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Scene matching is the problem of matching regions of two images of the same scene taken by different sensors at different times or under different viewing conditions. In this paper, we describe an efficient architecture for scene matching called SMAC (Scene Matching ArChitecture). The architecture achieves a significant amount of speedup by utilizing a large amount of parallelism and pipelining. Such an architecture can be used to compute the exhaustive search task of hierarchical scene matching, a technique used to reduce the amount of computations involved in scene matching applications. A prototype very large scale integration (VLSI) chip implementing a scaled down version of the proposed architecture has been designed and built. The prototype chip has been tested to be fully functional at a frequency of 50 MHz with a clock cycle of 20 ns. Based on the prototype design, it is estimated that the proposed architecture can process a 512 × 512 image with an 128 × 128 size template in about 15.36 μs, which corresponds to a rate of 65K frames per second.  相似文献   

景象匹配是航天武器精确制导的一种重要方法,大多采用二维图像进行匹配,其效率较低。文中提出一种立体景象匹配技术及相应的算法,在实验中得到了应用。主要做法是将三维图像离散成二维图像序列,而后与基准图进行比较。分析证明,大大提高了精度和效率。为此,文中还涉及了相应算法,易于编码和应用。应用表明,该算法的实时性和适应性较好,匹配时间能达到0.14s,正确匹配率达到92.5%。有待研究的图像立体匹配方法很多,诸如多基准图对离散化的系列实时图进行匹配,以及定义、构造立体图像的数学模型并进行匹配等。  相似文献   

景象匹配是航天武器精确制导的一种重要方法,大多采用二维图像进行匹配,其效率较低。文中提出一种立体景象匹配技术及相应的算法,在实验中得到了应用。主要做法是将三维图像离散成二维图像序列,而后与基准图进行比较。分析证明,大大提高了精度和效率。为此,文中还涉及了相应算法,易于编码和应用。应用表明,该算法的实时性和适应性较好,匹配时间能达到0.14s,正确匹配率达到92.5%。有待研究的图像立体匹配方法很多,诸如多基准图对离散化的系列实时图进行匹配,以及定义、构造立体图像的数学模型并进行匹配等。  相似文献   

对红外、可见光两种不同谱段图像的匹配技术进行研究。在比较不同预处理方法后,采用边缘增强而不是边缘提取的预处理技术,以增强图像的有效边缘信息,突出不同谱段图像的共性特征,然后使用去均值归一化互相关的办法进行相似性度量。在实验中,通过确定影响匹配正确率的关键指标,对不同预处理方法和匹配策略得到的匹配结果进行比较分析,验证方法的有效性。  相似文献   

本采用多种匹配模式进行下视景象的匹配,利用小波分解生成多分辨率影像、提取边缘特征作为匹配的基础,同对中改进了一种小波兴趣算子来生成兴趣特征图像,并用于初匹配。通过试验及统计,分析了不司匹配模式的效果,以及多种模式相结合对下视景象匹配的改善。  相似文献   

孙踊  胡易 《软件学报》2000,11(5):569-583
认为传统的二值布尔不利于大规模集成电路的设计,尤其是在逻辑门电路上.为此引入了三值逻辑.此三值逻辑是基于集成电路的物理性质,且碰巧等同于Kleene的三值逻辑.鉴于Kleene三值逻辑的不完备性,文章将论域理论以及普通不动点算子运用于此,使三值逻辑获得此逻辑系统的单调完备性定理.文章认为这个结果有利于集成电路设计的可靠性,具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

郑伟  周津慧  丘江  杨静 《计算机工程》2003,29(7):103-105
在介绍顺序排除算法(SEA)及多级顺序算法(MSEA)的基础上,采用以DSP和CPLD为核心器件的硬件处理系统,提高了图像目标搜索的准确性与实时性。实验证明,该系统具有较高的搜索精度及实时性能。  相似文献   

