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The organization of LETS protein on the surface of NIL8 hamster cells has been examined by immunofluorescence staining. The distribution of LETS protein was found to depend on the culture conditions; in subconfluent, low-serum arrested cultures the LETS protein is predominantly located at the cell-substrate interface and also in regions of cell-cell contact, whereas in dense cultures the cells are surrounded by a network of LETS protein fibrils. Transformed derivatives of these cells exhibit only sporadic staining for LETS protein, in the form of short intercellular bridges. Agents that cause alterations in cell shape and cytoplasmic filaments have been used to explore the relationship of LETS protein to the internal cytoskeletal elements. Reciprocally, perturbations of the cell surface were examined for their effects on internal filaments. The arrangement of microtubules seems to be unrelated to the presence of LETS protein in the cells studied. Actin microfilament bundles and LETS protein respond in a coordinate fashion to some perturbants but independently with respect to others. The patterns of staining for LETS protein are consistent with an involvement in cell-to-cell and cell-to-substrate adhesion.  相似文献   

Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have identified a novel 62 kDa coiled-coil protein that specifically interacts with the GTP-bound form of Rab5, a small GTPase that regulates membrane traffic in the early endocytic pathway. This protein shares 42% sequence identity with Rabaptin-5, a previously identified effector of Rab5, and we therefore named it Rabaptin-5beta. Like Rabaptin-5, Rabaptin-5beta displays heptad repeats characteristic of coiled-coil proteins and is recruited on the endosomal membrane by Rab5 in a GTP-dependent manner. However, Rabaptin-5beta has features that distinguish it from Rabaptin-5. The relative expression levels of the two proteins varies in different cell types. Rabaptin-5beta does not heterodimerize with Rabaptin-5, and forms a distinct complex with Rabex-5, the GDP/GTP exchange factor for Rab5. Immunodepletion of the Rabaptin-5beta complex from cytosol only partially inhibits early endosome fusion in vitro, whereas the additional depletion of the Rabaptin-5 complex has a stronger inhibitory effect. Fusion activity can mostly be recovered by addition of the Rabaptin-5 complex alone, but maximal fusion efficiency requires the presence of both Rabaptin-5 and Rabaptin-5beta complexes. Our results suggest that Rab5 binds to at least two distinct effectors which cooperate for optimal endocytic membrane docking and fusion.  相似文献   

为寻求最佳的流道高度参数,利用由简化共轭梯度法(反向求解器)和完整的三维、两相、非等温燃料电池数学模型(正向求解器)构成的质子交换膜燃料电池多参数最佳化反问题求解方法,将流道各弯头处高度作为搜寻变量(最佳化对象),以电池输出功率密度的倒数作为目标函数,通过搜寻目标函数最小值,得到了流道各弯头处最佳高度(最优化设计参数值).结果表明,最佳的蛇型流场除出口流道为高度渐扩型外,其余流道均为高度渐缩型,其性能比传统蛇型流场提高了约11.9%.渐缩型的流道强化了肋下对流,可有效移除肋条下方多孔扩散层中的液态水,提高反应气向多孔电极的传递速率,因而改善了电池性能.渐扩型的出口流道可防止过强的肋下对流导致燃料\  相似文献   

The significance of the anterior capsulolabral complex in anterior shoulder instability is well established. In cases of detachment of the ventrocaudal capsulolabral complex, definitive stability can be achieved only by operative refixation. These structures can only be imaged by invasive and cost-intensive methods such as MR arthrography and CT arthrography. We introduce an examination by ultrasonography: a 7.5 MHz linear transducer is used. The patient is in the supine position and both arms are abducted and externally rotated. The transducer is placed in the longitudinal direction, parallel to the border of the pectoral muscle with a ventrocaudal tilt. From March 1992 to October 1994 a number of 88 patients were preoperatively subjected to ultrasound examination before operative stabilization or arthroscopy. Eighty-three of the results were evaluable. Sixty-nine of the examinations showed evidence of detachment of the ligaments; 68 of them were confirmed operatively; 14 of the examinations showed no evidence of detachment; 12 of these results proved true operatively (sensitivity: 97.7%, specificity 92.3%). The sonographic procedure introduced seems to be valuable in detecting the Bankart lesion in anterior instability of the shoulder.  相似文献   

