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胡上序 《计算机与应用化学》1992,9(3):161-168
本文分析了调优问题的数学实质,指出关键是建立数值仿真模型,并将建模的主要方法分为理论分析、经验机理分析和统计分析三类.作者考察了若干种多元统计分析方法的特点后,采用了一种将判别和聚类分析相结合的模式分类方法.作者用实际数据说明了复杂过程的时变特性,提出用渐进式调整方法,可达到自适应调优目标.本文指出在线自适应调优的实现需要专家知识的帮助,提出了将专家知识和仿真计算结合而构成专家仿真系统的一种模式.最后还报道了调优软件在工业装置上实际试运行取得的效果示例. 相似文献
Keytack H. Oh 《Computers & Industrial Engineering》1994,27(1-4):273-276
The Expert Preference System is a computer assisted procedure for developing a decision maker's preference utility function. The system will elicit proper preferences for different levels of criteria from the decision maker by supplying useful information and by checking inconsistencies in the responses. The system will then determine the mathematical function that will best predict and describe the decision maker's preference utility function. 相似文献
本系统用于磷矿制肥原则流程预判,根据磷矿的基本信息,经专家系统判别得出该矿可用性与适用的加工流程。专家系统之推理机制为反向推理,搜索策略为深度优先搜索,系统开发环境为 IBM-PC/XT286,开发工具为 Turbo-PROLOG,经90多种矿样的预判证明本专家系统与人类专家判别结果符合情况令人满意。本专家系统之知识与经验来源于全国磷肥专家及有关书本。 相似文献
通过利用游戏宠物扮演各种教育角色,扩展智能教学系统(intelligent tutoring system,ITS)中的学生模型,从而完成宠物游戏与ITS的有机结合.设计了一个基于宠物游戏的游戏化智能教学系统架构,架构中的宠物模块能记录学习者的学习活动、分析学习者的学习进程.基于该软件架构,实现了一款游戏化智能教学系统--宠物星际旅行,将宠物游戏的游戏化特性引入到了小学分数知识的学习过程中.测试结果表明,学生对该游戏越专注,就能越快地理解和运用所学知识. 相似文献
计算机生成航空兵力系统的专家知识表达方法 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
在计算机生成航空兵力系统中,采用了面向对象技术来表示专家知识,将专家知识封装在飞机对象的实体模型中,文中着重从决策角度叙述文中采用的专家知识表示方法的特点。其中,层次化的知识表示方法便于充分描述专家思想,也利于快速推理。另外文中采用了规则集逻辑有效性检测策略,在保证规则集充分性、唯一性基础上,使得规则集具有表示简单,推理快速的特点,最后给出系统实际运行结论。 相似文献
Through the practice of developing an expert system FBCDES(Feed Box Conceptual De-sign Expert System)for the planomillingmachine in CIMS ERC(CIMS Engineering Research Center)in China,the paper intends to introduce a common problem-solving strategy for the mechanical productconceptual design expert system.Meanwhile some problems such as system architecture,knowledgerepresentations and inference engine sets are also described.A yet more detailed discussion is given tothe technical problems for realizing two key modules,that is concept design module and layout module. 相似文献
Variant design for mechanical artifacts: A state-of-the-art survey 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
J. E. Fowler 《Engineering with Computers》1996,12(1):1-15
Variant design refers, to the technique of adapting existing design specifications to satisfy new design goals and constraints. Specific support of variant design techniques in current computer aided design systems would help to realize a rapid response manufacturing environment. A survey of approaches supporting variant design is presented. Capabilities used in current commercial computer aided design systems are discussed along with approaches used in recent research efforts. Information standards applicable to variant design are also identified. Barriers to variant design in current systems are identified and ideas are presented for augmentation of current systems to support variant design. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a prototype system that has been developed to support geometric configuration of objects at the early stages of design. Guided by the general principle of minimum commitment, this system assists in the iterative development of alternative geometric configurations based on approximately or precisely defined information. The system has been evaluated in the context of computer enclosure design. 相似文献
It has been one of the greatest challenges to predict the stock market. Since stock prices vary dramatically, it is important to determine when to buy and sell stocks in order to get high returns from stock investment. In this study, we have developed a candlestick chart analysis expert system, or a chart interpreter, for predicting the best stock market timing. The expert system has patterns and rules which can predict future stock price movements. Defined patterns are classified into five groups with respect to their meanings: falling, rising, neutral, trend-continuation and trend-reversal patterns. The experimental results revealed that the developed knowledge base could provide excellent indicators with an average hit ratio of 72% to help investors get high returns from their stock investment. Through experiments from January 1992 to June 1997, it was proven that the developed knowledge base was time- and field-independent. 相似文献
