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现有市场上老年人使用的拐杖结构简单、功能单一,无法实现实时监控、及时求救等功能,由于近年来老年人摔倒不能得到及时的帮助和老年人走失的情况越来越多,为了保证老年人出行安全,在紧急情况能得到及时帮助、便于监护人及时监控和寻找。本文以单片机89C52为主控件,设计了一款具有GPS定位、呼叫电话、报警系统、LED照明灯、MP3等功能的智能拐杖,该设计操作简单、成本较低,具有较强的实用性和市场价值。本文网络版地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/276358.htm  相似文献   

设计了一种由单片机、GSM定位模块、GPS短信模块、语音播放模块、液晶显示屏、温度传感器等组成的老年人用新型拐杖.通过单片机控制GSM短信模块和GPS定位模块,可将老人实时位置信息及时发送给监护人,同时能在设定的时间通过语音芯片给老人以语音提醒.可通过液晶显示屏显示温度和时间,室外温度过高或过低时,语音模块将给予相应的语音提醒.这款拐杖具有安全性高、功能稳定、操作简单、便于携带等特点,是未来拐杖研发的一个重要趋势.  相似文献   

介绍一种基于低功耗单片机,结合GPS系统和无线通信系统,使用简便的呼救装置。通过不同按键的组合,达到定位传输、无线通话、和紧急短信报警等功能,便于特殊人群在紧急情况下的即时呼救,最大限度地降低紧急事故求救的响应时间。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人口老龄化日显突出,老年人出行会出现迷路、摔倒不能及时得到帮助等问题,因此设计一款日常生活中能给予老人帮助的智能助老拐杖就显得尤为重要。智能拐杖采用6061铝合金制作,使用脉搏传感器芯片、模拟前端MN8802脉搏芯片和SFB9712算法芯片实现心率和血压检测,用平衡检测装置实现跌倒报警,借助超声波距离传感器实现夜间防障碍功能。通过SolidWorks建模,利用Ansys Workbench进行受力模拟分析,组装实物,结果表明,该智能拐杖设计合理,功能较强大,操作简单,实用性强,值得在市场上推广应用。  相似文献   

为方便残障老人出行,并且及时反馈出老人的出行位置,设计了一种防残障老人失踪定位追踪装置设计。该装置以STM32单片机为核心,利用GPS定位技术及GSM通信技术,实现对残障老人的实时定位追踪。通过单片机编程实现地理位置信息的获取,可设定安全范围,当残障老人超出安全范围的时候,GSM模块会及时向家人手机发送短信,让残障老人家人及时掌握老人的具体位置,老人也可以使用该装置实现主动向家人发送位置信息。该装置可做到防止残障老人的失踪,使残障老人出行更加安全。  相似文献   

利用GPS定位公交车上乘客的坐标,并将信息上传服务器,与数据库已有的公交站点的经纬度进行比对。当两者差值达到设定范围时,手机端播放用户提前设置的公交到站提醒铃声。此软件极大的方便了人们的出行,也使公交出行的"坐过站"的弊端得到改善。  相似文献   

随着手机应用提供的各种基于位置服务的不断推广,结合智能手机平台的应急求救服务也将受到越来越多的重视。面对生活中突如其来的意外状况,结合定位技术的应急求救服务对人们尤其是老人、儿童等特殊群体有着越来越重要的作用。文章设计了Android手机定位求助软件,该软件设计的侧重点是定位与求救功能,提供快速发出包含位置信息等要素的求救信息。  相似文献   

方正科技最近推出了旗下首款GPS产品——“e行天下”。“e行天下”的导航系统利用GPS卫星信号接收器将移动设备位置精确自主定位,使用者设定目的地后,系统会自动计算出一条最佳路径,使得驾车族一路畅行无阻。该导航仪内置全国1240多个城市(含部分县级市)电子地图,可以轻松进行全国地图查询、路径规划、全球卫星导航,还可手动添加新的地址。作为驾车者的随行伴侣,“e行天下”具备强大的“自动纠错”功能,如果驾车者走错了路线,它可以重新设计一条行驶路线。它不仅是一位“路路通”,还是一位“生活通”。内置的系统可以查询多类生活资讯,包括附近的“加油站”、“餐馆”等,系统能按照使用者输入的“搜索半径”,由近至远显示出符合条件的信息以供使用。尤其令人感到贴心的是,该导航仪能够通过FM调频,将语音提示传送到汽车音响,保证驾车族的听觉享受。  相似文献   