Cross-linking induced interactions between the membrane form of immunoglobulin (mIg) and the cytoskeletal matrix have been described by several groups. To date, the function of mIgM association with the cytoskeleton is not yet understood. Delineation of the molecular basis of these interactions will be instrumental in elucidating their function. We have previously shown that the Ig alpha/beta heterodimer is not required for ligand-induced mIgM binding to the cytoskeleton. In this study, we have investigated the role of other B cell-specific proteins in mediating these interactions. For this, we expressed mIgM in the non-hematopoietic human cervical carcinoma cell line HeLa S3 and verified the capacity of the surface-expressed IgM to interact with the cytoskeletal matrix upon cross-linking with anti-mu chain antibodies. We show here that only the mIgM molecule itself and no other B cell-specific protein(s) is required in mediating mIgM interactions with actin filaments. In an attempt to determine the cytoskeleton-binding site of mIgM we investigated the role of the cytoplasmic tail of mIgM (KVK) in binding the receptor to actin-based microfilaments. Using mutated forms of mIgM expressed in J558L cells, we show here that KVK plays a role in mediating these interactions. The absence of KVK did not, however, completely abrogate mIgM-cytoskeletal interactions, suggesting that there are additional molecular requirements for the ligand-induced mIgM binding to the cytoskeletal matrix.  相似文献   

The muscle cell cytoskeleton consists of proteins or structures whose primary function is to link, anchor or tether structural components inside the cell. Two important attributes of the cytoskeleton are strength of the various attachments and flexibility to accommodate the changes in cell geometry that occur during contraction. In striated muscle cells, extramyofibrillar and intramyofibrillar domains of the cytoskeleton have been identified. Evidence of the extramyofibrillar cytoskeleton is seen at the cytoplasmic face of the sarcolemma in striated muscle where vinculin- and dystrophin-rich costameres adjacent to sarcomeric Z lines anchor intermediate filaments that span from peripheral myofibrils to the sarcolemma. Intermediate filaments also link Z lines of adjacent myofibrils and may, in some muscles, link successive Z lines within a myofibril at the surface of the myofibril. The intramyofibrillar cytoskeletal domain includes elastic titin filaments from adjacent sarcomeres that are anchored in the Z line and continue through the M line at the center of the sarcomere; inelastic nebulin filaments also anchored in the Z line and co-extensible with thin filaments; the Z line, which also anchors thin filaments from adjacent sarcomeres; and the M line, which forms bridges between the centers of adjacent thick filaments. In smooth muscle, the cytoskeleton includes adherens junctions at the cytoplasmic face of the sarcolemma, which anchor beta-actin filaments and intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton, and dense bodies in the cytoplasm, which also anchor actin filaments and intermediate filaments and which may be the interface between cytoskeletal and contractile elements.  相似文献   