We propose a multimodal “scene understanding” framework using sensory and text information. Scene understanding is defined by extracting information such as What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How on the surrounding environment. Although scene understanding has been studied, information on why and how was not considered. We constructed a framework for extracting how information, in addition to the conventional information based on multimodality and background knowledge. This framework was applied to a cooking scene, in which how information was defined as a cooking procedure. This framework was evaluated by constructing an audio-visual multimodal cooking recognition system, utilizing recipes as background knowledge. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model (HHMM) were adopted in this system. Our experiments showed the robustness of the proposed framework in noisy and/or occluded situations. An interactive cooking support system based on the proposed framework might suggest the next step for cooking procedures via human–robot communications.  相似文献   

符艳军  张晓燕  孙开锋 《计算机科学》2013,40(12):298-300,311
针对各种原因引起的实测图退化情形,将模糊不变矩引入景象匹配中。为了解决匹配过程中计算量大的问题,从简化匹配特征的计算及优化搜索策略两方面采取措施。在模糊不变矩计算方面,通过预先建立21个和表矩阵,提出了一种适用于匹配过程的矩特征高效求解算法;在搜索策略方面,考虑到模糊不变矩特征对图像分辨率的敏感性,提出在原分辨率基准图上采用遗传算法进行搜索匹配。实验结果表明,在实测图出现模糊及受噪声干扰情况下,所提匹配算法在保证匹配精度的同时,其匹配耗时比传统方法少好几个数量级,能够满足导航系统对实时性的要求。  相似文献   

We address in this paper the issue of computing diffuse global illumination solutions for animation sequences. The principal difficulties lie in the computational complexity of global illumination, emphasized by the movement of objects and the large number of frames to compute, as well as the potential for creating temporal discontinuities in the illumination, a particularly noticeable artifact. We demonstrate how space‐time hierarchical radiosity, i.e. the application to the time dimension of a hierarchical decomposition algorithm, can be effectively used to obtain smooth animations: first by proposing the integration of spatial clustering in a space‐time hierarchy; second, by using a higher‐order wavelet basis adapted for the temporal dimension. The resulting algorithm is capable of creating time‐dependent radiosity solutions efficiently.  相似文献   

Manifold mosaicing is arguably the most important class of image mosaicing methods. The existing manifold mosaicing methods work reasonably well only for scenes with simple plane structure and for images taken in a usual way such that the camera??s motion direction is perpendicular to its optical axis. A novel manifold modeling theoretical framework is presented to unify the current image mosaicing methods. Based on this framework, an effective mosaicing algorithm is also proposed to mosaic tubular scenes which have failed most existing methods. We adopt a two-step shaping strategy to parallelize the optical flows and change the topological genus of the image strips by M?bius mappings and circular ring extending. We performed computational experiments via image sequences acquired from tubular scenes and obtained excellent panoramas. The theoretical framework and algorithms in this paper have immediate applications to many practical tubular scene mosaicing problems in medical imaging, industrial inspection, gaming, virtual reality and robotics.  相似文献   

基于DCT的频域块匹配法及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹宁  吴敏 《计算机工程》2000,26(11):129-130
用软件实现在低码率信道上的实时视频编解码是图像压缩领域的研究热点,该文就此提出了一种基于离散余弦变换(DCT)系数的频域块匹配法,通过引入阈值矩阵,降低了运动估值算法的运算量,提高了搜索效率。计算机仿真表明,该算法可在PC机上用软件实时实现,具有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   

图像综合特征及其在图像检测与匹配中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
针对灰度,几何畸变较大的图像匹配困难的问题,提出了一种图像匹配的新方法。该方法在图像预处理时,首先利用SUSAN算法来检测图像目标的边缘,然后利用图像不变矩,并结合形态信息、灰度信息构造的图像综合特征来进行图像匹配,以完成目标的识别与跟踪。由于SUSAN算法检测特征定位准确,对局部噪声不敏感,而且不变矩具有平移、旋转、比例不变的特性,因此可取得较好的检测与匹配效果。实验也表明,该算法既具有较强的抗灰度、抗几何畸变能力,又具有较强的噪声抑制能力。  相似文献   

