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The reproducibility of tooth tapping frequencies was measured in young and elderly dentate subjects. Six rates of tapping, i.e. 40, 60, 90, 120, 160 and 200 times per min, were practised to the accompaniment of a metronome for 15 s before recording. After a 15-s break, subjects were asked to reproduce the same rate of tapping without metronome accompaniment, and these movements were recorded. It was determined that the young subjects regulated tooth tapping frequencies by controlling velocity of mandibular movement. On the other hand, the elderly subjects regulated tooth tapping frequency by controlling opening width.  相似文献   

Oil-in-water emulsions are being used increasingly for the delivery of lipophilic drugs, but the fundamental physicochemical principles governing such delivery have not been explored. We determined the kinetics and thermodynamics of delivery from emulsions to cells in culture for two lipophilic compounds, U74006 and U74500. Two fundamental properties dominate the delivery, (a) the concentration of the compound in the lipid phase of the emulsion is directly proportional to the concentration of the compound in cells at equilibrium, and (b) the rate of transfer is directly proportional to the concentration of particles in contact with the cells. Thus, the transfer is consistent with direct partitioning from the lipid phase of the emulsion to cells and occurs by the direct collision of emulsion particles with cells. The details of the mechanism of delivery differ between the two compounds. Specifically, delivery of U74006 is first-order with respect to the drug accumulating in the cells. The transfer of U74500 is best described as a sum of two simultaneous pseudo first-order processes consistent with delivery from a single donor compartment to two receiver compartments. Furthermore, two molecules of U74500 appear to be involved in each transfer event. Our results show that relatively simple principles govern the delivery of compounds from oil-in-water emulsions to cells.  相似文献   

Highways for protein delivery to the mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Messenger RNA (mRNA) localisation is one of the prime mechanisms to ensure protein localisation in the cytoplasm of polarised embryonic cells, and has been well-studied in the development of Xenopus and Drosophila embryos. But what of other cells? Here, we discuss whether the directed transport of mRNA out of the nucleus, following cytoplasmic highways to a specified organelle in the cytoplasm, might also contribute to the exquisite fidelity of protein targeting observed in all eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Waardenburg syndrome type 1 is caused by mutations in PAX3. Over 50 human PAX3 mutations that lead to hearing, craniofacial, limb, and pigmentation anomalies have been identified. A PAX3 mutant allele, segregating in a family, can show reduced penetrance and variable expressivity that cannot be explained by the nature of the mutation alone. The Mus musculus Pax3 mutation Spd (Splotch-delayed, Pax3Spd), coisogenic on the C57BL/6J (B6) genetic background, produces in heterozygotes a white belly spot with 100% penetrance and very few other anomalies. By contrast, many Spd/+ BC1 progeny [F1 female Spd/+ (female Spd/+ B6 x male +/+ Mus spretus) x male +/+ B6] exhibit highly variable craniofacial and pigmentary anomalies. Of the BC1 Spd/+ progeny, 23.9% are estimated to be nonviable, and 32.1% are nonpenetrant for the white belly spot. The penetrance and expressivity of the Spd/+ genotype are controlled in part by the genetic background and the sex of the individual. A minimum of two genes interact with Spd to influence the craniofacial features of these mice. One of these genes may be either X-linked or sex-influenced, while the other is autosomal. The A-locus (Agouti) or a gene closely linked to A also plays a role in determining craniofacial features. At least one additional gene, possibly the A-locus or a gene linked to A, interacts with Spd and determines the presence and size of the white belly spot. The viability of BC1 mice is influenced by at least three factors: Spd, A-locus alleles or a gene closely linked to the A-locus, and the sex of the mouse. These BC1 mice provide an opportunity to identify genes that interact with and modify the expression of Pax3 and serve as a model to identify the genes that modify the expression of human PAX3 mutations.  相似文献   

1. Part of the DNA extruded by cultured rat spleen cells occurs in the form of a low density lipid complex. 2. The present work indicates that this complex is also associated with protein but not with RNA and its elementary properties have been studied. 3. For example, it is destroyed by freezing and thawing or by deoxycholate treatment and small quantities of copper salts added to the medium may either inhibit or stimulate its release depending on the conditions.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that in mice transgenic for genes coding for an anti-ssDNA autoantibody B cells were functionally inactivated but not physically deleted. We have now extended this model by introducing an arginine into the CDR2 of the heavy chain transgene. This change alters the specificity of the Ab from anti-ssDNA to anti-dsDNA and increases the affinity for ssDNA. Mice carrying this transgene displayed a significant reduction of peripheral B cells and anti-dsDNA B cells were not recovered from the spleens. The remaining B cells escape deletion by revising their Ag receptors in several ways: 1) elimination of the transgenic heavy chain gene via intrachromosomal recombination, followed by rearrangement and expression of endogenous VH genes; 2) ongoing rearrangement of endogenous kappa light chain genes to generate a non-dsDNA-binding Ab; and 3) expression of a rare V lambda gene, V lambda x, to generate a non-DNA-binding Ab.  相似文献   