Examined the effects of being traded to a new team on the job performance of 97 major league baseball players. Each trade was classified (a) as occurring either during the season or between seasons and (b) as sending the Ss to a new team either in the same league as his original team or the other league. As predicted, Ss traded during the season showed significant increases in batting performance when compared to those traded between seasons. No differences existed for the same-league vs other-league comparison. Implications for the management of baseball teams and possible generalizations of the findings are considered. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recruitment of intracellular proteins to the plasma membrane is a commonly found requirement for the initiation of signal transduction events. The recently discovered pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, a structurally conserved element found in approximately 100 signaling proteins, has been implicated in this function, because some PH domains have been described to be involved in plasma membrane association. Furthermore, several PH domains bind to the phosphoinositides phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate in vitro, however, mostly with low affinity. It is unclear how such weak interactions can be responsible for observed membrane binding in vivo as well as the resulting biological phenomena. Here, we investigate the structural and functional requirements for membrane association of cytohesin-1, a recently discovered regulatory protein of T cell adhesion. We demonstrate that both the PH domain and the adjacent carboxyl-terminal polybasic sequence of cytohesin-1 (c domain) are necessary for plasma membrane association and biological function, namely interference with Jurkat cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule 1. Biosensor measurements revealed that phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate binds to the PH domain and c domain together with high affinity (100 nM), whereas the isolated PH domain has a substantially lower affinity (2-3 microM). The cooperativity of both elements appears specific, because a chimeric protein, consisting of the c domain of cytohesin-1 and the PH domain of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase does not associate with membranes, nor does it inhibit adhesion. Moreover, replacement of the c domain of cytohesin-1 with a palmitoylation-isoprenylation motif partially restored the biological function, but the specific targeting to the plasma membrane was not retained. Thus we conclude that two elements of cytohesin-1, the PH domain and the c domain, are required and sufficient for membrane association. This appears to be a common mechanism for plasma membrane targeting of PH domains, because we observed a similar functional cooperativity of the PH domain of Bruton's tyrosine kinase with the adjacent Bruton's tyrosine kinase motif, a novel zinc-containing fold.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified neurons in the hippocampus, subiculum, and entorhinal cortex which discharge as a function of the animal's location in the environment. In contrast, neurons in the postsubiculum and anterior thalamic nucleus discharge as a function of the animal's head direction in the horizontal plane, independent of its behavior and location in the environment. Because the parasubiculum (PaS) has extensive connections, either directly or indirectly, with these structures, it is centrally located to influence the neuronal activity in these areas. This study was therefore designed to determine the types of behavioral and spatial correlates in neurons from the PaS. Single unit recordings were conducted in the PaS of freely moving rats trained to retrieve food pellets thrown randomly into a cylindrical apparatus. A total of 10.3% of the cells were classified as place cells because they discharged in relation to the animal's location in the cylinder. A large percentage of cells (41.4%) were classified as theta cells. The remaining cells had nondiscernable behavioral correlates. Quantitative analysis of the firing rate maps for the place cells showed they had higher levels of background activity and contained larger firing fields than values reported previously for hippocampal place cells. Directional analysis showed that only three out of 16 cells contained a secondary directional correlate; the firing rate for the remaining cells was not affected by the animal's directional heading within the firing field. A time shift analysis, which shifted the spike time series relative to the animal location series, was conducted to determine whether the quality of the location-specific firing could be improved. The time shifts for three different spatial parameters were optimal when cell discharge led the animal's position. Furthermore, the optimal time shifts for two of these parameters (firing area and information content) were less than the optimal shift reported for hippocampal place cells and suggested that PaS cell discharge lagged behind hippocampal place cell activity. Rotation of the cue card with the animal out of view led to near equal rotation of the firing field when the animal was returned to the apparatus. These results indicate that a small population of cells in the PaS encode the animal's location in its environment, although the representation of space encoded by these cells is different from the type of representation encoded by hippocampal place cells.  相似文献   

This article describes the cytoskeleton associated with fenestrae and sieve plates of rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Fenestrae control the exchange between the blood and parenchymal cells. We present evidence indicating that several agents that change the fenestrae and sieve plates also cause changes in the cytoskeleton. Cultured liver endothelial cells (LECs) were slightly fixed and treated with cytoskeleton extraction buffer. Detergent-extracted whole mounts of cultured cells were prepared for either scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Extracted cells show an integral intricate cytoskeleton; sieve plates and fenestrae are delineated by cytoskeleton elements. Fenestrae are surrounded by a filamentous, fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton with a mean filament thickness of 16 nm. Sieve plates are surrounded and delineated by microtubuli, which form a network together with additional branching cytoskeletal elements. The addition of ethanol to cultured cells enlarged the diameter for these fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton rings by 5%, whereas serotonin treatment reduced the diameter by 20%. These observations indicate that the fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton probably changes the size of fenestrae after different treatments. After treatment with cytochalasin B the number of fenestrae increased. However, cytochalasin B did not change the structure of the fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton ring, but disperses the microtubuli. In conclusion, LECs have a cytoskeleton that defines and supports sieve plates and fenestrae. Fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton is a dynamic structure and plays a role in maintaining and regulating the size of fenestrae after different treatments. Therefore, the fenestrae-associated cytoskeleton controls the important hepatic function of endothelial filtration.  相似文献   

