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The purpose of this research was to study various fusion strategies where the levels of correlation between features and auto-correlation within features could be controlled. The fusion strategies were chosen to reflect decision-level fusion (ISOC and ROC), feature level fusion, via a single Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN) employing all available features, and an intermediate level of fusion that employed the outputs of individual classifiers, in this case posterior probability estimates, before they are subjected to thresholds and mapped into decisions. This latter scheme involved fusing the posterior probability estimates by employing them as features in a probabilistic neural network. Correlation was injected into the data set both within a feature set (auto-correlation) and across feature sets, and sample size was varied for a two class problem. The fusion methods were then extended to three classifiers, and a method is demonstrated that selects the optimal classifier ensemble.  相似文献   

目的 针对深度学习严重依赖大样本的问题,提出多源域混淆的双流深度迁移学习方法,提升了传统深度迁移学习中迁移特征的适用性。方法 采用多源域的迁移策略,增大源域对目标域迁移特征的覆盖率。提出两阶段适配学习的方法,获得域不变的深层特征表示和域间分类器相似的识别结果,将自然光图像2维特征和深度图像3维特征进行融合,提高小样本数据特征维度的同时抑制了复杂背景对目标识别的干扰。此外,为改善小样本机器学习中分类器的识别性能,在传统的softmax损失中引入中心损失,增强分类损失函数的惩罚监督能力。结果 在公开的少量手势样本数据集上进行对比实验,结果表明,相对于传统的识别模型和迁移模型,基于本文模型进行识别准确率更高,在以DenseNet-169为预训练网络的模型中,识别率达到了97.17%。结论 利用多源域数据集、两阶段适配学习、双流卷积融合以及复合损失函数,构建了多源域混淆的双流深度迁移学习模型。所提模型可增大源域和目标域的数据分布匹配率、丰富目标样本特征维度、提升损失函数的监督性能,改进任意小样本场景迁移特征的适用性。  相似文献   

针对分类器的构建,在保证基分类器准确率和差异度的基础上,提出了采用差异性度量特征选择的多分类器融合算法(multi-classifier fusion algorithm based on diversity measure for feature selection,MFA-DMFS)。该算法的基本思想是在原始特征集中采用Relief特征评估结果按权值大小选择特征,构造特征子集,通过精调使各特征子集间满足一定的差异性,从而构建最优的基分类器。MFA-DMFS不但能提高基分类器的准确率,而且保持基分类器间的差异,克服差异性和平均准确率之间存在的相互制约,并实现这两方面的平衡。在UCI数据集上与基于Bagging、Boosting算法的多分类器融合系统进行了对比实验,实验结果表明,该算法在准确率和运行速度方面优于Bagging和Boosting算法,此外在图像数据集上的检索实验也取得了较好的分类效果。  相似文献   

为提高手势识别中特征获取的有效性,本文提出空域特征与对偶树复小波变换特征相结合的融合特征,主要包括水平位置、竖直位置、长宽比、矩形度、Hu矩7个分量,及11维空域特征与对偶树复小波变换的16维特征进行融合后得到的27维特征。针对分类器优化算法,提出进行训练样本优选的最优距离-支持向量机(BD-SVM)分类方法。最后的实验结果表明,对“1~9”手势进行测试,当采用径向基核函数时,平均识别精度最高,为90.33%,平均识别时间为0.026 s,说明所提出的方法能够较好地进行静态手势识别,具有较高的训练速度和辨识精度。  相似文献   

针对动态复杂场景下的操作动作识别,提出一种基于手势特征融合的动作识别框架,该框架主要包含RGB视频特征提取模块、手势特征提取模块与动作分类模块。其中RGB视频特征提取模块主要使用I3D网络提取RGB视频的时间和空间特征;手势特征提取模块利用Mask R-CNN网络提取操作者手势特征;动作分类模块融合上述特征,并输入到分类器中进行分类。在EPIC-Kitchens数据集上,提出的方法识别抓取手势的准确性高达89.63%,识别综合动作的准确度达到了74.67%。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of handwritten digit recognition on well-known image databases using state-of-the-art feature extraction and classification techniques. The tested databases are CENPARMI, CEDAR, and MNIST. On the test data set of each database, 80 recognition accuracies are given by combining eight classifiers with ten feature vectors. The features include chaincode feature, gradient feature, profile structure feature, and peripheral direction contributivity. The gradient feature is extracted from either binary image or gray-scale image. The classifiers include the k-nearest neighbor classifier, three neural classifiers, a learning vector quantization classifier, a discriminative learning quadratic discriminant function (DLQDF) classifier, and two support vector classifiers (SVCs). All the classifiers and feature vectors give high recognition accuracies. Relatively, the chaincode feature and the gradient feature show advantage over other features, and the profile structure feature shows efficiency as a complementary feature. The SVC with RBF kernel (SVC-rbf) gives the highest accuracy in most cases but is extremely expensive in storage and computation. Among the non-SV classifiers, the polynomial classifier and DLQDF give the highest accuracies. The results of non-SV classifiers are competitive to the best ones previously reported on the same databases.  相似文献   

