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The fluidization characteristics of anthraquinone hydrogenation catalysts were investigated in a liquid–solid fluidized bed. The effects of the initial bed conditions such as particle size, bed depth‐to‐column diameter ratio and liquid density and viscosity on the fluidization behaviour, bed expansion and applicability of the Richardson–Zaki equation were studied. The results reveal a strong particle size effect on the Richardson–Zaki (R‐Z) expansion index which in general decreased as the particle diameter increased. One type of particles exhibited two distinct bed expansion behaviours, depending mainly on the bed depth‐to‐column diameter ratio, with an experimentally established boundary at . This behaviour could be attributed to increasing wall friction and a tendency to exhibit slugging. The dependence of the Richardson–Zaki exponent on the liquid dynamic viscosity confirms the classic result .  相似文献   

The redistribution of solids in a counter‐current circulating fluidized bed (CFB) by effect of ring‐type internals was investigated in a downscaled cold‐flow model. The system consists of two interconnected CFB reactors, in which the primary reactor operates like a common riser while the secondary reactor operates in counter‐current. The unit works without circulation rate control devices and the inventory splits inherently between the two reactors by pressure balance and depending on the fluidization velocities. Previous studies showed an increment in the total pressure drop in the secondary reactor as result of the internals installation. With the purpose of obtaining comparable inventory in the secondary reactor with and without rings, a device for adjustment of total inventory was designed and installed. Effects of the aperture ratio, number of rings, fluidization velocity, and particles circulation rate were studied. The results obtained approach a guideline for the detailed design of similar configurations. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 3612–3623, 2013  相似文献   

Experiments show that the minimum fluidization velocity of particles increases as the diameter of the fluidization column is reduced, or if the height of the bed is increased. These trends are shown to be due to the influence of the wall. A new, semicorrelated model is proposed, which incorporates Janssen's wall effects in the calculation of the minimum fluidization velocity. The wall friction opposes not only the bed weight but also the drag force acting on the particles during fluidization. The enhanced wall friction leads to an increase in the minimum fluidization velocity. The model predictions compare favorably to existing correlations and experimental data. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

流化床内介质主要流化特性参数的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用6种不同粒度的磁铁矿粉作为加重质研究流化床的流化特性。研究表明,随着颗粒平均粒径的减小,床层表面的气泡尺寸明显减小,适宜分选的气速可调范围变宽,有利于流化床分选的进行,为确定最佳的分选条件提供了依据。  相似文献   

The numerical simulations and experimental data of bed hydrodynamics in a conical fluidized bed unit are compared. Experimental studies have been carried out in a bed containing TiO2 particles belonging to A/C boundary of Geldart's classification with a wide particle‐size distribution. Thus, pressure measurements and an optical fiber technique allowed determining the effect of static bed height on the fluidization characteristics of micronic particles. Numerical simulations have then been performed to evaluate the sensitivity of gas‐solids drag models. The Eulerian multiphase model has been used with different drag models and three boundary conditions (BC) consisting of no‐slip, partial‐slip, and free‐slip. The numerical predictions using the Gidaspow drag model and partial‐slip BC agreed reasonably well with the experimental bed pressure drop measurements. The simulation results obtained for bed expansion ratio show that the Gidaspow model with the free‐slip BC best fit with the experimental data. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012  相似文献   

The new dust removal technical route using the carbon-granular bed filter,packed of carbon particles with appropriate grade derive from an online-process vibration sieve,to replace the traditional baggy filter had been developed successfully for capturing the micro-carbon dusts produced from pulverization of petroleum coke,and the green close loop of carbon materials is thus completed in the combined pulverizing and classifying system and pulverized carbon dust removal process.The high dust removal efficiency greater than 99%,low outlet dust concentration less than 100 mg.m-3,low pressure drop through dust filtration chamber less than 980 Pa,simple and easy design,and flexible and stable operation were achieved also with the carbon-granular bed filter in both bench and industrial scale operations.  相似文献   

Circulating fluidized beds (CFBs) are used widely in the chemical industry. Knowing or estimating the bed height in the standpipe and the solids circulation rate are essential for effective control of the system. This paper incorporates a 2-region model to calculate the bed height in the standpipe with a Kalman filter algorithm to estimate the solids circulation rate (SCR). Simulations of both the standpipe bed height and SCR were compared with experimental data and shown to give good agreement.