自动照相机是指具有一种或多种自动功能的相机。包括自动曝光、自动闪光、自动对焦、自动上片、自动卷片、自动倒片、DX底片自动识别、自拍、连拍、电动变焦等,为使用者提供快速、方便和准确的操作。具备这些自动功能的照相机(特别是小型相机)又称为“傻瓜”相机。小型“傻瓜”相机的镜头一般是固定的(不能拆换),多采用固定的快门速度(通常设定为1/125s)或程序式自  相似文献   

在"互联网+"智慧救援系统模式下,救援系统以关注弱势群体检测突发危险事件为目标,在日常生活中,当用户遇到紧急情况时,"基于IoT技术的智能手环"通过对使用者的心率、加速度、温湿度等数据进行实时检测记录,同时进行大数据分析,被动求救紧急联系人或警察局,通过云服务器技术与MQTT协议传输求救信息,保证用户得到及时的救援.  相似文献   

IMS域的位置管理策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)R6中IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem)域的用户的位置都要注册到归属地网络,而且终端的所有SIP信令都要经过注册服务器,导致用户在漫游状态下控制信令的迂回路径变长并限制了用户对网络中应用的使用.该文对UMTS R6的IMS位置管理方案进行了改进,提出了IMS用户位置信息的分布式管理和联系人位置信息自适应缓存机制,使得其漫游状态下的位置注册和呼叫建立过程更加迅速.分析及仿真显示:新的位置管理策略从网络信令花费上优于原位置管理策略.  相似文献   


Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) plays an important role in many (hybrid) indoor positioning systems since it enables frequent, granular position updates. However, the accumulation of errors creates a need for external error correction. In this work, we explore the limits of PDR under realistic conditions using our graph-based system as an example. For this purpose, we collect sensor data while the user performs an actual navigation task using a navigation application on a smartphone. To assess the localisation performance, we introduce a task-oriented metric based on the idea of landmark navigation: instead of specifying the error metrically, we measure the ability to determine the correct segment of an indoor route, which in turn enables the navigation system to give correct instructions. We conduct offline simulations with the collected data in order to identify situations where position tracking fails and explore different options how to mitigate the issues, for example through detection of special features along the user’s path or through additional sensors. Our results show that the magnetic compass is often unreliable under realistic conditions and that resetting the position at strategically chosen decision points significantly improves positioning accuracy.  相似文献   

In 1993, a study began with a large commercial oil and gas software interpretation system to determine the feasibility of a general taxonomy of on-line help content and a corresponding taxonomy of human interface access methods to this content. The preliminary findings from this work were encouraging and indicate that a taxonomic approach makes it easy both for help providers to understand what information they need to supply, and for help users to find the help they need quickly. Part of this taxonomy of help content includes application messaging. Existing studies of on-line help messaging indicate that both user-initiated or system-initiated advice messaging can improve user efficiency by prompting users with information about what something on the interface is, what it does, or what to do once it has been activated. This study examines the placement of on-line help messages in a multiwindow software application on user performance. Subjects were automatically timed as they performed two sets of tasks: one where help messages always appeared at the bottom of an application's main window and one where help messages appeared at the bottom of the current window in focus  相似文献   

本文提供的软件工具,可以在不进行高级或低级格式化的前提下,解除各种引导型计算机病毒,使文件型病毒失去传染性;修复磁盘“0”道逻辑错;对DOS系统本身所在磁盘上的全部结构进行自动或人机交互式检测,若染有病毒,进行清除,确保DOS系统本身的正确性和完整性。  相似文献   

The simulation automation system (SAS) was developed to provide an efficient simulation environment, by automating the entire simulation process. This system can be classified, by its salient unique features, into: automatic model generator (AMG), automatic simulator developer (ASD), and design error simulation and test system (DEST). The system can automatically generate multivalued simulation models and automatically develop various simulators, using domain specific automatic programming techniques. The automatic model generation feature can be used when a new model library is built or when an existing library is upgraded. The automatic simulator development feature allows a user who may not be knowledgeable about simulators, to easily develop unique simulators, which can be used for special purposes or special designs. SAS can also verify designs using the Design Error Simulation and Test System. It provides a confidence measure of the verification, as well as simulation results. When users are not satisfied with the confidence level achieved after simulation, they can automatically generate additional simulation patterns for design errors in order to achieve a higher confidence level. Using this approach, design verification time and cost can be considerably reduced, and an actual measure of verification is provided. Consequently, the design cycle can be considerably reduced. This is especially significant for large, complex systems  相似文献   