The 'comet' assay is being increasingly employed for evaluating DNA damage in biological systems. Using this technique, we examined DNA damage in whole in density-separated trout erythrocytes. Results clearly show that all the three considered parameters (tail length, tail intensity and tail moment) increased with the density of the fractions, possibly reflecting different degrees of DNA damage. Probably, this behaviour is due to different periods of exposure of the density fractions to the hazard of active oxygen radicals; older cells have been exposed to oxidative stress for a longer time.  相似文献   

The amino acid requirement of rat mammary cells for milk protein synthesis was investigated in dispersed cell culture. A three-dimensional central composite design utilizing three variables (X1 = lysine; X2= methionine, valine, and arginine; X3 = isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine, and histidine) at five concentrations each, was duplicated twice with mammary cells from lactating Sprague-Dawley rats. The optimum combination of amino acids for maximum milk protein synthesis from multiple regression models was X1 15.0-, X2 4.5-, and X3 1.5-fold their quantities in Eagle's minimal essential medium with leucine, tyrosine, cystine, and glutamine at the base 1-fold in the medium.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the relative contribution of dendritic cells (DC) and B cells in the presentation of peptide-class II complexes in an inflammatory situation in vivo. Draining lymph node cells from mice immunized subcutaneously with hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) in adjuvant display HEL peptide-major histocompatibility complex class II complexes able to stimulate, in the absence of any further antigen addition, specific T hybridoma cells. The antigen-presenting capacity of three different antigen-presenting cell (APC) populations recruited in lymph nodes, DC (N418+, class II+, B220-, low buoyant density), large B cells (B220+, low buoyant density), and small B cells (B220+, high buoyant density), was analyzed. After immunization with HEL in adjuvant, DC are the only lymph node APC population expressing detectable HEL peptide-class II complexes. These results indicate that lymph node DC and not B cells are the APC initiating the immune response in vivo after administration of antigen in adjuvant.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether there were any differences in distribution of nuclear DNA between acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), the localization of DNA in blasts from the bone marrow or buffy coat of 30 patients with ALL and 30 patients with AML was examined ultrastructurally by staining with osmium ammine B. By the ultrastructural cytochemistry, DNA in ALL cells was clumped in the nuclei, while in AML cells, it was dispersed. DNA had accumulated around the nucleoli of some blasts, and flecks of DNA were observed in nucleoli of a majority of blasts. The perinucleolar and intranucleolar DNA distribution could be classified into four types. The types with abundant perinucleolar DNA were frequently observed in ALL blasts, while the majority of AML blasts showed scant perinucleolar DNA. The types with intranucleolar flecks of DNA were more prominent in leukemic cells than in normal immature leukocytes. In conclusion, the pattern of distribution of DNA in the nuclei of leukemic cells differs between ALL and AML.  相似文献   

Fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) are non-oxidative products of ethanol metabolism that have been proposed to mediate pathological changes in various organs and tissues resulting from excessive ethanol consumption. Evidence supporting this proposal is scant, however, mainly because of the lack of adequate methods with which to solubilize the highly hydrophobic FAEE in aqueous medium for testing under physiological conditions. In this report we describe a simple and practical method for solubilizing FAEE in aqueous medium by binding them to albumin. We also report that the albumin-bound FAEE are readily taken up by rat alveolar macrophages in culture. The availability of FAEE bound to albumin, their main physiological carrier in vivo, will facilitate the investigation of the role that these metabolites may have in mediating pathological changes associated with excess ethanol consumption.  相似文献   

In the past, a highly sensitive and efficient method was developed to map DNA replication origins in human cells, based on quantitative PCR performed on nascent DNA samples. This method allowed the identification of a replication origin in the myeloid HL-60 cell line, located on chromosome 19 within an approximately 500 bp segment near the lamin B2 gene [Giacca et al. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 7119]. The same procedure has now been further simplified and extended to a variety of other exponentially growing human cells of different histological derivation (three neural, one connectival and one epithelial), with a nearly diploid chromosomal content. In all the six cell lines tested, the origin activity within the lamin B2 gene domain was localized to the same region. Furthermore, the lamin B2 origin was also found to be active in stimulated, but not in quiescent, peripheral blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The factors that contribute to allergic asthma are unclear but the resulting condition is considered a consequence of a type-2 T helper (TH2) cell response. In a model of pulmonary allergic inflammation, mice that lacked gammadelta T cells had decreases in specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) and IgG1 and pulmonary interleukin-5 (IL-5) release as well as in eosinophil and T cell infiltration compared with wild-type mice. These responses were restored by administration of IL-4 to gammadelta T cell-deficient mice during the primary immunization. Thus, gammadelta T cells are essential for inducing IL-4-dependent IgE and IgG1 responses and for TH2-mediated airway inflammation to peptidic antigens.  相似文献   

