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1960年以来,法国机动性发生了巨大变化。每人出行里程的增加值数倍于1950年之前所观测的增长数。这些变化聚焦于人们的出行行为,并通过调查可以观察得到,同时,这些变化也致力阐明演变机制中的个人意愿和责任。另一方面,聚焦于个人行为并不意味着人们是这一变化的主要决定者。政治立场、社会代表性、与城市化节奏相关的需求、投资政策等等,对形成今天的机动性都起到了关键作用。本文将所谓的"需求方"和"供给方"整合于同一视角,我们将首先描述1960年和2000年机动性系统的统计特征,然后将其划分为三个时期。针对每一个时期,集中讨论三个问题:居民的观念和需求、决策者对形势的理解、机动性领域向研究者提出的问题。然后我们聚焦于法兰西岛地区,一个拥有1200万人口的大都市区域。  相似文献   

城市机动性--城市研究的新概念框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对城市中日常出行和交通运输问题的认识,正在摆脱工程师的技术观念束缚,成为社会科学的一项研究内容.社会学、地理学、心理学、经济学等多学科的研究方法催生了一个新的概念:城市机动性.城市的交通出行不仅是一个技术问题,而且是一个社会问题.对这一问题应当通过人们的城市生活方式,在空间中的表现,环境导向认知等方面进行研究.城市机动性的概念促使城市研究学者采用一个更加整体和系统化的方法来对待交通问题:城市交通不能脱离技术条件的支持(交通运输)、城市社会活动的组织(布局结构)、城市居民的日常活动(城市社会活动),空间质量(城市景观)以及城市决策者的管理措施(城市政策).城市机动性因此提供了一个概念性的框架.在此基础上可以发展建立新的概念与认识,如"交互的机动性"和"多类型的机动性"的概念.  相似文献   

未来20年的城市机动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从机动性强度、出行的动机和频率、交通方式以及在机动性的空间分配4个方面的发展演变出发,拟对未来20年的城市机动性特征做出简要的展望.虽然这一研究主要基于法国的调查,但笔者认为其主要特征可以作为欧洲各城市的基本参照.  相似文献   

本文由五个部分组成.首先,文章简单描述1960年和2000年法国的交通系统的状况,通过对比显示其巨大变化.在第二和第三部分,分前期阶段(1960-1973年)和后期阶段(1973-2000年)来说明交通系统的大规模演变并对当前的形势做出评估.在第四部分对各种交通模式的使用做出一个评论性的总结.最后,第五部分总结在法国开展了 30多年的城市机动性研究所取得的经验认识.  相似文献   

巴西可持续城市机动性政策的实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巴西联邦政府于2003年设立了城市部并组建"交通和城市机动性国家委员会"(SeMob)负责在全国范围制订和落实"可持续的城市机动性"政策.作为该政策的两位主管官员,对这一政策的产生背景、具体目标和内容、基本原则以及评估和展望作了详细介绍.  相似文献   

1960-2000年法国的城市机动性、城市规划与城市发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文由五个部分组成。首先,文章简单描述1960年和2000年法国的交通系统的状况,通过对此显示其巨大变化。在第二和第三部分,分前期阶段(1960-1973年)和后期阶段(1973—2000年)来说明交通系统的大规模演变并对当前的形势做出评估。在第四部分对各种交通模式的使用做出一个评论性的总结。最后,第五部分总结在法国开展了30多年的城市机动性研究所取得的经验认识。  相似文献   

当前城市交通的人性化越来越受到公共政策和社会公众的关注,但是既有的相关研究对什么是人性化和为什么要人性化这两个基本问题并没有作出明确和全面的回答,对核心概念的把握不足往往造成一些认识偏差,也影响到具体实践中人性化措施的实施效果。研究在借鉴欧洲城市交通社会学界围绕"城市机动性"概念的相关讨论的基础上,尝试从交通方式、交通环境和交通出行权三个方面认识城市人性化交通建设的各方面要求,构建影响城市交通人性化的要素框架,并从这三个方面分别对小汽车交通、非机动交通和公共交通这三大城市交通方式如何提高人性化提出策略及建议。  相似文献   

