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Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered a leading technology for reducing CO2 emissions from fossil-fuelled electricity generation plants and could permit the continued use of coal and gas whilst meeting greenhouse gas targets. However considerable energy is required for the capture, compression, transport and storage steps involved. In this paper, energy penalty information in the literature is reviewed, and thermodynamically ideal and “real world” energy penalty values are calculated. For a sub-critical pulverized coal (PC) plant, the energy penalty values for 100% capture are 48.6% and 43.5% for liquefied CO2, and for CO2 compressed to 11 MPa, respectively. When assumptions for supercritical plants were incorporated, results were in broad agreement with published values arising from process modelling. However, we show that energy use in existing capture operations is considerably greater than indicated by most projections. Full CCS demonstration plants are now required to verify modelled energy penalty values. However, it appears unlikely that CCS will deliver significant CO2 reductions in a timely fashion. In addition, many uncertainties remain over the permanence of CO2 storage, either in geological formations, or beneath the ocean. We conclude that further investment in CCS should be seriously questioned by policy makers.  相似文献   

Black liquor gasification (BLG) is being developed as an alternative technology for energy and chemical recovery in kraft pulp mills. This study compares BLG – with downstream production of DME (dimethyl ether) or electricity – with recovery boiler-based pulping biorefinery concepts for different types of mills. The comparison is based on profitability as well as CO2 emissions, using different future energy market scenarios. The possibility for carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered. The results show that, if commercialised, BLG with DME production could be profitable for both market pulp mills and integrated pulp and paper mills in all energy market scenarios considered. Recovery boiler-based biorefinery concepts including extraction of lignin or solid biomass gasification with DME production could also be profitable for market and integrated mills, respectively. If the mill is located close to an infrastructure for CO2 collection and transportation, CCS significantly improves profitability in scenarios with a high CO2 emissions charge, for both combustion- and gasification-based systems. Concepts that include CCS generally show a large potential for reduction of global CO2 emissions. Few of the concepts without CCS achieve a significant reduction of CO2 emissions, especially for integrated mills.  相似文献   

Coal is the abundant domestic energy resource in India and is projected to remain so in future under a business-as-usual scenario. Using domestic coal mitigates national energy security risks. However coal use exacerbates global climate change. Under a strict climate change regime, coal use is projected to decline in future. However this would increase imports of energy sources like natural gas (NG) and nuclear and consequent energy security risks for India. The paper shows that carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) can mitigate CO2 emissions from coal-based large point source (LPS) clusters and therefore would play a key role in mitigating both energy security risks for India and global climate change risks. This paper estimates future CO2 emission projections from LPS in India, identifies the potential CO2 storage types at aggregate level and matches the two into the future using Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM/Local model) with a Geographical Information System (GIS) interface. The paper argues that clustering LPS that are close to potential storage sites could provide reasonable economic opportunities for CCS in future if storage sites of different types are further explored and found to have adequate capacity. The paper also indicates possible LPS locations to utilize CCS opportunities economically in future, especially since India is projected to add over 220,000 MW of thermal power generation capacity by 2030.  相似文献   

To meet next generation energy needs such as wind‐ and solar‐generated electricity, enhanced oil recovery (EOR), CO2 capture and storage (CCS), and biofuels, the US will have to construct tens to hundreds of thousands of kilometers of new transmission lines and pipelines. Energy network models are central to optimizing these energy resources, including how best to produce, transport, and deliver energy‐related products such as oil, natural gas, electricity, and CO2. Consequently, understanding how to model new transmission lines and pipelines is central to this process. However, current energy models use simplifying assumptions for deploying pipelines and transmission lines, leading to the design of more costly and inefficient energy networks. In this paper, we introduce a two‐stage optimization approach for modeling CCS infrastructure. We show how CO2 pipelines with discrete capacities can be ‘linearized’ without loss of information and accuracy, therefore allowing necessarily complex energy models to be solved. We demonstrate the new approach by designing a CCS network that collects large volumes of anthropogenic CO2 (up to 45 million tonnes of CO2 per year) from ethylene production facilities and delivers the CO2 to depleted oil fields to stimulate recovery through EOR. Utilization of anthropogenic CO2 has great potential to jumpstart commercial‐scale CCS while simultaneously reducing the carbon footprint of domestic oil production. Model outputs illustrate the engineering challenge and spatial extent of CCS infrastructure, as well as the costs (or profits) of deploying CCS technology. We show that the new linearized approach is able to offer insights that other network approaches cannot reveal and how the approach can change how we develop future energy systems including transporting massive volumes of shale gas and biofuels as well as electricity transmission for wind and solar energy. Published 2012. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

