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Stable-isotope dimethyl labeling for quantitative proteomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hsu JL  Huang SY  Chow NH  Chen SH 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(24):6843-6852
In this paper, we report a novel, stable-isotope labeling strategy for quantitative proteomics that uses a simple reagent, formaldehyde, to globally label the N-terminus and epsilon-amino group of Lys through reductive amination. This labeling strategy produces peaks differing by 28 mass units for each derivatized site relative to its nonderivatized counterpart and 4 mass units for each derivatized isotopic pair. This labeling reaction is fast (less than 5 min) and complete without any detectable byproducts based on the analysis of MALDI and LC/ESI-MS/MS spectra of both derivatized and nonderivatized peptide standards and tryptic peptides of hemoglobin molecules. The intensity of the a(1) and y(n-1) ions produced, which were not detectable from most of the nonderivatized fragments, was substantially enhanced upon labeling. We further tested the method based on the analysis of an isotopic pair of peptide standards and a pair of defined protein mixtures with known H/D ratios. Using LC/MS for quantification and LC/MS/MS for peptide sequencing, the results show a negligible isotopic effect, a good mass resolution between the isotopic pair, and a good correlation between the experimental and theoretical data (errors 0-4%). The relative standard deviation of H/D values calculated from peptides deduced from the same protein are less than 13%. The applicability of the method for quantitative protein profiling was also explored by analyzing changes in nuclear protein abundance in an immortalized E7 cell with and without arsenic treatment.  相似文献   

Non-gel-based dual 18O labeling quantitative proteomics strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu H  Zhang Y  Meng L  Qin P  Wei J  Jia W  Li X  Cai Y  Qian X 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(20):7700-7707
To improve the quantitation of target proteins in proteomic analyses, we developed a non-gel-based, dual (18)O labeling strategy. This global isotope labeling method utilizes an acylating chemical reagent with two anhydride functional groups, bicyclic anhydride diethylenetriamine-N,N,N', N' ',N' '-pentaacetic acid (DTPA) dianhydride. In the first (18)O labeling method (chemical (18)O labeling) of our dual strategy, one functional group was covalently coupled to the primary amines of the peptides and (18)O from H2(18)O was incorporated at the other functional group by hydrolysis. In the second (18)O labeling method (chemical and enzyme-catalyzed (18)O labeling), chemical (18)O labeling and enzyme-catalyzed (18)O labeling of the carboxyl- termini of the peptides were combined. The acylation reaction between DTPA and the model peptides was rapid and specific, and the DTPA-modified N-termini of the peptides promoted only y-series ions in MS/MS. The two methods of (18)O labeling were accurate in the range 0.1-10 of (16)O/(18)O peptide ratios. The deviations of the methods were <20%. In contrast to current proteolytic (18)O labeling methods, there was no (18)O to (16)O back-exchange in the first method and no isotope peaks in MS in the second method. The combination of chemical and proteolytic (18)O labeling improved the confidence of the quantitation results.  相似文献   

Recently, we introduced a novel approach for protein quantification based on isobaric peptide termini labeling (IPTL). In IPTL, both peptide termini are dervatized in two separate chemical reactions with complementary isotopically labeled reagents to generate isobaric peptide pairs. Here, we describe a novel procedure for the two chemical reactions to enable a cost-effective and rapid method. We established a selective N-terminal peptide modification reaction using succinic anhydride. Dimethylation was used as second chemical reaction to derivatize lysine residues. Both reactions can be performed within 15 min in one pot, and micropurification of the peptides between the two reactions was not necessary. For data analysis, we developed the force-find algorithm in IsobariQ which searches for corresponding peaks to build up peak pairs in tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) spectra where Mascot could not identify opposite sequences. Utilizing force-find, the number of quantified proteins was improved by more than 50% in comparison to the standard data analysis in IsobariQ. This was applied to compare the proteome of HeLa cells incubated with S-trityl-L-cysteine (STLC) to induce mitotic arrest and apoptosis. More than 50 proteins were found to be quantitatively changed, and most of them were previously reported in other proteome analyses of apoptotic cells. Furthermore, we showed that the two complementary isotopic labels coelute during liquid chromatography (LC) separation and that the linearity of relative IPTL quantification is not affected by a complex protein background. Combining the optimized reactions for IPTL with the open source data analysis software IsobariQ including force-find, we present a straightforward and rapid approach for quantitative proteomics.  相似文献   

