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Disturbances in dopaminergic systems have been implicated in the etiology of mood disorders. Although genetic factors also play an important role, no major gene has been identified. We conducted an association study using the dopamine D2, D3 and D4 receptor, and transporter gene polymorphisms, comparing 101 mood-disorder patients (52 bipolar and 49 unipolar) and 100 controls. Our results suggest that there is a significant association between the dopamine D4 receptor gene and mood disorders, especially major depression, but no association between the other polymorphisms and mood disorders. Further investigations are needed to clarify the clinical significance of this association in the pathophysiology of mood disorders.  相似文献   

Human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells were transfected with cDNA encoding the human beta4 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor subunit in pairwise combination with human alpha2, alpha3 or alpha4 subunits. Cell lines A2B4, A3B4.2 and A4B4 were identified that stably express mRNA and protein corresponding to alpha2 and beta4, to alpha3 and beta4 and to alpha4 and beta4 subunits, respectively. Specific binding of [3H]epibatidine was detected in A2B4, A3B4.2 and A4B4 cells with Kd (mean +/- S.D. in pM) values of 42 +/- 10, 230 +/- 12 and 187 +/- 29 and with Bmax (fmol/mg protein) values of 1104 +/- 338, 2010 +/- 184 and 3683 +/- 1450, respectively. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in each cell line demonstrated that (-)nicotine (Nic), ACh, cytisine (Cyt) and 1, 1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide (DMPP) elicit transient inward currents. The current-voltage (I-V) relation of these currents showed strong inward rectification. Pharmacological characterization of agonist-induced elevations of intracellular free Ca++ concentration revealed a distinct rank order of agonist potency for each subunit combination as follows: alpha2beta4, (+)epibatidine (Epi) > Cyt > suberyldicholine (Sub) = Nic = DMPP; alpha3beta4, Epi > DMPP = Cyt = Nic = Sub; alpha4beta4, Epi > Cyt = Sub > Nic > DMPP. The noncompetitive antagonists mecamylamine and d-tubocurarine did not display subtype selectivity. In contrast, the Kb value for the competitive antagonist dihydro-beta-erythroidine (DHbetaE) was highest at alpha3beta4 compared with alpha2beta4 or alpha4beta4 receptors. These data illustrate that the A2B4, A3B4.2 and A4B4 stable cell lines are powerful tools for examining the functional and pharmacological properties of human alpha2beta4, alpha3beta4 and alpha4beta4 neuronal nicotinic receptors.  相似文献   

The regional distributions of the G protein beta subunits (Gbeta1-beta5) and of the Ggamma3 subunit were examined by immunohistochemical methods in the adult rat brain. In general, the Gbeta and Ggamma3 subunits were widely distributed throughout the brain, with most regions containing several Gbeta subunits within their neuronal networks. The olfactory bulb, neocortex, hippocampus, striatum, thalamus, cerebellum, and brainstem exhibited light to intense Gbeta immunostaining. Negative immunostaining was observed in cortical layer I for Gbeta1 and layer IV for Gbeta4. The hippocampal dentate granular and CA1-CA3 pyramidal cells displayed little or no positive immunostaining for Gbeta2 or Gbeta4. No anti-Gbeta4 immunostaining was observed in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra or in the cerebellar granule cell layer and Purkinje cells. Immunoreactivity for Gbeta1 was absent from the cerebellar molecular layer, and Gbeta2 was not detected in the Purkinje cells. No positive Ggama3 immunoreactivity was observed in the lateral habenula, lateral septal nucleus, or Purkinje cells. Double-fluorescence immunostaining with anti-Ggamma3 antibody and individual anti-Gbeta1-beta5 antibodies displayed regional selectivity with Gbeta1 (cortical layers V-VI) and Gbeta2 (cortical layer I). In conclusion, despite the widespread overlapping distributions of Gbeta1-beta5 with Ggamma3, specific dimeric associations in situ were observed within discrete brain regions.  相似文献   

The presence of beta1- and beta2-adrenoceptors has been clearly established in human fat cells. There is some controversy about the presence and function of beta3-adrenoceptors. It is well established that there are marked regional variations in catecholamine-induced lipolysis. In this work the possibility that a beta3-adrenoceptor plays a significant role in the control of lipid mobilization is studied and also its importance in comparison to beta1- and beta2-adrenoceptors in isolated human fat cells, is evaluated, by measuring the in vitro lipolysis induced by dobutamine, salbutamol, metaproterenol, BRL 37344 and CGP 12177A. Human adipocytes from omental and retroperitoneal fat deposits exhibited an "atypical" beta-adrenergic response but, given the small lipolytic effect initiated by BRL 37344 and CGP 12177A, they are probably poorly equipped in functional beta3-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

