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Some open-loop and closed-loop control algorithms are discussed for an example of a discrete-event system, namely, the routing of arriving tasks from different arrival streams among several possible service stations. It is shown that it is possible to design open-loop policies that give good performance in a way which is very robust with respect to large changes in the arrival rates. This is possible even though it is assumed that there is no online coordination between the routing algorithms for the different arrival streams. Some further improvements of the performance are possible when a simple feedback policy, namely, overflow routing, is implemented. This also gives reasonable robustness of performance with respect to changes in the service rates  相似文献   

Tall  Hamadoun  Chalhoub  Gérard  Hakem  Nadir  Misson  Michel 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(1):229-239

The ease of deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) makes them very popular and useful for data collection applications. Nodes often use multihop communication to transmit data to a collector node. The next hop selection in order to reach the final destination is done following a routing policy based on a routing metric. The routing metric value is exchanged via control messages. Control messages transmission frequency can reduce the network bandwidth and affect data transmission. Some approaches like trickle algorithm have been proposed to optimize the network control messages transmission. In this paper, we propose a collaborative load balancing algorithm (CoLBA) with a prediction approach to reduce network overhead. CoLBA is a queuing delay based routing protocol that avoids packet queue overflow and uses a prediction approach to optimize control messages transmission. Simulation results on Cooja simulator show that CoLBA outperforms other existing protocols in terms of delivery ratio and queue overflow while maintaining a similar end-to-end delay.


Due to the limitation of node energy resources, the management of energy consumption is one of the most important problems of the internet of things (IoT). Therefore, many studies have tried to optimize and manage energy consumption by focusing on different techniques. Although each of these studies has improved and optimized energy consumption, there are many important problems, including maintaining traffic balance and energy consumption of network nodes. Therefore, a new method is necessary to maintain the load and energy balancing of network nodes. Therefore, this paper introduces energy and load balancing routing protocol for IoT (ELBRP) based on the development of the RPL routing protocol and the efficiency of data distribution technique. The ELBRP performance has three steps. In the first step, along with the process of sending DODAG information object (DIO) messages, the status of network nodes is evaluated. In the second step, the DODAG communication graph is formed according to the ELBRP. In the third step, data transmission is done according to the distribution technique with the goal of balancing traffic and energy. The simulation results using cooja simulator showed the superiority of ELBRP in improving energy consumption and successful delivery ratio, reducing delay and increasing the network lifetime compared to the similar methods.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor network, when the nodes are mobile, the network structure keeps on changing dynamically, that is, new nodes enter the network and old members exit the network. As a result, the path from one node to the other varies from time to time. In addition, if the load on a particular part of the network is high, then the nodes will not be capable of transmitting the data. Thus, data delivery at the destination will be unsuccessful. Moreover, the part of the network involved in transmitting the data should not be overloaded. To overcome these issues, a hybrid routing protocol and load balancing technique is discussed in this paper for the mobile data collectors in which the path from source to destination is ensured before data transmission. The hybrid routing protocol that combines the reactive and proactive approach is used to enhance gradient based routing protocol for low power and lossy networks. This protocol can efficiently handle the movement of multiple sinks. Finally, load balancing is applied over the multiple mobile elements to balance the load of sensor nodes. Simulation results show that this protocol can increase the packet delivery ratio and residual energy with reduced delay and packet drop.  相似文献   

As Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are typically used for Internet access, most traffic is routed through the gateways which connect WMN to the wired network. As a result, the gateways tend to get congested and balancing of the traffic load of gateways is critical. In this paper, we consider applications that require continuous provision of a certain bandwidth to a server located at the wired network. If a path that satisfies the bandwidth request cannot be found, the request will be rejected, so that load imbalance will result underutilization of the network capacity. We present a novel load balancing routing algorithm for maximizing the network utilization (i.e., accommodating service requests as many as possible) for multi-gateway WMNs. In the proposed scheme, a WMN is divided into domains. Each domain is served by one gateway, so that all traffic of a domain is served by the corresponding gateway. Our scheme determines routing to balance the traffic load among domains, and then performs load balancing routing within each domain. Simulation results show that in square grid topologies, our intra-domain routing achieves near optimal performance with about 70% less overhead than the existing schemes. Our inter-domain load balancing scheme outperforms the existing heuristics by up to 25% while achieving about 80% performance of the optimal solution.  相似文献   