We modified a dual-cell linear ion trap mass spectrometer to perform infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) in the low-pressure trap of a dual-cell quadrupole linear ion trap (dual-cell QLT) and perform large-scale IRMPD analyses of complex peptide mixtures. Upon optimization of activation parameters (precursor q-value, irradiation time, and photon flux), IRMPD subtly, but significantly, outperforms resonant-excitation collisional-activated dissociation (CAD) for peptides identified at a 1% false-discovery rate (FDR) from a yeast tryptic digest (95% confidence, p = 0.019). We further demonstrate that IRMPD is compatible with the analysis of isobaric-tagged peptides. Using fixed QLT rf amplitude allows for the consistent retention of reporter ions, but necessitates the use of variable IRMPD irradiation times, dependent upon precursor mass to charge (m/z). We show that IRMPD activation parameters can be tuned to allow for effective peptide identification and quantitation simultaneously. We thus conclude that IRMPD performed in a dual-cell ion trap is an effective option for the large-scale analysis of both unmodified and isobaric-tagged peptides.  相似文献   

The accuracy in quantitative analysis of N-linked glycopeptides and glycosylation site mapping in cancer is critical to the fundamental question of whether the aberration is due to changes in the total concentration of glycoproteins or variations in the type of glycosylation of proteins. Toward this goal, we developed a lectin-directed tandem labeling (LTL) quantitative proteomics strategy in which we enriched sialylated glycopeptides by SNA, labeled them at the N-terminus by acetic anhydride ((1)H(6)/(2)D(6)) reagents, enzymatically deglycosylated the differentially labeled peptides in the presence of heavy water (H(2)(18)O), and performed LC/MS/MS analysis to identify glycopeptides. We successfully used fetuin as a model protein to test the feasibility of this LTL strategy not only to find true positive glycosylation sites but also to obtain accurate quantitative results on the glycosylation changes. Further, we implemented this method to investigate the sialylation changes in prostate cancer serum samples as compared to healthy controls. Herein, we report a total of 45 sialylated glycopeptides and an increase of sialylation in most of the glycoproteins identified in prostate cancer serum samples. Further quantitation of nonglycosylated peptides revealed that sialylation is increased in most of the glycoproteins, whereas the protein concentrations remain unchanged. Thus, LTL quantitative technique is potentially an useful method for obtaining simultaneous unambiguous identification and reliable quantification of N-linked glycopeptides.  相似文献   

Quantitative proteome analysis has become a versatile tool to understand biological functions. Although stable isotope labeling is the most reliable method for quantitative mass spectrometry, preparation of isotope-labeled compounds is time-consuming and expensive. Simple label-free approaches have been introduced, but intensity-based quantitation without standards is not generally accepted as reliable, especially for small molecules. We have developed a novel label-free quantitative proteome analysis using pseudo internal standards (PISs). This idea was derived from northern blotting analysis, in which housekeeping genes are used as standards to normalize and compare target gene expression levels in different samples. In many proteomics studies, most proteins do not change their expression levels under different conditions, and therefore, these proteins can be employed as pseudo internal standards. This new approach is simple and does not require additional standards or labeling reagents. The PIS method represents a novel approach for mass spectrometry-based comprehensive quantitatitation and may also be applicable to quantitative metabolome analysis.  相似文献   

4-Fluoro-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (NBD-F) has been characterized as a fluorogenic labeling reagent for high speed, online microdialysis-capillary electrophoresis (MD-CE) assays for amino acid neurotransmitters. NBD-F labeled amines are efficiently excited using 488 nm light allowing more common lasers to be used for excitation than has been previously possible. Amino acids were sampled using microdialysis, derivatized using NBD-F in an online reaction, and directly coupled to a high-speed CE separation with laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. Separation conditions were optimized allowing baseline separation of 16 amino acids, including glutamate, GABA, glycine, taurine, and D-serine, in 21.5 s. Parameters of the assay, including reaction temperature (80 degrees C), reaction time (5 min), NBD-F concentration (20 mM), and laser power (20 mW), were optimized. Limits of detection for glutamate and GABA were improved over previous assays by 4-fold and 25-fold, respectively. In vivo measurements were made in the rat striatum to demonstrate the effectiveness of the assay. Changes in in vivo concentrations as small as 8-9% could be observed for glycine, d-serine, and l-serine with statistical confidence. Changes in neurotransmitter concentrations induced by stimulation with high-K+ artificial cerebral spinal fluid (aCSF) were observed.  相似文献   