We investigated whether, in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the CD45 isoform expression of peripheral blood T-lymphocytes (T-PBL) is related to auto-immune processes (e.g. IgM rheumatoid factors) and to clinical manifestations. By three-colour flow cytometry, we quantified three subsets of CD4+ or CD8+ T-PBL: "naive" CD45RA+,RO-, "transient" CD45RA+,RO+, and "memory" CD45RA-,RO+ cells, in 102 patients with RA and in 41 age- and sex-matched controls. The serum levels of rheumatoid factors (RF) were determined--besides conventional agglutination tests--by ELISA (IgM-RF). Extensive clinical examination was performed at the time of blood sampling. In RA, age, sex and drug therapy did not constitute major influences on the CD45RA/RO patterns. In "healthy" men, higher age significantly' correlated with fewer naive and more memory CD4+ T-PBL (P < 0.01). In RA, distinct correlations between the T-PBL subsets, autoimmune and clinical manifestations became obvious when patients with low and high levels of RF against human IgG Fc fragments, as determined by ELISA, were analysed separately. RA patients with high IgM-RF had elevated proportions of CD45RO+ T-PBL (P < 0.05), that correlated with clinical parameters of disease activity (tender joint count, Ritchie index, P < 0.05) and outcome (Health Assessment Questionnaire, Larsen radiographic scores, P < 0.05). The proportions of memory CD4+ and CD8+ T-PBL correlated strongly (P < 0.001) with the IgM-RF levels. Within 1 year, only three of 34 patients (disease duration of 5-9 years) showed seroconversion from low to high levels of IgM-RF (and positive agglutination tests); this was paralleled by reductions in naive and increases in transient T-PBL (P < 0.02). Thus, in RA, the proportions of memory CD4+ and CD8+ T-PBL correlate with the level of IgM-RF and, together with transient T-PBL, with clinical parameters of disease activity and outcome.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated the development of acoustically reflective liposomes as a novel ultrasound contrast agent, that can be conjugated to antibodies for site specific acoustic enhancement of pathologically altered vascular tissue. The liposomes are echogenic due to the lipid composition, without gas entrapment, and have a size of less than one micron (Alkan-Onyuksel et al., 1996). When conjugated to anti-fibrinogen antibodies, the liposomes have the ability to attach to fibrin coated surfaces and thrombi in vitro as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy and ultrasound imaging (Demos et al., 1997a). Anti-fibrinogen liposomes were shown to attach to fibrous atheroma and thrombi in a Yucatan miniswine model of induced atherosclerosis whereas liposomes conjugated to anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (anti-ICAM-1) were demonstrated to target early stage atherosclerotic plaques (Demos et al., 1997b). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the binding characteristics of anti-fibrinogen liposomes in vitro under a variety of flow conditions in order to optimize the targeting ability of the immunoliposomes. Radiolabeled anti-fibrinogen liposomes were applied to fibrin coated filter paper and placed in a flow circuit under controlled flow conditions. Flow conditions were altered to study the effects of different shear stresses, temperature, plasma flow and pulsatile flow on the retention of liposomes to fibrin after set time periods. The retention of liposomes conjugated to polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies as well as Fab fragments made from monoclonal antibodies were compared. The binding characteristics of liposomes conjugated to different quantities of polyclonal antibodies were analyzed. At physiological shear stress of 1.5 N/m2 (15 dynes/cm2) over 70% of the liposomes remained attached to fibrin after two hours. A smaller and greater portion of the liposomes remained attached at higher and lower shear stresses respectively. Plasma components and temperature had no effect on liposomal retention whereas pulsatile flow resulted in a slight reduction in binding. Monoclonal antibodies showed a slight trend of reduced retention to fibrin over time as compared with polyclonal antibodies and Fab fragments. The quantity of antibody conjugated to the liposomes plays a role in liposome retention as demonstrated by the reduction in liposome retention caused by reducing the quantity of antibody conjugated to the liposomes. Anti-fibrinogen liposomes were retained to the fibrin surface to a large extent under all flow conditions likely to occur in vivo and therefore can provide site specific ultrasound contrast for a long enough time period to allow for imaging after injection.  相似文献   

