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A cavity expansion-based theory for calculation of cone penetration resistance qc in sand is presented. The theory includes a completely new analysis to obtain cone resistance from cavity limit pressure. In order to more clearly link the proposed theory with the classical cavity expansion theories, which were based on linear elastic, perfectly plastic soil response, linear equivalent values of Young's modulus, Poisson’s ratio and friction and dilatancy angles are given in charts as a function of relative density, stress state, and critical-state friction angle. These linear-equivalent values may be used in the classical theories to obtain very good estimates of cavity pressure. A much simpler way to estimate qc—based on direct reading from charts in terms of relative density, stress state, and critical-state friction angle—is also proposed. Finally, a single equation obtained by regression of qc on relative density and stress state for a range of values of critical-state friction angle is also proposed. Examples illustrate the different ways of calculating cone resistance and interpreting cone penetration test results.  相似文献   

Factors for correcting liquefaction resistance for aged sands using ratios of measured to estimated shear-wave velocity (MEVR) are derived in this paper. Estimated values of shear-wave velocity (VS) are computed for 91 penetration resistance-VS data pairs using previously published relationships. Linear regression is performed on values of MEVR and corresponding average age. Age of the sand layer is taken as the time between VS measurements and initial deposition or last critical disturbance. It is found that MEVR increases by a factor of about 0.08 per log cycle of time, and time equals about 6?years on average when MEVR equals 1 for the recommended penetration resistance-VS relationships. The resulting regression equation is combined with the strength gain equation reported by Hayati et al. 2008 in “Proc., Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV,” to produce a MEVR versus deposit resistance correction relationship. This new corrective relationship is applied to create liquefaction resistance curves based on VS, standard penetration test blow count, and cone tip resistance for sands of various ages (or MEVRs). Because age of natural soil deposits is usually difficult to accurately determine, MEVR appears to be a promising alternative.  相似文献   

This paper presents a complete methodology for both probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction triggering potential based on the cone penetration test (CPT). A comprehensive worldwide set of CPT-based liquefaction field case histories were compiled and back analyzed, and the data then used to develop probabilistic triggering correlations. Issues investigated in this study include improved normalization of CPT resistance measurements for the influence of effective overburden stress, and adjustment to CPT tip resistance for the potential influence of “thin” liquefiable layers. The effects of soil type and soil character (i.e., “fines” adjustment) for the new correlations are based on a combination of CPT tip and sleeve resistance. To quantify probability for performance-based engineering applications, Bayesian “regression” methods were used, and the uncertainties of all variables comprising both the seismic demand and the liquefaction resistance were estimated and included in the analysis. The resulting correlations were developed using a Bayesian framework and are presented in both probabilistic and deterministic formats. The results are compared to previous probabilistic and deterministic correlations.  相似文献   

Subsurface Characterization at Ground Failure Sites in Adapazari, Turkey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ground failure in Adapazari, Turkey during the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake was severe. Hundreds of structures settled, slid, tilted, and collapsed due in part to liquefaction and ground softening. Ground failure was more severe adjacent to and under buildings. The soils that led to severe building damage were generally low plasticity silts. In this paper, the results of a comprehensive investigation of the soils of Adapazari, which included cone penetration test (CPT) profiles followed by borings with standard penetration tests (SPTs) and soil index tests, are presented. The effects of subsurface conditions on the occurrence of ground failure and its resulting effect on building performance are explored through representative case histories. CPT- and SPT-based liquefaction triggering procedures adequately identified soils that liquefied if the clay-size criterion of the Chinese criteria was disregarded. The CPT was able to identify thin seams of loose liquefiable silt, and the SPT (with retrieved samples) allowed for reliable evaluation of the liquefaction susceptibility of fine-grained soils. A well-documented database of in situ and index testing is now available for incorporating in future CPT- and SPT-based liquefaction triggering correlations.  相似文献   

LRFD shows promise as a viable alternative to the present working stress design (WSD) approach to shallow foundation design. The key improvements of LRFD over the traditional WSD are the ability to provide a more consistent level of reliability and the possibility of accounting for load and resistance uncertainties separately. For LRFD to gain acceptance in geotechnical engineering, a framework for the objective assessment of resistance factors is needed. Such a framework, based on reliability analysis, is proposed in this paper. Probability density functions (PDFs), representing design variable uncertainties, are required for analysis. A systematic approach to the selection of PDFs is presented. A procedure such as that proposed provides a rational probabilistic basis for the development of LRFD methods in geotechnical engineering.  相似文献   

