloride catalyst is very effective at bonding aromatic cross-linking reagents, such as styrene heptamer and triphenylmethane, to the reactive CMPES monolayer. The stability of the retention factor of decylbenzene on the cross-linked self-assembled CMPES phases is compared to a sterically protected C18 phase to illustrate its superior resistance to acid-catalyzed-phase loss. Inverse size exclusion chromatography and flow-curve comparisons of the cross-linked self-assembled CMPES and the sterically protected C18 stationary phases illustrate their similar chromatographic efficiency.  相似文献   

Multiply scattered light through turbid media, packed particles, or compressed powders will inherently have a significantly longer optical path length than that of light which is not scattered. The concept of using the multiply scattered light potentially generated in the packed stationary phase of a capillary electrochromatography (CEC) column for enhanced detection as a result of its increased optical path length was examined. Ultraviolet (UV) light at 365 nm or laser light at 635 nm was focused to a small spot onto the packed section of a 3 microns spherisorb ODS1 CEC column (100 microns i.d.). The light was transported inside the capillary, and an image of the multiply scattered light several millimeters along the capillary was collected using a charged-couple device detector. Even if the spot size was less than 100 microns in diameter, evidence of light scattering was observed at a detection spatial off-set distance of 1-2 mm from the illumination point. When the calcium channel blocking drug felodipine was flushed through the column, the light intensity value dropped (increase in absorbance) to a greater degree at a spatial off-set (1.5 mm) than at the illumination point. The greater absorbance values at the spatial off-set were examined experimentally when felodipine was eluted from the column in the CEC mode in 6 min using MeCN/50 mM TRIS (pH 8.0) (80:20, v/v) at an applied voltage of 300 V/cm and an injection time of 2 s at 10 kV. A factor of 8.5 increase in absorbance was observed at a spatial off-set of 1 mm compared to the value obtained at the illumination point. An efficiency value of approximately 234,000 plates m-1 was obtained for this higher felodipine peak. Higher noise values, however, were also observed with this increase in absorbance. Using a spectrophotometer or an open capillary to obtain reference values for optical length, it was possible to estimate the average optical path length of light traveled through the packed stationary phase when transmitted at a spatial off-set. It was concluded that, although an increase in absorbance of 8.5 was observed at a spatial off-set, this most likely arises from the light being "redirected" and scattered in a straightforward fashion along the capillary. It was expected that if substantial multiple scattering did occur inside the packed stationary phase, a significantly larger absorbance increase would be attained. A number of proposals are thus given to explain the relatively low degree of multiple scattering in this stationary phase and suggestions offered on means to attain even higher absorbance increases at a spatial off-set. Additional potential applications are also discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of common solvents on alkyl chain conformational order in a series of high-density C22 stationary phases with surface coverage ranging from 3.61 to 6.97 micromol/m2 are investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Conformational order is evaluated using the intensity ratio of the antisymmetric and symmetric nu(CH2) modes as well as the frequencies at which these Raman bands are observed. Solvents studied include methanol-d4, acetonitrile-d3, water-d2, toluene-d8, chloroform-d. and benzene-d6. Alkyl chain conformational order and, hence, solvation of the stationary phase, is dependent on the Gibbs free energy change for these molecules at infinite dilution in hexadecane (DeltaG(o)HD), as well as stationary-phase properties (polymerization method and surface coverage). In general, polar solvents increase slightly the conformational order of these C22 stationary phases, while nonpolar solvents decrease conformational order. A comparison is made between C22 and C18 bonded-phase systems to further understand the role of alkyl chain length on solvent-stationary phase interactions. The change in alkyl chain conformational order induced by solvent is also compared to that induced by temperature, which provides insight into the effect of chromatographic conditions on stationary-phase shape selectivity, an important application of these materials.  相似文献   

Chiral ionic liquids as stationary phases in gas chromatography   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Recently, it has been found that room-temperature ionic liquids can be used as stable, unusual selectivity stationary phases. They show "dual nature" properties, in that they separate nonpolar compounds as if they are nonpolar stationary phases and separate polar compounds as if they are polar stationary phases. Extending ionic liquids to the realm of chiral separations can be done in two ways: (1) a chiral selector can be dissolved in an achiral ionic liquid, or (2) the ionic liquid itself can be chiral. There is a single precedent for the first approach, but nothing has been reported for the second approach. In this work, we present the first enantiomeric separations using chiral ionic liquid stationary phases in gas chromatography. Compounds that have been separated using these ionic liquid chiral selectors include alcohols, diols, sulfoxides, epoxides, and acetylated amines. Because of the synthetic nature of these chiral selectors, the configuration of the stereogenic center can be controlled and altered for mechanistic studies and reversing enantiomeric retention.  相似文献   

Li Z  Jaroniec M 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(18):5479-5485
A novel colloid-imprinting method is employed for the preparation of carbonaceous stationary phases for reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). This colloid-imprinting method combined with oxidative stabilization treatment affords carbons with a porous shell/nonporous core structure. The particle morphology, pore size, pore shape, and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area of these carbons can be finely tuned by selecting proper experimental conditions. Although their surface area and pore volume decrease noticeably after graphitization, their primary pore structure is maintained. In addition, the graphitization process eliminates the high-energy sites and substantially reduces structural heterogeneity, making colloid-imprinted carbons attractive stationary phases for reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The colloid-imprinted graphitic carbons with surface mesoporosity appeared to be attractive for chromatographic separations of alkylbenzenes under reversed-phase conditions.  相似文献   