In WSN, nodes collect the information from the surrounding environment and transferring to base station. Multiple data transmission in a WSN causes the nodes near the base station to get congested. Here we propose to develop a congestion avoidance and mitigation technique. For that, we select routes based on the distance between sender and receiver, relative success rate (RSR) value of node and buffer occupancy of a node. Based on these three parameters, we define a utility function to be applied to each neighbor of a transmitter node. Hence the transmitter node chooses the highest U-valued node as its next hop node among its neighbors in packet forwarding. Thus we avoid congestion by choosing non-congested nodes as its next hop node and then we mitigate congestion based on RSR values.  相似文献   

This paper describes an overload control scheme for web servers which integrates admission control and load balancing. The admission control mechanism adaptively determines the client request acceptance rate to meet the web servers' performance requirements while the load balancing or client request distribution mechanism determines the fraction of requests to be assigned to each web server. The scheme requires no prior knowledge of the relative speeds of the web servers, nor the work required to process each incoming request. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在星地网络的背景下,为了降低由于地面网络链路负载过高导致的传播时延,提出了一种适用于星地网络的负载均衡算法。算法基于网络的链路容量设置一个链路资源利用率作为阈值,当发现路径出现过载的时候分成两步进行路径的预规划:第一步,运用蚁群算法为链路过载的数据流选择其他的路径,以满足地面网内部的负载均衡;第二步,如果仍出现链路超阈值的情况,通过卸载延迟容忍数据流来执行地面与卫星网络之间的负载均衡。仿真结果表明,设定自适应的过载阈值可以有效降低链路的拥塞,与现有算法相比该算法不仅可以更加均匀地分配地面网络中的流量,而且借助卫星网络使地面网络的平均时延降低了18.3%,提高了网络的服务质量。  相似文献   

网络负载是影响Ad Hoc网络性能的重要因素,网络负荷比较重时,局部的拥塞将导致网络性能的下降,分析研究现有负载均衡路由协议,并利用链路层信息,结合原Ad Hoc路由协议AODV提出了一种跨层负载均衡的路由协议方案,在选路过程中引入负载均衡机制,均衡网络流量,以提高网络时延、分组到达率等性能.最后用NS2软件仿真证明了改进路由算法的优越性.  相似文献   

一种支持业务均衡的OBS自适应多可达性路由机制   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
针对光突发交换(OBS)网络中如何高效解决频繁发生的光突发竞争问题,提出了一种支持业务均衡的OBS自适应多可达性路由机制(AMR-LB).首先根据发送端发送业务量大小和当前网络业务承载状态,按需地为光突发确定多可达性路由;然后在非线性规划下,自适应地调整各条路由的业务承载比例.通过性能仿真,并与自适应替代路由算法(AA...  相似文献   

智慧协同网络中基于流量矩阵的负载均衡路由机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾濡  郜帅  罗洪斌  张宏科  万明 《通信学报》2016,37(4):128-138
智慧协同网络具有能够实时准确测算流量矩阵的特点。将流量矩阵作为约束,对负载均衡路由优化问题进行建模,利用拉格朗日对偶方法,将原问题转化为优化目标易实现的对偶问题。为实现对偶问题优化目标,提出一种基于流量矩阵的负载均衡路由 (TM-LB,traffic matrix based load balancing) 算法,供控制层根据实时网络情况为后续流规划传输路径。利用OMNET++仿真器在NFSnet拓扑结构上进行仿真实验,结果表明TM-LB相比传统路径规划机制能有效避免拥塞,实现负载均衡。最后,搭建原型系统对TM-LB算法的开销进行测试。  相似文献   

The Internet is composed of a collection of inter-connected and self-administered Autonomous Systems (ASms). Inter-AS routing is accomplished by having neighboring ASms exchange reachability information via the Border Gateway Protocol. An AS is said to be a transit AS if it allows traffic from other ASms to cross through it. In particular, transit ASms provide transit services for traffic between customer and provider ASms. In this article, we focus on maximizing the utilization of resources at transit ASms. In particular, inter-AS links have been shown to be a bottleneck. To make better use of inter-AS links, we consider the problem of balancing the load among inter-AS links. We refer to this problem as the Balanced-Flow Assignment ProbleM (B-FAPM). We show that the B-FAPM is NP-hard, and thus, likely intractable. We then present a heuristic protocol, the Balanced-Flow Assignment ProtocoL (B-FAPL), that balances the out-bound traffic loads on inter-AS links. We show via simulation that the B-FAPL effectively balances outgoing traffic over inter-AS links. Our solution is fully distributed and uses random matchings to assign in-bound flows to out-bound inter-AS links. Ravi Musunuri received his Bachelors degree from R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India, in 1998, and his Masters and Ph.D. degrees in the Computer Science Department from the University of Texas at Dallas in 2002 and 2006, respectively. He is currently with Cisco Systems, San Jose. His research interest broadly is in Computer Networks area with emphasis on Internet routing, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Content Delivery Networks. Jorge Arturo Cobb received his B.S. degree in computer science with highest honors from the University of Texas at El Paso in 1987, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, both in computer science, from the University of Texas at Austin in 1989 and 1996, respectively. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. His main research interest is in computer networking, with an emphasis on scheduling for quality of service guarantees and mobile computing.  相似文献   