1. The involvement of beta 1-, beta 2- and beta 3-adrenoceptors in the control of lipolysis and nutritive blood flow was investigated in abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue of healthy young adults by use of an in situ microdialysis technique. 2. Dialysis probes were infused either with isoprenaline (non-selective beta-adrenoceptor agonist), CGP 12,177 (selective beta 3-adrenoceptor agonist having beta 1-/beta 2-antagonist properties), dobutamine (selective beta 1-adrenoceptor agonist) or terbutaline (selective beta 2-adrenoceptor agonist). The recovery of each probe used for perfusion was calculated by an in vivo calibration method. The local blood flow was estimated through the measurement of the escape of ethanol infused simultaneously with the drugs included in the probe. 3. Isoprenaline infusion at 0.01 microM had a weak effect while higher concentrations of isoprenaline (0.1 and 1 microM) caused a rapid, sustained and concentration-dependent increase of glycerol outflow; the maximum increase was 306 +/- 34% with 1 microM. Isoprenaline also increased the nutritive blood flow in adipose tissue; a significant effect appeared at 0.1 microM isoprenaline and was greater at 1 microM. 4. CGP 12,177 (10 and 100 microM) increased the glycerol concentration in the dialysate (128 +/- 8 and 149 +/- 12%, respectively) and nutritive blood flow. Terbutaline and dobutamine (100 microM) both provoked rapid and similar increases in glycerol outflow (252 +/- 18 and 249 +/- 18%, respectively). Both, terbutaline and dobutamine increased nutritive blood flow. 5. It is concluded that beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptor subtypes are both mainly involved in the mobilization of lipids and in the control of nutritive blood flow. beta 3-Adrenoceptors play a weaker role in the control of lipolysis and nutritive blood flow in human subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue.  相似文献   

It is a basic assumption of the breakage-and-reunion theory that the majority of open chromatid breaks seen at metaphase are the residue of unrejoined primary breaks that have neither restituted nor rejoined illegitimately to form exchange aberrations. If Chinese hamster chromosomes with BrdU sister-chromatid differentiation are irradiated, and chromatid aberrations scored from G2 cells, some 15-20% of open breaks show a colour-jump at the point of discontinuity, indicating a two-lesion intrachange origin. Since we see complete forms of several intrachanges whose incomplete forms will also look like breaks, but devoid of a colour-jump, it appears that a substantial proportion of observed breaks are intrachange derived. Experiments to date show that the colour-jump proportion is constant, irrespective of radiation dose, radiation quality, BrdU concentration and hamster cell origin. It is the same for the very low "spontaneous' breaks found in control samples. Restriction endonucleases (RE) can be introduced into cells by various poration methods, and are highly efficient at producing all types of aberrations. This is taken as strong evidence that DNA dsb are significant lesions triggering aberrations. One might anticipate, therefore, that observed breaks will be predominantly unrejoined dsb, and the proportion of colour-jump break correspondingly low. We tested this supposition using three RE; Alu 1, a blunt-end cutter, Sau3A 1, a cohesive-end cutter, both with a short life-time in vivo, and Mbo 1, an isoschizomer of Sau3A 1, which has a long cutting life-time in vivo. Although there were differences in absolute yields of breaks, and of relative frequencies of aberration types recovered, the proportion of colour-jump breaks was as high as that in a parallel X-ray experiment, and fell well within the range encountered in all our previous experiments. It is difficult to reconcile this universal constancy of colour-jump breaks with the expectations of breakage-and-reunion theory, where the occurrence of two-break events must be a treatment variable. Rather, our results suggest that most open breaks are secondary, resulting from a regular intrachange processing mechanism.  相似文献   

