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This paper considers the consensus problems for both continuous- and discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with directed communication topologies. Distributed reduced-order observer-based consensus protocols are proposed, based on the relative outputs of neighboring agents. A multi-step algorithm is presented to construct a reduced-order protocol, under which a continuous-time multi-agent system whose communication topology contains a directed spanning tree can reach consensus. This algorithm is further modified to achieve consensus with a prescribed convergence rate. These two algorithms have a favorable decoupling property. In light of the modified algebraic Riccati equation, an algorithm is then given to construct a reduced-order protocol for the discrete-time case.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the distributed consensus problem of a class of general linear multi-agent systems with time delay. Assuming that the state of the multi-agent system cannot be measured and the output of the multi-agent system is measured discontinuously, a novel impulsive observer is constructed. Based on the impulsive observer, a distributed consensus protocol is proposed for the multi-agent system with a directed communication topology. In view of the hybrid characteristic of the multi-agent system with the impulsive observer, a novel type of piecewise Lyapunov functional which can overcome the jump phenomena at impulsive times is introduced. Based on this, some sufficient conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities are presented such that the consensus of the multi-agent system can be achieved with an exponential convergence rate. A numerical example under two cases is given to show the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

研究固定拓扑结构下的分数阶非线性多智能体系统协调控制的动力学模型问题。由于实际多智能体系统中,系统的状态变量难以全部测量,为了克服这一困难,利用状态观测器对系统状态进行重构并基于重构状态进行状态反馈。利用分数阶Lyapunov稳定性理论,证明了当反馈增益矩阵满足一定的线性矩阵不等式(LMI)条件时,系统中的智能体最终趋于所给定的目标状态。最后利用分数阶微积分的预估-校正算法进行数值仿真验证了理论分析的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the joining consensus of networked multi-agent systems subject to nonlinear couplings and weighted directed graphs via pinning control. A weighted-average consensus protocol is proposed to achieve the collective decision by interacting with the local information of some pinned agents. By proposing a novel joining consensus protocol, average consensus and general consensus strategies are joined to achieve an agreement for the weighting networked system. Furthermore, by calculating a proper consensus gain and using finite control Lyapunov controllers, an efficient joining consensus protocol is presented to improve the consensus speed. Sufficient conditions for achieving the consensuses asymptotically are proved. Finally, theoretical results are validated via simulations.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce impulsive control protocols for multi-agent linear dynamic systems. First, an impulsive control protocol is designed for network with fixed topology based on the local information of agents. Then sufficient conditions are given to guarantee the consensus of the multi-agent linear dynamic systems by the theory of impulsive systems. Furthermore, how to select the discrete instants and impulsive matrices is discussed. The case that the topologies of networks are switching is also considered. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the fnite-time consensus problem of multi-agent systems with single and double integrator dynamics,respectively.Some novel nonlinear protocols are constructed for frst-order and second-order leader-follower multi-agent systems,respectively.Based on the fnite-time control technique,the graph theory and Lyapunov direct method,some theoretical results are proposed to ensure that the states of all the follower agents can converge to its leader agent s state in fnite time.Finally,some simulation results are presented to illustrate the efectiveness of our theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the consensus problem for leaderless and leader–followers multi-agent systems with periodically intermittent control. The dynamics of each agent in the system is a linear system, and the interconnection topology among the agents is assumed to be switching. We assume that each agent can only share the outputs with its neighbours. Therefore, a class of distributed intermittent observer-based consensus protocols are proposed for each agent. First, in order to solve this problem, a parameter-dependent common Lyapunov function is constructed. Using this function, we prove that all agents can access a prescribed value, under the designed intermittent controller and observer, if there are suitable conditions on communication. Second, based on the investigation of the leader-following consensus problem, we design a new distributed intermittent observer-based protocol for each following agent. Finally, we provide an illustrative example to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the consensus problem of first-order and second-order multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics and quantised interactions. Continuous-time and impulsive control inputs are designed for the multi-agent systems on the logarithmic quantised relative state measurements of agents, respectively. By using nonsmooth analysis tools, we get some sufficient conditions for the consensus of multi-agent systems under the continuous-time inputs. Compared with continuous-time control inputs, impulsive distributed control inputs just use the state variables of the systems at discrete-time instances. Based on impulsive control theory, we prove that the multi-agent systems can reach consensus by choosing proper control gains and impulsive intervals. The simulation results are given to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

为减少通信时延对系统一致性的影响,针对有领导者的二阶非线性多智能体系统的领导跟随一致性进行了研究,新颖的提出近似随机脉冲时延的概念并应用于新协议。相比于传统协议,新协议在脉冲时刻通信时延较小时,各智能体基于时延态对自身当前时刻状态进行预测,并以自身未来预测状态取代时延态发送给各邻接智能体同时补偿自身反馈通道时延,从而使系统更快实现一致性。基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,利用一类再推广的Halanay不等式的性质给出两个保证系统实现一致性的充分条件。最后,实例仿真证明了新协议的优越性。  相似文献   

