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氮是水生态系统初级生产力的限制性生源要素,也是造成黑臭水体的重要污染物。微生物是氮循环的驱动泵,硝化作用及反硝化是微生物的特有过程,也是氮素生物地球化学循环以及氮素去除过程中最为关键的步骤。通过分析体系中氮转化、氨氧化古菌(AOA)及氨氧化细菌(AOB)数量和活性对不同有机炭的响应发现,有机碳的添加增大了氨氧化古菌在氨氧化菌群中的比例,而氨氧化细菌比氨氧化古菌对铵根离子的降低更为敏感体系的潜在硝化速率与氨氧化细菌的氨单加氧酶基因拷贝数具有正向相关性。本研究结果对如何通过促进水体自身氮转化活性而快速削减水体中氨氮提供了指导。 相似文献
垃圾渗滤液对厌氧氨氧化混培菌活性的影响研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用厌氧复合床,经自养型反硝化过程转化,成功启动了厌氧氨氧化反应器,共耗时165d。反应器启动成功后,容积负荷达到了0.17kg总氮/(m3.d),NO2--N与NH+4-N去除率分别为100%和93%。在此基础上,研究了垃圾渗滤液的亚硝化出水对厌氧氨氧化混培菌活性的影响。研究结果表明:在低质量浓度基质(NH+4-N~60mg/L,NO2--N~60mg/L)条件下,垃圾渗滤液亚硝化出水对厌氧氨氧化反应产生了微弱的影响,氨氮的平均抑制率为10.73%,亚氮的平均抑制率为11.71%。 相似文献
以好氧硝化污泥为培养污泥,采用经稀释的猪场废水启动厌氧氨氧化反应器,经过125 d的培养,根据ASBR反应器出水水样监测结果显示:ASBR反应器稳定运行后NH4+-N、NO2--N的去除率分别达到91.7%、92.0%,说明采用ASBR反应器,接种好氧硝化污泥可成功启动厌氧氨氧化反应器,验证了利用厌氧氨氧化工艺处理类似养殖废水的高氨氮废水的可能性. 相似文献
TOC与IC对厌氧氨氧化反应的影响研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在将厌氧氨氧化技术成功应用于城市污水深度处理后,进一步考察了废水中碳源类型对厌氧氨氧化反应的影响。结果显示:进水中无机碳浓度的提高,将利于厌氧氨氧化菌的生长,但当其超过一定浓度时(IC>55.77mg/L),厌氧氨氧化反应速率将会下降;有机碳的存在将会降低厌氧氨氧化菌的活性,浓度越高其抑制作用越强,短时间内该抑制作用是可逆的;当废水中有机碳浓度较高时,为取得良好的处理效果,必须提高进水中NO2-—N/NH3—N。虽然厌氧氨氧化技术是在处理高氨废水时发现的,但就脱氮速率而言,它更适用于处理低氨废水。 相似文献
通过2011年对小浪底水库水质进行调查监测,根据监测结果对小浪底水库的营养状态进行了评价,对影响水质状况的因素进行了分析探讨,并提出了对策及建议。 相似文献
垃圾渗滤液中有机污染物对厌氧氨氧化的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用好氧活性污泥和厌氧颗粒污泥混合接种启动UBF厌氧氨氧化反应器,共耗时165d。反应器启动成功后,容积负荷达到了0.17kg总氮/(m3·d),NO2--N与NH4+-N去除率分别为100%和93%。在此基础上进行垃圾渗滤液有机物浓度梯度实验,研究其在不同有机物浓度下对厌氧氨氧化反应的影响作用。实验结果表明:NH4+-N和NO2--N的去除率随有机物浓度的增加依次降低。当TOC浓度小于100mg/L时,厌氧氨氧化运行稳定,NH4+-N和NO2--N的去除率分别达80%和95%以上;当TOC浓度大于200mg/L时,厌氧氨氧化反应减弱,体系中出现了明显的异氧反硝化反应;当TOC浓度大于500mg/L时,厌氧氨氧化反应几乎完全停止。由于该垃圾渗滤液有机污染物多为难降解的大分子,具有毒性、易降解,有机物的含量较少,因此认为其对厌氧氨氧化的毒性抑制远比竞争性抑制大。 相似文献
崂山水库浮游植物的季节变化及水体营养状态 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为掌握崂山水库水质状况,2008年对崂山水库水体理化指标、浮游植物群落结构和细胞密度进行了监测。监测结果为:共检出浮游植物7门45属62种,其中种类最多的是绿藻和硅藻,分别占总种数的48.39%和27.42%。浮游植物群落结构季节变化明显,3月份硅藻种类最多,7月、8月和10月绿藻种类最多。库区优势种为鱼腥藻(Anabaena Bory.)、实球藻(Pandorina morum Bory.)、隐藻(Crytomonas Ehr.)、小环藻(CyclotellaKtz.)。水库浮游植物的四季平均细胞密度为12.8×105个/L,8月份最高,达到40.5×105个/L。叶绿素a的质量浓度年均值为7.05 mg/m3,综合营养状态指数为50.6。总体来看,水库水体已经呈现中营养向轻度富营养化转化的趋势。 相似文献
利用浸没式厌氧膜生物反应器(SAnMBR)对Anammox细菌进行富集培养,同时利用Anammox反应产生的氮气对膜组件进行自循环吹扫,有效地缓解膜污染,实现SAnMBR与Anammox工艺的有机结合。选用絮状污泥为接种泥,反应器成功运行了69 d。在此过程中,最大氮负荷为1.8 kg/m3·d,总氮去除率整体维持在83%,增加曝气量对Anammox菌的活性和颗粒粒径无明显影响。除此之外,应用循环曝气系统对膜表面进行在线冲刷,相比无曝气条件,保持曝气量为0.2 m3/h时,膜使用周期由4 d延长到38 d。选用Lawrence-McCarty模型研究Anammox菌的生长动力学特性,得真实产率(YT为0.17 mg/mg,衰减系数(Kd)为0.01 d-1,Anammox菌增长速度快。相比其他反应器(如SBR、UASB),MBR具有更好的富集效果。 相似文献
氧对厌氧氨氧化菌有毒,但在颗粒污泥和生物膜中的厌氧氨氧化菌对氧有较高的耐受能力,并且聚磷菌能消耗影响氧氨氧化菌生长的氧。厌氧氨氧化菌的生长无需有机物的参与,聚磷菌释磷需要吸收有机物,少量有机物的加入对厌氧氨氧化菌的活性影响不大。亚硝酸盐是厌氧氨氧化菌氧化氨的电子受体,较高浓度的亚硝酸盐对反硝化聚磷有抑制作用,但合适浓度的亚硝酸盐(该浓度可以通过驯化来提高)可以作为反硝化聚磷菌吸磷的电子受体。厌氧氨氧化过程中有硝酸盐生成,反硝化聚磷菌能利用这部分硝酸盐。另外,两类菌都适宜于中温略偏碱性的环境。因此,通过创造同时对厌氧氨氧化菌和反硝化聚磷菌有利的微生态环境,发挥两者在脱氮除磷方面的协同耦合作用,达到高度脱氮除磷,是极有前景的废水厌氧(缺氧)处理研究方向。 相似文献
采用常温亚硝化—厌氧氨氧化工艺对淀粉废水生物处理出水进行生物脱氮处理,在SBR亚硝化反应器和气提式亚硝化反应器中均实现了稳定的半亚硝化反应。亚硝化—厌氧氨氧化工艺正常运行时,全流程总氮去除率基本维持在80%左右,最高达85.5%。一级亚硝化反应进水容积负荷为0.20kg/(m3·d),平均HRT为1.11d。厌氧氨氧化平均总氮进水容积负荷为1.11kg/(m3·d),最高达1.61kg/(m3·d);平均总氮去除负荷为0.83kg/(m3·d),最高去除负荷达1.29kg/(m3·d);平均HRT为0.20d。淀粉工业废水生物处理后出水中的有机物对亚硝化和厌氧氨氧化反应均未产生显著影响,所含过多的悬浮物和胶体物对亚硝化—厌氧氨氧化反应器存在潜在影响。 相似文献
