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In the search for new paradigms to simplify multithreaded programming, Transactional Memory (TM) is currently being advocated as a promising alternative to deadlock-prone lock-based synchronization. In this way, future many-core CMP architectures may need to provide hardware support for TM. On the other hand, power dissipation constitutes a first class consideration in multicore processor designs. In this work, we propose Selective Dynamic Serialization (SDS) as a new technique to improve energy consumption without degrading performance in applications with conflicting transactions by avoiding wasted work due to aborted transactions. Our proposal, which is implemented on top of a hardware transactional memory (HTM) system with an eager conflict management policy, detects and serializes conflicting transactions dynamically (at run-time). In its simplest form, in case of conflict, one transaction is allowed to continue whilst the rest are completely stalled. Once the executing transaction has finished, it wakes up several of the stalling transactions. More elaborated implementations of SDS try to delay this behavior until serialization of transactions is profitable, achieving the best trade-off between performance, energy savings and network traffic. SDS implementations differ from each other in the condition that triggers the serialization mode. We have evaluated several SDS schemes using GEMS, a full-system simulator implementing the LogTM-SE Eager–Eager HTM system, and several benchmarks from the STAMP suite. Results for a 16-core CMP show that SDS obtains reductions of 6 % on average in energy consumption (more than 20 % in high contention scenarios) in a wide range of benchmarks without affecting, on average, execution time. At the same time, network traffic level is also reduced by 22 %.  相似文献   

在多核处理器上,事务存储是一种有望取代锁的同步手段。软件事务存储不需要增加额外硬件支持,就可以充分利用当前商业多核处理器的多线程能力。提出一种软件事务存储实现算法VectorSTM,该算法不需要使用原子操作。VectorSTM采用分布的向量时钟来跟踪各线程事务执行情况,能够提供更高的并发度。对事务存储基准程序STAMP的测试表明,VectorSTM在性能或者语义上比软件事务存储算法TL2和RingSTM有优势。  相似文献   

为了提高并行程序中共享内存数据的读写访问性能,事务内存机制于1993年被提出。因为事务内存机制直接涉及内存数据的读写控制,所以也得到了系统安全研究人员的极大关注。2013年,Intel公司开始支持TSX(Transactional Synchronizatione Xtension)特性,第一次在广泛使用的计算机硬件中支持事务内存机制。利用事务内存机制的内存访问跟踪、内存访问信号触发和内存操作回滚,以及Intel TSX特性的用户态事务回滚处理、在Cache中执行所有操作和硬件实现高效率,研究人员完成了各种的系统安全研究成果,包括:授权策略实施、虚拟机自省、密钥安全、控制流完整性、错误恢复和侧信道攻防等。本文先介绍了各种基于事务内存机制的研究成果;然后分析了现有各种系统安全研究成果与事务内存机制特性之间的关系,主要涉及了3个角度:内存访问的控制、事务回滚处理、和在Cache中执行所有操作。我们将已有的研究成果的技术方案从3个角度进行分解,与原有的、不基于事务内存机制的解决方案比较,解释了引入事务内存机制带来的技术优势。最后,我们总结展望了将来的研究,包括:硬件事务内存机制的实现改进,事务内存机制(尤其是硬件事务内存机制)在系统安全研究中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Many researchers have developed applications using transactional memory (TM) with the purpose of benchmarking different implementations, and studying whether or not TM is easy to use. However, comparatively little has been done to provide general-purpose tools for profiling and optimizing programs which use transactions. In this paper we introduce a series of profiling and optimization techniques for TM applications. The profiling techniques are of three types: (i) techniques to identify multiple potential conflicts from a single program run, (ii) techniques to identify the data structures involved in conflicts by using a symbolic path through the heap, rather than a machine address, and (iii) visualization techniques to summarize how threads spend their time and which of their transactions conflict most frequently. Altogether they provide in-depth and comprehensive information about the wasted work caused by aborting transactions. To reduce the contention between transactions we suggest several TM specific optimizations which leverage nested transactions, transaction checkpoints, early release and etc. To examine the effectiveness of the profiling and optimization techniques, we provide a series of illustrations from the STAMP TM benchmark suite and from the synthetic WormBench workload. First we analyze the performance of TM applications using our profiling techniques and then we apply various optimizations to improve the performance of the Bayes, Labyrinth and Intruder applications. We discuss the design and implementation of the profiling techniques in the Bartok-STM system. We process data offline or during garbage collection, where possible, in order to minimize the probe effect introduced by profiling.  相似文献   

