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5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) administered intraventricularly (i.vent.) in rats produced hypertension without considerable changes in heart rate. After transsection of the spinal cord or i.vent. administration of methysergide, 5-HT failed to produce the pressor effect. Thus, the hypertension results from the activation of 5-HT receptor sites of the rat brain.  相似文献   

Serotonin is thought to play a physiological role in various tissues of the rabbit eye, yet little is known about the relative distribution of the different serotonin receptors. Demonstration of the receptor subtypes present in the various ocular tissues is essential in order to understand the function of serotonin in the eye. Using a combination of in situ hybridization histochemistry, in vitro receptor autoradiography and polymerase chain reaction studies, we have explored the distribution of the 5-hydroxytryptamine1A and 5-hydroxytryptamine7 receptors in the rabbit eye. As these receptors have not been sequenced in the rabbit, we initially established the suitability of the oligonucleotide probes by analysis of brain tissue. The distributions of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A and 5-hydroxytryptamine7 receptor messenger RNAs in rabbit brain correlated well with those in other species, confirming the specificity of the probes for detection of the messenger RNAs in rabbit tissues. In the eye, the expression of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors appears to be restricted to the epithelial cell layer of the ciliary processes, although very low levels may appear in the retina. In contrast, the expression of 5-hydroxytryptamine7 receptor messenger RNA is more widespread with positive signals evident in the ciliary processes, retina and iris. The results confirm the existence of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors in the ciliary body and their localization in the ciliary epithelium supports the hypothesis that they are involved in the secretion of aqueous humour. Unexpectedly, there was little evidence to support the idea that 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors are present in the retina and iris sphincter. However, the subsequent finding of 5-hydroxytryptamine7 receptor messenger RNA in the retina and iris may explain the apparent absence of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors in these tissues. The presence of both 5-hydroxytryptamine1A and 5-hydroxytryptamine7 receptors in the ciliary processes may account for the complex intraocular pressure response of the rabbit to serotonin.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of the monopisthocotylean monogenean Pseudodactylogyrus sp. (a gill parasite of eels) has a single axoneme showing a 9 + '1' pattern, a nucleus and a mitochondrion, but has no cortical microtubules. This species thus provides a very simple model for the study of tubulin in the 9 + '1' axonemes of the Platyhelminthes, in contrast with digenean sperm which have a more complex spermatozoon with two such axonemes and cortical microtubules. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of tubulin shows that the elongating spermatids, initially lying in all directions in the early stages, are arranged as parallel elements in further stages. The number of spermatids in an isogenic group could also be precisely counted and equals 32. Nuclear labelling with fluorescent dyes shows that the nuclei, first located in the common mass of the spermatids, later elongate and migrate into the growing spermatids, and that the nucleus is located in the central part of the mature spermatozoon, with the two extremities devoid of nucleus. Labelling with antibodies directed against acetylated, tyrosinated, and polyglutamylated tubulin gave positive results, thus indicating that these post-translational modifications of tubulin are present in the axoneme of spermatids and spermatozoa of monopisthocotylean monogeneans.  相似文献   

The afferent signals that evoke changes in energy intake with regard to body weight regulation are presumed to arise partly from body stores, with the most likely candidate being adipose tissue depots. However, clinical investigation of the neuronal circuitry involved in the central nervous system's processing of such satiety signals remains largely unexplored. Using percutaneously placed catheters in either the right or left internal jugular veins, we were able to quantify the release of central nervous system monoamine and indoleamine neurotransmitters in 64 weight-stable male subjects with varying degrees of adiposity. Veno-arterial plasma concentration differences and internal jugular blood or plasma flow were used, according to the Fick Principle, to quantify the amount of neurotransmitter stemming from the brain. By combining this technique with a noradrenaline and adrenaline isotope dilution method for examining neuronal transmitter release, we were able to examine the association between central nervous system neurotransmitters and efferent sympathetic nervous outflow and adrenomedullary function in human obesity. We found that brain 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) turnover is chronically elevated in proportion to adiposity and is increased postprandially to a similar degree in lean and obese individuals. There was no difference in the degree of sympathetic nervous activity or rate of adrenaline secretion in the subjects examined. It therefore seems that in human obesity, in the face of a chronic elevation in peripheral satiety signals, brain serotonergic processes are switched on accordingly, but the subsequent physiological response involving a reduction in food intake, increased thermogenesis and sympathetic activity is in some way impeded.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of a neuronal rat brain glutamate transporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) may function as a second messenger in the intracellular signal transduction pathways. We explored the possibility that NO was involved in the signal for triggering apoptosis in smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Chemical NO donors induced SMCs apoptosis in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The membrane-permeable cGMP analogue, dibutyryl-cGMP, did not induce SMCs apoptosis, and the highly selective inhibitor of cGMP-dependent protein kinase, KT5823, was unable to inhibit the induction of NO-induced SMCs apoptosis. Inhibitor of ADP-ribosyltransferase slightly attenuated the induction of SMCs apoptosis by S-nitroso-N-acetyl penicillamine (SNAP). The inhibitor of Na+-H+ antiporter, amiloride, completely inhibited the induction of SMCs apoptosis by SNAP. These results demonstrate for the first time that NO can induce apoptosis in SMCs, suggesting that NO acts as a mediator in the development of atherosclerosis lesion via alterations in the number of SMCs. In addition, the results suggest that NO exert these effects through a pathway that does not involve guanylate cyclase and cGMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