This paper presents a newly established database of the European power plant infrastructure (power plants, fuel infrastructure, fuel resources and CO2 storage options) for the EU25 member states (MS) and applies the database in a general discussion of the European power plant and natural gas infrastructure as well as in a simple simulation analysis of British and German power generation up to the year 2050 with respect to phase-out of existing generation capacity, fuel mix and fuel dependency. The results are discussed with respect to age structure of the current production plants, CO2 emissions, natural gas dependency and CO2 capture and storage (CCS) under stringent CO2 emission constraints.  相似文献   

For a conceivable fossil-fuelled electricity production strategy with CO2 capture, the location of available storage options could play a key role for plant siting, as additional CO2 transport infrastructure might be required in some configurations. The possible spatial separation of electricity generation and centralised fossil hydrogen production with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) allows an additional degree of freedom in the system in enabling the transport of hydrogen instead of electricity.This paper analyses energy conversion and transport tasks associated with the plant locations offered by this enhanced scheme. By considering various scenarios for Germany, we describe different gasification/reforming options with CO2 capture and estimate their cost, including required new infrastructures.The results point out that moderate additional costs could allow the implementation of a first level hydrogen transport infrastructure instead of building a CO2 transportation network. This could be a smooth way to finance and facilitate the transition to a future larger hydrogen-based energy system. On the long term, this infrastructure would be in place for the transport of non-fossil hydrogen.  相似文献   

In this paper, different electricity demand scenarios for Spain are presented. Population, income per capita, energy intensity and the contribution of electricity to the total energy demand have been taken into account in the calculations. Technological role of different generation technologies, i.e. coal, nuclear, renewable, combined cycle (CC), combined heat and power (CHP) and carbon capture and storage (CCS), are examined in the form of scenarios up to 2050. Nine future scenarios corresponding to three electrical demands and three options for new capacity: minimum cost of electricity, minimum CO2 emissions and a criterion with a compromise between CO2 and cost (CO2-cost criterion) have been proposed. Calculations show reduction in CO2 emissions from 2020 to 2030, reaching a maximum CO2 emission reduction of 90% in 2050 in an efficiency scenario with CCS and renewables. The contribution of CCS from 2030 is important with percentage values of electricity production around 22–28% in 2050. The cost of electricity (COE) increases up to 25% in 2030, and then this value remains approximately constant or decreases slightly.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of offshore wind power appears to be of special significance for the climate protection plans announced by the German Federal Government. For this reason, a comprehensive system analysis of the possible CO2 reduction including the consideration of all relevant processes has to be performed. This goal can be achieved by linking a life-cycle assessment model of offshore wind utilisation with a stochastic model of the German electricity market. Such an extended life-cycle assessment shows that the CO2 emissions from the construction and operation of wind farms are low compared with the substitution effects of fossil fuels. Additionally, in the German electricity system, offshore wind energy is the main substitute for medium-load power plants. CO2 emissions from the modified operation and the expansion of conventional power plants reduce the CO2 savings, but the substitution effect outweighs these emissions by one order of magnitude. The assumptions of the model, shown here to be above all CO2 certificate prices, have a considerable influence on the figures shown due to a significant effect on the future energy mix.  相似文献   

Decreased energy use is crucial for achieving sustainable energy solutions. This paper presents current and possible future electricity use in Swedish industry. Non-heavy lines of business (e.g. food, vehicles) that use one-third of the electricity in Swedish industry are analysed in detail. Most electricity is used in the support processes pumping and ventilation, and manufacturing by decomposition. Energy conservation can take place through e.g. more efficient light fittings and switching off ventilation during night and weekends. By energy-carrier switching, electricity used for heat production is replaced by e.g. fuel. Taking technically possible demand-side measures in the whole lines of business, according to energy audits in a set of factories, means a 35% demand reduction. A systems analysis of power production, trade, demand and conservation was made using the MODEST energy system optimisation model, which uses linear programming and considers the time-dependent impact on demand for days, weeks and seasons. Electricity that is replaced by district heating from a combined heat and power (CHP) plant has a dual impact on the electricity system through reduced demand and increased electricity generation. Reduced electricity consumption and enhanced cogeneration in Sweden enables increased electricity export, which displaces coal-fired condensing plants in the European electricity market and helps to reduce European CO2 emissions. Within the European emission trading system, those electricity conservation measures should be taken that are more cost-efficient than other ways of reducing CO2 emissions. The demand-side measures turn net electricity imports into net export and reduce annual operation costs and net CO2 emissions due to covering Swedish electricity demand by 200 million euros and 6 Mtonne, respectively. With estimated electricity conservation in the whole of Swedish industry, net electricity exports would be larger and net CO2 emissions would be even smaller.  相似文献   