乔虹 《网络安全技术与应用》2013,(10):108-109
健康护理专家系统作为远程医疗的一种可行性方式,逐渐成为研究的热点.本文介绍了智能小区健康护理专家系统的架构和总体结构设计,通过推理算法对用户输入的身体数据与知识库事实匹配,并根据“加权求和”的数学模型进行模糊推理,得出用户身体状况的分析结果,给出相应的预防测试和生活建议. 相似文献
在线自调整模糊专家控制器及在炉温控制中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
常规的模糊控制要根据不同的被控对象制定不同的控制规则,且规则的实时调整比较困难。本文通过仿真研究了一类简单的专家控制,针对其易于振荡,自适应能力有限的缺点,引入了基于模糊逻辑的自调整过程,把对规则的调整转化为对规则中参数的调整。仿真实验和实际应用证明该方法优于一般PID算法,且实现简单。 相似文献
提高基于规则专家系统效率的技术和方法 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
针对目前基于规则的专家系统效率不高的现状,从推理机设计、知识库设计、与其他先进技术结合等三个方面详细论述了提高这类专家系统效率的技术和方法,从而构建一个能真正反映人类专家水平的高效的专家系统。 相似文献
A constraint modelling system called RASOR allows the constraints between design parameters to be investigated by a designer. Some simple geometric entities are provided. The ACIS solid modeller provides procedures for handling solid objects. An integrated system in which ACIS solids are defined and manipulated by RASOR commands has been achieved. The use of constraints is illustrated with reference to the assembly of the links of a mechanical system. 相似文献
Clara Higuera Gonzalo Pajares Javier Tamames Federico Morán 《Expert systems with applications》2013,40(15):6185-6194
Studying the communities of microbial species is highly important since many natural and artificial processes are mediated by groups of microbes rather than by single entities. One way of studying them is the search of common metabolic characteristics among microbial species, which is not only a potential measure for the differentiation and classification of closely-related organisms but also their study allows the finding of common functional properties that may describe the way of life of entire organisms or species. In this work we propose an expert system (ES), making the main contribution, to cluster a complex data set of 365 prokaryotic species by 114 metabolic features, information which may be incomplete for some species. Inspired on the human expert reasoning and based on hierarchical clustering strategies, our proposed ES estimates the optimal number of clusters adequate to divide the dataset and afterwards it starts an iterative process of clustering, based on the Self-organizing Maps (SOM) approach, where it finds relevant clusters at different steps by means of a new validity index inspired on the well-known Davies Bouldin (DB) index. In order to monitor the process and assess the behavior of the ES the partition obtained at each step is validated with the DB validity index. The resulting clusters prove that the use of metabolic features combined with the ES is able to handle a complex dataset that can help in the extraction of underlying information, gaining advantage over other existing approaches, that may relate metabolism with phenotypic, environmental or evolutionary characteristics in prokaryotic species. 相似文献
基于单片机的湿度专家控制系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对湿度控制对象的非线性、数学模型不确定以及高精确控制的要求,研制了基于专家控制的湿度控制算法,并在基于新型单片机AVR为主控制芯片,液晶屏为监控显示单元的自动控制系统得到了实现,取得了良好的控制效果。实际应用结果表明:该系统结构简单,智能化程度高,测量精度和控制效果优良,性能指标优于目前同类产品,具有一定的推广价值。 相似文献
针对目前不断增长的软硬件配置需要,本文提出采用专家系统来制定计算机软硬件配置方案,并结合面向对象的方法进行知识表述和推理,以克报人为制订配置方案的一些缺点。 相似文献
本文对一般的工业过程的生产装置操作变量调优进行了简要回顾,结合作者几年来调优工作的实践,提出了综合调优法及相应的调优专家系统.文章着重阐述了知识的分类、获取、表示及综合应用各类知识的调优决策方法,提出了深层知识与浅层知识,统计模型与机理模型协同使用的原则.特别提出了知识矩阵的方法,即把所获得的各类知识都表示成矩阵形式,从而大大简化了调优决策过程.应用作者所设计的自适应调优专家系统,某化工装置在调优试验中取得了显著的实际效果. 相似文献
基于MAS的专家系统开发工具 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
结合分布式人工智能理论和面向对象及面向智能体技术,给出基于MAS(Multi0agent System)的专家系统开发工具的系统结构和设计,并描述了系统中的知识通信语言和协作机制。采用Java语言,在分布式网络环境下,实现了该工具的原型系统。用该工具开发了一个基于MAS的协作中医诊断专家系统,运行效果良好。 相似文献