In addition to triggering vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels, which led to its discovery as a circulating neurohormone 50 years ago, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) acts as a neurotransmitter/ modulator in the central nervous system and regulates local cerebral blood flow and vascular permeability through direct and indirect effects on intraparenchymal microvessels. Among the various 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors which mediate these effects, particular attention has been paid to the 5-hydroxytryptamine1B and 5-hydroxytryptamine1D subtypes, as the preferred targets of modern antimigraine agents. Immunoelectron microscopic labeling of the 5-hydroxytryptamine1B receptor in rat brain parenchyma has revealed a distinct localization to the endothelium of microvessels, which was predominantly cytoplasmic as opposed to membrane-bound, contrary to that on preterminal unmyelinated axons [Riad et al. (1997) Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 23, 1214]. Similar observations have now been made in human cortical tissue, in which the expected localization of the vascular 5-hydroxytryptamine1B receptor to periarteriolar myocytes was also confirmed. Such a dual localization in human brain microvessels suggests that the 5-hydroxytryptamine1B receptor might mediate opposite effects, vasodilatory and contractile, depending upon its activation by circulating or centrally released 5-hydroxytryptamine. It raises new possibilities as regards 5-hydroxytryptamine effects on human brain microvessels in health and disease, and notably the triggering of migraine headache.  相似文献   

Glia are thought to be important in brain extracellular fluid ion and pH regulation, but their role in brain stem sites that sense pH and stimulate breathing is unknown. Using a diffusion pipette, we administered the glial toxin, fluorocitrate (FC; 1 mM) into one such brain stem region, the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) for 45-60 min. This dose and time period were chosen so that the effects of FC would be largely reversible. Within minutes, tissue pH decreased, and respiratory output increased. Both recovered almost completely after cessation of FC administration. The response to systemic CO2 stimulation was unaffected by FC treatment compared with that following control diffusion. Anatomic analysis showed, at the center of FC administration, some small (mean diameter = 5.1 micrometer) cells that stained for DEAD Red, a marker for altered cell membrane permeability, and some fragmented glia (glial fibrillary acidic protein immunohistochemistry). The average RTN tissue volume that contained such DEAD Red-positive cells was 271 nl, approximately 23% of the volume of one RTN region. Reversible disruption of glia in the RTN, a region known to contain central chemoreception, results in an acidic local pH and in stimulation of respiratory output.  相似文献   

Portacaval anastomosis (PCA) in the rat is used as a model for portal systemic encephalopathy. Changes in the serotonergic, histaminergic, and catecholaminergic neurotransmitter systems are often found shortly after PCA. We have examined the long-term effects of PCA on the aminergic systems in brains of male Wistar rats, which 8 months previously had been subjected to PCA. Precursors, amines, and metabolites were assayed by HPLC. Eight months after PCA, the catecholamine levels were unchanged in all brain regions. In contrast, tryptophan was evenly increased throughout the brain. The accumulation of 5-hydroxytryptophan after decarboxylase inhibition (NSD-1015; 100 mg/kg i.p.) and the endogenous levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were significantly higher in PCA rats, particularly in the hypothalamus and midbrain, whereas 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations were unchanged. Histamine levels were elevated throughout the brain with the greatest increase found in the hypothalamus and in the striatum. tele-Methylhistamine levels were significantly elevated in cortex and hypothalamus. We conclude that 8 months after PCA, catecholaminergic systems had reestablished their homeostasis, whereas serotonergic and histaminergic systems still show profound disturbances in their function. With histamine, this is reflected as an increase in the amounts of both transmitter and metabolite; serotonergic neurons respond by increasing only the level of the metabolite.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), in the doses of 2-5 mug/kg injected into the carotid body area, produced a significant increase in the respiratory rate and carotid sinus nerve activity. Selective ablation of the ipsilateral carotid sinus nerve abolished the respiratory stimulation produced by the drug. On the other hand, the same doses of 5-HT injected into the ascending aorta did not produce stimulation of respiration when the carotid sinus nerves were sectioned. The activity of the aortic nerves did not increase after injecting the drug into the ascending aorta or at the root of the right subclavian artery. These results indicate that 5-HT stimulates the chemoreceptors in the carotid body of the rat. The lack of responses to the injections of the drug in the aortic or subclavian region was due to the absence of chemoreceptors in these regions of the rat.  相似文献   