Researchers have proposed transactional memory as a concurrency primitive to simplify the development of multi-threaded programs. In this paper we present a new approach for supporting I/O operations in the context of transactional memory. Our approach provides isolation between the file operations of different transactions while allowing multiple transactions to concurrently perform I/O. To ease adoption, our approach attempts to implement the traditional I/O programming interface as closely as possible. We formalize aspects of our approach and use the formalization to reason about the correctness of the approach.We have implemented our approach as a Java library and have integrated it with the DSTM2 transactional memory system. We have evaluated the approach with several benchmarks including JCarder, TupleSoup, a financial transaction benchmark, a parallel sort benchmark, and a parallel grep benchmark. Our experience shows that the approach provides a straightforward mechanism for developers to integrate I/O in a transactional memory environment and that it performs well.  相似文献   

Transactional memory (TM) is an easy-using parallel programming model that avoids common problems associated with conventional locking techniques. Several researchers have proposed a large amount of alternative hardware and software TM implementations. However, few ones focus on formal reasoning about these TM programs. In this paper, we propose a framework at assembly level for reasoning about lazy software transactional memory (STM) programs. First, we give a software TM implementation based on lightweight locks. These locks are also one part of the shared memory. Then we define the semantics of the model operationally, and the lightweight locks in transaction are non-blocking, avoiding deadlocks among transactions. Finally we design a logic — a combination of permission accounting in separation logic and concurrent separation logic — to verify various properties of concurrent programs based on this machine model. The whole framework is formalized using a proof-carrying-code (PCC) framework.  相似文献   

基于依赖图的硬件事务存储技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
事务存储技术能够简化并行程序中对共享资源的访问控制,是当前的研究热点之一.目前,多数基于硬件的事务存储系统采用基于冲突检测与处理的并发控制协议,当检测到两事务发生冲突时就中止二者之一.但是对事务间"冲突"更深入的分析表明,某些"冲突"并不一定会导致事务的回退,这种冲突称为"弱冲突".基于依赖图的硬件事务存储技术能够避免弱冲突引发的多余事务回退.模拟实验表明,基于依赖图的事务存储系统与基于冲突处理的事务存储系统相比具有明显的性能优势.  相似文献   

Time-based Software Transactional Memory (STM) exploits a global clock to validate transactional data and guarantee consistency of transactions. While this method is simple to implement it results in contentions over the clock if transactions commit simultaneously. The alternative method is thread local clock (TLC) which exploits local variables to maintain consistency of transactions. However, TLC may increase false aborts and degrade performance of STMs. In this paper, we analyze global clock and TLC in the context of STM systems, highlighting both the implementation trade-offs and the performance implications of the two techniques. We demonstrate that neither global clock nor TLC is optimum across applications. To counter this challenge, we introduce two optimization techniques: The first optimization technique is Adaptive Clock (AC) which dynamically selects one of the two validation techniques based on probability of conflicts. AC is a speculative approach and relies on software O-GEHL predictors to speculate future conflicts. The second optimization technique is AC+ which reduces timing overhead of O-GEHL predictors by implementing the predictors in hardware. In addition, we exploit information theory to eliminate unnecessary computational resources and reduce storage requirements of the O-GEHL predictors. Our evaluation with TL2 and Stamp benchmark suite reveals that AC is effective and improves execution time of transactional applications up to 65%.  相似文献   

CMP Support for Large and Dependent Speculative Threads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thread-level speculation (TLS) has proven to be a promising method of extracting parallelism from both integer and scientific workloads, targeting speculative threads that range in size from hundreds to several thousand dynamic instructions and which have minimal dependences between them. However, recent work has shown that TLS can offer compelling performance improvements when targeting much larger speculative threads of more than 50,000 dynamic instructions per thread with many frequent data dependences between them. To support such large and dependent speculative threads, the hardware must be able to buffer the additional speculative state and must also address the more challenging problem of tolerating the resulting cross-thread data dependences. In this paper, we present a chip-multiprocessor (CMP) support for large speculative threads that integrates several previous proposals for the TLS hardware. We also present a support for subthreads: a mechanism for tolerating cross-thread data dependences by checkpointing speculative execution. Through an evaluation that exploits the proposed hardware support in the database domain, we find that the transaction response time for three of the five transactions from TPC-C (on a simulated four-processor chip-multiprocessor) speed up by a factor of 1.9 to 2.9.  相似文献   

