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摩天大楼是现代城市崛起的重要标志,过去百余年间在全球范围内快速扩张,当前中国已成为全球摩天大楼最集中的国家,探索全球摩天大楼的演化过程、时空格局和影响因素,对中国摩天大楼的发展与管理具有重要启示。基于此,文章采用地理空间分析方法对全球200m及以上摩天大楼进行研究,结果表明:全球摩天大楼的演化过程具有显著的阶段性特征,空间上表现出“集中—分散—再集中—再分散”的发展态势,其时空分布主要受自然环境、社会经济、政策法规和科学技术等因素影响。研究指出中国摩天大楼的发展应采取因地制宜、分类施策的管理策略。  相似文献   

以建设用地快速扩张推动的城市化过程中,人类对资源利用不当,土地利用方式与类型发生剧烈变化,景观格局特征愈发复杂,受格局影响的生态环境质量不断变化。为探究沿海都市区景观格局与生态环境质量的关联性,文章以海口市秀英区为案例区,利用4期遥感影像数据在对1990—2015年区域景观格局时空变化过程分析的基础上,采用遥感生态指数(RSEI)模型进行生态环境质量动态评估,结合地理探测器模型识别影响生态环境质量的关键景观因素,运用地理加权回归分析主导因素的空间分异特征。研究结果表明:(1)研究期内,景观格局经历了显著变化。边缘密度(ED)和斑块个数(NP)不断减小,景观格局破碎化程度减弱;斑块平均规模增大,形状复杂程度减小;邻近度和蔓延度(CONTAG)波动变化,结合度(COHESION)渐高;景观类型多样性有所下降,优势景观类型的主导性逐步降低。(2)生态环境质量总体呈“先下降—后上升—再下降—整体下降”的态势,北部沿海地带生态环境条件较优。1990、2002、2007和2015年RSEI优良区面积占比分别为91.60%、75.28%、69.64%和84.04%。生态质量提升区主要集中于秀英区中西...  相似文献   

为探究长江经济带上升为国家重点战略以来的发展现状和时空演化格局,论文采用数理统计和空间分析方法,围绕人口、土地、经济、交通、生态等5个关键维度,识别长江经济带发展的综合水平(与全国比较)及其内部的区域差异,把握其时空变化规律。研究发现:(1)在国家战略驱动下,长江经济带的人口和土地城镇化发展增长趋势明显,高于全国平均水平;(2)经济带内部区域发展表现出强烈的空间不均衡性,呈现“从西到东递增”和“两端高、中部低”的空间特征;(3)全域协同发展水平有所提高,各省市间的差距在时序上呈不断缩减态势。建议未来在秉持“生态优先、绿色发展”理念的基础上,重点关注中游地区的发展建设,进一步发挥黄金水道的作用,促进区域协同发展。  相似文献   

特大城市半城市化地域的发展关系到国家经济发展、社会稳定和人居环境改善,对其进行主动干预和精明管治势在必行。以杭州市为例,基于土地利用覆盖数据识别半城市化地域及时空格局演变特征,从政府和市场两方面对其成因机制展开解释性研究。发现杭州市半城市化地区呈现出由老城区边缘区向整个中心八区扩展的特征,政策驱动的重大项目带动、市场驱动的乡镇经济推动以及空间管制政策的局限性是杭州半城市化最重要的作用因素。研究旨在解析我国特大城市半城市化发展的客观规律,为相似城市—区域的半城市化地区的管理和规划提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

特大城市半城市化地域的发展关系到国家经济发展、社会稳定和人居环境改善,对其进行主动干预和精明管治势在必行。以杭州市为例,基于土地利用覆盖数据识别半城市化地域及时空格局演变特征,从政府和市场两方面对其成因机制展开解释性研究。发现杭州市半城市化地区呈现出由老城区边缘区向整个中心八区扩展的特征,政策驱动的重大项目带动、市场驱动的乡镇经济推动以及空间管制政策的局限性是杭州半城市化最重要的作用因素。研究旨在解析我国特大城市半城市化发展的客观规律,为相似城市—区域的半城市化地区的管理和规划提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