城市机动性是一个全新的复合概念所谓"城市机动性"可以认为是反映一座城市满足其所有居民不同出行需求能力的指标。与传统的城市交通概念不同,它是一个更加复合的概念,既是由作为交通主体的  相似文献   

本文首先分析了城市机动性与城市发展的关系,指出城市机动性的改善是促进城市发展的客观需要.在过去的20多年间我国城市机动性的改善主要是通过超常规的高强度的投入,侧重于物质环境的建设,特别是高等级道路的建设.城市道路交通的物质环境建设取得了很大成就,但城市机动性的改善远未实现预期目标,这在高峰时期表现得尤为突出.本文通过对中国城市机动性20年发展主要特点的回顾,为未来的发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

机动性是城市活力的根本来源之一。历史上城市机动性有两次主要范式的转换,其一是从原始交通方式向电气化轨道交通转移,其二是私家车的崛起。后者虽然满足了城市出行需要,却带来负面影响,变得不可持续。正在涌现的新范式,即在信息技术支撑下以共享出行取代私家车,既支撑大范围个性化的出行需求,又提升整体运行效率。以范式转换为视角引介共享机动性的概念、类型和重要意义,重点介绍了国际上前沿议题和研究进展,讨论了共享范式下的规划响应和协作治理。认为,共享机动性是以公共部门为主导,公众和相关企业为主要参与者,以高校科研机构等为支撑的协作治理模式。提出应追求出行更高效、社会更公平、环境更友好的“可持续范式转换”,努力寻求共识行动,促进理想范式的真正到来。  相似文献   

This paper considers the nature and extent of housing mobility for a specific population of 'nuclear family' owner occupiers. The aim is to explore what is a frequently overlooked dimension of housing-related disadvantage.It is suggested that the concept of disadvantage would be rendered more meaningful if it were extended to take account of differential opportunities and constraints within as well as between a variety of household employment structures. The ways in which households generate and reproduce gender divisions of labour represent a synthesis of the negotiation of home, work and family life and, consequently, access to and sustainability of particular streams of housing amenity and resources. Moreover, when household employment structure is recognised as a key determinant of housing mobility it can be appreciated that processes which underpin the 'flow' of household structure also serve to reinforce significant cleavages between households. This relationship, between relative housing mobility and different household employment structures, is described in terms of observations from two sets of complementary micro-data from the Census of Population.  相似文献   

This study uses administrative records for the state of Wisconsin as well as Zillow Real Estate data on median house values to examine the associations between the regularity of child support receipt on moves and changes in housing values following moves. Our sample consists of 13 329 custodial mothers with new orders from 2002 to 2006. Across several measures of child support and specifications of moves, regular receipt is negatively associated with any moves and with more than one move a year, holding constant the value of the child support received. In models examining associations between regularity and changes in housing quality after a move, an additional month of child support within 25 per cent of the order amount is associated with an $890 increase in housing value. These results imply that policy-makers concerned with housing stability consider both the regularity and absolute value of child support when considering family well-being.  相似文献   