Chlorpromazine, imipramine and amphetamine at a concentration of 0.66, 1.33 and 13.3 x 10(4) M in vitro inhibited acetyl cholinesterase activity by 16, 23 and 31% respectively in rat brain mitochondria. No change in enzyme activity was induced by these drugs in vivo. There is little cholinergic facilitation through acetylcholinesterase inhibition in the presence of psychoactive drugs.  相似文献   

In neonatal rats, administration of l-triiodothyronine (10 mug/100 g/day) for 30 days presented signs of hyperthyroidism which included accelerated development of a variety of physical and behavioral characteristics accompanying maturation. The spontaneous motor activity was increased by 69%. Exposure of developing rats to thyroid hormone significantly increased the endogenous concentration of striatal tyrosine and the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase as well as the levels of dopamine in several brain regions. The concentration of striatal homovanillic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, the chief metabolites of dopamine, was also increased and the magnitude of change was greater than the rise in dopamine. Despite increases in the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase and the availability of the substrate tyrosine, the steady-state levels of norepinephrine remained unaltered in various regions of brain except in cerebellum. Futhermore, neonatal hyperthyroidism significantly increased the levels of midbrain tryptophan and tryptophan hydroxylase activity but produced no change in 5-hydroxytryptamine levels of several discrete brain regions, except hypothalamus and cerebellum where its concentration was slightly decreased. However, the 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels were enhanced in hypothalamus, ponsmedulla, midbrain, striatum and hippocampus. The elevated levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid did not seem to be due to increased intraneuronal deamination of 5-hydroxytryptamine since monoamine oxidase activity was not affected in cerebral cortex and midbrain of hyperthyroid rats. The data demonstrate that hyperthyroidism significantly increased the synthesis as well as the utilization of catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine in maturing brain. Since the mature brain is known to respond differently to thyroid hormone action than does the developing brain, the effect of L-triiodothyronine treatment on various putative neurohumors also was examined in adult rats. Whereas administration of l-triiodothyronine (10 mug/100 g/day) for 30 days to 120-day-old rats increased the levels of tyrosine by 23% and of tryptophan by 43%, no appreciable change was noted in tryptophan hydroxylase activity. In contrast to neonatal hyperthyroidism, excess of thyroid hormone in adult rats failed to produce any change in motor activity and tended to decrease striatal tyrosine hydroxylase activity only slightly. The concentration of dopamine remained unchanged in all regions of the brain except in midbrain where it rose by 19%. Whereas norepinephrine concentration was altered in hypothalamus, pons-medulla and midbrain, the levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine and its metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, were significantly decreased in striatum and cerebellum. Since dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons are the critical components of the motor system, the possibility exists that elevated behavioral activity in young L-triiodothyronine-treated animals might be associated with increased turnover of catecholamines in neuronal tissue.  相似文献   