Consider learning tasks where the precision requirement is very high, for example a 99 % precision requirement for a video classification application. We report that when very different sources of evidence such as text, audio, and video features are available, combining the outputs of base classifiers trained on each feature type separately, aka late fusion, can substantially increase the recall of the combination at high precisions, compared to the performance of a single classifier trained on all the feature types, i.e., early fusion, or compared to the individual base classifiers. We show how the probability of a joint false-positive mistake can be less—in some cases significantly less—than the product of individual probabilities of conditional false-positive mistakes (a NoisyOR combination). Our analysis highlights a simple key criterion for this boosted precision phenomenon and justifies referring to such feature families as (nearly) independent. We assess the relevant factors for achieving high precision empirically, and explore combination techniques informed by the analysis.  相似文献   

通过改进基于Haar-like特征和Adaboost的级联分类器,提出一种融合Haar-like特征和HOG特征的道路车辆检测方法。在传统级联分类器的Harr-like特征基础上引入HOG特征;为Haar-like特征和HOG特征分别设计不同形式的弱分类器,对每一个特征进行弱分类器的训练,用Gentle Adaboost算法代替Discrete Adaboost算法进行强分类器的训练;在级联分类器的最后几层上使用Adaboost算法挑选出来的特征组成特征向量训练SVM分类器。实验结果表明所提出的方法能有效检测道路车辆。  相似文献   

为解决卷积神经网络提取特征遗漏、手势多特征提取不充分问题,本文提出基于残差双注意力与跨级特征融合模块的静态手势识别方法.设计了一种残差双注意力模块,该模块对ResNet50网络提取的低层特征进行增强,能够有效学习关键信息并更新权重,提高对高层特征的注意力,然后由跨级特征融合模块对不同阶段的高低层特征进行融合,丰富高级特征图中不同层级之间的语义和位置信息,最后使用全连接层的Softmax分类器对手势图像进行分类识别.本文在ASL美国手语数据集上进行实验,平均准确率为99.68%,相比基础ResNet50网络准确率提升2.52%.结果验证本文方法能充分提取与复用手势特征,有效提高手势图像的识别精度.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach for recognizing pointing gestures in the context of human–robot interaction. In order to obtain input features for gesture recognition, we perform visual tracking of head, hands and head orientation. Given the images provided by a calibrated stereo camera, color and disparity information are integrated into a multi-hypothesis tracking framework in order to find the 3D-positions of the respective body parts. Based on the hands’ motion, an HMM-based classifier is trained to detect pointing gestures. We show experimentally that the gesture recognition performance can be improved significantly by using information about head orientation as an additional feature. Our system aims at applications in the field of human–robot interaction, where it is important to do run-on recognition in real-time, to allow for robot egomotion and not to rely on manual initialization.  相似文献   

Recently, in the context of appearance-based face detection, it has been shown by Mita et al. that weak classifiers based on co-occurring, or multiple, Haar-like features provide better speed-accuracy trade-off than the widely used Viola and Jones’s weak classifiers, which use only a single Haar-like feature. In this paper, we extend Mita et al.’s work by proposing Gaussian weak classifiers that fuse information obtained from the co-occurring features at the feature level, and are potentially more discriminative. Experimental results, on the standard MIT+CMU test images, show that the face detectors built using Gaussian weak classifiers achieve up to 38 % more accuracy in terms of false positives and 42 % decrease in testing time when compared to the detectors built using Mita et al.’s weak classifiers.  相似文献   