We examined fiber density, compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude, and motor unit number estimate (MUNE) of the abductor digiti minimi and grip strength longitudinally. We sought to determine the effects of ALS on these measurements and to evaluate which of these tests may be more sensitive in evaluating progression of ALS and possibly predicting survival. Ten patients were examined at months 0, 3, and 6. A significant decrease in MUNE and increase in fiber density were observed at months 3 and 6 (p < 0.02) compared with baseline (month 0). Mean CMAP and grip strength declined, but not significantly. The decrease in MUNE over 6 months was significantly greater than that of CMAP and grip strength (p < 0.025). The significant changes in MUNE and fiber density over time suggest that they are more sensitive in measuring the rate of progression of ALS. To evaluate further the utility of these tests, we arbitrarily divided the patients into equal groups based on length of survival. MUNE declined significantly in the group with shorter survival (p < 0.01). Conversely, fiber density increased significantly in patients with longer survival (p < 0.01). With similar statistical analysis there were no significant differences in decline of CMAP or grip strength in either subgroup over 6 months. Our study suggests that MUNE and fiber density are more sensitive than CMAP and grip strength in detecting progression of ALS. Furthermore, we raise the hypotheses that a greater increase in fiber density identifies a group of patients with ALS who will have longer survival, and that a greater decline in MUNE identifies a group with a worse prognosis.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin (LT, LT alpha, TNF beta) is a member of the immediate TNF family that also includes TNF-alpha and lymphotoxin-beta (LT beta). LT is produced by activated lymphocytes and functions as either a secreted homotrimer or a membrane-associated heterotrimer that includes the transmembrane protein LT beta. Secreted LT alpha3 can bind to two cell surface receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2, while the membrane-bound heterotrimer LT alpha1beta2 has been shown to interact with a distinct receptor, LT betaR. LT alpha induces inflammation at the sites of expression of a rat insulin promoter-driven lymphotoxin (RIPLT) transgene in the pancreas and kidney. To determine the role of the various ligands and their receptors in LT-induced inflammation, mice deficient in either TNFR1, TNFR2, or LT beta were crossed to RIPLT-transgenic mice. Our results indicate that LT alpha-induced inflammation is dependent on the interaction of LT alpha3 with TNFR1, and there is no obvious role for TNFR2, since in its absence, LT alpha-induced inflammation is quantitatively and qualitatively similar to that seen in the wild type. However, the absence of LT beta results in accentuated infiltration of the kidney with an increase in the proportion of memory cells in the infiltrate. These data show a crucial role for the secreted LT alpha3 signaling via TNFR1 in LT alpha-induced inflammation, and a separate and distinct role for the membrane LT alpha1beta2 form in this inflammatory process.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that establish immune tolerance in immature and mature B cells appear to be distinct. Membrane-bound autoantigen is thought to induce developmental arrest and receptor editing in immature B cells, whereas mature B cells have shortened lifespans when exposed to the same stimulus. In this study, we used Emu-bcl-2-22 transgenic (Tg) mice to test the prediction that enforced expression of the Bcl-2 apoptotic inhibitor in B cells would rescue mature, but not immature, B cells from tolerance induction. To monitor tolerance to the natural membrane autoantigen H-2Kb, we bred 3-83mudelta (anti-Kk,b) Ig Tg mice to H-2(b) mice or to mice expressing transgene-driven Kb in the periphery. In 3-83mudelta/bcl-2 Tg mice, deletion of autoreactive B cells induced by peripheral Kb antigen expression in the liver (MT-Kb Tg) or epithelia (KerIV-Kb Tg), was partly or completely inhibited, respectively. Furthermore, Bcl-2 protected peritoneal B-2 B cells from deletion mediated by acute antigen exposure, but this protection could be overcome by higher antigen dose. In contrast to its ability to block peripheral self-tolerance, Bcl-2 overexpression failed to inhibit central tolerance induced by bone marrow antigen expression, but instead, enhanced the receptor editing process. These studies indicate that apoptosis plays distinct roles in central and peripheral B cell tolerance.  相似文献   

Although hyperketonemia and/or altered growth hormone secretion caused by diabetes have been implicated in enhanced CYP2E1, 2B, 3A and 4A expression, the effect of insulin on hepatic P450 expression, in the absence of associated metabolic/hormonal alterations, remains unknown. Primary cultured rat hepatocytes have been shown (Zangar et al., Drug Metab. Dispos., 23:681, 1995) to express stable and inducible CYP2E1 mRNA and protein levels, and provide an excellent system for mechanistic examination of the effect of insulin on CYP2E1, 2B, 3A and 4A expression. Maintaining primary rat hepatocytes in culture in the absence of insulin for 48, 72, or 96 h increased CYP2E1 mRNA levels 5-, 11-, and 4-fold, respectively, relative to cells maintained in the presence of the standard concentration of 1 microM insulin. In contrast, CYP2B mRNA levels increased only approximately 2-fold in the absence of insulin, when compared with the presence of 1 microM insulin. CYP2E1 and 2B protein levels were increased 6.7- and 3.8-fold, respectively, in cells cultured for 96 h in the absence of insulin as compared with those cultured in medium containing 1 microM insulin. Concentration-response studies revealed that decreasing the concentration of insulin below 10 nM (i.e. 1 nM, 0.1 nM, no insulin) increased CYP2E1 mRNA levels 4-, 7-, and 11-fold, respectively. In contrast, no such concentration-dependence was observed for CYP2B mRNA expression. As CYP3A and 4A expression is also elevated in diabetic rats, the effects of insulin on these P450s was also examined. CYP3A mRNA levels were unaltered and CYP4A mRNA levels were decreased marginally (approximately 50%) by the absence of insulin relative to levels in cells cultured in the presence of 1 microM insulin over 96 h in culture. The results of this study provide evidence that insulin itself, in the absence of other diabetes-induced metabolic or hormonal alterations, affects CYP2E1 and 2B, but not CYP3A or 4A, expression in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. Furthermore, CYP2E1 expression is differentially regulated by insulin relative to CYP2B, 3A or 4A. This study also demonstrates that decreasing the concentration of insulin in the culture medium provides a method by which CYP2E1 levels can be increased in primary cultured hepatocytes to facilitate mechanistic studies on the regulation of CYP2E1 expression.  相似文献   