Steroidogenesis in granulosa cells can be stimulated by gonadotropic hormones and substances elevating cAMP. This cAMP-dependent metabolic event can be enhanced by peptide growth factors such as insulin, insulin-like growth factor, and epidermal growth factor, but the mechanism of cooperation between these two different signaling pathways is not yet clear. We have tested whether enhancement of tyrosine phosphorylation by vanadate, which blocks tyrosine phosphatases, is able to mimic the effect of growth factors on cAMP-induced steroidogenesis and investigated the cellular components involved in such modulation. Ortho- and metavanadate at 0.1-1.0 mM, when added to primary granulosa cell cultures, stimulated by gonadotropic hormones or forskolin, enhanced progesterone production by 1.5- to 9.0-fold within 120 min. Pervanadate showed a similar effect on steroidogenesis at a concentration one order of magnitude lower than ortho- or meta-vanadate. Phenylarsine-oxide, another blocker of tyrosine phosphatase, stimulated forskolin-induced steroidogenesis by 2.5-fold at 30 microM. In contrast, okadaic acid and calyculin A, which block specifically serine and threonine phosphatase, had no effect on steroidogenesis, when used at concentrations of 1 microM and 10 nM, respectively. The stimulation by vanadate was associated with a pronounced change in cell shape and total collapse of the actin network, which retracts to form a few large actin aggregates of 1-7 microns in diameter in the perinuclear region as revealed by visualization of actin by rhodamine-phalloidin staining under the fluorescent microscope. Steroidogenesis is not affected in cells treated with vanadate alone; the effect of vanadate on the actin cytoskeleton is much less pronounced. Electron microscopy of ultra-thin sections showed massive breakdown of thin filament cables in cells stimulated with vanadate together with gonadotropic hormone or forskolin. Massive clustering of lipid droplets and mitochondria as well as sharp increase in the electron-density of mitochondrial matrix was also observed in the stimulated cells. The action of vanadate in cAMP-stimulated cells leads to massive tyrosine phosphorylation of intracellular proteins in the range of 22-200 kilodaltons. It is suggested that the cross-talk between the cAMP pathway and tyrosine phosphorylation, which leads to enhanced steroidogenesis may be mediated by phosphorylation of cytoskeleton or associated proteins. The marked changes in lipid droplet-mitochondria interaction suggests that this enhanced steroidogenesis is due in part to mobilization of cholesterol into mitochondria in cells costimulated with vanadate and gonadotropins.  相似文献   

The role of the cytoskeletal elements, microfilaments and microtubules in cerebral endothelial permeability to protein during steady states was investigated by studies of cerebrovascular permeability to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in rats pretreated with cytochalasin B or colchicine, agents known to disrupt microfilaments and microtubules, respectively. In addition, the effect of colchicine pretreatment on the alterations in cerebrovascular permeability that occur in acute hypertension were studied. Rats infused with cytochalasin B showed increased cerebrovascular permeability to HRP in multifocal areas of the ipsilateral hemisphere. Most of the permeable vessels were arterioles; however, capillaries and venules also showed increased permeability. Ultrastructural studies of permeable vessels showed HRP in all layers of vessel walls and in endothelial and smooth muscle cell pinocytotic vesicles, which were increased in number. Although segments of interendothelial spaces were labeled by tracer, continuous labeling of interendothelial spaces from the luminal to the abluminal end was not seen and tight junctions were not disrupted. Normotensive rats pretreated with colchicine showed no alteration in cerebrovascular permeability to HRP. Colchicine pretreatment attenuated the permeability alterations that were observed in acutely hypertensive rats. This study demonstrates that integrity of endothelial actin filaments is important for maintenance of the blood-brain barrier to protein during steady states since increased permeability occurred in the presence of an actin disrupting agent. The microtubular network had no demonstrable role during steady states; however, disruption of the microtubular network had a protective effect and prevented the development of alterations in permeability to protein in acute hypertension.  相似文献   