Wireless networks are now very essential part for modern ubiquitous communication systems. The design of efficient routing and scheduling techniques for such networks have gained importance to ensure reliable communication. Most of the currently proposed geographic routing protocols are designed for 2D spatial distribution of user nodes, although in many practical scenarios user nodes may be deployed in 3D space also. In this paper, we propose 3D routing protocols for multihop wireless networks that may be implemented in two different ways depending on how the routing paths are computed. When the routing paths to different user nodes from the base station in the wireless network are computed by the base station, we call it centralized protocol (3DMA‐CS). A distributed routing (3DMA‐DS) protocol is implemented when respective routing path of each user node to the base station is computed by the user node. In both of these protocols, the user (base station) selects the relay node to forward packets in the direction of destination, from the set of its neighbours, which makes minimum angle with the reference line drawn from user (base station) to the base station (user), within its transmission range. The proposed protocols are free from looping problem and can solve the void node problem (VNP) of multihop wireless networks. Performance analysis of the proposed protocol is shown by calculating end‐to‐end throughput, average path length, end‐to‐end delay, and energy consumption of each routing path through extensive simulation under different network densities and transmission ranges.  相似文献   

The daily life of people with severe motor system impairments is challenging and thus often subordinated to extensive external help; increasing their level of self-support is thus highly desirable. Recent advances in wireless communications, in particular in wireless personal-area networks, serve as technological enablers well suited for implementing smart and convenient assistive environments which can increase self-support. This paper presents the design and prototyping of a versatile interface for such wireless assistive environments. We propose a modular framework that can accommodate several wireless personal-area network standards. The interface is built upon this framework and is designed in such a way that it can be controlled by various types of input devices such as a touch screen or a tongue-control unit. The interface can automatically discover consumer appliances (e.g. Zigbee and Bluetooth enabled lights and computers) in the user’s environment and display the services supported by these devices on a user-friendly graphical user interface. A demonstrator is prototyped and experimental results show that the proposed interface is context-aware, i.e. it successfully detects available appliances, adapts itself to the changes that occur in the user’s environment, and automatically informs the user about these changes. The results also show that the proposed interface is versatile and easy to use, i.e. the user can easily control multiple devices by means of a browser menu. Hence, the proposed work illustrates how assistive technology based on wireless personal-area networks can contribute to improving the quality of life of motor system impaired persons.  相似文献   

Traditionally Web page authors create several different versions of content with a range of bandwidth requirements related to various user network access rates. The challenge when dealing with multimedia content is how we can provide customised content, while retaining the essential information and not replicating the data. It should be possible to provide automatically the key information presented by the content author for any level of user, regardless of the hardware and network capabilities of the client device.  相似文献   

Smartphones are being used and relied on by people more than ever before. The open connectivity brings with it great convenience and leads to a variety of risks that cannot be overlooked. Smartphone vendors, security policy designers, and security application providers have put a variety of practical efforts to secure smartphones, and researchers have conducted extensive research on threat sources, security techniques, and user security behaviors. Regrettably, smartphone users do not pay enough attention to mobile security, making many efforts futile. This study identifies this gap between technology affordance and user requirements, and attempts to investigate the asymmetric perceptions toward security features between developers and users, between users and users, as well as between different security features. These asymmetric perceptions include perceptions of quality, perceptions of importance, and perceptions of satisfaction. After scoping the range of smartphone security features, this study conducts an improved Kano-based method and exhaustively analyzes the 245 collected samples using correspondence analysis and importance satisfaction analysis. The 14 security features of the smartphone are divided into four Kano quality types and the perceived quality differences between developers and users are compared. Correspondence analysis is utilized to capture the relationship between the perceived importance of security features across different groups of respondents, and results of importance-satisfaction analysis provide the basis for the developmental path and resource reallocation strategy of security features. This article offers new insights for researchers as well as practitioners of smartphone security.  相似文献   

本文介绍高铁实施非标频以实现高铁公专网资源优配,在高铁用户识别、高铁用户定位算法基础上,对铁路周边公专网用户进行识别和定位,判别出高铁专网中公网用户,对存在大量公网用户长期占用高铁专网资源的区域实施高铁专网小区非标频,实现公专网小区异频,减少公网小区重选至专网,降低高铁专网容量,实现高铁公专网资源优配,提升高铁专网用户感知度。  相似文献   

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