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The CPA Archivist, assisted by a Canada Council grant, has recently visited most of the major centres of psychological activity in Canada from Halifax to Victoria. His purpose has been to start an "Oral History of Psychology in Canada" by taping the reminiscences of a sample of Canadian psychologists. In the course of these travels, he has acquired for the CPA Archives several items of interest, and reports them here to encourage other members of CPA to consider whether they too may have similar items they might be willing to contribute. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Today's rapid rate of technology change introduces both opportunities and challenges for psychologists. A Technology and Practice Questionnaire was sent to 1000 psychologists in independent practice, half of whom were contacted by e-mail and the other half by U.S. mail. A total of 237 of the 433 deliverable surveys sent by U.S. mail were returned (54.7% response rate), but only 49 of the 458 deliverable surveys sent by e-mail (12.9% response rate). Respondents were asked to rate the frequency of 51 behaviors in their practice and to indicate whether the behavior is ethical. The results suggest a relatively low rate of technology use among independent practitioners and a high degree of ethical uncertainty regarding the use of various technologies in practice. Implications for training and practice are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of overlapping scale content when certain items in the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) are used to predict turnover cognition measures. Analyses of judgmental data collected from 25 subject matter experts suggested that 6 OCQ items reflected a desire or an intent to retain membership in one's organization. Confirmatory factor analyses of survey data from 172 master of business administration alumni showed that the 6 OCQ retention items shared overlapping content with turnover cognitions items. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses of survey data from 330 hotel managers showed that (a) removing the 6 OCQ retention items caused a significant decrease in the variance explained in a measure of turnover cognitions and (b) the size of this effect is larger than that suggested by previous work. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses factors that have affected and recently improved the tenuous and often hostile relationship between psychologists and unions, including an increase in published studies illustrating the applicability of psychological knowledge to labor concerns, activities within organized psychology, and increased interest in behavioral issues on the part of organized labor. In an effort to explore and ultimately improve the perception and utilization of psychologists by unionists, the authors present an overview of the literature on unionists and psychologists, offer contextual information to explain the relationship problems, and describe a number of projects conducted by an American Psychological Association task force on unions. Findings from a survey sent to 150 national, international, and independent unions that assessed current and past problems between psychologists and unions, unionist perceptions of psychologists, and the need for services that could be delivered by psychologists are presented. The need for further work, such as the identification of prolabor psychologists in the field and demonstrations to unions and their members of the efficacy of services provided by health care and organizational psychologists, is discussed. (68 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responses to a questionnaire survey of continuing education practices were obtained from 85 members of the Connecticut Psychological Association (CPA). With the exception that a high percentage (71%) reported dual occupational affiliations, the sample accurately reflected the demographic composition of both the CPA and Division 12. Respondents indicated that on the average they read 9.9 books, subscribed to 3.8 professional journals, and attended 2.5 specialty workshops and 2.2 conventions annually. A substantial proportion (84%) reported meeting with other professionals on a regular basis. On multiple dimensions, personal contacts and books were valued more highly than journals, workshops, and large-scale conventions. Such contacts were an especially important source of personal support for younger and for female psychologists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Distress and professional impairment among psychologists in clinical practice can adversely affect the process of psychotherapy. In this study, 522 practicing psychologists (52.2%) completed a mail survey on distress and impairment. Various life events and work factors were associated with different amounts of distress and impairment, with personal relationship problems and work with difficult clients being particularly troublesome. Respondents who experienced a greater number of life events/work factors also reported greater distress and impairment. Very high positive correlations emerged between distress and impairment for both life events and work factors. Non-work-related activities and periodic vacations were the most frequently reported preventive behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Chief psychologists in the 115 schools of medicine in the US were surveyed (100% response rate) with a mail questionnaire and asked to list all psychologists holding academic appointments at the medical school. They also were asked to indicate the number of these psychologists who were full-time and part-time and the number of them who received budgetary support from the school of medicine. Data from this survey were compared with data from J. D. Matarazzo and R. S. Daniel's 1957 survey and N. N. Wagner and K. L. Stegeman's 1964 survey. Overall results show that 2,336 psychologists now hold academic positions in schools of medicine, as compared to 993 in 1964 and 346 in 1955. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored professional activities and ethical practices of psychologists who administer psychodiagnostic assessment and testing devices. A return rate of 72% on a survey of 100 members of the Society for Personality Assessment indicated considerable interest in the subject matter. A majority of the Ss' ethical practices were apparently in keeping with established ethical principles; however, a diversity of professional styles was evident. Most Ss gave feedback to the clients, with a large percentage willing to give feedback on projective as well as objective tests. Although most Ss kept old cases safely under lock, few appeared to have followed American Psychological Association guidelines to detach names from raw data on obsolete materials. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychologists' current provision of mental health services to older adults was investigated by a mail survey. One half of licensed psychologists in a metropolitan region in the Northeast were randomly sampled, with a return rate of 61% (n?=?37). 75% saw older adult clients (aged 65 and over), and 72% accepted Medicare payments. Older adults composed 8% of their practice. Solopracticing physicians were the chief referral link to and from the medical community. Barriers to providing mental health services included client's lack of social support network and low levels of reimbursement. The challenges of continuing psychologists' recent advances in serving the mental health needs of older adults in an era of health care reform and managed care are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the affairs of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) between 1975 and 1985 when 44 of Canada's leading psychologists sat on the CPA Board of Directors. The Association underwent a metamorphosis as a consequence of certain decisions and events. Significant gains in autonomy, assets, and affiliation occurred in concert with increase in the scope and diversity of activities as well as in the complexity of the organization structure. Other changes included section structure, 2 solitudes (the objectivism vs subjectivism schism), and the status of women. Although divisiveness or fractionation of the discipline continues to plague the CPA, the Association has survived and continues to provide strength, vigor, and leadership to psychologists across the country. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What follows is an open letter to the President and Directors, Canadian Psychological Association. This letter addresses the 1972 Survey of Psychologists in the United States and Canada, a survey which emanates from the APA and which has the cooperation of the Canadian Psychological Association. The author of this letter, Susan K. London, Ph.D. believes the willingness of the Board of Directors of CPA to commit Canadian psychologists--without any sort of approval from the CPA membership, which is within your legal rights, but which is nonetheless very disturbing morally--to this sort of thing demonstrates a naiveté if not downright disingenuousness. It is more than time for Canadian psychologists to recognize one of their blindspots. The ordinary Canadian psychologist is usually quite sensitive to political implications--except when it comes to psychology and the United States! When that subject comes up, the usual camouflage is invoked: professionalism, value-free science, the need to rationalize procedures, etc. The most common one, perhaps, is the notion that APA and American psychologists (in the United States and in Canada) only wish to be of help. The camouflage rather reminds me of the squid that emits quantities of ink in the face of danger. It is therefore an indication that the CPA Board of Directors are aware of danger, are in fact acting in full knowledge of that danger. The contradiction is blatant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared results from a survey of 108 chief psychologists at medical schools to the results of a previous survey by the 2nd author and colleagues (see record 1978-32394-001). The current survey revealed considerable progress in changing the bylaws of university-affiliated hospitals to enable psychologists to be members of the active medical staff. Some progress has also been made achieving departmental status for psychology. These developments are discussed in the context of the maturation of psychology in medical schools. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Results of a survey "designed to determine, at least to some extent, the degree of diversity and disunity of opinion between" psychiatrists and psychologists are presented. An objective questionnaire, consisting of 100 "declarative statements covering the nature, cause, and treatment of disturbances to the mental life and behavior of individuals, with chief emphasis on characteristics usually identified as psychotic and neurotic" which were representative of current opinion, was used. 75 psychiatrists (32 working in mental hospitals in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and 43 practicing psychiatrists in 21 states and the District of Columbia) and 60 psychologists (in 23 states and the District of Columbia) were the Ss. "Only 19 statements of opinion, out of the 100 explored in this study, reveal statistically significant differences of opinion between psychiatrists and psychologists." Psychiatrists show a higher degree of acceptance on 14 items, psychologists a higher degree of acceptance on the other 5. The specific items on which differences were indicated are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess health professionals' beliefs about the helpfulness of a broad range of possible interventions for mental disorders. METHOD: The study involved a postal survey of 872 general practitioners (GPs), 1128 psychiatrists and 454 clinical psychologists. These health practitioners were presented with a vignette describing either a person with schizophrenia or one with depression. The vignettes were taken from an earlier survey of the general public. Respondents were asked to rate the likely helpfulness of various types of professional and non-professional help and of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. RESULTS: Two-thirds or more of each profession agreed that the person with schizophrenia would be helped by GPs, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, antipsychotic agents and admission to a psychiatric ward. Similarly, two-thirds agreed that the person with depression would be helped by GPs, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, antidepressants, counselling and cognitive-behavioural therapy. However, there were also