In addition, a neural network method was applied to model the entire cold flow CFB system and measured data sets were used to train the neurons of the network. Finally, a linear controller was applied to control both the bed height and solids circulation rate to desired set points. Simulations were performed for both positive and negative step inputs for both variables and satisfactory control was demonstrated using this controller in combination with the neutral network and Kalman estimator.  相似文献   

Compared with conventional fluidized beds, circulating fluidized beds have many advantages including better interfacial contacting and reduced backmixing (Lim et al., 1995). While there are many reports on the gas—solid circulating fluidized systems, liquid—solid and gas—liquid—solid circulating fluidized bed systems have been scantily studied. However, extending current knowledge obtained in gas—solid systems to liquid—solids and gas—liquid—solid three‐phase systems is shown to open new horizons for applications of circulating fluidized bed technology and expected to lead to the development of highly efficient liquid—solid and gas—liquid—solid reactors, especially for the ever growing field of biotechnology. In order to fully appreciate the potential of those two types of liquid phase circulating fluidized beds, recent progress is reviewed in this article. Their potential applications to biochemical processes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Aerobic degradation or polishing is an essential step in the combined anaerobic/aerobic treatment of wastewater. In this study, a type of porous glass beads was used for immobilization of microbial cells in a three‐phase aerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) with an external liquid circulation. The effects of superficial gas and liquid velocities on bed expansion, solid and gas hold‐ups and specific oxygen mass transfer rate, kLa, were investigated. A tracer study showed that the mixing and flow pattern in the 8 dm3 reactor could be simulated by a non‐ideal model of two continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in series. By treating an effluent from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) digester, the distribution of suspended and immobilized biomass in the reactor as well as the kinetics of COD removal were determined. The specific oxygen mass transfer rate, kLa, at a superficial gas velocity of 0.7 cm s−1 dropped by about 30% from 32 h−1 in tap water to 22 h−1 after a carrier load of 15% (v/v) was added. The measured kLa further dropped by about 20% to 18 h−1 in the wastewater, a typical value of the bubbling fermenters with no stirring. Compared with the aerobic heterotrophs under optimum growth conditions, the microbes in this reactor which was fed with anaerobic effluent plus biomass behaved like oligotrophs and showed slow specific COD removal rates. This might be attributed to the presence of a significant amount of obligate anaerobes and facultative organisms in the aerobic reactor. This was confirmed by a relatively low intrinsic oxygen uptake rate of the microbial population in the reactor, 94 mg O2 dm−3 h−1 or 19 mg O2g VS−1 h−1. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

With computational fluid dynamics (CFD) it is possible to get a detailed view of the flow behaviour of the fluidized beds. A profound and fundamental understanding of bed dynamics such as bed pressure drop, bed expansion ratio, bed fluctuation ratio, and minimum fluidization velocity of homogeneous binary mixtures has been made in a semi‐cylindrical fluidized column for gas–solid systems, resulting in a predictive model for fluidized beds. In the present work attempt has been made to study the effect of different system parameters (viz., size and density of the bed materials and initial static bed height) on the bed dynamics. The correlations for the bed expansion and bed fluctuations have been developed on the basis of dimensional analysis using these system parameters. Computational study has also been carried out using a commercial CFD package Fluent (Fluent, Inc.). A multifluid Eulerian model incorporating the kinetic theory for solid particles was applied in order to simulate the gas–solid flow. CFD simulated bed pressure drop has been compared with the experimental bed pressure drops under different conditions for which the results show good agreements.  相似文献   

