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If r?1, and m and n are each a multiple of (r+1)2+r2, then each isomorphic component of Cm×Cn admits of a vertex partition into (r+1)2+r2 perfect r-dominating sets. The result induces a dense packing of Cm×Cn by means of vertex-disjoint subgraphs, each isomorphic to a diagonal array. Areas of applications include efficient resource placement in a diagonal mesh and error-correcting codes.  相似文献   

Consider the following cascading process on a simple undirected graph G(V,E) with diameter Δ. In round zero, a set S?V of vertices, called the seeds, are active. In round i+1, i∈?, a non-isolated vertex is activated if at least a ρ∈(0,1] fraction of its neighbors are active in round i; it is deactivated otherwise. For k∈?, let min-seed(k)(G,ρ) be the minimum number of seeds needed to activate all vertices in or before round k. This paper derives upper bounds on min-seed(k)(G,ρ). In particular, if G is connected and there exist constants C>0 and γ>2 such that the fraction of degree-k vertices in G is at most C/k γ for all k∈?+, then min-seed(Δ)(G,ρ)=O(?ρ γ?1|V|?). Furthermore, for n∈?+, p=Ω((ln(e/ρ))/(ρn)) and with probability 1?exp(?n Ω(1)) over the Erd?s-Rényi random graphs G(n,p), min-seed(1)(G(n,p),ρ)=O(ρn).  相似文献   

The rth order nonlinearity of Boolean functions is an important cryptographic criterion associated with some attacks on stream and block ciphers. It is also very useful in coding theory, since it is related to the covering radii of Reed-Muller codes. This paper tightens the lower bounds of the second order nonlinearity of three classes of Boolean functions in the form f(x)=tr(xd) in n variables, where (1) d=2m+1+3 and n=2m, or (2) , n=2m and m is odd, or (3) d=22r+2r+1+1 and n=4r.  相似文献   

Domination number of Cartesian products of directed cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let γ(G) denote the domination number of a digraph G and let CmCn denote the Cartesian product of Cm and Cn, the directed cycles of length m,n?2. In Liu et al. (2010) [11], we determined the exact values of γ(CmCn) when m=2,3,4. In this paper, we give a lower and upper bounds for γ(CmCn). Furthermore, we prove a necessary and sufficient conditions for CmCn to have an efficient dominating set. Also, we determine the exact values: γ(C5Cn)=2n; γ(C6Cn)=2n if n≡0(mod 3), otherwise, γ(C6Cn)=2n+2; if m≡0(mod 3) and n≡0(mod 3).  相似文献   

Strong product G 1? G 2 of two graphs G 1 and G 2 has a vertex set V(G 1V(G 2) and two vertices (u 1, v 1) and (u 2, v 2) are adjacent whenever u 1=u 2 and v 1 is adjacent to v 2 or u 1 is adjacent to u 2 and v 1=v 2, or u 1 is adjacent to u 2 and v 1 is adjacent to v 2. We investigate the factor-criticality of G 1? G 2 and obtain the following. Let G 1 and G 2 be connected m-factor-critical and n-factor-critical graphs, respectively. Then i. if m? 0, n=0, |V(G 1)|? 2m+2 and |V(G 2)|? 4, then G 1? G 2 is (2m+2)-factor-critical;

ii. if n=1, |V(G 1)|? 2m+3 and either m? 3 or |V(G 2)|? 5, then G 1? G 2 is (2m+4??)-factor-critical, where ?=0 if m is even, otherwise ?=1;

iii. if m+2 ? |V(G 1)|? 2m+2, or n+2? |V(G 2)|? 2n+2, then G 1? G 2 is mn-factor-critical;

iv. if |V(G 1)|? 2m+3 and |V(G 2)|? 2n+3, then G 1? G 2 is (mn?min{[3m/2]2, [3n/2]2})-factor-critical.