areas of disagreement. Psychiatrists were less likely than GPs and clinical psychologists to rate psychological and lifestyle interventions as helpful, while clinical psychologists were less likely to rate specifically medical interventions as helpful. Younger members of the professional groups and female members (who also tended to be younger) tended to rate a wider range of interventions for each disorder as likely to be helpful. CONCLUSIONS: Despite areas of broad agreement about treatment, health practitioners were more likely to endorse the interventions associated with their own profession. However, younger members of each profession tended take a broader view. If these age differences represent a cohort effect, health professionals may in the future show greater acceptance of the helpfulness of interventions offered outside their profession. These conclusions are limited by the methodology of the survey, which involved a questionnaire designed for the public rather than professionals.  相似文献   

What factors influence how psychologists in private practice set fees for self-pay clients? An anonymous survey in one county showed that male and female clinical psychologists did not differ in fees requested for services to self-pay clients, indicating that they equally value their time and work effort. They felt that their fees were strongly influenced by personal and local factors (i.e., education/qualifications, business experience, and local competition). Female psychologists indicated that local competition had a significantly greater influence on fee setting than did male psychologists. This perception among female psychologists might arise from competition with the larger number of nondoctoral therapists, who are predominately female, or from higher awareness through more active networking. The usefulness of this model for studies of self-employment is highlighted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of job satisfaction to job difficulty and worthiness, reported by the clinical psychologists who worked at medical institutions. A mail survey of 748 clinical psychologists working at hospital and clinics revealed the following results. First, job satisfaction was related more to job situation than job content. Also, job satisfaction was low among those who worked at non-university psychiatric or geriatric hospitals, who did not practice psychotherapy, and who were not in education, research, or management. In addition, compared to the high job satisfaction group, the low group perceived more incongruity between institutional climate and their psychological work, felt being less valued by other professionals, were less able to function fully as a practicing psychologist, and experienced more role ambiguity as a clinical psychologist in a hospital setting.  相似文献   

Animal research has played a central role in psychology, yet its clinical value and ethical propriety have recently come under attack. In an effort to assess current thinking on this controversial subject, a mail survey was sent to 5,000 randomly selected members of the American Psychological Association. Responses were received from 3,982 individuals, and the results showed (a) majority support for animal studies involving observation or confinement, but disapproval of studies involving pain or death; (b) majority support for mandatory pain assessments and the federal protection of rats, mice, pigeons, and reptiles; and (c) majority support for the use of animals in teaching, but opposition to an animal laboratory requirement for the psychology major. Additional findings and policy implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many influence techniques increase response rates to a survey, but these techniques have been tested with face-to-face or telephone surveys. Few studies have tested the effect of compliance techniques in a Computer-Mediated Communication. The personalization of the relationship between the subject solicited and the solicitor as well as the physical attractiveness of the solicitor are factors which have been found to favor compliance to a request in face-to-face situation. Two experiments were carried out in two different situations in which a survey solicitation was sent by e-mail. The presence versus absence of the solicitor's picture in the e-mail and the physical attractiveness of the solicitor were used as independent variables. The results showed that the response rate increased when the solicitor's picure was presented but decreased when the solicitor had a low level of attractiveness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The activities, income, and medical staff membership and limitations on that membership for psychologists working in U.S. medical school settings in 1997 were examined. A total of 1,938 psychologists responded to a survey conducted by the Research Office of the American Psychological Association, in conjunction with the Association of Medical School Psychologists. Some of the most salient findings were that (a) the largest number of psychologists was involved in research activities, (b) just over half of medical school psychologists were required to generate all or part of their own income through clinical work and research, and (c) the majority of these psychologists were members of a medical staff but were not extended full medical staff privileges. These and other results are discussed in the context of academic rank, tenure status, and other relevant factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted a mail survey of 95 clinical psychologists employed in VA hospitals, medical schools, state mental hospitals, and federally funded community mental health centers to determine the extent to which clinicians read research articles and/or rely on other sources of information for their professional work activities. Results indicate that academic clinicians and medical school psychologists read slightly more than 4 research articles each month, while the other psychologists read slightly more than 2 articles each month. Furthermore, the groups of psychologists differentially relied on such information sources as nonresearch articles and workshops. Findings are discussed in the context of mental health research utilization and mental health innovation diffusion. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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