为了提高现有基于智能手机加速度传感器步态身份识别的性能,提出了一种基于多分类器融合(MCF)的识别方法。首先,针对现有方法所提取的步态特征较为单一的问题,对单个步态周期提取相对匀变加速度的速度变化量,以及单位时间内加速度变化量作为两类新特征(共16个);其次,将新特征结合常用的时域、频域特征组成新的特征集,用于训练识别效果与训练时间俱佳的多个分类器;最后,采用多尺度投票法(MSV)对多分类器的输出进行融合处理,得到最终的分类结果。为了检测该方法的性能,采集了32个志愿者的步态数据。实验结果表明,新特征对于单个分类器的识别率平均提升5.95个百分点,最终通过MSV融合算法的识别率为97.78%。  相似文献   

Automatic feature generation for handwritten digit recognition   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
An automatic feature generation method for handwritten digit recognition is described. Two different evaluation measures, orthogonality and information, are used to guide the search for features. The features are used in a backpropagation trained neural network. Classification rates compare favorably with results published in a survey of high-performance handwritten digit recognition systems. This classifier is combined with several other high performance classifiers. Recognition rates of around 98% are obtained using two classifiers on a test set with 1000 digits per class  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a feature normalization method for speaker-independent speech emotion recognition. The performance of a speech emotion classifier largely depends on the training data, and a large number of unknown speakers may cause a great challenge. To address this problem, first, we extract and analyse 481 basic acoustic features. Second, we use principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis jointly to construct the speaker-sensitive feature space. Third, we classify the emotional utterances into pseudo-speaker groups in the speaker-sensitive feature space by using fuzzy k-means clustering. Finally, we normalize the original basic acoustic features of each utterance based on its group information. To verify our normalization algorithm, we adopt a Gaussian mixture model based classifier for recognition test. The experimental results show that our normalization algorithm is effective on our locally collected database, as well as on the eNTERFACE’05 Audio-Visual Emotion Database. The emotional features achieved using our method are robust to the speaker change, and an improved recognition rate is observed.  相似文献   

通过分析维吾尔文字母自身的结构和书写特点,提出一种联机手写维吾尔文字母识别方案,并选择在手写汉字识别技术中所提出来的归一化、特征提取及常用的分类方法,从中找出最佳的技术选择。在实验对比中,采用8种不同的归一化预处理方法,基于坐标归一化的特征提取 (NCFE) 方法,以及改进的二次分类函数(MQDF)、判别学习型二次判别函数(DLQDF)、学习矢量量化(LVQ)、支持向量机(SVM)4种分类器。同时,再考虑字符在文档中的空间几何特征,进一步提高识别性能。在128个维吾尔文字母类别、38 400个测试样本的实验中,正确识别率最高达89。08%,为进一步研究面向维吾尔文字母特性的识别技术奠定重要基础。  相似文献   

为了使手势识别在更多的领域得到推广及应用,提出了基于Leap Motion体感设备实时跟踪技术获取手势三维空间坐标信息的方法,并从中分别提取角度信息和相对坐标信息,构建手势特征数据,建立手势识别模型.对特征数据进行归一化处理后,利用支持向量机(SVM)分类器进行训练、建模和分类,实现手势识别.实验结果表明:以角度数据和坐标数据作为手势特征的方法可行,平均识别率分别为96.6%和91.8%.通过对比可以得出:以角度数据作为特征值具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性,并避免了单纯依照一种特征值产生的局限性.  相似文献   

To make human–computer interaction more naturally and friendly, computers must enjoy the ability to understand human’s affective states the same way as human does. There are many modals such as face, body gesture and speech that people use to express their feelings. In this study, we simulate human perception of emotion through combining emotion-related information using facial expression and speech. Speech emotion recognition system is based on prosody features, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (a representation of the short-term power spectrum of a sound) and facial expression recognition based on integrated time motion image and quantized image matrix, which can be seen as an extension to temporal templates. Experimental results showed that using the hybrid features and decision-level fusion improves the outcome of unimodal systems. This method can improve the recognition rate by about 15 % with respect to the speech unimodal system and by about 30 % with respect to the facial expression system. By using the proposed multi-classifier system that is an improved hybrid system, recognition rate would increase up to 7.5 % over the hybrid features and decision-level fusion with RBF, up to 22.7 % over the speech-based system and up to 38 % over the facial expression-based system.  相似文献   

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