We address the problem of minimizing power consumption when broadcasting a message from one node to all the other nodes in a radio network. To enable power savings for such a problem, we introduce a compelling new data streaming problem which we call the Bad Santa problem. Our results on this problem apply for any situation where: (1) a node can listen to a set of n nodes, out of which at least half are non-faulty and know the correct message; and (2) each of these n nodes sends according to some predetermined schedule which assigns each of them its own unique time slot. In this situation, we show that in order to receive the correct message with probability 1, it is necessary and sufficient for the listening node to listen to a \(\Theta(\sqrt{n})\) expected number of time slots. Moreover, if we allow for repetitions of transmissions so that each sending node sends the message O(log?? n) times (i.e. in O(log?? n) rounds each consisting of the n time slots), then listening to O(log?? n) expected number of time slots suffices. We show that this is near optimal.We describe an application of our result to the popular grid model for a radio network. Each node in the network is located on a point in a two dimensional grid, and whenever a node sends a message m, all awake nodes within L distance r receive m. In this model, up to \(t<\frac{r}{2}(2r+1)\) nodes within any 2r+1 by 2r+1 square in the grid can suffer Byzantine faults. Moreover, we assume that the nodes that suffer Byzantine faults are chosen and controlled by an adversary that knows everything except for the random bits of each non-faulty node. This type of adversary models worst-case behavior due to malicious attacks on the network; mobile nodes moving around in the network; or static nodes losing power or ceasing to function. Let n=r(2r+1). We show how to solve the broadcast problem in this model with each node sending and receiving an expected \(O(n\log^{2}{|m|}+\sqrt{n}|m|)\) bits where |m| is the number of bits in m, and, after broadcasting a fingerprint of m, each node is awake only an expected \(O(\sqrt{n})\) time slots. Moreover, for t≤(1?ε)(r/2)(2r+1), for any constant ε>0, we can achieve an even better energy savings. In particular, if we allow each node to send O(log?? n) times, we achieve reliable broadcast with each node sending O(nlog?2|m|+(log?? n)|m|) bits and receiving an expected O(nlog?2|m|+(log?? n)|m|) bits and, after broadcasting a fingerprint of m, each node is awake for only an expected O(log?? n) time slots. Our results compare favorably with previous protocols that required each node to send Θ(|m|) bits, receive Θ(n|m|) bits and be awake for Θ(n) time slots.  相似文献   

We consider problems of detecting errors in combinational circuits and algorithms for the decoding of linear codes. We show that a totally self-checking combinatorial circuit for the decoding of a binary Hamming [n, k] code can be constructed if and only if n = 2 r ? 1, r = n?k. We introduce the notion of a totally self-checking combinational circuit detecting error clusters of size at most µ; for shortened Hamming [n,k] codes, we construct totally self-checking decoding combinational circuits detecting error clusters of size at most µ, 2 ≤ µ < n?k. We describe single-error protected and self-checking algorithms: the extended Euclidean algorithm and decoding algorithms for binary BCH codes and Reed-Solomon codes over GF(2 m ).  相似文献   

D. Peleg  L. Roditty 《Algorithmica》2013,65(1):146-158
Let (V,δ) be a finite metric space, where V is a set of n points and δ is a distance function defined for these points. Assume that (V,δ) has a doubling dimension d and assume that each point pV has a disk of radius r(p) around it. The disk graph that corresponds to V and r(?) is a directed graph I(V,E,r), whose vertices are the points of V and whose edge set includes a directed edge from p to q if δ(p,q)≤r(p). In Peleg and Roditty (Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-NOW), pp. 622–633, 2008) we presented an algorithm for constructing a (1+?)-spanner of size O(n? ?d logM), where M is the maximal radius r(p). The current paper presents two results. The first shows that the spanner of Peleg and Roditty (in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-NOW), pp. 622–633, 2008) is essentially optimal, i.e., for metrics of constant doubling dimension it is not possible to guarantee a spanner whose size is independent of M. The second result shows that by slightly relaxing the requirements and allowing a small augmentation of the radius assignment, considerably better spanners can be constructed. In particular, we show that if it is allowed to use edges of the disk graph I(V,E,r 1+? ), where r 1+? (p)=(1+?)?r(p) for every pV, then it is possible to get a (1+?)-spanner of size O(n/? d ) for I(V,E,r). Our algorithm is simple and can be implemented efficiently.  相似文献   

We present a simple method to use an [nd−1,m,t+1] code to construct an n-input, m-output, t-resilient function with degree d>m and nonlinearity 2n−1−2n−⌈(d+1)/2⌉−(m+1)2nd−1. For any fixed values of parameters n,m,t and d, with d>m, the nonlinearity obtained by our construction is higher than the nonlinearity obtained by Cheon in Crypto 2001.  相似文献   

Given a directed, non-negatively weighted graph G=(V,E) and s,tV, we consider two problems. In the k simple shortest paths problem, we want to find the k simple paths from s to t with the k smallest weights. In the replacement paths problem, we want the shortest path from s to t that avoids e, for every edge e in the original shortest path from s to t. The best known algorithm for the k simple shortest paths problem has a running of O(k(mn+n2logn)). For the replacement paths problem the best known result is the trivial one running in time O(mn+n2logn).In this paper we present two simple algorithms for the replacement paths problem and the k simple shortest paths problem in weighted directed graphs (using a solution of the All Pairs Shortest Paths problem). The running time of our algorithm for the replacement paths problem is O(mn+n2loglogn). For the k simple shortest paths we will perform O(k) iterations of the second simple shortest path (each in O(mn+n2loglogn) running time) using a useful property of Roditty and Zwick [L. Roditty, U. Zwick, Replacement paths and k simple shortest paths in unweighted directed graphs, in: Proc. of International Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2005, pp. 249-260]. These running times immediately improve the best known results for both problems over sparse graphs.Moreover, we prove that both the replacement paths and the k simple shortest paths (for constant k) problems are not harder than APSP (All Pairs Shortest Paths) in weighted directed graphs.  相似文献   