Even though there have been strong research activities about distributed virtual shared-memory (DVSM) systems, their architectures have been not widely used in current high-performance computing markets. The reason is that the previously introduced DVSM systems use conventional interconnection technologies like Ethernet, which incurs high execution overhead due to process interruption at data communication for memory consistency. In this paper, we present the DVSM architecture based on the next generation of an interconnection technique, the InfiniBand Architecture (IBA). Because the IBA supports shared-memory programming semantics by means of remote direct-memory access (RDMA) and atomic operations in hardware, we can minimize the communication overhead for memory consistency on the DVSM system. For characterizing multithreaded applications on our IBA-based DVSM system, we examined two different shared-memory programming models, i.e. SPMD and OpenMP benchmarks. We show that our DVSM to use full features of the IBA can improve the performance significantly over the IPoIB-based DVSM system in all benchmarks, and also comparable to the bus-based shared-memory multiprocessor system in some benchmarks.  相似文献   

针对事务存储技术研究中的模拟实验问题,实现了一种专门用于硬件事务存储系统的模拟环境,该模拟环境采用执行驱动模拟方式,支持全系统模拟,利用系统结构模拟器Simics和多核扩展包GEMS实现多核处理器相关部件的功能和性能模拟,在此基础上扩展实现硬件事务存储系统各部件的建模和模拟,以模块化的方法支持多种事务存储系统的模拟实验和性能评价.论文在分析事务存储和系统结构模拟技术的基础上,讨论了事务存储系统模拟环境的设计思路和方案,给出了该模拟环境的组成结构,并通过一种目标事务存储系统结构和一组测试程序对模拟环境进行了实验测试.  相似文献   

随着多核处理器的发展,开发线程级并行成为提升应用程序执行性能的必要手段,这使得事务存储作为一种具有良好支持线程级并行前景的并行编程机制受到越来越多的关注。本文首先从事务存储系统的冲突检测机制和数据版本管理机制的角度对事务存储系统进行了分类;然后总结综述了目前主要的事务存储系统的实现方式;最后从容错的角度重新审视了事务存储,我们认为事务存储本身具有良好的容错特性,可以自然地与一些主要的容错技术结合,实现高效的故障隔离、检测及恢复。  相似文献   

Transactional coherence and consistency (TCC) simplifies parallel hardware and software design by eliminating the need for conventional cache coherence and consistency models and letting programmers parallelize a wide range of applications with a simple, lock-free transactional model. TCC eases both parallel programming and parallel architecture design by relying on programmer-defined transactions as the basic unit of parallel work, communication, memory coherence, and memory consistency  相似文献   

Among the various memory consistency models, the sequential consistency (SC) model is the most intuitive and enables programmers to reason about their parallel programs the best. Nevertheless, processor designers often choose to support relaxed memory consistency models because the weaker ordering constraints imposed by such models allow for more instructions to be reordered and enable higher performance. Programs running on machines supporting weaker consistency models can be transformed into ones in which SC is enforced. The compiler does this by computing a minimal set of memory access pairs whose ordering automatically guarantees SC. To ensure that these memory access pairs are not reordered, memory fences are inserted. Unfortunately, insertion of such memory fences can significantly slowdown the program. We observe that the ordering of the minimal set of memory accesses that the compiler strives to enforce, is typically already enforced in the normal course of program execution. A study we conducted on programs with compiler inserted memory fences shows that only 8% of the executed instances of the memory fences are really necessary to ensure SC. Motivated by this study we propose the conditional fence mechanism, known as C-Fence that utilizes compiler information to decide dynamically if there is a need to stall at each fence, only stalling when necessary. Our experiments with SPLASH-2 benchmarks show that, with C-Fences and a centralized active table, programs can be transformed to enforce SC incurring only 12% slowdown, as opposed to 43% slowdown using normal fence instructions. Our approach requires very little hardware support (<350 bytes of on-chip-storage) and it avoids the use of speculation and its associated costs. Furthermore, to ameliorate the contention in the centralized active table arising from the increasing number of processors, we also design a distributed active table, which further improves the performance of C-Fence for a larger number of processors.  相似文献   

