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Predicate abstraction has emerged to be a powerful technique for extracting finite-state models from infinite-state systems, and has been recently shown to enhance the effectiveness of the reachability computation techniques for hybrid systems. Given a hybrid system with linear dynamics and a set of linear predicates, the verifier performs an on-the-fly search of the finite discrete quotient whose states correspond to the truth assignments to the input predicates. The success of this approach depends on the choice of the predicates used for abstraction. In this paper, we focus on identifying these predicates automatically by analyzing spurious counterexamples generated by the search in the abstract state-space. We present the basic techniques for discovering new predicates that will rule out closely related spurious counterexamples, optimizations of these techniques, implementation of these in the verification tool, and case studies demonstrating the promise of the approach.  相似文献   

Combining search space partition and abstraction for LTL model checking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The state space explosion problem is still the key obstacle for applying model checking to systems of industrial size. Abstraction-based methods have been particularly successful in this regard. This paper presents an approach based on refinement of search space partition and abstraction which combines these two techniques for reducing the complexity of model checking. The refinement depends on the representation of each portion of search space. Especially, search space can be refined stepwise to get a better reduction. As reported in the case study, the integration of search space partition and abstraction improves the efficiency of verification with respect to the requirement of memory and obtains significant advantage over the use of each of them in isolation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a formal framework for verifying distributed embedded systems. An embedded system is described as a set of concurrent real time functions which communicate through a network of interconnected switches involving messages queues and routing services.In order to allow requirements verification, such a model is then translated into timed automata. However, the complexity inherent in distributed embedded systems often does not allow to apply model checking techniques. Consequently, the paper presents an abstraction-based verification method which consists in abstracting the communication network by end-to-end timed channels. To prove a given safety property φ requires then (1) to prove a set of proof obligations ensuring the correctness of the abstraction step (i.e. the end-to-end channels correctly abstract the network), and (2) to prove φ at the abstract level. The expected advantage of such a method lies in the ability to overcome the combinatorial explosion frequently met when verifying complex systems. This method is illustrated by an avionic case study.  相似文献   

The state space explosion problem is still the key obstacle for applying model checking to systems of industrial size.Abstraction-based methods have been particularly successful in this regard.This paper presents an approach based on refinement of search space partition and abstraction which combines these two techniques for reducing the complexity of model checking.The refinement depends on the representation of each portion of search space. Especially, search space can be refined stepwise to get a better reduction. As reported in the case study, the Integration of search space partition and abstraction improves the efficiencyof verification with respect to the requirement of memory and obtains significant advantage over the use of each of them in isolation.  相似文献   

The increased adoption of business process management approaches, tools, and practices has led organizations to accumulate large collections of business process models. These collections can easily include from a hundred to a thousand models, especially in the context of multinational corporations or as a result of organizational mergers and acquisitions. A concrete problem is thus how to maintain these large repositories in such a way that their complexity does not hamper their practical usefulness as a means to describe and communicate business operations. This paper proposes a technique to automatically infer suitable names for business process models and fragments thereof. This technique is useful for model abstraction scenarios, as for instance when user-specific views of a repository are required, or as part of a refactoring initiative aimed to simplify the repository's complexity. The technique is grounded in an adaptation of the theory of meaning to the realm of business process models. We implemented the technique in a prototype tool and conducted an extensive evaluation using three process model collections from practice and a case study involving process modelers with different experience.  相似文献   

The stochastic dynamics of biochemical reaction networks can be modeled using a number of succinct formalisms all of whose semantics are expressed as Continuous Time Markov Chains (CTMC). While some kinetic parameters for such models can be measured experimentally, most are estimated by either fitting to experimental data or by performing ad hoc, and often manual search procedures. We consider an alternative strategy to the problem, and introduce algorithms for automatically synthesizing the set of all kinetic parameters such that the model satisfies a given high-level behavioral specification. Our algorithms, which integrate statistical model checking and abstraction refinement, can also report the infeasibility of the model if no such combination of parameters exists. Behavioral specifications can be given in any finitely monitorable logic for stochastic systems, including the probabilistic and bounded fragments of linear and metric temporal logics. The correctness of our algorithms is established using a novel combination of arguments based on survey sampling and uniform continuity. We prove that the probability of a measurable set of paths is uniformly and jointly continuous with respect to the kinetic parameters. Under a suitable technical condition, we also show that the unbiased statistical estimator for the probability of a measurable set of paths is monotonic in the parameter space. We apply our algorithms to two benchmark models of biochemical signaling, and demonstrate that they can efficiently find parameter regimes satisfying a given high-level behavioral specification. In particular, we show that our algorithms can synthesize up to 6 parameters, simultaneously, which is more than that reported by any other synthesis algorithm for stochastic systems. Moreover, when parameter estimation is desired, as opposed to synthesis, we show that our approach can scale to even higher dimensional spaces, by identifying the single parameter combination that maximizes the probability of the behavior being true in an 11-dimensional system.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an approach for supporting the semi-automated architectural abstraction of architectural models throughout the software life-cycle. It addresses the problem that the design and implementation of a software system often drift apart as software systems evolve, leading to architectural knowledge evaporation. Our approach provides concepts and tool support for the semi-automatic abstraction of architecture component and connector views from implemented systems and keeping the abstracted architecture models up-to-date during software evolution. In particular, we propose architecture abstraction concepts that are supported through a domain-specific language (DSL). Our main focus is on providing architectural abstraction specifications in the DSL that only need to be changed, if the architecture changes, but can tolerate non-architectural changes in the underlying source code. Once the software architect has defined an architectural abstraction in the DSL, we can automatically generate architectural component views from the source code using model-driven development (MDD) techniques and check whether architectural design constraints are fulfilled by these models. Our approach supports the automatic generation of traceability links between source code elements and architectural abstractions using MDD techniques to enable software architects to easily link between components and the source code elements that realize them. It enables software architects to compare different versions of the generated architectural component view with each other. We evaluate our research results by studying the evolution of architectural abstractions in different consecutive versions of five open source systems and by analyzing the performance of our approach in these cases.  相似文献   