A code is said to be propelinear if its automorphism group contains a subgroup that acts regularly on codewords. We show propelinearity of complements of cyclic codes C 1,i , (i, 2 m ? 1) = 1, of length n = 2 m ? 1, including the primitive two-error-correcting BCH code, to the Hamming code; the Preparata code to the Hamming code; the Goethals code to the Preparata code; and the Z4-linear Preparata code to the Z4-linear perfect code.  相似文献   

Let γ(G) denote the domination number of a digraph G and let CmCn denote the Cartesian product of Cm and Cn, the directed cycles of length m,n?2. In this paper, we determine the exact values: γ(C2Cn)=n; γ(C3Cn)=n if , otherwise, γ(C3Cn)=n+1; if , otherwise, .  相似文献   

A Solovay function is an upper bound g for prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity K that is nontrivial in the sense that g agrees with K, up to some additive constant, on infinitely many places n. We obtain natural examples of computable Solovay functions by showing that for some constant c 0 and all computable functions t such that c 0 n??t(n), the time-bounded version K t of K is a Solovay function. By unifying results of Bienvenu and Downey and of Miller, we show that a right-computable upper bound g of K is a Solovay function if and only if ?? g =??2?g(n) is Martin-Löf random. We obtain as a corollary that the Martin-Löf randomness of the various variants of Chaitin??s ?? extends to the time-bounded case in so far as $\Omega _{ \textnormal{K}^{t}}$ is Martin-Löf random for any t as above. As a step in the direction of a characterization of K-triviality in terms of jump-traceability, we demonstrate that a set A is K-trivial if and only if A is O(g(n)?K(n))-jump traceable for all computable Solovay functions g. Furthermore, this equivalence remains true when the universal quantification over all computable Solovay functions in the second statement is restricted either to all functions of the form K t for some function t as above or to a single function K t of this form. Finally, we investigate into the plain Kolmogorov complexity C and its time-bounded variant C t of initial segments of computably enumerable sets. Our main theorem here asserts that every high c.e. Turing degree contains a c.e. set B such that for any computable function t there is a constant c t >0 such that for all m it holds that C t (B?m)??c t ?m, whereas for any nonhigh c.e. set A there is a computable time bound t and a constant c such that for infinitely many m it holds that C t (A?m)??logm+c. By similar methods it can be shown that any high degree contains a set B such that C t (B?m)??+ m/4. The constructed sets B have low unbounded but high time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity, and accordingly we obtain an alternative proof of the result due to Juedes et al. (Theor. Comput. Sci. 132(1?C2):37?C70, 1994) that every high degree contains a strongly deep set.  相似文献   

The diameter of a graph is an important factor for communication as it determines the maximum communication delay between any pair of processors in a network. Graham and Harary [N. Graham, F. Harary, Changing and unchanging the diameter of a hypercube, Discrete Applied Mathematics 37/38 (1992) 265-274] studied how the diameter of hypercubes can be affected by increasing and decreasing edges. They concerned whether the diameter is changed or remains unchanged when the edges are increased or decreased. In this paper, we modify three measures proposed in Graham and Harary (1992) to include the extent of the change of the diameter. Let D-k(G) is the least number of edges whose addition to G decreases the diameter by (at least) k, D+0(G) is the maximum number of edges whose deletion from G does not change the diameter, and D+k(G) is the least number of edges whose deletion from G increases the diameter by (at least) k. In this paper, we find the values of D-k(Cm), D-1(Tm,n), D-2(Tm,n), D+1(Tm,n), and a lower bound for D+0(Tm,n) where Cm be a cycle with m vertices, Tm,n be a torus of size m by n.  相似文献   

We introduce a construction of a set of code sequences {Cn(m) : n ≥ 1, m ≥ 1} with memory order m and code length N(n). {Cn(m)} is a generalization of polar codes presented by Ar?kan in [1], where the encoder mapping with length N(n) is obtained recursively from the encoder mappings with lengths N(n ? 1) and N(n ? m), and {Cn(m)} coincides with the original polar codes when m = 1. We show that {Cn(m)} achieves the symmetric capacity I(W) of an arbitrary binary-input, discrete-output memoryless channel W for any fixed m. We also obtain an upper bound on the probability of block-decoding error Pe of {Cn(m)} and show that \({P_e} = O({2^{ - {N^\beta }}})\) is achievable for β < 1/[1+m(? ? 1)], where ? ∈ (1, 2] is the largest real root of the polynomial F(m, ρ) = ρm ? ρm ? 1 ? 1. The encoding and decoding complexities of {Cn(m)} decrease with increasing m, which proves the existence of new polar coding schemes that have lower complexity than Ar?kan’s construction.  相似文献   