The development and recent achievements of chemical labeling based surface characterization techniques are reviewed. Chemical labeling utilizes the specificity of chemical reactions to attach labeling molecules to surface functionalities, in order to facilitate the detection, identification and quantification of surface species. In this report, different chemical labeling based techniques are compared in terms of sensitivity, specificity and ease of operation. The two most widely used techniques, XPS derivatization and fluorescence labeling, are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

D-amino acids indicate aging, bacterial origin, and pathogenic properties of peptides in the environment, but the reliable assessment of D-enantiomers must account for a yet unknown formation during hydrolyses. Here, we introduce a method for the in vitro determination of the hydrolysis-induced racemization (HIR) of amino acids in environmental samples. It involves hydrolyses with hydro- and deuteriochloric acid (6 M, 12 h, 105 degrees C), desalting, and selective detection of chiral mass fragments of amino acid-N-pentafluoropropionyl derivatives. D-Amino acids formed in 2HCl incorporated deuterium into their C(alpha) position. This resulted in a relative signal loss of the nondeuterated fragment compared with the 1HCl hydrolysate. Mathematically evaluating the relative target signal intensities of both hydrolysates allowed the quantification of the proportion of D-amino acids formed during sample processing. Side-chain incorporations of deuterium were no limitations for this method as they could be estimated from that of the respective L-enantiomers. In soil and litter samples, between 0 (D-glutamic acid) and 85% (D-alloisoleucine) of the detected D-amino acids were formed upon hydrolysis (standard error, 5-11%). For a given amino acid, the HIR varied by a factor of 2-10 between samples, thereby confirming that HIR must be individually assessed for samples from different environments.  相似文献   

LC-MSn has become a popular option for high-throughput quantitative proteomics, thanks to the availability of stable-isotope labeling reagents. However, the vast quantity of data generated from LC-MSn continues to make the postacquisition quantification analyses challenging, especially in experiments involving multiple samples per experimental condition. To facilitate data analysis, we developed a computer program, QUIL, for automated protein quantification. QUIL accounts for the dynamic nature of spectral background and subtracts this background accordingly during ion chromatogram reconstruction. For elution profile identification, QUIL minimizes the inclusion of coeluted neighbor peaks, yet tolerates imperfect peak shapes. Outlier-resistant methods have been implemented for better protein ratio estimation. The utility of QUIL was validated by quantitative analyses of a standard protein as well as complex protein mixtures, which were labeled with cICAT or 18O and analyzed using LCQ, LTQ, or FT-ICR instruments. For samples that no prior knowledge of relative protein quantities was available, Western blotting was performed for confirmation. For the standard protein, the coefficient of variation (CV) of peptide ratio estimation was 6%. For complex mixtures, the median CV for protein ratio calculations was less than 10%. Computed protein abundance ratios exhibited a relatively high degree of correlation with those obtained from Western blot analyses. Compared with a widely used commercial software tool, QUIL showed improvement in ion chromatogram construction and peak integration and significantly reduced relative errors in abundance ratio assessment.  相似文献   