北京怀柔水库的浮游藻类与水体营养状态 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对怀柔水库2009—2010年的浮游藻类及其主要理化指标进行监测,结果显示,库区水体中浮游藻类的平均细胞密度为988.16万个/L,其中蓝藻占47.0%;优势种群中3种为富营养型水体指示种,2种为中营养型水体指示种;库区Shannon-Weaver物种多样性指数为2.49,Pielou指数为0.37,显示库区水体为中度污染;怀柔水库5项理化指标的综合IM指数为49.42,显示库区水体处于中营养状态;相关分析表明,水体中的Ch-la与TN呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与TP呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。认为控制和治理怀柔水库水域、京密引水渠、怀沙河、怀九河流域的点源和面源污染,降低水体中的TN和TP含量,是控制怀柔水库水体向富营养化发展的主要方法。 相似文献
Xiang Can Jin Sheng Rui Wang Hai Chao Zhao Qing Yun Bu Jian Zhou Chu Ze Cui Xiao Ning Zhou Feng Chang Wu 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2006,11(3):169-176
Samples of sediments, interstitial water and overlying water were collected monthly under temperature‐controlled conditions to determine the effects of sediment types on the alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) in lake systems. The relationship between the total alkaline phosphatase activity (TAPA) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration also was examined. The study results indicate the variations of TAPA in the overlying water, and the interstitial water in different layers from different sediments was similar over time. They were influenced not only by the phosphate concentrations, but also were correlated with submerged plant and phytoplankton biomass. The direct effects of the sediment types on the APA were not readily obvious. Although the higher APA in sediment was probably responsible for the enzymatic response to the characteristics of sediments, other factors (e.g. growth of submerged plants and phytoplankton) also should be considered. The peak of the maximum velocity of the enzyme reactions (Vmax) at deeper sediment layers suggests another stratum in which the enzymatically mediated phosphorus regeneration was active. This finding contributes to our understanding of phosphorus cycling in lake sediments. 相似文献
Carolina Fernández Elisa R. Parodi Eduardo J. Cáceres 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2009,14(1):85-101
The current trophic status of Paso de las Piedras Reservoir was evaluated by analysing different physicochemical, biological and environmental variables, in relation to its water quality, and application of two different classification criteria. Water quality sampling was conducted at four sampling sites from June 2004 to June 2005. During this study, 183 phytoplankton taxa were identified. The phytoplankton abundance exhibited a maximum of 368.037 × 103 cells.mL?1 in February 2005, and at least 1.133 × 103 cells.mL?1 in October 2004. An almost exclusive dominance of Cyanobacteria was observed between December 2004 and May 2005, the product of a large relative abundance of Anabaena circinalis and Microcystis natans which, together with other companions, were the reason for an algal bloom characterized by an average density of 133.05 × 103 cells.mL?1, and an average chlorophyll concentration of 28.7 mg.m?3. These study results indicate that the seasonal variations of physical, chemical and biological parameters in the waters of this reservoir were essentially a consequence of environmental and hydrological conditions in the dam area. In contrast, the spatial variations inside the lake were the result of the characteristics of the water inflow provided by its two main tributaries. The N:P ratio suggests neither nutrient