In this paper a general technique for reducing processors in simulation without any increase in time is described. This results in an O(√logn) time algorithm for simulating one step of PRIORITY on TOLERANT with processor-time product of O(n log logn); the same as that for simulating PRIORITY on ARBITRARY. This is used to obtain anO(logn/log logn + √logn (log logm ? log logn)) time algorithm for sortingn integers from the set {0,...,m ? 1},mn, with a processor-time product ofO(n log logm log logn) on a TOLERANT CRCW PRAM. New upper and lower bounds for ordered chaining problem on an allocated COMMON CRCW model are also obtained. The algorithm for ordered chaining takesO(logn/log logn) time on an allocated PRAM of sizen. It is shown that this result is best possible (upto a constant multiplicative factor) by obtaining a lower bound of Ω(r logn/(logr + log logn)) for finding the first (leftmost one) live processor on an allocated-COMMON PRAM of sizen ofr-slow virtual processors (one processor simulatesr processors of allocated PRAM). As a result, for ordered chaining problem, “processor-time product” has to be at least Ω(n logn/log logn) for any poly-logarithmic time algorithm. Algorithm for ordered-chaining problem results in anO(logN/log logN) time algorithm for (stable) sorting ofn integers from the set {0,...,m ? 1} withn-processors on a COMMON CRCW PRAM; hereN = max(n, m). In particular if,m =n O(1), then sorting takes Θ(logn/log logn) time on both TOLERANT and COMMON CRCW PRAMs. Processor-time product for TOLERANT isO(n(log logn)2). Algorithm for COMMON usesn processors.  相似文献   

The Doob graph D(m, n), where m > 0, is a Cartesian product of m copies of the Shrikhande graph and n copies of the complete graph K 4 on four vertices. The Doob graph D(m, n) is a distance-regular graph with the same parameters as the Hamming graph H(2m + n, 4). We give a characterization of MDS codes in Doob graphs D(m, n) with code distance at least 3. Up to equivalence, there are m 3/36+7m 2/24+11m/12+1?(m mod 2)/8?(m mod 3)/9 MDS codes with code distance 2m + n in D(m, n), two codes with distance 3 in each of D(2, 0) and D(2, 1) and with distance 4 in D(2, 1), and one code with distance 3 in each of D(1, 2) and D(1, 3) and with distance 4 in each of D(1, 3) and D(2, 2).  相似文献   

In negation-limited complexity, one considers circuits with a limited number of NOT gates, being motivated by the gap in our understanding of monotone versus general circuit complexity, and hoping to better understand the power of NOT gates. We give improved lower bounds for the size (the number of AND/OR/NOT) of negation-limited circuits computing Parity and for the size of negation-limited inverters. An inverter is a circuit with inputs x 1,…,x n and outputs ¬ x 1,…,¬ x n . We show that: (a) for n=2 r ?1, circuits computing Parity with r?1 NOT gates have size at least 6n?log?2(n+1)?O(1), and (b) for n=2 r ?1, inverters with r NOT gates have size at least 8n?log?2(n+1)?O(1). We derive our bounds above by considering the minimum size of a circuit with at most r NOT gates that computes Parity for sorted inputs x 1???x n . For an arbitrary r, we completely determine the minimum size. It is 2n?r?2 for odd n and 2n?r?1 for even n for ?log?2(n+1)??1≤rn/2, and it is ?3n/2??1 for rn/2. We also determine the minimum size of an inverter for sorted inputs with at most r NOT gates. It is 4n?3r for ?log?2(n+1)?≤rn. In particular, the negation-limited inverter for sorted inputs due to Fischer, which is a core component in all the known constructions of negation-limited inverters, is shown to have the minimum possible size. Our fairly simple lower bound proofs use gate elimination arguments in a somewhat novel way.  相似文献   

Let r be a relation for the relation scheme R(A1,A2,…,An); then we define Dom(r) to be Domr(A1)×Domr(A2)×…×Domr(An), where Domr(Ai) for each i is the set of all ith coordinates of tuples of r. A relation s is said to be a substructure of the relation r if and only if Dom(s)∩r = s.The following theorems analogous to Tarski-Fraisse-Vaught's characterizations of universal classes are proved: (i) An implicational dependency family (ID-family) F over the relation scheme R is finitely specifiable if and only if there exists a finite number of relations r1,r2,…,rm for R such that r ∈ F if and only if no ri is isomorphic to a substructure of r. (ii) F is finitely specifiable if and only if there exists a natural number k such that r ∈ F whenever F contains all substructures of r with at most k elements.We shall use these characterizations to obtain a new proof for Hull's (1984) characterization of finitely specifiable ID-families.  相似文献   

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