Microfluidic electrophoresis devices were coupled on-line to microdialysis for in vivo monitoring of primary amine neurotransmitters in rat brain. The devices contained a sample introduction channel for dialysate, a precolumn reactor for derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde, a flow-gated injector, and a separation channel. Detection was performed using confocal laser-induced fluorescence. In vitro testing revealed that the initial device design had detection limits for amino acids of approximately 200 nM, relative standard deviation of peak heights of 2%, and separations within 95 s with up to 30,200 theoretical plates when applying an electric field of 370 V/cm. A second device design that allowed electric fields of 1320 V/cm to be applied while preserving the reaction time allowed separations within 20 s with up to 156,000 theoretical plates. Flow splitting into the electrokinetic network from hydrodynamic flow in the sample introduction channel was made negligible for sampling flow rates from 0.3 to 1.2 microL/min by placing a 360-microm-diameter fluidic access hole that had flow resistance (0.15-7.2) x 10(8)-fold lower than that of the electrokinetic network at the junction of the sample introduction channel and the electrokinetic network. Using serial injections, the device allowed the dialysate stream to be analyzed at 130-s intervals. In vivo monitoring was demonstrated by using the microdialysis/microfluidic device to record glutamate concentrations in the striatum of an anesthetized rat during infusion of the glutamate uptake inhibitor l-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid. These results prove the feasibility of using a microfabricated fluidic system coupled to sampling probes for chemical monitoring of complex media such as mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Quantitative shotgun proteomic analyses are facilitated using chemical tags such as ICAT and metabolic labeling strategies with stable isotopes. The rapid high-throughput production of quantitative "shotgun" proteomic data necessitates the development of software to automatically convert mass spectrometry-derived data of peptides into relative protein abundances. We describe a computer program called RelEx, which uses a least-squares regression for the calculation of the peptide ion current ratios from the mass spectrometry-derived ion chromatograms. RelEx is tolerant of poor signal-to-noise data and can automatically discard nonusable chromatograms and outlier ratios. We apply a simple correction for systematic errors that improves the accuracy of the quantitative measurement by 32 +/- 4%. Our automated approach was validated using labeled mixtures composed of known molar ratios and demonstrated in a real sample by measuring the effect of osmotic stress on protein expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

We introduce a diffused optical detection system based on the administration of a fluorophore-antibody conjugate to diseased tissue. The conjugate interacts with the antigens expressed by the diseased tissue, resulting in fluorescent labeling of the antigen. By combining an optical detection system with a reconstruction algorithm developed on the basis of the random-walk model, we were able to determine the position of the fluorophore (and, thus, of the diseased cells) in the tissue. We present three-dimensional reconstructions of the location of a fluorophore (FITC-fluorescein isothiocyanate) in the tongues of mice. Measurements were performed with the fluorophore embedded at various simulated depths. The simulations were performed with agarose-based gel slabs applied to the tongue as tissuelike phantoms. Reconstructed fluorophore locations agree well with the actual values.  相似文献   

A new method for proteolytic stable isotope labeling is introduced to provide quantitative and concurrent comparisons between individual proteins from two entire proteome pools or their subfractions. Two 18O atoms are incorporated universally into the carboxyl termini of all tryptic peptides during the proteolytic cleavage of all proteins in the first pool. Proteins in the second pool are cleaved analogously with the carboxyl termini of the resulting peptides containing two 16O atoms (i.e., no labeling). The two peptide mixtures are pooled for fractionation and separation, and the masses and isotope ratios of each peptide pair (differing by 4 Da) are measured by high-resolution mass spectrometry. Short sequences and/or accurate mass measurements combined with proteomics software tools allow the peptides to be related to the precursor proteins from which they are derived. Relative signal intensities of paired peptides quantify the expression levels of their precursor proteins from proteome pools to be compared, using an equation described in the paper. Observation of individual (unpaired) peptides is mainly interpreted as differential modification or sequence variation for the protein from the respective proteome pool. The method is evaluated here in a comparison of virion proteins for two serotypes (Ad5 and Ad2) of adenovirus, taking advantage of information already available about protein sequences and concentrations. In general, proteolytic 18O labeling enables a shotgun approach for proteomic studies with quantitation capability and is proposed as a useful tool for comparative proteomic studies of very complex protein mixtures.  相似文献   