Resistance Factors for Use in Shallow Foundation LRFD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In shallow foundation design, the key improvements offered by LRFD over the traditional working stress design (WSD) are the ability to provide a more consistent level of reliability between different designs and the possibility of accounting for load and resistance uncertainties separately. In the development of LRFD, a framework for the objective, logical assessment of resistance factors is needed. Additionally, in order for LRFD to fulfill its promise for designs with more consistent reliability, the methods used to execute a design must be consistent with the methods assumed in the development of the LRFD factors. In this paper, a methodology for the estimation of soil parameters for use in design equations is proposed that should allow for more statistical consistency in design inputs than is possible in traditional methods. Resistance factors for ultimate bearing capacity are computed using reliability analysis for shallow foundations both in sand and in clay, with input parameters obtained from both the cone penetration test and the standard penetration test, and for both ASCE-7 2000 and AASHTO 1998 load factors. Resistance factor values are dependent upon the values of load factors used. Thus, a method to adjust the resistance factors to account for code-specified load factors is also presented.  相似文献   

High Overburden Stress Effects in Liquefaction Analyses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A reevaluation is presented of two factors that can strongly affect the estimation of liquefaction resistance for clean sands under high effective overburden stresses (σv′): the relation used to normalize penetration resistances to a σv′ of 1 atm (i.e., CN), and the adjustment factor for the effects of σv′ on cyclic resistance ratio (i.e., Kσ). These two factors have been investigated in a number of ways and several relations exist for each of them. An improved CN relation is developed based on cone penetration theory and validation against calibration chamber test data for both cone penetration and standard penetration tests. A relative state parameter index (ξR) is shown to provide a consistent theoretical framework for interrelating the penetration and cyclic loading resistances. It is subsequently shown that the CN and Kσ relations are interrelated through the sand properties and relative density (DR) in ways that have compensating effects on the predicted cyclic resistance. The derived relations provide an improved representation of the effects of high σv′ levels, and reduce the conservatism that results when some established relations are extended to σv′ levels higher than they were calibrated for.  相似文献   

This paper presents new correlations for assessment of the likelihood of initiation (or “triggering”) of soil liquefaction. These new correlations eliminate several sources of bias intrinsic to previous, similar correlations, and provide greatly reduced overall uncertainty and variance. Key elements in the development of these new correlations are (1) accumulation of a significantly expanded database of field performance case histories; (2) use of improved knowledge and understanding of factors affecting interpretation of standard penetration test data; (3) incorporation of improved understanding of factors affecting site-specific earthquake ground motions (including directivity effects, site-specific response, etc.); (4) use of improved methods for assessment of in situ cyclic shear stress ratio; (5) screening of field data case histories on a quality/uncertainty basis; and (6) use of high-order probabilistic tools (Bayesian updating). The resulting relationships not only provide greatly reduced uncertainty, they also help to resolve a number of corollary issues that have long been difficult and controversial including: (1) magnitude-correlated duration weighting factors, (2) adjustments for fines content, and (3) corrections for overburden stress.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that the quality of soft clay samples obtained using standard fixed piston samplers can be relatively poor and that block samples are necessary to yield very high quality samples. However, for many practical projects it is not economically viable or physically practical to obtain block samples. In this project, the quality of standard 54?mm composite piston samples of soft clay is examined by comparing six separate sets of 54?mm samples to parallel block sampling. Sampling and laboratory testing was carried out by three different organizations at a well characterized highly uniform soft clay site in Norway. As expected, the work showed that the block samples behaved significantly differently from those obtained using the 54?mm sampler and were of higher quality. Block sample-derived parameters were considerably different from those obtained from the 54?mm sample tests. However, significant differences were also found between the different sets of 54?mm samples. Although the differences are less than when compared with block samples, the consequences of poor quality 54?mm sampling will be significant in engineering design. It is concluded that the differences are due to small details in the sampling operation such as the need to keep the piston effectively stationary at all times, to avoid overcoring and to handle the recovered sample carefully. If a well trained driller follows good quality practice, then relatively good samples can be obtained by the fixed piston sampler, which are suitable for analysis and design of routine engineering works.  相似文献   

