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This note is devoted to stabilizing a coupled PDE-ODE system with interaction at the interface. First, a state feedback boundary controller is designed, and the system is transformed into an exponentially stable PDE-ODE cascade with an invertible integral transformation, where PDE backstepping is employed. Moreover, the solution to the resulting closed-loop system is derived explicitly. Second, an observer is proposed, which is proved to exhibit good performance in estimating the original coupled system, and then an output feedback boundary controller is obtained. For both the state and output feedback boundary controllers, exponential stability analyses in the sense of the corresponding norms for the resulting closed-loop systems are provided. The boundary controller and observer for a scalar coupled PDE-ODE system as well as the solutions to the closed-loop systems are given explicitly.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new backstepping approach to nonlinear control of power converters which is attracting considerable attention in both theoretical research and practical applications. The main difference between the proposed algorithm and the existing classical adaptive backstepping method in the literature is that the adaptation mechanism does not follow the certainty‐equivalence principle. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

阐述了一种新型的基于产生式系统控制方法的高压输电线路自动巡线机器人的嵌入式控制系统及其实现.提出了一种基于人工控制规则库和分层规划的产生式系统的控制策略.该控制策略通过人工控制机器人的方法,建立相应的专家规则库,再采用分层规划的方式与手爪的自动微调相结合来实现机器人的自动行走.最后,通过最优算法并结合机器人各个关节伺服系统的运作特性,对机器人运动轨迹进行优化,实现了对巡线机器人的最优控制.  相似文献   

We consider a switched-capacitor DC/DC power converter with variable switching instants. The determination of optimal switching instants giving low output ripple and strong load regulation is posed as a non-smooth dynamic optimization problem. By introducing a set of auxiliary differential equations and applying a time-scaling transformation, we formulate an equivalent optimization problem with semi-infinite constraints. Existing algorithms can be applied to solve this smooth semi-infinite optimization problem. The existence of an optimal solution is also established. For illustration, the optimal switching instants for a practical switched-capacitor DC/DC power converter are determined using this approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, a parallel AC/DC power system is investigated, and a nonlinear robust controller is proposed to improve transient stability of the power system and to damp out any prolonged oscillation after a fault is cleared. Lyapunov's direct method is used to synthesize the control, and asymptotic stability of the closed loop system and improved dynamic performance are shown by both theoretical proof and simulation results.  相似文献   

电力线载波技术实现变流器的分布式控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了北京福星晓程公司PL3200芯片的主要特点、结构、载波通信原理以及基于该芯片的电力线载波通信应用的硬件电路设计原理,并给出了将该芯片构成的电力线载波通信系统应用于蓄电池化成分布式测控系统的数据通信的方案。  相似文献   

电力传输系统中常常会发生高压电接点过热而造成的停电火灾事故,造成巨大的经济损失。将无线传感网络应用到高压电接点的温度监测系统中,当高压电接点温度过高时及时发出报警信息。针对无线传感网络的能量限制问题,采用改进后的遗传算法对网络中无线温度传感器节点进行能量上的优化,使整个无限传感网络能量的消耗趋于最优。MATLAB仿真结果表明:改进后的遗传算法有更好的寻优效果,克服了局部最优的误区,保证了电力传输过程中无线温度监测系统的能量优化。  相似文献   

DC/DC变换器的PWA模型及预测控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用υ步离散法,得到变换器输入控制变量与状态变量之间的直接映射关系,基于混杂系统理论分析系统的动态方程,建立其分段仿射模型。在此模型的基础上,结合非线性预测控制算法,通过模型预测系统的输出,利用反馈校正误差,给出二次型性能指标的优化计算方法,并由此设计预测控制器。最后,以Buck功率变换器为研究对象,通过与峰值电流控制算法的仿真结果进行比较,验证模型的正确性以及控制器设计的有效性。  相似文献   

We present a numerical method for solving a coupled system of elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs). Our method is based on the least-squares (LS) approach. We develop ellipticity estimates and error bounds for the method. The main idea of the error estimates is the establishment of supercloseness of the LS solutions, and solutions of the mixed finite element methods and Ritz projections. Using the supercloseness property, we obtain L2-norm error estimates, and the error estimates for each quantity of interest show different convergence behaviors depending on the choice of the approximation spaces. Moreover, we present maximum norm error estimates and construct asymptotically exact a posteriori error estimators under mild conditions. Application to optimal control problems is briefly considered.  相似文献   

We consider stabilisation for a linear ordinary differential equation system with input dynamics governed by a heat equation, subject to boundary control matched disturbance. The active disturbance rejection control approach is applied to estimate, in real time, the disturbance with both constant high gain and time-varying high gain. The disturbance is cancelled in the feedback loop. The closed-loop systems with constant high gain and time-varying high gain are shown, respectively, to be practically stable and asymptotically stable.  相似文献   

发电机输出电压具有怠速,瞬态和稳态的变化过程,自控系统应根据供电特点进行设计。结合成功的工程事例,介绍某自控系统设计实践过程。  相似文献   

H and structured singular value optimization techniques are used to design robust power system stabilizers (PSS) for a single-machine and a two-machine system with varying operating conditions. Realistic uncertainty models to represent the possible operating conditions as perturbations from a nominal operating condition are developed. System experience is used to select weighting functions to provide adequate damping and shape the controller frequency response. Computer simulations show that the PSS designed using the proposed technique provides improved damping compared to a conventional PSS.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design of a non-inverting synchronous buck-boost DC/DC power converter with moderate power level for a solar power management system. The buck-boost requirement arises from the rapid changes in the atmospheric condition or the sunlight incident angle. The system mainly consists of the non-inverting synchronous buck-boost DC/DC power converter, MOSFET drivers, anti-cross conduction logic circuitry, feedback compensator, and PWM regulator. The system is capable of converting the supply voltage source to higher and lower voltages to the load terminal with voltage polarity unchanged. The voltage at the load terminal is controlled by continuously adjusting the duty cycle of the PWM regulator. Application of the buck-boost converter in battery management system design is also addressed.  相似文献   

