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A new vector control algorithm for the brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) has been developed. The goal of BDFM control is to achieve a similar dynamic performance to the doubly fed induction machine (DFIM), exploiting the well-known induction motor vector control philosophy. For this purpose, a recently developed unified reference-frame model has been used to develop the vector control strategy. The theoretical considerations for the vector control design, control loops tuning and limits are shown. In addition, practical considerations for the experimental implementation of vector control for the BDFM are shown. Experimental results in a machine prototype confirm the good dynamic performances of this type of control.  相似文献   

The author discusses the beginnings of the synchronous machine at the end of the 19th century. In particular the author discusses the first long-distance transmission of high voltage three phase power using a machine with a power output of 210 kW at the International Exposition at Frankfurt in 1891. This machine is described in detail. Milestone in the development of the synchronous machine and hydroelectric generators are discussed  相似文献   

In this paper, a model which describes the behaviour of the pressure, density and temperature of a gas mixture in a rapid compression machine is developed and analyzed. The model consists of a coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations, and both formal asymptotic and numerical solutions are presented. Using asymptotic techniques, a simple discrete algorithm which tracks the time evolution of the pressure, temperature and density of the gas in the chamber core is derived. The results which this algorithm predict are in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the design of robust controllers for a class of ac servo drives, the brushless servo motor drive, and presents the efficiency and power factor analysis of the drive system. Robust PI, H 2, and H 8 control techniques are applied to the design of servo controllers. A fully digital control system is constructed to experimentally verify the controller performance. The steady‐state characteristics of the servo drive are derived and are measured on‐line by a microcomputer‐based efficiency measurement system. The theoretical development is validated by the experimental work.  相似文献   

The authors describe the computer-aided analysis of the dynamic performance of a tubular linear machine system with permanent magnetic cogging forces. These forces include not only the conventional tooth cogging force apparent in both linear and rotary machines but also a force unique to permanent magnet linear machines that is due to the finite length of the stator. System equations which describe both the machine and the inverter supply are solved by a step-to-step numerical method to find the dynamic performance of the machine in an oscillator mode. The work is verified by experimental results obtained for a practical model  相似文献   

An on-line mechanical unbalance estimation for permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) drives is presented. At high speeds, either rotor or mechanical load unbalance generates vibration that can cause mechanical failure such as a defect of a bearing or shaft. To prevent failure and minimise mechanical vibration, the amount of the rotating unbalance should be detected in real time. The information of the estimated unbalance can be utilised to manage an operation to achieve the durability of mechanical parts. The dynamic nature of a mechanical system with a PMSM with regard to unbalance is investigated. From this examination, the models of the stator current in time and frequency domains for PMSMs are presented to develop a robust real-time unbalance estimation scheme. Based on the modelling and analysis of a rotating mechanical system using a PMSM drive, a compact unbalance estimation algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is combined with an open-loop torque observer and an unbalance estimator using a filter. Experimental results show the validation of the developed model and the proposed on-line unbalance estimation scheme.  相似文献   

A combined control technique is proposed to improve the efficiency of an in-wheel motor with outer rotor for traction system. The double excited motor has permanent magnets and field winding as excitation sources. The 'combined control strategy' employed in the extended speed operation is based on an alternate field-weakening technique by negative d-axis current injection and by adequately feeding the auxiliary field winding, respectively. The alternate technique proposed is detailed and the computed results are obtained using 2D finite-element method analysis, and the MATLAB/Simulink package stand by to validate it. The tests will prove the expected speed gain and the validity of the machine's topology.  相似文献   

A digital signal processor-based control system for the permanent magnet-assisted reluctance synchronous machine, with the emphasis on dynamic performance, is proposed. A classical design approach is used to design the current and speed controllers for the machine. The stator current of the machine is controlled in such a way that the current angle in the dq synchronous reference frame is constant. The load-torque is estimated using a state space observer and compensation current based on the estimated load is used to improve the dynamic performance of the drive. The control system design is machine specific as it relies on data from finite-element analysis. Simulated and measured results on a 110-kW power level show that the resulting control system is stable and robust with good dynamic performance  相似文献   