韩彦  黄燚  钟鹏 《时代建筑》2003,(2):99-100
运动中的城市这一课题来自荷兰梅卡诺建筑事务所(Mecanoo Archtecten)对2003年鹿特丹建筑双年展(InternationaI ArChitecture Blennaie Rotterdam)主题的策划,课题的研究对象是汽车交通对城市空间的影响.研究成果为图表化的调研内容以及基于调研的城市设计。  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government is involved deeply in the housing market. It provides public rental blocks as well as subsidised housing for sale. Government intervention has created various institutional factors in the form of relocation restrictions and subsidies. Little research has been done in the past to address how mobility is affected by institutional factors, in terms of the unique tenure structure in Hong Kong. This research aims to bridge this gap. It is found that government policy has a significant effect on the mobility of households, in particular the public rental sector. Further, the patterns of tenure choice are significantly different for households of public and private sectors. There are signs that the government is intending to minimise its role in the housing system. The suspension of the HOS programme together with the cancellation of loan subsidies could further restrain the mobility of public sector households. Institutionally induced spatial lock-in among public sector households will be aggravated in the near future. It is recommended that the loan scheme should be reinstated to provide an alternative and incentive for the households in the public sector to relocate and return their flats to the Housing Authority. This can help relieve the financial pressure in the face of a budget deficit because loan subsidies are more cost effective than subsidies in kind.  相似文献   

Mobility analysis is described as a technique more useful in small area demography than traditional methods which rely on concepts of natural increase and net migration. The proposed model relates to observations that in the absence of new housing construction, local populations are likely to decrease. The advantages of traditional analysis in dealing with development of age distributions are preserved.  相似文献   

可持续城市移动性规划是全球城市解 决城市交通污染问题,应对全球气候变化,实 现城市可持续发展的重要战略之一。移动性调 查是制定城市可持续移动性规划的重要数据及 基础。本研究首先对移动性和交通概念和区别 进行了辨析与讨论,并进一步解析了可持续移 动性概念。其后,以德国为例,对比分析其2002 年、2008年和2017年三次的移动性调查内容的 差异与更新。继而,在概述德国可持续移动性 规划的政策发展基础上,以具有高品质城市生 活质量的三个代表城市慕尼黑、杜塞尔多夫和 法兰克福为例,简述了三个城市的移动性战略 规划,并比较了城市移动性规划的改善成果。最 后,重点探讨了德国汉堡市的移动性调查与可持 续移动性规划。该研究显示德国通过定期、系 统的全国移动性调查,为德国各城市制定可持 续移动性战略规划提供了重要的基础数据信息 和指导方向,德国各城市开展的可持续城市移动 性规划策略,呈现出显著的数字化时代、全民化和生态化的特征。该研究将为我国城市开展科学与系统的移动性调查,制定符合我国国情的可持 续城市移动性战略规划提供可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, John Kain's theory of spatial mismatch has influenced policy responses to the poor employment prospects of low-income and minority residents of inner cities by aiming to connect them with suburban jobs. My literature review examines this policy legacy using what we now know about disadvantaged jobseekers' employment searches. Recent evaluations of poverty deconcentration and employment accessibility programs show that these programs have failed to improve employment outcomes significantly. However, using evidence from studies of job search and job training programs, I show that local activity patterns do shape employment chances. Planners trying to improve employment outcomes for the disadvantaged should focus on policies that will provide them with opportunities to interact with a diverse social network and meet workforce intermediaries capable of linking them with jobs.  相似文献   

Policy initiatives in remote Indigenous Australia aim to improve Indigenous health and well-being, and reduce homelessness. But they have raised controversy because they impinge on Indigenous aspirations to remain on homeland communities, require mainstreaming of Indigenous housing and transfer Indigenous land to the state. This paper uses recognition theory to argue that if policies of normalization are imposed on remote living Indigenous people in ways that take insufficient account of their cultural realities they may be experienced as a form of misrecognition and have detrimental policy effects. The paper examines the responses of remote living Indigenous people to the National Partnerships at the time of their introduction in 2009–2010. Drawing on interview and administrative data from a national study on Indigenous population mobility, the paper argues although the policies have been welcomed, they have also been a source of anxiety and anger. These feelings are associated with a sense of violated justice arising from experiences of misrecognition. The paper argues this can lead tenants to depart their homes as a culturally sanctioned form of resistance to state control. This population mobility is associated with homelessness because it takes place in the context of housing exclusion. Policy implications include developing new models of intercultural professional practice and employing a capacity-building approach to local Indigenous organisations.  相似文献   

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