基于1988、2000和20085-期TM影像,运用地理信息系统、FragstatS和SPSS统计分析,对20年来鄂尔多斯市景观格局特征、变化及其成因进行研究。结果表明:(1)1988—2000时段内研究区景观分布趋于单一和集中,各斑块类型密集程度、景观丰富度和复杂程度减小.2000—2008时段内上述趋势进一步加强:(2)1988—2000时段内景观格局变化幅度较小。而2000-2008时段内幅度增大。主要表现为城镇用地扩张、水域减少、耕地向西部转移、林地面积恢复和各种草地、未利用地之间的大量转化:(3)降水和坡度对景观格局年际变化的影响较大。单位面积一、二产业增值和地均财政收入增值在1988—2008时段内是景观格局演变的主要社会经济驱动因子.且在2000-2008时段内有所加强。  相似文献   

马强  魏宗财 《规划师》2009,25(3):70-74
城市景观格局已经成为城市土地利用、生态演变的重要研究领域.以斑块一廊道一基质为代表的景观生态学派"空间语言"成为其主要定性描述方法.近年来,有关景观格局动态的定量测评成为热点,浮现了大量景观模式的描述指标,但在研究方法上并未有新的突破.本文在评述城市景观格局既有研究方法的基础上,引入一种建立在RS/GIS平台基础上的"总体性特征一梯度性特征"两步骤的城市景观格局时空演变综合定量测评方法,并以西安都市圈为例,进行了实证研究,结果表明该方法能够较直接地发掘城市景观格局时空演变的原因.  相似文献   

快速高效地提取城镇建设用地,并准确分析其时空格局演变及驱动力,是区域可持续发展的科学依据和重要保障。基于长时间序列DMSP/OLS夜间稳定灯光数据,采用阈值法分别提取1993-2013年长江经济带11省市的城镇建设用地,综合运用扩张速度、重心转移指数、标准差椭圆等指标或方法,分析了长江经济带城镇建设用地的时空演变格局,并借助多元线性回归模型,探讨了城镇建设用地时空格局演变的驱动力。结果表明:1993-2013年长江经济带城镇建设用地面积总体呈显著增长态势,表现出从东部沿海向中西部内陆延伸的态势;城镇建设用地重心和标准差椭圆均表明长三角城市群城镇扩张趋于放缓,而长江中游城市群和成渝城市群则将成为未来城镇扩展的新增长极;城镇建设用地扩张受到人口数量、GDP、产业结构、经济活动、基础设施等多种因素的影响,且不同发展阶段各因子影响效力差异明显。  相似文献   

我国是一个农业大国,农业人口所占的比重非常高,农区面积占国土面积三分之二。随着人口城镇化的进程越来越快,城市人口的比重也逐步提升,农区劳动力不断流失,但农区人口的基数仍然比较大。我国农区人多地少,产业发展滞后,城镇化发展动力不足。在农区城镇化的过程中,时空格局变化的影响因素存在多样化。本文将着重分析我国农区城镇化时空格局及其影响因素。  相似文献   

利用2013年~2014年5个时相Landsat 8 OLI和TIRS数据,反演了夏季全程和冬季地表温度,反演结果绝大部分值在历史数据最高温度(日间)附近,反演结果具有一定的表征力;计算了反演区的热岛强度,分析了夏季湘潭城区地表温度的空间分布与随时间的变化情况,结果显示城市热效应空间分布格局不同时相表现出类似的模式,发现城市在夏季地表温度呈现"南高北低"和高温区沿湘江分布的情况;原先夏季高温区在冬季出了低温,表现出夏热冬冷的现象,这一定程度说明地表热效应对地表类型反应灵敏。同时分析植被指数、城市建筑物指数与城市地表温度等间关系,结果显示城市绿化对城市地表温度降低的确有一定的作用,地表温度对城市建筑物密集区敏感。这一成果对地方城市规划建设具有现实意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The central concern of this article is with measurement of the economic impact of demographic change at a regional level. To facilitate this, a method is developed which involves the linking together of two hitherto separate analytical techniques: labour market accounts and extended input-output models. The application of the method is demonstrated by reference to three UK regions – West Midlands, Merseyside, and East Anglia – with contrasting demographic and economic histories over the time intervals 1971–1981 and 1981–1991. The employment impact of consumption derived from demographic change is measured in relation to individual elements of the labour market account and comparisons are made with the effects of economic change over the same time periods. Received: 27 February 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1998  相似文献   