Boolean and Cartesian abstraction for model checking C programs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We show how to attack the problem of model checking a C program with recursive procedures using an abstraction that we formally define as the composition of the Boolean and the Cartesian abstractions. It is implemented through a source-to-source transformation into a Boolean C program; we give an algorithm to compute the transformation with a cost that is exponential in its theoretical worst-case complexity but feasible in practice.  相似文献   

Model checking LTL with regular valuations for pushdown systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent works have proposed pushdown systems as a tool for analyzing programs with (recursive) procedures, and the model-checking problem for LTL has received special attention. However, all these works impose a strong restriction on the possible valuations of atomic propositions: whether a configuration of the pushdown system satisfies an atomic proposition or not can only depend on the current control state of the pushdown automaton and on its topmost stack symbol. In this paper we consider LTL with regular valuations: the set of configurations satisfying an atomic proposition can be an arbitrary regular language. The model-checking problem is solved via two different techniques, with an eye on efficiency. The resulting algorithms are polynomial in certain measures of the problem which are usually small, but can be exponential in the size of the problem instance. However, we show that this exponential blowup is inevitable. The extension to regular valuations allows to model problems in different areas; for instance, we show an application to the analysis of systems with checkpoints. We claim that our model-checking algorithms provide a general, unifying and efficient framework for solving them.  相似文献   

High-performance hardware designs often intersperse combinational logic freely between level-sensitive latch layers (wherein each layer is transparent during only one clock phase), rather than utilizing master-slave latch pairs with no combinational logic between. While such designs may generally achieve much faster clock speeds, this design style poses a challenge to verification. In particular, unless the k-phase netlist N is abstracted to a full-cycle register-based netlist N, verification of N requires k times (or greater) as many state variables as would be necessary to obtain equivalent verification of N. We present algorithms to automatically identify and abstract k-phase netlists—i.e., to perform phase abstraction—by selectively eliminating latches. The abstraction is valid for model checking CTL* formulae which reason solely about latches of a single phase. This algorithm has been implemented in the model checker RuleBase, and used to enhance the model checking of IBM's Gigahertz Processor, which would not have been feasible otherwise due to computational constraints. This abstraction has furthermore allowed verification engineers to write properties and environments more efficiently.  相似文献   

The design of complex inter-enterprise business processes (IEBP) is generally performed in a modular way. Each process is designed separately and then the whole IEBP is obtained by composition. Even if such a modular approach is intuitive and facilitates the design problem, it poses the problem that correct behavior of each business process of the IEBP taken alone does not guarantee a correct behavior of the composed IEBP (i.e. properties are not preserved by composition). Proving correctness of the (unknown) composed process is strongly related to the model checking problem of a system model. Among others, the symbolic observation graph based approach has proven to be very helpful for efficient model checking in general. Since it is heavily based on abstraction techniques and thus hides detailed information about system components that are not relevant for the correctness decision, it is promising to transfer this concept to the problem raised in this paper: How can the symbolic observation graph technique be adapted and employed for process composition? Answering this question is the aim of this paper.  相似文献   

并行网络模拟是研究网络的一个重要方法,由于有限的硬件资源的限制,无法完成大规模的网络模拟。提高模拟的抽象度是一种减少资源、提高模拟性能的好方法,它的基本思想是精简网络模拟模型。为了提高并行网络模拟的规模,本文提出一种简化拓扑算法,该算法抽象了拓扑中的所有主机和部分路由器,提高了并行网络模拟的性能。  相似文献   

A framework for knowledge-based temporal abstraction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Artificial Intelligence》1997,90(1-2):79-133
A new domain-independent knowledge-based inference structure is presented, specific to the task of abstracting higher-level concepts from time-stamped data. The framework includes a model of time, parameters, events and contexts. A formal specification of a domain's temporal abstraction knowledge supports acquisition, maintenance, reuse and sharing of that knowledge.