is a limiting factor for maximum algal biomass in the lake, indicating that variations in the phytoplankton community structure, and development of phytoplankton blooms, would be more constrained by environmental and hydrological conditions than nutrient competition. The high concentration of measured nutrients could be attributed to the concurrence of various non‐point sources. The phytoplankton species richness was high, exhibiting values even higher than those mentioned in previous studies. Considering the two trophic classification systems, and based on total phosphorus data, the reservoir is classified within the hypertrophic category. In contrast, considering only the chlorophyll and turbidity data, the lake would be classified within the eutrophic category. 相似文献
依据我国湖库富营养化评价标准和支持向量机(SVM)原理及方法,构建基于交叉验证(CV)的CV-SVM湖库营养状态识别模型,采用随机内插的方法在各分级标准阈值间生成训练样本和测试样本,在达到预期识别精度后将模型运用于全国24个湖库营养状态的识别,并与投影寻踪法、评价指标法和神经网络评价法的识别结果进行比较。结果表明:基于线性核函数的CV-SVM模型对于随机生成的训练样本和测试样本的正确识别率分别达到97.8%和97.3%(5次平均),对全国24个湖库营养状态的识别结果与采用投影寻踪法、评价指标法和神经网络评价法的识别结果基本相同,模型具有泛化能力强、识别精度高、收敛速度快、不易陷入局部极值等特点。 相似文献
Sofia Luiza Brito Paulina Maria Maia‐Barbosa Ricardo Motta Pinto‐Coelho 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2011,16(4):253-264
The physical and chemical variables of the water, and the composition and structure of the zooplankton communities, in Três Marias and Furnas Reservoirs in Minas Gerais, Brazil, were compared to characterize these environments in relation to their trophic state. Higher values of electrical conductivity and chlorophyll‐a, total solids, suspended organic matter and total nitrogen concentrations were recorded in Três Marias Reservoir. Higher water transparency and nitrite and nitrate concentrations were observed in Furnas (P < 0.000). Higher zooplankton densities were always obtained in Três Marias Reservoir and, during the rainy period (P < 0.000), with mean values in the dry and rainy periods of 23 721 and 90 872 org m?3, respectively, in Três Marias Reservoir and 9022 and 40 434 org m?3, respectively, in Furnas Reservoir. Copepoda was the dominant group in both reservoirs, mainly the younger stages (nauplii and copepodids). Based on the absolute and relative values, the contribution of rotifers was higher in Três Marias Reservoir than in Furnas Reservoir. Although the Trophic State Index, based on water transparency and chlorophyll‐a and total phosphorus concentrations, indicated an oligotrophic state for both reservoirs, the higher densities of the zooplankton community in Três Marias Reservoir, as well as the predominance of cyclopoids and smaller‐sized species such as bosminids, characterized this environment as mesotrophic. Larger‐sized species such as calanoids, daphniids and sidids in Furnas Reservoir characterized the better water quality of this reservoir. 相似文献
Jane Ndungu Denie C. M. Augustijn Suzanne J. M. H. Hulscher Nzula Kitaka Jude Mathooko 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2013,18(4):317-328