Fossil-fired plants play an important role in electricity networks as mid-merit plants that can respond relatively quickly to changes in supply and demand. As a consequence, they are required to operate over a wide output range and play an important role in maintaining the quality and security of electricity supply by providing response and reserve capacity. Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) has been identified as a critical technology for future electricity generation from coal in the UK. Although the performance of CCS schemes where CO2 capture plants are operated at full load has been considered in detail, part load performance is less well understood. Developing a better understanding of part load performance of plants operating with CO2 capture is crucial in determining their suitability to operate as mid-merit plants. This paper presents an assessment of the potential impact of adding post-combustion CO2 capture at pulverised-coal power plants. Estimated performance of steam cycles working with post-combustion CO2 capture plant are presented at full and part load, leading to performance predictions for pulverised-coal power plants operated over a range of loads and with varying levels of CO2 capture. By adjusting the operation of the capture plant, as well as the boiler/steam cycle, an extended range of operation can be achieved including lower minimum stable generation levels and additional 'pumped storage like' capacity for times of high demand. For example, plant operators can alter the energy penalty for the CO2 capture plant with an associated change in plant output by reducing the level of CO2 capture. This can allow extra electricity to be generated and sold when electricity prices are high. With solvent storage it should also be possible to increase power plant output for a number of hours, but without associated increases in CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

The hydrogen economy is currently experiencing a surge in attention, partly due to the possibility of absorbing variable renewable energy (VRE) production peaks through electrolysis. A fundamental challenge with this approach is low utilization rates of various parts of the integrated electricity-hydrogen system. To assess the importance of capacity utilization, this paper introduces a novel stylized numerical energy system model incorporating the major elements of electricity and hydrogen generation, transmission and storage, including both “green” hydrogen from electrolysis and “blue” hydrogen from natural gas reforming with CO2 capture and storage (CCS). Concurrent optimization of all major system elements revealed that balancing VRE with electrolysis involves substantial additional costs beyond reduced electrolyzer capacity factors. Depending on the location of electrolyzers, greater capital expenditures are also required for hydrogen pipelines and storage infrastructure (to handle intermittent hydrogen production) or electricity transmission networks (to transmit VRE peaks to electrolyzers). Blue hydrogen scenarios face similar constraints. High VRE shares impose low utilization rates of CO2 capture, transport and storage infrastructure for conventional CCS, and of hydrogen transmission and storage infrastructure for a novel process (gas switching reforming) that enables flexible power and hydrogen production. In conclusion, all major system elements must be considered to accurately reflect the costs of using hydrogen to integrate higher VRE shares.  相似文献   

From March to July of 2008, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 31 experts from the Chinese government, scientific institutes and industrial sectors. This paper summarizes the experts’ opinions and draws conclusions about four crucial aspects that influence CO2 capture and storage (CCS) deployment in China: technology research and experience accumulation, finance support, market development and policy and system. According to interviews result, technological improvement is necessary to cut down on CO2 capture cost and decrease technological uncertainty. Then, to make some rational policies and systems, with elements such as a carbon tax and clean electricity pricing, to drive power plants to adopt CO2 capture technology. Furthermore, financial incentive in both the long term and the short term, such as subsidies and CDM, will be important for CCS incentives, encouraging enterprises’ enthusiasm for CCS and their capacity to enact it. Lastly, CCS deployment should be conducted under a market-oriented framework in the long term, so a business model and niche market deployment should be considered in advance. Among these aspects, policy and system is more complex than other three aspects, to resolve this obstacle, the innovation on electricity market and government decision model for climate change is crucial.  相似文献   