Electrical communication between cardiomyocytes can be perturbed during arrhythmia, but these perturbations are not captured by conventional electrocardiographic metrics. We developed a theoretical framework to quantify electrical communication using information theory metrics in two-dimensional cell lattice models of cardiac excitation propagation. The time series generated by each cell was coarse-grained to 1 when excited or 0 when resting. The Shannon entropy for each cell was calculated from the time series during four clinically important heart rhythms: normal heartbeat, anatomical reentry, spiral reentry and multiple reentry. We also used mutual information to perform spatial profiling of communication during these cardiac arrhythmias. We found that information sharing between cells was spatially heterogeneous. In addition, cardiac arrhythmia significantly impacted information sharing within the heart. Entropy localized the path of the drifting core of spiral reentry, which could be an optimal target of therapeutic ablation. We conclude that information theory metrics can quantitatively assess electrical communication among cardiomyocytes. The traditional concept of the heart as a functional syncytium sharing electrical information cannot predict altered entropy and information sharing during complex arrhythmia. Information theory metrics may find clinical application in the identification of rhythm-specific treatments which are currently unmet by traditional electrocardiographic techniques.  相似文献   

针对目前同步电机参数辨识方法存在的对输入扰动信号要求严、不能计及非线性因素等缺陷,对同步电机参数在线小扰动辨识技术进行了研究.构建了同步电机参数在线采集系统,建立了同步电机的恰当电路模型和状态方程,采用最大似然估计法在轻载和低励磁状态下辨识电机的线性参数,然后在磁路饱和状态下对饱和参数进行辨识修正,最后在大扰动的情况下,对参数和模型进行检验、修正.仿真计算结果与实测数据吻合较好,证明了文中所提出的同步电机参数辨识技术的有效性.  相似文献   

The selection of the parameters of a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) is analysed using nonlinear optimisation. The constraints of the optimisation can be set to take the control principle into account. Compared with previously presented analyses, constant flux-based control as well as an absolute maximum criterion where no constraints are made to the control principle is analysed. Moreover, the requirements of the application are easily incorporated into the presented optimisation as additional constraints. On the basis of the results, the parameters of the PMSM (permanent magnet's flux linkage and the direct and quadrature axis inductances) can be selected. The results show that when using a constant flux linkage-based control principle (e.g. direct-torque control) more torque can be obtained compared with minimum current vector control. After analysing the effect of different parameters, a design procedure is suggested and an interactive design programme is implemented with Matlab  相似文献   

This paper deals with the design, analysis and fabrication of a 320 W, 5 m/s, 4-pole permanent-magnet-based linear synchronous machine (LPMSM). The design deals with conventional hand calculations followed by design fine-tuning and analysis using standard FEM packages. Fabrication of the machine has been also done at the works of a local small machine manufacturer after procurement of imported permanent magnets (PMs). The work presented here focuses on design and fabrication of LPMSM linor stampings with fixed dimensions and standard available PM tablets with a view to providing simple design guidelines. This prototype forms part of a variable speed linear motor drive that is being developed. The approach presented here might provide new ideas to those researchers who may not have the capability to bear cost of fabrication of lamination and PMs from scratch but would like to manufacture LPMSMs from available stampings and tablet PMs. Additionally, it may serve as a base document for the R&D personnel in this area.  相似文献   

无刷双馈电机是一种新型的适于变频调速系统使用的电机,其结构型式和工作原理与传统交流电机相比具有较大的区别.针对转子结构为笼型短路绕组的无刷双馈电机,建立了其在转子旋转坐标轴下的d-q数学模型,导出了电磁转矩表达式,并应用该模型对该类电机的控制特性进行了仿真研究,仿真结果验证了模型的正确性.  相似文献   