The knowledge-based temporal abstraction method decomposes the temporal abstraction task into five subtasks. These subtasks are solved by five domain-independent temporal abstraction mechanisms. The temporal abstraction mechanisms depend on four domain-specific knowledge types: structural, classification (functional), temporal semantic (logical) and temporal dynamic (probabilistic) knowledge. Domain values for all knowledge types are specified when a temporal abstraction system is developed.

The knowledge-based temporal abstraction method has been implemented in the RÉSUMÉ system and has been evaluated in several clinical domains (protocol-based care, monitoring of children's growth and therapy of diabetes) and in an engineering domain (monitoring of traffic control), with encouraging results.  相似文献   

In this work we present a verification methodology for real-time distributed systems, based on their modular decomposition into processes. Given a distributed system, each of its components is reduced by abstracting away from details that are irrelevant for the required specification. The abstract components are then composed to form an abstract system to which a model checking procedure is applied. The abstraction relation and the specification language guarantee that if the abstract system satisfies a specification, then the original system satisfies it as well.The specification languageRTL is a branching-time version of the real-time temporal logicTPTL presented in Alur and Henzinger [1]. Its model checking is linear in the size of the system and exponential in the size of the formula. Two notions of abstraction for real-time systems are introduced, each preserving a sublanguage ofRTL.  相似文献   

This paper presents a software model checking algorithm that combats state explosion by decomposing each thread's execution into a sequence of transactions that execute atomically. Our algorithm infers transactions using the theory of reduction, and supports both left and right movers, thus yielding larger transactions and fewer context switches than previous methods. Our approach uses access predicates to support a wide variety of synchronization mechanisms. In addition, we automatically infer these predicates for programs that use lock-based synchronization.  相似文献   

Work domain analysis (WDA) is used to model the functional structure of sociotechnical systems (STS) through the abstraction hierarchy (AH). By identifying objects, processes, functions and measures that support system purposes, WDA reveals constraints within the system. Traditionally, the AH describes system elements at the lowest level of abstraction as physical objects. Multiple analyses of complex systems reveal that many include objects that exist only at a conceptual level. This paper argues that, by extending the AH to include cognitive objects, the analytical power of WDA is extended, and novel areas of application are enabled. Three case studies are used to demonstrate the role that cognitive objects play within STS. It is concluded that cognitive objects are a valid construct that offer a significant enhancement of WDA and enable its application to some of the world’s most pressing problems. Implications for future applications of WDA and the AH are discussed.

Practitioner summary: Some sociotechnical systems include memes as part of their functional structure. Three case studies were used to evaluate the utility of introducing cognitive objects alongside physical ones in work domain analysis, the first phase of cognitive work analysis. Including cognitive objects increases the scope and accuracy of work domain analysis.  相似文献   

We describe how CSP-OZ, a formal method combining the process algebra CSP with the specification language Object-Z, can be integrated into an object-oriented software engineering process employing the UML as a modelling and Java as an implementation language. The benefit of this integration lies in the rigour of the formal method, which improves the precision of the constructed models and opens up the possibility of (1) verifying properties of models in the early design phases, and (2) checking adherence of implementations to models. The envisaged application area of our approach is the design of distributed reactive systems. To this end, we propose a specific UML profile for reactive systems. The profile contains facilities for modelling components, their interfaces and interconnections via synchronous/broadcast communication, and the overall architecture of a system. The integration with the formal method proceeds by generating a significant part of the CSP-OZ specification from the initially developed UML model. The formal specification is on the one hand the starting point for verifying properties of the model, for instance by using the FDR model checker. On the other hand, it is the basis for generating contracts for the final implementation. Contracts are written in the Java Modeling Language (JML) complemented by CSPjassda, an assertion language for specifying orderings between method invocations. A set of tools for runtime checking can be used to supervise the adherence of the final Java implementation to the generated contracts. This research was partially supported by the DFG project ForMooS (grants OL 98/3-2 and WE 2290/5-1). C. B. Jones  相似文献   

We consider a finitary procedural programming language (finite data-types, no recursion) extended with parallel composition and binary semaphores. Having first shown that may-equivalence of second-order open terms is undecidable we set out to find a framework in which decidability can be regained with minimum loss of expressivity. To that end we define an annotated type system that controls the number of concurrent threads created by terms and give a fully abstract game semantics for the notion of equivalence induced by typable terms and contexts. Finally, we show that the semantics of all typable terms, at any order and in the presence of iteration, has a regular-language representation and thus the restricted observational equivalence is decidable.  相似文献   

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