王云燕  胡爱花 《计算机应用》2021,41(5):1399-1405
研究了遭受网络攻击的双层结构多智能体系统的一致性问题.针对包含领导层和跟随者层的双层网络结构的多智能体系统,考虑了如下情况:领导层相邻智能体之间为友好合作关系,跟随者层相邻智能体之间既包含友好合作也包含对抗竞争关系,同时领导层与跟随者层中部分对应智能体之间存在牵制关系.分析了受网络攻击的领导层多智能体系统、跟随者层多智...  相似文献   

非平衡拓扑结构的多智能体网络系统一致性协议   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
针对多智能体网络系统,本文分别研究了非平衡拓扑结构的多智能体连续状态和离散状态下的一致性协议.首先提出了能使用有向图表示的多智能体网络系统的拓扑结构,并根据该拓扑结构建立了网络系统的1阶数学模型和提出了多智能体网络系统一致收敛准则.对于多智能体网络连续系统,该系统的一致平衡点最终收敛于初始状态的凸组合,本文最终确定了非平衡拓扑结构的一致平衡点.如果多智能体网络系统的拓扑结构没有改变,在离散状态下系统的一致平衡点仍收敛于初始状态的凸组合,并且离散状态下系统的一致平衡点与连续状态下系统的一致平衡点相等.最后采用8个智能体组成的网络拓扑进行计算机仿真,验证理论的正确性.  相似文献   

本文考虑了极点在闭左半平面的高阶连续多智能体系统的趋同问题.假设网络拓扑为有向图,且个体从邻居收到的信息存在通信时滞,分别得到与时滞无关和与时滞有关的两种趋同条件,这两个条件充分揭示了智能体结构、通信时滞和网络拓扑三者之间的关系.本文的核心方法是利用参数化代数Riccati方程的唯一正定解来设计趋同增益.此外,文中说明了通信时滞在有些情况下可为时变的.最后,数值例子验证了所得理论结果的有效性.  相似文献   

Consensus recovery is one of the most important topics of multi-agent systems subjected to failures, but there are few literatures considering this theme. In this article, two disastrous failures are introduced and corresponding recovery programs are proposed to investigate the consensus recovery of multi-agent systems. The failures of multi-agent systems mainly refer to the failures to the agents and links. The cut-agent and cut-link are presented to better understand the disastrous failures of multi-agent systems, and they are the most important components of multi-agent systems. When the cut-agent and cut-link are removed from the systems, the multi-agent systems will become disconnected, and the neighbour agents of cut-agent are used to recover the consensus of multi-agent systems in this article. For different failures, the different measures are taken to restore the connectivity of multi-agent systems, so as to recover the consensus of multi-agent systems. Under the proposed recovery strategies, the convergence speed of achieving consensus of the resulting networks is considered as the main target. Moreover, there is a trade-off between the convergence speed and robustness of the resulting networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the stabilization control design problem of nonlinear stochastic SISO systems in strict-feedback form. By introducing a novel reduced-order observer, an output-feedback-based control is constructively designed, which renders the closed-loop system asymptotically stable in the large when the nonlinearities and stochastic disturbance equal zero at the equilibrium point of the open-loop system, and bounded in probability, otherwise. Besides, the obtained controller preserves the equilibrium point of the open-loop nonlinear system.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the consensus tracking problem for both continuous- and discrete-time linear multi-agent systems with a dynamic leader under networked observability conditions. Among followers, the communication topology is assumed to be undirected and connected. Two networked observability conditions are introduced and discussed. The first one extends the traditional detectability condition for a single system, while the second one is a full rank condition, which is stronger than the first one. In the continuous-time case, two distributed observer-based protocols are designed under corresponding networked observability conditions, respectively. Specifically, the second protocol is an adaptive one, which has a better robustness performance than the first one. In the discrete-time case, a distributed observer-based protocol is presented under the full rank networked observability condition. It is found that under the networked observability conditions, consensus tracking can still be achieved even if there exists no follower being able to track the leader independently. Based on algebraic graph theory and Lyapunov stability theory, some sufficient conditions are derived for reaching consensus tracking. Finally, simulation examples are presented to verify the effectiveness of theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates consensus of fractional-order multi-agent systems (MASs) with a reference state. First, a consensus control law with a constant reference state is given using graph theory and stability analysis of fractional-order. Then, a general control law and a particular one for consensus of fractional-order MASs with a time-varying reference state are proposed. Next, the above control laws are extended to solve formation tracking problem. Finally, several simulations are presented to verify the effectiveness of the obtained results.  相似文献   


运用图论、矩阵分析和极限理论, 研究当通信拓扑结构连通的多智能体系统受到干预时, 系统仍保持一致性的充分条件及其平衡状态. 利用指数函数快速递减且可积的特性, 设计干预控制器, 控制多智能体系统收敛到指定位置. 仿真研究实验验证了所提出结论的正确性.


近年来,随着异构系统在实际中的广泛应用,异构多智能体系统一致性分析成为研究热点。针对一阶部分智能体控制输入有界、二阶智能体速度不可测的异构多智能体系统,在无向网络拓扑图下给出了无领导者和有领导者两种控制输入设计方法,基于图论知识和LaSalle不变集原理给出了该异构系统实现一致性的充分条件。最后,通过数值仿真验证了该理论的正确性。  相似文献   

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