Resolution and penetration are primary criteria for clinical image quality. Conventionally, high bandwidth for resolution was achieved with a short pulse, which results in a tradeoff between resolution and penetration. Coded excitation extends the bounds of this tradeoff by increasing signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) through appropriate coding on transmit and decoding on receive. Although used for about 50 years in radar, coded excitation was successfully introduced into commercial ultrasound scanners only within the last 5 years. This delay is at least partly due to practical implementation issues particular to diagnostic ultrasound, which are the focus of this paper. After reviewing the basics of biphase and chirp coding, we present simulation results to quantify tradeoffs between penetration and resolution under frequency-dependent attenuation, dynamic focusing, and nonlinear propagation. Next we compare chirp and Golay code performance with respect to image quality and system requirements, then we show clinical images that illustrate the current applications of coded excitation in B-mode, harmonic, and flow imaging.  相似文献   

采用虚拟激励法,多次利用状态空间解耦、Kronecker代数及矩阵微分理论等,推导出多源随机激励下响应均方根的参数灵敏度表达式,并将其应用于汽车平顺性分析。根据理论计算的灵敏度大小及工程实际要求,选取优化变量,对轻型货车整车模型进行了平顺性优化  相似文献   

Kinesin is a protein-based natural nanomotor that transports molecular cargoes within cells by walking along microtubules. Kinesin nanomotor is considered as a bio-nanoagent which is able to sense the cell through its sensors (i.e. its heads and tail), make the decision internally and perform actions on the cell through its actuator (i.e. its motor domain). The study maps the agent-based architectural model of internal decision-making process of kinesin nanomotor to a machine language using an automata algorithm. The applied automata algorithm receives the internal agent-based architectural model of kinesin nanomotor as a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) model and generates a regular machine language. The generated regular machine language was acceptable by the architectural DFA model of the nanomotor and also in good agreement with its natural behaviour. The internal agent-based architectural model of kinesin nanomotor indicates the degree of autonomy and intelligence of the nanomotor interactions with its cell. Thus, our developed regular machine language can model the degree of autonomy and intelligence of kinesin nanomotor interactions with its cell as a language. Modelling of internal architectures of autonomous and intelligent bio-nanosystems as machine languages can lay the foundation towards the concept of bio-nanoswarms and next phases of the bio-nanorobotic systems development.  相似文献   

The shuttle-based storage and retrieval system (SBS/RS) is a relatively new part-to-picker order picking system. We have developed a performance estimation and design algorithm for the SBS/RS. The performance estimation is based on a queuing model. The design algorithm aims to find the minimum cost configurations in terms of number of tiers, aisles, lifts and workstations with given throughput, tote capacity and order cycle time requirements. We used simulation driven by parameters abstracted from an actual SBS/RS to verify the performance estimation, and applied the design algorithm in the case study. The results indicate that: (1) compared to simulation results, the throughput of the performance estimation is nearly identical when the arrival rate is below the maximum capacity; (2) the design algorithm yields a configuration with 28.1% cost reduction in the current system. In addition, we also compared the shuttle system with the competing robotic order fulfilment system (robotic system in short) in terms of facility cost, building cost and order cycle time. We found that the shuttle system is a better choice if large storage capacity and high throughput are required whereas the robotic order fulfilment system performs better if small storage capacity and low throughput are required.  相似文献   

为解决传统雕刻机数控内核封闭而导致加工对象受局限的问题,将新型数控雕刻机运动控制系统采用NC嵌入PC型开放式构架,把PC机的海量运算能力与运动控制器实时控制能力有效结合起来.上位机PC利用VC调用运动控制器的动态链接库函数实现了加工过程智能化控制、CAD/CAM集成等人机交互功能,下位机利用GE-400-SV运动控制器的强大的实时控制能力实现了雕刻机的三轴联动伺服、高速电主轴控制以及硬件层智能安全保护.该控制系统为提升数控雕刻机的系统集成化程度和柔性加工能力提供了一条有效解决途径.  相似文献   

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