Loss of nigrostriatal neurons leads to striatal dopamine deficiency and subsequent development of parkinsonism. The effects of this denervation on D2-like receptors in striatum remain unclear. Most studies have demonstrated increases in striatal dopamine D2-like receptors in response to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-mediated denervation, but others have found either decreases or no change in binding. To clarify the response to denervation, we have investigated the time-dependent changes in dopamine D2, D3, and D4 receptor protein and mRNA levels in unilaterally MPTP-lesioned baboons. MPTP (0.4 mg/kg) was infused into one internal carotid artery, producing a contralateral hemi-parkinsonian syndrome. After MPTP treatment, the animals were maintained for 17-480 d and then euthanized. MPTP decreased ipsilateral dopamine content by >90%, which did not change with time. Ipsilateral D2-like receptor binding in caudate and putamen initially decreased then increased two- to sevenfold over the first 100 d and returned to near baseline levels by 480 d. Relative levels of D2 mRNA were essentially unchanged over this period. D4 mRNA was not detected. In contrast, D3 mRNA increased sixfold by 2 weeks and then decreased. At the peak period of increase in binding sites, all D2-like receptors were in a micromolar affinity agonist-binding state, implying an increase in uncoupled D2 but not D3 receptor protein. Taken together, these data suggest that MPTP-induced changes in D2-like dopamine receptors are complex and include translational or post-translational mechanisms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether bradykinin mediates ovalbumin-induced increase in macromolecular efflux from the nasal mucosa of ovalbumin-sensitized hamsters in vivo and, if so, whether the L-arginine/nitric oxide biosynthetic pathway transduces, in part, this response. We found that suffusion of ovalbumin onto the in situ nasal mucosa of ovalbumin-sensitized hamsters, but not of controls, elicited a significant time- and concentration-dependent increase in clearance of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (mol mass, 70 kDa; P < 0.05). HOE-140, but not des-Arg9,[Leu8]-bradykinin, and NG-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), but not NG-D-arginine methyl ester, significantly attenuated ovalbumin-induced responses. L-Arginine, but not D-arginine, abolished the effects of L-NAME. L-NAME also significantly attenuated bradykinin-, but not adenosine-induced increase in macromolecular efflux from the in situ nasal mucosa. Overall, these data suggest that ovalbumin increases macromolecular efflux from the in situ nasal mucosa of ovalbumin-sensitized hamsters, in part, by producing bradykinin with subsequent activation of the L-arginine/ nitric oxide biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Eosinophil leukocytes express high numbers of the chemokine receptor CCR3 which binds eotaxin, monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-4, and some other CC chemokines. In this paper we show that CCR3 is also highly expressed on human blood basophils, as indicated by Northern blotting and flow cytometry, and mediates mainly chemotaxis. Eotaxin and MCP-4 elicited basophil migration in vitro with similar efficacy as regulated upon activation normal T cells expressed and secreted (RANTES) and MCP-3. They also induced the release of histamine and leukotrienes in IL-3-primed basophils, but their efficacy was lower than that of MCP-1 and MCP-3, which were the most potent stimuli of exocytosis. Pretreatment of the basophils with a CCR3-blocking antibody abrogated the migration induced by eotaxin, RANTES, and by low to optimal concentrations of MCP-4, but decreased only minimally the response to MCP-3. The CCR3-blocking antibody also affected exocytosis: it abrogated histamine and leukotriene release induced by eotaxin, and partially inhibited the response to RANTES and MCP-4. In contrast, the antibody did not affect the responses induced by MCP-1, MCP-3, and macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha, which may depend on CCR1 and CCR2, two additional receptors detected by Northern blotting with basophil RNA. This study demonstrates that CCR3 is the major receptor for eotaxin, RANTES, and MCP-4 in human basophils, and suggests that basophils and eosinophils, which are the characteristic effector cells of allergic inflammation, depend largely on CCR3 for migration towards different chemokines into inflamed tissues.  相似文献   

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