Muscovite mica was irradiated with slow highly charged Arq+ (charge state q = 12, 16) and Xeq+ (q = 23, 27) ions in a kinetic energy range of 150-216 keV and subsequently observed by contact mode atomic force microscopy. Surprisingly, on samples irradiated with Xe ions nano-sized hillock-like structures were found well below the charge state threshold reported in earlier experimental investigations. However, the structures found are not the result of a true topographic surface modification induced by the ion bombardment, because the absence of these nanostructures in tapping mode images and the dependence of the detected structures on scan conditions points towards a surface modification which manifests itself only in frictional forces and therefore in height measurement artifacts. Furthermore the generated defects are not stable but can be erased by continuous scanning.  相似文献   

Micelle-mimetic ionene-based stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are prepared by attaching [3,16]- and [3,22]-ionenes to aminopropyl silica through a carbon-nitrogen bond. These [x,y]-ionenes are polyelectrolytic molecules consisting of dimethylammonium charge centers interconnected by alternating alkyl chain segments containing x and y methylene groups, some of which can form aggregate species whose properties mimic those of conventional surfactant micelles. These ionene-bonded stationary phases were characterized using different recommended HPLC test mixtures. Test solute chromatographic behavior on the ionene phases was found to be similar to that of intermediate oligomeric or polymeric C-18 and/or phenyl phases, depending upon the specific test mixture employed. In addition, the phases exhibit significant solute shape recognition ability. The ionene stationary phases were successfully employed for the separation of the components of the recommended ASTM reversed-phase test mixture, as well as for ortho-, meta- and para-disubstituted benzenes and other positional or geometric isomeric compounds. The ionene materials allow for chromatographic separations under either reversed-phase or ion-exchange conditions. The retention mechanism on these multimodal phases can occur by hydrophobic partitioning or electrostatic interactions, depending upon the characteristics of the components of the analyte mixture (neutral or anionic). The effects of alteration of the percent organic modifier, flow rate and temperature of the mobile phase on chromatographic retention and efficiency on these phases were briefly examined.  相似文献   

The key to rapid temperature programmed separations with gas chromatography are a fast, low-volume injection and a short microbore separation column with fast resistive heating. One of the major problems with the reduction of column dimensions for micro gas chromatography is the availability of a stationary phase that provides good separation performance. In this report, we present the first integration of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) as a stationary phase into 100 mum x 100 mum square and 50-cm-long microfabricated channels. The small size of this column with integrated resistive heater and the robustness of the SWNT phase allow for fast temperature programming of up to 60 degrees C/s. A combination of the fast temperature programming and the narrow peak width of small-volume injections that can be obtained from a high-speed, dual-valve injection system allows for rapid separations of gas mixtures. We demonstrate highly reproducible separations of four-compound test mixtures on these columns in less than 1 s using fast temperature programming.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) can be readily immobilized on ion-exchange stationary phases by frontal analysis of a proper solution. This provides a simple means of adjusting the amount of BSA contained in the column and of measuring it accurately. Although the immobilization is ionic and not covalent, the columns are stable for extensive periods of time. If needed, they can be easily regenerated by the same frontal analysis procedure.  相似文献   

For this study, we used the macrocyclic antibiotic teicoplanin, a molecule consisting of an aglycone peptide "basket" with three attached carbohydrate (sugar) moieties. The sugar units were removed and the aglycone was purified. Two chiral stationary phases (CSPs) were prepared in a similar way, one with the native teicoplanin molecule and the other with the aglycone. Twenty-six compounds were evaluated on the two CSPs with seven RPLC mobile phases and two polar organic mobile phases. The compounds were 13 amino acids or structurally related compounds (including DOPA, folinic acid, etc.) and 13 other compounds (such as carnitine, bromacil, etc.). The chromatographic results are given as the retention, selectivity, and resolution factors along with the peak efficiency and the enantioselective free energy difference corresponding to the separation of the two enantiomers. The polarities of the two CSPs are similar. It is clearly established that the aglycone is responsible for the enantioseparation of amino acids. The difference in enantioselective free energy between the aglycone CSP and the teicoplanin CSP was between 0.3 and 1 kcal/mol for amino acid enantioseparations. This produced resolution factors 2-5 times higher with the aglycone CSP. Four non amino acid compounds were separated only on the teicoplanin CSP. Six and five compounds were better separated on the teicoplanin and aglycone CSPs, respectively. Although the sugar units decrease the resolution of alpha-amino acid enantiomers, they can contribute significantly to the resolution of a number of non amino acid enantiomeric pairs.  相似文献   

Many-electron phenomena critically influence the ionization of multiply charged ions by electron impact. In general, inner-shell electrons play an increasingly important role in the electron-impact ionization process as the ionic or nuclear charge increase along an ionic sequence. A few specific examples are given to illustrate the signature and relative contributions of a number of indirect ionization mechanisms to the total ionization cross sections.  相似文献   

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