In this paper the trade-off, in terms of annual net profit for the mill and global emissions of CO2, between different technology pathways for utilization of excess steam and heat at kraft pulp mills is investigated for a case depicting a typical Scandinavian mill of today. The trade-off is analysed for four future energy market scenarios having different levels of CO2 charge. The technology pathways included in this study are increased electricity production in new turbines, production of district heating, increased sales of biomass in the form of bark and/or lignin, and carbon capture and storage (CCS). The results show that the proven pathways, increased electricity production, bark export and district heating production, are economically robust, i.e. they are profitable for all of the studied energy market scenarios. The new and emerging technology pathways, that are CCS and lignin extraction, hold a larger potential for reduction of global CO2 emissions, but their economic profitability is more dependent on the development of the energy market. All in all, it can be concluded that to realize the larger potential of reduction of global CO2 emissions a high carbon cost alone may not be sufficient. Other economic stimulations are required, e.g. technology-specific subsidies.  相似文献   

This paper studies the cost-effectiveness of combining traditional environmental policy, such as CO2-trading schemes, and technology policy that has aims of reducing the cost and speeding the adoption of CO2 abatement technology. For this purpose, we develop a dynamic general equilibrium model that captures empirical links between CO2 emissions associated with energy use, directed technical change and the economy. We specify CO2 capture and storage (CCS) as a discrete CO2 abatement technology. We find that combining CO2-trading schemes with an adoption subsidy is the most effective instrument to induce adoption of the CCS technology. Such a subsidy directly improves the competitiveness of the CCS technology by compensating for its markup over the cost of conventional electricity. Yet, introducing R&D subsidies throughout the entire economy leads to faster adoption of the CCS technology as well and in addition can be cost-effective in achieving the abatement target.  相似文献   

The combination of the ambitious German greenhouse gas reduction goals in the power sector and the nuclear phase-out raises many questions concerning the operational security of the German electricity generation system. This paper focusses on the technical feasibility (electricity generation and transmission) and CO2-impact of the German nuclear phase-out on the short term (2012–2022).A detailed electricity generation simulation model is employed, including the German transmission grid and its international connections. A range of different conventional and renewable energy sources (RES) scenarios is considered. Results are presented for the change in generation mix, on the flows on the transmission network and on operational reliability issues.The scenario analysis shows that nuclear generation will be replaced mainly by coal- and lignite-based generation. This increases the CO2-intensity of the German electricity sector. Furthermore, the results indicate that the German electricity export will decrease and under certain circumstances, the system becomes infeasible. Keeping some nuclear power plants online, would mitigate these effects. The amount of electricity generated from RES is shown to be the main driver for grid congestion.  相似文献   

We assess the impact on the European electricity market of the European Union “Clean energy for all Europeans” package, which implements the EU Nationally Determined Contribution in Paris COP 21. We focus on the year 2030, which is the year with defined climate targets. For the assessment, we employ a game-theoretic framework of the wholesale electricity market, with high technical detail. The model is applied to two core scenarios, a Base scenario and a Low Carbon scenario to provide insights regarding the future electricity capacity, generation mix, cross-border trade and electricity prices. We also assess three additional variants of the core scenarios concerning different levels of: a) fossil and CO2 prices; b) additional flexibility provided by batteries; c) market integration. We find that the electricity prices in 2030 substantially increase from today's level, driven by the increase in fuel and CO2 prices. The flexibility from batteries helps in mitigating the price peaks and the price volatility. The increased low marginal cost electricity generation, the expansion of non-dispatchable and distributed capacities, and the higher market integration further reduce the market power from producers in the electricity markets from today's level.  相似文献   

Transitioning German road transport partially to hydrogen energy is among the possibilities being discussed to help meet national climate targets. This study investigates impacts of a hypothetical, complete transition from conventionally-fueled to hydrogen-powered German transport through representative scenarios. Our results show that German emissions change between ?179 and +95 MtCO2eq annually, depending on the scenario, with renewable-powered electrolysis leading to the greatest emissions reduction, while electrolysis using the fossil-intense current electricity mix leads to the greatest increase. German energy emissions of regulated pollutants decrease significantly, indicating the potential for simultaneous air quality improvements. Vehicular hydrogen demand is 1000 PJ annually, requiring 446–525 TWh for electrolysis, hydrogen transport and storage, which could be supplied by future German renewable generation, supporting the potential for CO2-free hydrogen traffic and increased energy security. Thus hydrogen-powered transport could contribute significantly to climate and air quality goals, warranting further research and political discussion about this possibility.  相似文献   