Current and future processor generations are based on multicore architectures where the performance increase comes from an increasing number of cores on a chip. In order to utilize the performance potential of multicore architectures the programs also need to be parallel, but writing parallel programs is a non-trivial task. Transactional memory tries to ease parallel program development by providing atomic and isolated execution of code sequences, enabling software composability and protected access to shared data. In addition, transactional memory has the ability to execute atomic code sequences in parallel as long as no data conflicts occur. Transactional memory implementation proposals exist for both hardware and software, as well as hybrid solutions. This special issue on transactional memory introduces transactional memory as a concept, presents an overview of some of the most important approaches so far, and finally, includes five articles that advances the state-of-the-art in transactional memory research.  相似文献   

Modern programming languages often include complex mechanisms for dynamic memory allocation and garbage collection. These features drive the need for more efficient implementation of memory management functions, both in terms of memory usage and execution performance. In this paper, we introduce a software and hardware co-design to improve the speed of the software allocator used in free-BSD systems. The hardware complexity of our design is independent of the dynamic memory size, thus making the allocator suitable for any memory size. Our design improves the performance of memory management intensive benchmarks by as much as 43%. To oar knowledge, this is the first-ever work of this kind, introducing "hybrid memory allocator"  相似文献   

In conventional architectures, the central processing unit (CPU) spends a significant amount of execution time allocating and de-allocating memory. Efforts to improve memory management functions using custom allocators have led to only small improvements in performance. In this work, we test the feasibility of decoupling memory management functions from the main processing element to a separate memory management hardware. Such memory management hardware can reside on the same die as the CPU, in a memory controller or embedded within a DRAM chip. Using Simplescalar, we simulated our architecture and investigated the execution performance of various benchmarks selected from SPECInt2000, Olden and other memory intensive application suites.

Hardware allocator reduced the execution time of applications by as much as 50%. In fact, the decoupled hardware results in a performance improvement even when we assume that both the hardware and software memory allocators require the same number of cycles. We attribute much of this improved performance to improved cache behavior since decoupling memory management functions reduces cache pollution caused by dynamic memory management software. We anticipate that even higher levels of performance can be achieved by using innovative hardware and software optimizations. We do not show any specific implementation for the memory management hardware. This paper only investigates the potential performance gains that can result from a hardware allocator.  相似文献   

线程级推测(TLS)技术可挖掘程序并行执行潜能,提高多核资源利用率,但目前TACLeBench的内核基准仍未在TLS并行化中得到有效分析。针对该问题设计了循环级推测执行的剖析方案和剖析工具。选取7个代表性的TACLeBench内核基准程序,首先对程序进行初始化分析,选取程序热点片段插入循环标识;其次对这些片段进行交叉编译,记录程序推测线程与内存地址相关数据,剖析其循环级最大潜在并行性;最后综合探讨程序运行时的特征(线程粒度、可并行化覆盖率、依赖特征)以及源码对加速比的影响。实验结果表明:1)该类程序适合采用TLS加速,与串行执行结果相比,循环结构的推测执行下的大部分程序的加速比在2以上,其中最高加速比达到20.79;2)利用TLS加速TACLeBench内核程序时,多数应用可有效利用4核到16核的计算资源。  相似文献   

The increasing gap in performance between processors and main memory has made effective instructions prefetching techniques more important than ever. A major deficiency of existing prefetching methods is that most of them require an extra port to I-cache. A recent study by Rivers et al. [19] shows that this factor alone explains why most modern microprocessors do not use such hardware-based I-cache prefetch schemes. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we present a method that does not require an extra port to I-cache. Second, the performance improvement for our method is greater than the best competing method BHGP [23] even disregarding the improvement from not having an extra port. The three key features of our method that prevent the above deficiencies are as follows. First, late prefetching is prevented by correlating misses to dynamically preceding instructions. For example, if the I-cache miss latency is 12 cycles, then the instruction that was fetched 12 cycles prior to the miss is used as the prefetch trigger. Second, the miss history table is kept to a reasonable size by grouping contiguous cache misses together and associated them with one preceding instruction, and therefore, one table entry. Third, the extra I-cache port is avoided through efficient prefetch filtering methods. Experiments show that for our benchmarks, chosen for their poor I-cache performance, an average improvement of 9.2% in runtime is achieved versus the BHGP methods [23], while the hardware cost is also reduced. The improvement will be greater if the runtime impact of avoiding an extra port is considered. When compared to the original machine without prefetching, our method improves performance by about 35% for our benchmarks.  相似文献   

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