Probabilistic Assessment of Stress Normalization for CPT Data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Currently available cone penetration test (CPT) stress normalization schemes exhibit no consensus on the estimation of the stress normalization component. Depending on which power law stress normalization exponent is used, very different interpretations may result in the analyses where normalized CPT data are used (e.g., CPT-based soil classification and seismic soil liquefaction initiation assessment). Within the confines of this paper, it is intended to clarify and resolve some of these differences, and to propose improved recommendations for CPT stress normalization. For this purpose, available stress normalization databases from theoretical, numerical, and field data analyses approaches were compiled. For the soil types, and stress conditions where compiled database is not conclusive, additional finite element simulations have been performed. The resulting relationship not only eliminates several sources of bias intrinsic to previous, similar correlations, and provides greatly reduced overall uncertainty and variance, it also helps to establish a consensus to the stress normalization issue that have long been difficult and controversial. Key elements in the development of these new correlations are: (1) accumulation of a significantly expanded database of analytical/numerical CPT simulation results, as well as field and chamber test data from homogeneous soil layers; (2) use of improved knowledge and understanding of factors affecting CPT and stress normalization; and (3) use of high-order probabilistic tools (Bayesian updating).  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of penetration rate on cone resistance in saturated clayey soils are investigated. Shear strength rate effects in clayey soils are related to two physical processes: the increase of shear strength with increasing rate of loading and the increase of shear strength as the process transitions from undrained to drained. Special focus is placed on this second effect. Cone penetration tests were performed at various penetration rates both in the field and in a calibration chamber, and the resulting data were analyzed. The field cone penetration tests were performed at two test sites with fairly homogeneous clayey silt and silty clay layers located below the groundwater table. Additionally, tests with both cone and flat-tip penetrometers in sand-clay mixtures were performed in a calibration chamber to investigate the change in drainage conditions from undrained to partially drained and from partially drained to fully drained. A series of flexible-wall permeameter tests were conducted in the laboratory for various clayey sand mixtures prepared at various mixing ratios in order to obtain values of the coefficient of consolidation, which is required to estimate the penetration rates below which penetration is drained and above which penetration is undrained. A correlation between cone resistance and drainage conditions was established based on the results of the calibration chamber and field penetration tests.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of several investigations to identify the underlying causes of longitudinal cracking problems in Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement. Longitudinal cracking is not intended and detrimental to the long-term performance of PCC pavement. Longitudinal cracking problems in five projects were thoroughly investigated and the findings indicate that longitudinal cracking was caused by: (1) late or shallow saw cutting of longitudinal joints; (2) inadequate base support under the concrete slab; and (3) the use of high coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) aggregates. When the longitudinal cracks were caused by late or shallow saw cutting of longitudinal joints, cracks developed at a very early stage. However, when there was adequate base support, the longitudinal cracks remained relatively tight even after decades of truck trafficking. Another cause of longitudinal cracking was inadequate base support, and cracking due to this mechanism normally progressed to rather wide cracks. Some cracks were as wide as 57?mm. Evaluations of base support by dynamic cone penetrometer in areas where longitudinal cracks were observed indicate quite weak subbase in both full-depth repaired areas and surrounding areas. This implies that the current requirements for the subbase preparation for the full-depth repair are not adequate. Another cause of longitudinal cracking was due to the use of high CTE aggregate in concrete. Large volume changes in concrete when coarse aggregate with high CTE is used could cause excessive stresses in concrete and result in longitudinal cracking. To prevent longitudinal cracking, attention should be exercised to the selection of concrete materials (concrete with low CTE) and the quality of the construction (timely and sufficient saw cutting and proper selection and compaction of subbase material).  相似文献   

In Situ Pore-Pressure Generation Behavior of Liquefiable Sand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To overcome current limitations in predicting in situ pore-pressure generation, a new field testing technique is used to measure directly the coupled, local response between the induced shear strains and the generated excess pore pressure. The pore-pressure generation characteristics from two in situ liquefaction tests performed on field reconstituted specimens are presented, including the pore- pressure generation patterns at various strain levels, the observed stages of pore-pressure generation, and pore-pressure generation curves. Comparisons of the in situ pore-pressure generation curves with data in the literature and from laboratory strain-controlled, cyclic direct simple shear tests support the in situ testing results. In addition, the effects of effective confining stress on threshold shear strain and pore- pressure generation curves are discussed. Comparisons of the rate of pore-pressure generation among the in situ tests, laboratory strain-controlled tests, and a model based on stress-controlled tests reveal that in situ pore pressures generated in reconstituted soil specimens during dynamic loading develop more similarly to those from cyclic strain-controlled laboratory testing. This observation implies that the evaluation of induced strains rather than induced shear stresses may be more appropriate for the simulation of pore-pressure generation.  相似文献   