In this paper we show the effects of expanding the system when evaluating well‐to‐wheel (WTW) CO2 emissions for biomass‐based transportation, to include the systems surrounding the biomass conversion system. Four different cases are considered: DME via black liquor gasification (BLG), methanol via gasification of solid biomass, lignocellulosic ethanol and electricity from a biomass integrated gasification combined cycle (BIGCC) used in a battery‐powered electric vehicle (BPEV). All four cases are considered with as well as without carbon capture and storage (CCS). System expansion is used consistently for all flows. The results are compared with results from a conventional WTW study that only uses system expansion for certain co‐product flows. It is shown that when expanding the system, biomass‐based transportation does not necessarily contribute to decreased CO2 emissions and the results from this study in general indicate considerably lower CO2 mitigation potential than do the results from the conventional study used for comparison. It is shown that of particular importance are assumptions regarding future biomass use, as by expanding the system, future competition for biomass feedstock can be taken into account by assuming an alternative biomass usage. Assumptions regarding other surrounding systems, such as the transportation and the electricity systems are also shown to be of significance. Of the four studied cases without CCS, BIGCC with the electricity used in a BPEV is the only case that consistently shows a potential for CO2 reduction when alternative use of biomass is considered. Inclusion of CCS is not a guarantee for achieving CO2 reduction, and in general the system effects are equivalent or larger than the effects of CCS. DME from BLG generally shows the highest CO2 emission reduction potential for the biofuel cases. However, neither of these options for biomass‐based transportation can alone meet the needs of the transport sector. Therefore, a broader palette of solutions, including different production routes, different fuels and possibly also CCS, will be needed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrogen (H2) shows promise as an energy carrier in contributing to emissions reductions from sectors which have been difficult to decarbonize, like industry and transportation. At the same time, flexible H2 production via electrolysis can also support cost-effective integration of high shares of variable renewable energy (VRE) in the power system. In this work, we develop a least-cost investment planning model to co-optimize investments in electricity and H2 infrastructure to serve electricity and H2 demands under various low-carbon scenarios. Applying the model to a case study of Texas in 2050, we find that H2 is produced in approximately equal amounts from electricity and natural gas under the least-cost expansion plan with a CO2 price of $30–60/tonne. An increasing CO2 price favors electrolysis, while increasing H2 demand favors H2 production from Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) of natural gas. H2 production is found to be a cost effective solution to reduce emissions in the electric power system as it provides flexibility otherwise provided by natural gas power plants and enables high shares of VRE with less battery storage. Additionally, the availability of flexible electricity demand via electrolysis makes carbon capture and storage (CCS) deployment for SMR cost-effective at lower CO2 prices ($90/tonne CO2) than for power generation ($180/tonne CO2). The total emissions attributable to H2 production is found to be dependent on the H2 demand. The marginal emissions from H2 production increase with the H2 demand for CO2 prices less than $90/tonne CO2, due to shift in supply from electrolysis to SMR. For a CO2 price of $60/tonne we estimate the production weighted-average H2 price to be between $1.30–1.66/kg across three H2 demand scenarios. These findings indicate the importance of joint planning of electricity and H2 infrastructure for cost-effective energy system decarbonization.  相似文献   

Today, almost 70% of the electricity is produced from fossil fuels and power generation accounts for over 40% of global CO2 emissions. If the targets to reduce climate change are to be met, substantial reductions in emissions are necessary. Compared to other sectors emission reductions in the power sector are relatively easy to achieve because it consists mainly of point-sources. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and the use of low-carbon alternative energy sources are the two categories of options to reduce CO2 emissions. However, for both options additional infrastructure and equipment is needed. This article compares CO2 emissions and metal requirements of different low-carbon power generation technologies on the basis of Life Cycle Assessment. We analyze the most critical output (CO2) and the most critical input (metals) in the same methodological framework. CO2 emissions and metal requirements are compared with annual global emissions and annual production for different metals. It was found that all technologies are very effective in reducing CO2 emissions. However, CCS and especially non-fossil technologies are substantially more metal intensive than existing power generation. A transition to a low-carbon based power generation would require a substantial upscaling of current mining of several metals.  相似文献   

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