考虑在无线网络中采用信息与能量同步传输来提高无线中继系统的性能,提出了基于无线射频网络中采用无线携能通信(SWIPT)技术的具有自能量回收的双向传输全双工中继系统。SWIPT应用在双向全双工中继系统中是一个新的尝试,其中能量受限的目的节点使用从中继和环路信道捕获的能量来发送反馈信息,并给出了全双工中继系统工作的逻辑结构和能量受限的目的节点的物理结构。然后,以最小化系统发射功率和作为优化目标来描述系统的性能,采用功率分配方案进行信息解码和能量捕获,应用半定规划、秩松弛和拉格朗日方法将原始非凸优化方程转化为可解凸优化问题并求解,且联合优化了中继发射功率、发射波束成形向量和功率分配比率。最后,实验仿真对比了所提的新系统与传统双向传输中继系统,结果验证了利用自能量回收不仅可以消除自干扰,而且可以显著优化系统发射功率和,且由于SWIPT技术与全双工中继系统的结合,使得所提出的系统比传统的双向传输系统具有更高的性能增益。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the linear-quadratic control problem for a time-varying partial differential equation model of a catalytic fixed-bed reactor. The classical Riccati equation approach, for time-varying infinite-dimensional systems, is extended to cover the two-time scale property of the fixed-bed reactor. Dynamical properties of the linearized model are analyzed using the concept of evolution systems. An optimal LQ-feedback is computed via the solution of a matrix Riccati partial differential equation. Numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the closed loop performance of the designed controller on the fixed-bed reactor. The performance of the proposed controller is compared to performance of an infinite dimensional controller formulated by ignoring the catalyst deactivation. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed controller is better compared to the controller ignoring the catalyst deactivation when the deactivation time is close to the resident time of the reactor.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the simultaneous application of thyristor controlled series capacitor based damping controller and power system stabilizer for stability improvement of dynamic power system. The adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and Levenberg–Marquardt artificial neural network algorithm are used to develop the control strategy for thyristor controlled series capacitor based damping controller and power system stabilizer. The power system stabilizer generates appropriate supplementary control signal to an excitation system of synchronous generator to damp the frequency oscillations and improves the performance of the power system dynamic. The performance of power system affected due to the system configuration and load variation. In order to achieve the appreciable damping, the series capacitor is suggested in addition to the power system stabilizer. Nonlinear simulations of single machine infinite bus system are carried out using the individual application of power system stabilizer and simultaneous application of power system stabilizer and thyristor controlled series capacitor. The comparison analysis between conventional and smart control strategies based controllers is demonstrated. Single machine infinite bus system is tested under various operating conditions and disturbances to show the effectiveness of proposed control schemes.  相似文献   

This article describes a finite difference scheme which is linearly uncoupled in computation for a nonlinearly coupled Schrödinger system. This numerical scheme is proved to preserve the original conservative properties. Using the discrete energy analysis method, we also prove that the scheme is unconditionally stable and second-order convergent in discrete L2L2-norm based on some preliminary estimations. The results show that the new scheme is efficiency.  相似文献   

齿轮传动风扇发动机(GTF)的低压转子系统由于带有星型齿轮传动结构,使得其具有有别于传统发动机的动力学特性,因此由于这种齿轮柔性转子耦合系统而产生的振动问题更为复杂.本文基于该低压转子的结构特点,建立了具有星型齿轮传动结构的三支点转子系统有限元模型,通过对高速转子轮盘施加偏心质量,研究不平衡矢量激励下转子系统的耦合振动特性,并进行了相关试验分析.结果表明:在双盘不平衡激励下,由于不平衡之间耦合效应,转子系统各轴段均存在振动减弱的情况.并且与中心齿轮相比,环形齿圈与游星齿轮之间的啮合力更大,且受不平衡初始相位的影响更显著.此外,当相位差为180°时,不平衡对转子系统的危害较大.  相似文献   

R. Cori  C. Maffezzoni 《Automatica》1984,20(2):163-173
Multivariable control of power plants has been studied by many researchers and also a number of practical applications have been presented in the last few years with the aim of improving the load following capabilities of thermal units. This paper summarizes the main results of an experimental application of optimal control to a drum boiler power plant at the Italian national electricity board. Referring to a previous work for the process model building, first a model reduction is performed with the main purpose of getting a simplified control structure. Then, an optimal regulator including feedforward and integral control is synthesized and some practical drawbacks of the synthesis are discussed with referrence to traditional control schemes leading to a reformulation of the optimal regulator which, while conserving optimality, exhibits a number of practical advantages and improved robustness against typical plant parameter variations. Since the motivation of the control structure reformulation is mostly derived from experimental results, field trials are reported where the performances of a well tuned coordinated control, of the classical optimal regulator and of the reformulated optimal control structure are compared. Perspectives of future industrial applications are briefly discussed in the conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with control of nonholonomic systems in the presence of parametric modeling uncertainty. The specific problem considered is that of parking a wheeled mobile robot of unicycle type with unknown parameters, whose kinematics can be described by Brockett's nonholonomic integrator after an appropriate state and control coordinate transformation. We employ the techniques of supervisory control to design a hybrid feedback control law that solves this problem.  相似文献   

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