The potential for liquefaction triggering of a soil under a given seismic loading is measured herein by probability of liquefaction. The first order reliability method (FORM) is used to calculate reliability index, from which the probability of liquefaction is obtained. This approach requires the knowledge of parameter and model uncertainties; the latter is the focus of this paper. An empirical model for determining liquefaction resistance based on cone penetration test (CPT) is established through “neural network learning” of case histories. This resistance model along with a reference seismic loading model forms a performance function or limit state for liquefaction triggering analysis. Within the framework of the FORM, the uncertainty of this limit state model is characterized through an extensive series of sensitivity studies using Bayesian mapping functions that have been calibrated with a set of quality case histories. In addition, a deterministic model for assessing liquefaction potential in terms of factor of safety is presented, and the probability-safety factor mapping functions for estimating the probability of liquefaction for a given factor of safety in the absence of the knowledge of parameter uncertainty are also established. Examples are presented to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Flow liquefaction is a major design issue for large soil structures such as mine tailings impoundments and earth dams. If a soil is strain softening in undrained shear and, hence, susceptible to flow liquefaction, an estimate of the resulting liquefied shear strength is required for stability analyses. Many procedures have been published for estimating the residual or liquefied shear strength of cohesionless soils. This paper presents cone penetration test-based relationships to evaluate the susceptibility to strength loss and liquefied shear strength for a wide range of soils. Case-history analyses by a number of investigators are reviewed and used with some additional case histories. Extrapolations beyond the case-history data are guided by laboratory studies and theory.  相似文献   

Due to lack of soil sampling during conventional cone penetration testing, it is necessary to characterize and classify soils based on tip and sleeve friction values as well as pore pressure induced during and after penetration. Currently available semiempirical methods exhibit a significant variability in the estimation of soil type. Within the confines of this paper it is attempted to present a new probabilistic cone penetration test (CPT)-based soil characterization and classification methodology, which addresses the uncertainties intrinsic to the problem. For this purpose, a database composed of normalized corrected cone tip resistance (qt,1,net), normalized friction ratio (FR), fines content (FC), liquid limit (LL), plasticity index (PI), and soil type based on the unified soil classification system was complied. Soil classification was performed by laboratory testing of the standard penetration test disturbed samples retrieved from the boreholes within mostly 2?m of each CPT hole. The resulting database was probabilistically assessed through Bayesian updating methodology allowing full and consistent representation of relevant uncertainties, including (1) model imperfection; (2) statistical uncertainty; and (3) inherent variability. As a conclusion, different sets of FC, LL, PI, and A-line boundary curves along with a new CPT-based, simplified soil classification scheme are proposed in the qt,1,net and FR domain. Probabilistic uses of the proposed models are illustrated through a set of illustrative examples.  相似文献   

Assessing Probability-based Methods for Liquefaction Potential Evaluation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents an assessment of existing and new probabilistic methods for liquefaction potential evaluation. Emphasis is placed on comparison of probabilities of liquefaction calculated with two different approaches, logistic regression and Bayesian mapping. Logistic regression is a well-established statistical procedure, whereas Bayesian mapping is a relatively new application of the Bayes’ theorem to the evaluation of soil liquefaction. In the present study, simplified procedures for soil liquefaction evaluation, including the Seed–Idriss, Robertson–Wride, and Andrus–Stokoe methods, based on the standard penetration test, cone penetration test, and shear wave velocity measurement, respectively, are used as the basis for developing Bayesian mapping functions. The present study shows that the Bayesian mapping approach is preferred over the logistic regression approach for estimating the site-specific probability of liquefaction, although both methods yield comparable probabilities. The paper also compares the three simplified methods in the context of probability of liquefaction, and argues for the use of probability-based procedures for evaluating liquefaction potential.  相似文献   

A solution is developed for the evolution of buildup, steady, and postarrest dissipative pore-fluid pressure fields that develop around a finite-radius conical penetrometer advanced in a saturated linearly elastic porous medium. The analog with cone penetrometer testing is direct and is used to enable continuous distributions of permeability and diffusivity to be determined with depth. This analysis reveals the direct dependence of penetration rate on the induced fluid pressure field magnitudes, and predicts that a penetration rate threshold limit exists with respect to pore-pressure generation. This represents the essence of a partially drained system. The developed pore-pressure field is determined to be a function of the dissipation rate of the material, the penetration rate, and the storage effects of the advecting medium. Analysis of the pore-pressure field under start-up conditions reveals that the time required to reach steady state is strongly influenced by the penetration rate and the pressure-dissipation properties of the material. Analysis of the developed stable pressure fields illustrates the inversely proportional relationship that exists between penetration rate and pore-pressure magnitudes at the cone surface; representing the influence of storage in the medium on stable pore-pressure magnitudes. Stable pressure fields below the penetration threshold limit, UD ? 10?1, form a spherical response around the cone tip transitioning to an elongated radial response for penetration rates above this limit. Postarrest analysis indicates that the prearrest penetration rate strongly influences the dissipation rate and pattern of dissipation. The developed analysis can be correlated with CPTu-recovered data to independently evaluate permeability magnitudes during steady penetration.  相似文献   

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