The loss of large segments or an entire copy of chromosome 10 is the most common genetic alteration in human glioblastomas. To address the biological and molecular consequences of this chromosomal alteration, we transferred a human chromosome 10 into a glioma cell clone devoid of an intact copy. The hybrid cells exhibited an altered cellular morphology, a decreased saturation density, and a suppression of both anchorage-independent growth and tumor formation in nude mice. The hybrids also expressed the recently identified candidate tumor suppressor gene MMAC1/PTEN. To further identify gene products that may be involved in glioma progression, a subtractive hybridization was performed between the human glioblastoma cells and the phenotypically suppressed hybrid cells to identify differentially expressed gene products. Sixty-one clones were identified, with nine clones being preferentially expressed in the hybrid cells. Four cDNA clones represented markers of differentiation in glial cells. Two cDNA clones shared homology with platelet derived growth factor-alpha and the insulin receptor, respectively, both genes previously implicated in glioma progression. A novel gene product that was expressed predominantly in the brain, but which did not map to chromosome 10, was also identified. This clone contained an element that was also present in three additional clones, two of which also exhibited differential expression. Consequently, the presence of a functional copy of chromosome 10 in the glioma cells results in differential expression of a number of gene products, including novel genes as well as those associated with glial cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The organization of filamentous actin (F-actin) in the synaptic pedicle of depolarizing bipolar cells from the goldfish retina was studied using fluorescently labeled phalloidin. The amount of F-actin in the synaptic pedicle relative to the cell body increased from a ratio of 1.6 +/- 0.1 in the dark to 2.1 +/- 0.1 after exposure to light. Light also caused the retraction of spinules and processes elaborated by the synaptic pedicle in the dark. Isolated bipolar cells were used to characterize the factors affecting the actin cytoskeleton. When the electrical effect of light was mimicked by depolarization in 50 mM K+, the actin network in the synaptic pedicle extended up to 2.5 micrometer from the plasma membrane. Formation of F-actin occurred on the time scale of minutes and required Ca2+ influx through L-type Ca2+ channels. Phorbol esters that activate protein kinase C (PKC) accelerated growth of F-actin. Agents that inhibit PKC hindered F-actin growth in response to Ca2+ influx and accelerated F-actin breakdown on removal of Ca2+. To test whether activity-dependent changes in the organization of F-actin might regulate exocytosis or endocytosis, vesicles were labeled with the fluorescent membrane marker FM1-43. Disruption of F-actin with cytochalasin D did not affect the continuous cycle of exocytosis and endocytosis that was stimulated by maintained depolarization, nor the spatial distribution of recycled vesicles within the synaptic terminal. We suggest that the actions of Ca2+ and PKC on the organization of F-actin regulate the morphology of the synaptic pedicle under varying light conditions.  相似文献   

The distribution of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF-2) in G0-arrested fixed human skin diploid fibroblasts was studied by indirect immunofluorescent microscopy. It was found earlier that the main part of eEF-2 in cycling cells was located near the nucleus in the endoplasm (Gavrilova et al., 1987). It has been demonstrated here that the transition from proliferation to the G0 phase of the cell cycle leads to the distribution of eEF-2 mainly along the intermediate filaments and/or microtubules. Both in cycling and in G0-arrested fibroblasts a portion of eEF-2 is also co-localized with actin microfilament bundles. The reversion of the cells from the G0 phase to proliferation is accompanied by rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton and reversal to the original pattern of eEF-2 distribution. It is likely that the different types of cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells can be involved in organization of protein-synthesizing machinery.  相似文献   

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