Fractionation of isotopically labeled peptides in quantitative proteomics.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The goal of quantitative proteomics is to examine the expression levels of all of the proteins in a biological system and recognize those that change as a function of some stimulus. Quantification is now frequently based on derivatization of peptides with isotopically distinguishable labeling agents. This study examines the extent to which isotopic forms of peptides having the same amino acid sequence are resolved by reversed-phase chromatography and assesses the degree to which resolution of these isotopically different forms of a peptide impact quantification. Three derivatizing agents were examined, the do and d3 forms of N-acetoxysuccinimide, the do and d4 forms of succinic anhydride, and the do and d8 forms of the commercial ICAT reagent Peptide mixtures from control and experimental samples were derivatized individually, mixed, subjected to reversed-phase chromatography, and analyzed by ESI-MS. When partial resolution of the isotopic forms of a peptide occurs, the largest error in assessing the true isotope ratio in a sample occurs when sampling at the extremes of a peak. Early in the elution of a peak, the sample will be enriched in the deuterated species, whereas the opposite is true at the tailing edge of a peak. Acetylated peptides showed the lowest degree of separation. Resolution of the deuterated and nondeuterated forms in this case was 0.023. This amounts to slightly over a 1-s difference in their peak maxima and can cause a typical error of +/- 6% at the leading and tailing edges of a peak. In contrast, resolution of the deuterated and nondeuterated forms of the ICAT reagent were calculated to be 0.45. This means that in a peak of 1-min width (W1/2), the peak maxima will vary by approximately 30 s, and measurement errors of -83 and +500% can occur at the leading and tailing edges of a peak. It is concluded that resolution of isotopic forms of a peptide can cause substantial quantification errors in quantitative proteomics.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe the application of a stable isotope amino acid (lysine) labeling in conjunction with data-dependent multiplexed tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to facilitate the characterization and identification of peptides from proteomic (global protein) digests. Lysine auxotrophic yeast was grown in the presence of 13C-labeled or unlabeled lysine and combined after harvesting in equal proportions. Endoproteinase LysC digestion of the cytosolic fraction produced a global proteomic sample, consisting of heavy/light labeled peptide pairs. Then data-dependent multiplexed-MS/MS was applied to simultaneously select and dissociate only labeled peptide ion pairs. The approach allows differentiation between N-terminal (e.g., b-type ions) and C-terminal fragment ions (e.g., y-type ions) in resulting tandem mass spectra, as well as the capability of differentiation between near-isobaric glutamine and lysine residues. We also describe the utility of peptide composition and fragment information to support peptide identifications and examine the potential application of lysine labeling for differential quantitative protein analysis.  相似文献   

Metabolomics, i.e., the global analysis of cellular metabolites, is becoming a powerful tool for gaining insights into biological functions in the postgenomic context. However, absolute quantitation of endogenous metabolites in biological media remains an issue, and available technologies for the analysis of metabolome still lack robustness and accuracy. We describe here a new method based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and (15)N uniform metabolic labeling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for accurate and absolute quantitation of nitrogen-containing cell metabolites in metabolic profiling experiments. As a proof of concept study, eight sulfur metabolites involved in the glutathione biosynthesis pathway (i.e., cysteine, homocysteine, methionine, gamma-glutamylcysteine, cystathionine, reduced and oxidized forms of glutathione, and S-adenosylhomocysteine) were simultaneously quantified. The analytical method has been validated by studies of stability, selectivity, precision, and linearity and by the determination of the limits of detection and quantification. It was then applied to the analysis of extracts from cadmium-treated yeasts. In these conditions, the intracellular concentrations of most of the metabolites involved in the glutathione biosynthesis pathway were increased when compared to control extracts. These data correlate with previous proteomic results and also underline the importance of glutathione in cadmium detoxication.  相似文献   

To quantify proteins on a global level from mammalian tissue, a method was developed to metabolically introduce 15N stable isotopes into the proteins of Rattus norvegicus for use as internal standards. The long-term metabolic labeling of rats with a diet enriched in 15N did not result in adverse health consequences. The average 15N amino acid enrichments reflected the relative turnover rates in the different tissues and ranged from 74.3 mpe in brain to 92.2 mpe in plasma. Using the 15N-enriched liver as a quantitative internal standard, changes in individual protein levels in response to cycloheximide treatment were measured for 310 proteins. These measurements revealed 127 proteins with altered protein level (p < 0.05). Most proteins with altered level have previously reported functions involving xenobiotic metabolism and protein-folding machinery of the endoplasmic reticulum. This approach is a powerful tool for the global quantitation of proteins, is capable of measuring proteome-wide changes in response to a drug, and will be useful for studying animal models of disease.  相似文献   

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