随着特征尺寸进入纳米尺度,相邻连线之间的电容耦合对电路时序的影响越来越大,并可能使得电路在运行时失效.准确和快速地估计电路中的串扰效应影响,找到电路中潜在的串扰时延故障目标,并针对这些故障进行测试是非常必要的.文中提出了一种基于通路的考虑多串扰引起的时延效应的静态时序分析方法,该方法通过同时考虑临界通路及为其所有相关侵略线传播信号的子通路来分析多串扰耦合效应.该方法引入了新的数据结构"跳变图"来记录所有可能的信号跳变时间,能够精确地找到潜在的串扰噪声源,并在考虑串扰时延的情况下有效找到临界通路及引起其最大串扰减速效应的侵略子通路集.这种方法可以通过控制跳变图中时间槽的大小来平衡计算精度和运行时间.最后,文中介绍了在基于精确源串扰通路时延故障模型的测试技术中,该静态时序分析方法在耦合线对选择和故障敏化中的应用.针对ISCAS89电路的实验结果显示,文中提出的技术能够适应于大电路的串扰效应分析和测试,并且具有可接受的运行时间.  相似文献   

为将2个细节点集高效而准确地配准,首先利用与细节点相关联的短脊线对细节点组合进行初选,然后采用局部特征结构匹配精选出5对细节点作为配准的候选对应点.在2个细节点集配准后的匹配中,针对采用弹性匹配算法经常出现的细节点错配的情况,提出根据匹配可信度对各匹配对的匹配分值进行加权处理,以降低其对匹配精度的影响.采用FVC2002公布的指纹库进行对比实验,结果表明该算法在匹配效率和准确性上都有明显的提高.  相似文献   

智慧民生作为智慧城市的重点领域,包含众多应用系统,积累了大量层次结构数据.为了形成城市范围完整数据集,需要集成并统一异构的数据模式,向用户提供统一的数据视图.针对智慧民生领域的领域知识宽泛、缺乏中文语义匹配支持、模式数量众多、元素标签缺失但实例数据丰富等几方面特点,提出了一种增量交互式模式集成方法.该方法采用增量迭代的方式逐步完成多模式集成任务,大幅降低集成计算量;在模式匹配阶段,综合利用模式信息和实例数据构造了多种适用于中文且能力互补的匹配器,并通过相似度熵来度量机器的决策置信度,适度引入人工干预;在中介模式生成阶段,处理模式间可能出现的各种冲突,最终输出全局统一的中介模式.利用从互联网爬取的多源二手房数据设计并完成实验,实验结果表明:此方法在人工干预程度足够小的前提下,具有较好的模式匹配准确性.  相似文献   

When images are rotated and the scale varies or there are similar objects in the images, wrong matching points appear easily in the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT). To address the problem, this paper proposes a SIFT wrong matching points elimination algorithm. The voting mechanism of Generalized Hough Transform (GHT) is introduced to find the rotation and scaling of the image and locate where the template image appears in the scene in order to completely reject unmatched points. Through a discovery that the neighborhood diameter ratio and direction angle difference of correct matching pairs have a quantitative relationship with the image’s rotation and scaling information, we further remove the mismatching points accurately. In order to improve image matching efficiency, a method for finding the optimal scaling level is proposed. A scaling multiple is obtained through training of sample images and applied to all images to be matched. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can eliminate wrong matching points more effectively than the other three commonly used methods. The image matching tests have been conducted on images from the Inria BelgaLogos database. Performance evaluation results show that the proposed method has a higher correct matching rate and higher matching efficiency.  相似文献   

标签抽取和匹配是查询接口理解的重要组成部分。提出了一种基于视觉的标签抽取和匹配方法,深入分析了相关匹配因子,给出了一种对查询接口表单进行重构的方法,它能依据接口HTMI_源代码自动还原出该表单的视觉布局特征。在最终的匹配算法中,综合考虑了基于label标记的匹配、基于文本语义的匹配以及基于位置特征的匹配。在8个领域共计277个查询接口上的实验证明了所提方法能取得较高的匹配精度。  相似文献   

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