It is well known that hydrodynamics observed in large scale gas–solid fluidized beds are different from those observed in smaller scale beds. In this article, an efficient two‐fluid model based on kinetic theory of granular flow is applied, with the goal to highlight and investigate hydrodynamics differences between three‐dimensional fluidized beds of diameter 0.10, 0.15, 0.30, 0.60, and 1.0 m, focusing on the bubble and solids flow characteristics in the bubbling regime. Results for the 0.30 m diameter bed are compared with experimental results from the literature. The bubble size evolution closely follows a correlation proposed by Werther for small beds, and a correlation proposed by Darton for sufficiently large beds. The bubble size increases as the bed diameter is increased from 0.10 to 0.30 m, and remains approximately constant for bed diameters from 0.30 to 1.0 m. Concurrently, an increase in bubble rise velocity is observed, with a much high bubble rise velocity in the largest bed of diameter 1.0 m due to gulf stream circulations. The dynamics in shallow and deep beds is predicted to be different, with marked differences in bubble size and solids circulation patterns. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 1492–1506, 2015  相似文献   

A significant defluidization occurs when carrying out reactions involving a decrease in gas volume in a fluidized catalyst bed. The cause of this phenomenon is a decrease in the gas velocity in the emulsion phase below the minimum fluidization velocity. Fluidization quality is improved by a staged gas feed when hydrogenation of CO2 is carried out. To evaluate the experimental results, two parameters are introduced; gas‐volume reduction rate and gas‐volume ratio. Fluidization quality and defluidization zone are indicated as a map using these parameters. The vertical distributions of these parameters are calculated using a reactor model to obtain operating lines. The calculation shows that fluidization quality can be improved by operating the reactor by avoiding the operating lines of the defluidization zone in the map. For this purpose, it is required to control the gas‐volume ratio at a level near unity and maintain the gas‐volume reduction rate below 0.01/s. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of a gas‐particle‐droplet system were performed using an Euler‐Lagrange approach. Models accounting for (1) the interaction between droplets and particles, (2) evaporation from the droplet spray, as well as (3) evaporation of liquid from the surface of non‐porous particles were considered. The implemented models were verified for a packed bed, as well as other standard flow configurations. The developed models were then applied for the simulation of flow, as well as heat and mass transfer in a fluidized bed with droplet injection. The relative importance of droplet evaporation vs. evaporation from the particle surface was quantified. It was proved that spray evaporation competes with droplet deposition and evaporation from the particle surface. Moreover, we show that adopting a suitable surface coverage model is vital when attempting to make accurate predictions of the particle's liquid content. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 2569–2587, 2017  相似文献   

We propose two equivalent 1‐D perturbation models for a fast fluidized bed considering compressibility effects. The first model is the explicit summation of incompressible and compressible terms. All compressible terms appear multiplied by the inverse squared gas sound propagation speed, s. In the second model, a lumped waving structure is presented, with just one term corresponding to each wave hierarchy. In both proposed models, the incompressible part was retrieved in the limit s → ∞. The Liu's linear stability analysis, based on Whitham's, was extended to estimate the compressibility contribution. Stability conditions on the propagation speeds and a criterion on the wave number were developed. This method was applied to two physical systems whose solid properties differ widely. It was shown that the effect of the fluid compressibility is at least as important as the effect of the solid compressibility modulus. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2011  相似文献   

Assuming steady state, constant bed temperature and constant tube thermal conductivity, the three‐dimensional heat conduction equations were numerically solved. It was found that the temperature distribution can be expressed as dimensionless temperature in terms of Froude number, particle to furnace diameter ratio, and local to total furnace height ratio. The models for predicting the dimensionless wall temperature distribution and dimensionless mean wall temperature were also developed in this work. Finally, the limits of common tube materials used as water wall tubes based on maximum allowable stress and oxidation criteria were also investigated.  相似文献   

采用清华大学多项专利专有技术,结合南化公司苯胺生产10多年经验,对苯胺行业传统的鼓泡床进行技术创新。新建成的利用国内技术最大直径的100 kt/a苯胺流化床,不仅实现了鼓泡床向湍动流化床的转变,而且具有产品质量满足MDI企业要求、断面负荷高、操作弹性大、催化剂寿命长等诸多优点。  相似文献   

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