针对LB-BvN交换结构的分组乱序问题,探讨了LB-BvN交换结构分组保序的约束条件.从网络流量的传输特性出发提出了解决LB-BvN交换结构分组乱序的DFA(dynamic flow assignment)算法和DFS(dynamicflowlet switching)算法.DFA算法以流为单元分派交换路径,能够严格确保流分组的保序交换;DFS算法是对DFA算法的优化,以流簇(fiowlet)为单元进行交换以保证流簇的保序,进而确保属于同一条流的分组保序.DFA和DFS算法只需在线路接口卡上维护少量的流状态信息即可实现保序交换,仿真结果表明DFA算法和DFS算法具有良好的时延、时延抖动和吞吐量性能.  相似文献   

Sampathkumar  A.  Mulerikkal  Jaison  Sivaram  M. 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(6):4227-4238
Wireless Networks - Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are generically self-configuring and organizing networks with constrained communicational ability and energy supply. One of the crucial crises in...  相似文献   

Congested hot spots and node failures severely degrade the performance of wireless mesh networks. However, conventional routing schemes are inefficient in mitigation of the problems. Considering analogy to physics, we propose a novel distributed potential-field-based routing scheme for anycast wireless mesh networks, which is robust to sudden traffic and network perturbations, effectively balancing load among multiple gateways and mesh nodes with little control overhead. Simulation results exhibit autonomous load balancing and failure-tolerant performance in wireless mesh networking.  相似文献   

Software-defined networking is an emerging paradigm for supporting flexible network management. In the traditional architecture for a software-defined network (SDN), the controller commonly uses a general routing algorithm such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), which chooses the shortest path for communication. This may cause the largest amount of network traffic, especially in large-scale environments. In this paper, we present the design for a novel SDN-based four-tier architecture for scalable secure routing and load balancing. In Tier 1, user authentication is conducted using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC); this avoids unnecessary loads from unauthorized users. In Tier 2, packet classification is performed based on the packet characteristics using the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy AHP), and packets are placed into three individual queues. In Tier 3, scalable secure routing is achieved by selecting the optimal path using the improved particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization algorithms. With these optimization algorithms, we can adaptively change the number of users, the number of switches, and other parameters. In Tier 4, the recommended secure cluster (multicontroller) management is accomplished using an algorithm that employs modified k-means clustering and a recurrent neural network. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is also proposed for updating the controller information. Experimental results are analyzed using the OMNeT++ network simulator, and the evaluated performance displayed improvement over a variety of existing methods in terms of response time (50% to 60%), load (55%), execution time (3.2%), throughput (9.8%), packet loss rate (1.02%), end-to-end delay (50%), and bandwidth consumption (45%).  相似文献   

To avoid the traffic congestion in long term evolution (LTE) networks,a min-max load balancing (LB) scheme is proposed to minimize the demanded radio resources of the maximum loaded cell.For the mixed ...  相似文献   

Congestion in the network is the main cause for packet drop and increased end‐to‐end transmission delay of packet between source and destination nodes. Congestion occurs because of the simultaneous contention for network resources. It is very important to efficiently utilize the available resources so that a load can be distributed efficiently throughout the network. Otherwise, the resources of heavily loaded nodes may be depleted very soon, which ultimately affects network performances. In this paper, we have proposed a new routing protocol named queue‐based multiple path load balancing routing protocol. This protocol discovers several node‐disjoint paths from source to destination nodes. It also finds minimum queue length with respect to individual paths, sorts the node‐disjoint paths based on queue length, and distributes the packets through these paths based on the minimum queue length. Simulation results show that the proposed routing protocol distributes the load efficiently and achieves better network performances in terms of packet delivery ratio, end‐to‐end delay, and routing overhead. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SDN是一种新型的网络架构,可分离数据平面和控制平面。其通常利用集中控制器来管理所有的网络中的交换机。随着网络规模的扩大,单个控制器的有限性能将导致控制平面拥塞,一些方案被提出以解决可扩展性问题,即将网络分离多个域。文章分析了现有的跨域交互技术以及负载均衡算法,并对已有的负载均衡算法作出比较。  相似文献   

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