1. The effects of magnolol, isolated and purified from the cortex of Magnolia officinalis Rehd. et Wils, on thermoregulation and hypothalamic release of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) by in vivo microdialysis were assessed in normothermic rats and in febrile rats treated with interleukin-1 beta. 2. Intraperitoneal administration of magnolol (25-100 mg/kg) produced a decrease in colon temperature, an increase in foot skin temperature, a decrease in metabolic rate and a decrease in the endogenous release of 5-HT in the rat hypothalamus. 3. Depletion of rat brain 5-HT, produced by intracerebroventricular pretreatment with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, attenuated the magnolol-induced hypothermia, cutaneous vasodilation and decreased metabolism. 4. Intracerebroventricular administration of (+/-)-2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (a 5-HT2 receptor agonist; 5-10 micrograms/5 microL) increased basal colon temperature and reversed the magnolol-induced hypothermia. 5. The increases in both colon temperature and hypothalamic 5-HT release produced by interleukin-1 beta injection were attenuated by treatment with magnolol. 6. The data suggest that magnolol decreases body temperature (due to increased heat loss and decreased heat production) by reducing 5-HT release in rat hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The activity of liver microsomal CYP2E1 is commonly measured as the rate of 5-chloro-2-benzoxazolone (chlorzoxazone) 6-hydroxylation, which requires separation of 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone and chlorzoxazone by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the present study, we describe a solvent extraction (non-HPLC) assay for measuring CYP2E1 activity, based on the 6-hydroxylation of [14C]chlorzoxazone. When [14C]chlorzoxazone was incubated with human or rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH, the major product formed was 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone. Unreacted [14C]chlorzoxazone was quantitatively extracted from the incubation mixture with dichloromethane under conditions that resulted in approximately 45% extraction of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone. The amount of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone remaining in the aqueous incubation mixture ( approximately 55% of the total amount formed) was quantified by liquid scintillation spectrometry. The limit of detection for this assay was 100 pmol of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone. The solvent extraction procedure was validated by comparing the rates of formation of 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone with those determined by HPLC under a variety of experimental conditions. The close correspondence between the two analytical methods suggests that the extraction procedure for measuring 6-[14C]hydroxychlorzoxazone provides a simple, sensitive, and rapid alternative to the HPLC procedure for measuring CYP2E1 activity. In rats, the assay is not specific for CYP2E1 because CYP1A1 also catalyzes the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone. Recombinant human CYP1A1 also catalyzed the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone (at (1)/(5) the rate of CYP2E1), although CYP1A1 is not expressed in human liver microsomes. The non-HPLC assay was used to investigate the postulated role of CYP1A2 in the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone by human liver microsomes. Recombinant CYP1A2 did not catalyze the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone, and studies with 1-[(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)methyl]-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, which inhibits CYP1A2 but not CYP2E1, indicated that, in human liver microsomes, the 6-hydroxylation of chlorzoxazone is catalyzed by CYP2E1 with little or no contribution from CYP1A2 enzymes over a wide range of substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

The distribution of 5-HT2A receptor immunoreactivity in the brain stem was studied by means of a commercial 5-HT2A mouse monoclonal antibody against the N-terminal portion of the receptor (amino acids 1-72). The 5-HT2A immunoreactivity demonstrated in the nerve terminal or dendritic-like structures of regions of the nucleus raphe pallidus, nucleus interfascicularis, motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei and the median eminence by means of double immunofluorescence procedures were shown to be associated with 5-HT immunoreactive cell body-dendritic and/or nerve terminal structures. Besides synaptic transmission the relationships are compatible with the existence of short distance volume transmission (in the microm range) in 5-HT2A mediated 5-HT communication through terminal (5-HT)-terminal (5-HT2A) or soma/dendro (5-HT)-terminal (5-HT2A) and terminal (5-HT)-dendritic (5-HT2A) interactions in discrete brain stem nuclei.  相似文献   

We have established a new permanent cell line (OLN-93), derived from spontaneously transformed cells in primary rat brain glial cultures. In growth medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum a doubling time of 16-18 hr was determined. OLN-93 cells in their antigenic properties resemble primary oligodendrocytes in culture. As analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence, the A2B5 surface marker is absent, they express galactocerebroside and myelin-specific proteins, such as myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), proteolipidprotein (PLP), and Wolfgram protein (WP), but do not exhibit astrocytic properties, such as the expression of vimentin or the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). In their morphological features they resemble bipolar O-2A-progenitor cells and, when grown at low density or on poly-L-lysine-coated culture dishes under low serum conditions, immature oligodendrocytes with a more arborized cell morphology. The cellular processes contain microfilaments, while N-CAM/D2 immunoreactivity is localized on the cell surface of the somata and processes. Immunoblot analysis further confirmed the presence of MAG, WP and MBP immunoreactivity, and the absence of vimentin and GFAP. Only a single MBP isoform (approximately 14 kDa) was detectable in the cellular extracts. PLP mRNA expression was studied by RT-PCR. The two proteolipid-specific mRNAs, DM20 and PLP, were present in OLN-93 cell extracts. Comparisons with embryonic rat cerebral cells in culture and primary oligodendrocytes suggest that OLN-93 cells in their morphological features and their antigenic properties resemble 5- to 10-day-old (postnatal time) cultured rat brain oligodendrocytes. Thus, the new cell line described in this study should provide a useful model system to investigate the specific mechanisms regulating the proliferation and differentiation of oligodendrocytes in vitro, and the molecular interactions with other cells of the nervous system.  相似文献   

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