Recently, the spatial aspects of innovation have received increased attention, from researchers first, and later from policy makers. In this paper we show how some concepts of ‘macro’ innovation theory, such as ‘selection environment’ and ‘facilitators and constraints’ can be used to advantage in matters of regional development. From the results of some case studies for specific European regions we have drawn an outline of a regional innovation policy for the European Community. However, to be successful, such a policy needs to be tailored to the specific requirements of each region.  相似文献   

省域城镇体系规划是省、自治区人民政府协调省域内各城镇发展 ,保护和利用各类自然资源和人文资源 ,综合安排基础设施和公共设施建设的依据。制定和实施省域城镇体系规划是加强区域发展宏观调控、引导和协调区域城镇合理布局 ,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展 ,积极有序地推进城镇化的前提和保障 ,是实现建设小康社会目标的基本要求。为贯彻《国务院关于加强城乡规划监督管理的通知》和国务院九部门《关于贯彻落实〈国务院关于加强城乡规划监督管理的通知〉的通知》提出的“大力加强对城乡规划的综合调控”的要求 ,做好省域城镇体系规划的制…  相似文献   

China's growth has led to massive flows of migrants. To analyse the determinants of inter‐provincial migration hypotheses from the classical migration theory, the new economic geography, gravity approach, and the new economics of labour migration have been derived. All traditional assumptions could be confirmed. Inter‐provincial differentials of urban poverty and differentials in inequality do matter. Inequality is regarded as opportunity and motivation to move. The analysis of push‐pull factors of gross migration suggests that pull factors are average wages, unemployment rates, urbanization and income disparity. Urban poverty can be regarded as a counter‐pull factor. Rural poverty and average wage are push factors.  相似文献   

Migration has been seen as an important issue in regional development worldwide. This study analyses the impact of internal migration on provincial growth in Indonesia. Applying a growth model, this study found evidence that migration played no role on regional convergence during the 1975–2005 period. However, different policies affected the signs and sizes of the estimates across sub‐periods. Moreover, inter‐provincial migration, especially in‐migration in poorer provinces, had a positive impact on economic growth in Indonesia.  相似文献   

A modification of the Osgood-Tannenbaum sociopsychological model of belief change is applied to University of Cincinnati student perceptions of Southwest Ohio and of the Kentucky Bluegrass. Students scale their beliefs about the two regions; after a week, they are given a factual presentation associating the two regions and asked to again scale their beliefs. The variable which proves most important in the resultant belief changes for the Kentucky Bluegrass is the separation of the two regions on a student's initial belief scale, suggesting the willingness of the students to believe the new information. Further analysis indicates that although objective differences in the regions affect initial beliefs, they play a negligible role in the degree to which students change their beliefs. A “halo effect” is also discovered, in which beliefs not mentioned in the presentation change in predictable directions. The empirical results appear encouraging to recent efforts which have been made to change popular impressions about places.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the spatial distribution of the population in Australia are examined. In particular, changes in population by state are analyzed for the period 1971-1981. The relationship of these changes to shifts in economic activity, private investment, and banking activity is considered. "Results show there have been only small shifts toward population growth areas. These results are interpreted in part as a consequence of nonlocal multipliers and linkages back to established areas, but also as a reflection of the unique features of the Australian urban and regional system."  相似文献   

运用省级CORS系统在地方高级控制点上重复测量成果,分析WGS-84坐标的内部符合精度;基于Bursa-Wolf模型和最小二乘法求解七参数,运用该参数在已知点上进行测量,比较坐标差,得出省级CORS在地方应用时平面坐标偏差控制在2cm、高程大于3cm出现概率偏大的结论。  相似文献   

With the increasing dependence on imported natural gas, China has to develop unconventional natural gas resources, such as shale gas. However, the increasing shale gas production has brought about more pressure for governmental subsidies. We analyzed whether shale gas companies need subsidies by calculating the economic value of shale gas development in China from the perspective of enterprises, and estimated the maximum subsidy quota for shale gas development by measuring its economic, environmental, and social benefits from the country's perspective. Based on the principle of beneficiaries should pay, we clarified the sources of shale gas subsidy and calculated the required subsidy duration. The results indicate that some new development target areas and pre-invested target areas still need subsidies, which should be jointly provided by the central government, local finance departments, and other heavy-polluting enterprises. The subsidy duration and subsidy quota show a power function relation. On this basis, we put forward suggestions for shale gas subsidy policy.  相似文献   

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