Human adenovirus type 2 has been previously shown to increase the delivery of a variety of proteins into cells when Ad is co-internalized with the protein ligands. To increase the efficiency of adenoviral-mediated delivery of proteins, I have linked adenovirus, separately with two proteins, epidermal growth factor and an antibody against human transferrin receptor through disulfide and thioether linkages. Competition experiments indicate that the conjugates are taken up into the cells through adenovirus receptor. During the internalization of adenovirus-protein conjugates into KB cells, the conjugates were equally effective as the native adenovirus in disrupting endocytic vesicles and releasing their protein content into the cytosol. This implies the possible use of adenovirus to deliver a large number of protein molecules into the cells.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that mutant genomic cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) sequences can be corrected in transformed CF airway epithelial cell lines by targeted replacement with small fragments of DNA with wild-type sequence. To determine if the observed genotype modification following small fragment homologous replacement (SFHR) was limited to transformed CF cell lines, further studies were carried out in both transformed and non-transformed primary normal airway epithelial cells. The endogenous genotype of these normal cell lines was modified following liposome or dendrimer transfection using DNA fragments with DeltaF508 CFTR sequence (488 nt, complementary single strands) designed to also contain a unique restriction enzyme cleavage site (Xho I). Replacement at the appropriate genomic locus by exogenous DeltaF508 CFTR DNA and its expression as mRNA was demonstrated by PCR amplification of genomic DNA and mRNA-derived cDNA as well as Xho I digestion of the PCR products. These studies show that SFHR occurs in both transformed and non-transformed primary human airway epithelial cells and indicate that single base substitution (the silent mutation giving rise to the Xho I site) and deletion or insertion of at least three consecutive bases can be achieved in both normal and CF epithelial cells. Furthermore, these studies reiterate the potential of SFHR as a strategy for a number of gene targeting applications, such as site-specific mutagenesis, development of transgenic animals, development of isogenic cell lines and for gene therapy.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), a pentameric structural protein of the cartilage extracellular matrix, have been identified in pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, two human autosomal dominant osteochondrodysplasias. However, the function of the protein remains unknown. With the goal of establishing a model to study the mechanisms by which COMP mutations cause disease, we have analyzed synthesis and secretion of COMP in cultured chondrocytes, tendon, and ligament cells. Pentameric protein detected inside of control cells suggested that pentamerization is an intracellular process. Patient cells expressed mutant and normal RNA and secreted COMP at levels similar to controls, suggesting that abnormal pentamers are likely to be found in the extracellular matrix. Inclusions within patient cartilage stained with anti-COMP antibodies, and cultured cells presented similar inclusions, indicating that presumably abnormal COMP pentamers are less efficiently secreted than normal molecules. We conclude that the COMP disorders are likely to result from a combination of a decreased amount of COMP in the matrix and a dominant negative effect due to the presence of abnormal pentamers in cartilage.  相似文献   

To determine whether or not the erythrophore originates from xanthophores in the dorsal skin of the brown frog, Rana ornativentris, we morphologically examined the differentiation and migration of the two chromatophore types and their pigmentary organelle formation. At an early tadpole stage, three kinds of chromatophores, xanthophores, iridophores, and melanophores, appeared in the subdermis, whereas the erythrophore did so just before the foreleg protrusion stage. By the middle of metamorphosis, most chromatophores other than erythrophores had migrated to the subepidermal space. Erythrophores, which appeared late in the subdermis, proliferated actively there during metamorphosis and finished moving into the subepidermal space by the completion of metamorphosis. Carotenoid vesicles and pterinosomes within the erythrophores and xanthophores showed several significant differences in structure. In xanthophores, carotenoid vesicles were abundant throughout life, whereas those in erythrophores decreased in number with the growth of the frogs. The fibrous materials contained in the pterinosomes were initially scattered but soon formed a concentric lamellar structure. In erythrophores, the lamellar structure began to form at the periphery of the organelles but at the center in xanthophores. In addition, the pterinosomes of erythrophores were uniform in size throughout development, while those of xanthophores showed a tendency to become smaller after metamorphosis. The pterinosomes of xanthophores were significantly larger than those of erythrophores. These findings suggest that an erythrophore is not a transformed xanthophore, although they resemble each other closely in many respects.  相似文献   

Identification of myogenic cell targeting ligands is a critical step in the development of synthetic vectors for gene delivery to skeletal muscle. Here we describe the screening of six potential targeting ligands (insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, iron transferrin, gallium transferrin, alpha-bungarotoxin and carnitine) for their ability to bind dystrophin-deficient myotubes in vitro. Those ligands showing high levels of binding to myotubes were then tested on fully differentiated, isolated, viable myofibers. Of the ligands tested, transferrin showed the most promise based on high levels of binding to myogenic cells, high levels of receptor observed in regenerating fibers of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and the ability to direct a large enzyme conjugate to the cytoplasm of myotubes. Finally, we show that incorporation of transferrin into an artificial virus consisting of poly-L-lysine-condensed DNA coated with a lipid shell (LPDII formulation) results in ligand-directed delivery of DNA to myogenic cells. This is the first report of gene transfer to myogenic cells using a ligand-directed synthetic vector. These results suggest that rational design of ligand-directed, fully synthetic, gene delivery vehicles is a viable approach to skeletal muscle vector development.  相似文献   

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