The spatio‐temporal dynamics of the trophic state of a lake are crucial in defining its water quality, as well as biodiversity. Accordingly, this study focused on the spatio‐temporal variations of the trophic state, and the possible causes of the heterogeneous turbidity in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. The trophic state of the lake oscillated between a eutrophic and hypereutrophic condition, being found to be more eutrophic than reported in previous studies, indicating a progressive deterioration of its water quality. Inferences from the graphical representation of the deviations of total phosphorus and Secchi depth from the chlorophyll‐a trophic state indices revealed that the lake is predominantly phosphorus limited. Furthermore, the turbidity in the northern part of the lake is dominated by suspended sediment and dissolved coloured material. Discriminant analysis resulted in identification of three distinct trophic state regions in Lake Naivasha, namely the northern region, the mid and southern part and the more or less isolated Crescent Lake. The results of this study provide a good basis for further investigation of the current loading magnitude of both nutrients and sediments, in order to facilitate sustainable management to ensure community integrity and ecosystem functions of the lake. 相似文献
P. F. Temporetti M. F. Alonso G. Baffico M. M. Diaz W. Lopez F. L. Pedrozo P. H. Vigliano 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2001,6(4):259-267
The Governments of the Provinces located in Patagonia, Argentina, promote the intensive breeding of salmonids in the Andean Patagonian region. Although annual production is low (450 ton ha–1 year–1), some effects are significant. Waste produced by salmonid breeding (feed losses, faeces and excretion) increases nutrient and organic matter concentrations, which cause modifications of water quality, sediments and biota. A consequent risk is the elevation of eutrophication levels. Possible changes in water composition, sediments, algae and wild fish populations were studied. Sites affected by fish farming showed increased nutrient concentration, and phytoplankton and periphyton biomass. Chlorophyll a was similar at both sites (affected and unaffected by fish farm sites). Sediments clearly reflect fish farm waste inputs: total phosphorus and organic matter increased 12‐fold and fourfold, respectively. The species present in the gill‐net catches were the autochthonous Percichthys trucha, Odontesthes hatcheri, Diplomystes viedmensis, and the introduced salmonids Oncorhynchus mykiss, Salmo trutta, Salmo salar sebago and Salvelinus fontinalis. About 50% of the total catch was salmonids. A major portion of the catch per unit weight was composed of rainbow trout, followed by perch. The catch per unit weight obtained for this reservoir agrees with the range of values previously determined ( Quiros 1990 ) for Patagonian reservoirs. Compared with previous studies by Freyre et al. (1991) , a variation in catch composition exists. This consists mainly of an increase in the numbers and condition of O. mykiss and a decrease in P. trucha. Presence of fish that escaped from hatcheries, recognizable by their eroded fins, was observed; particularly in a sampling station near the fish cage systems. Variations in catches could be caused by cyclical changes in fish populations ( Wooton 1991 ), by direct and indirect effects of intensive fish farming, or by a combination of both events, and can only be understood through long‐term studies of catch variation. 相似文献
Aleksandar Ostoji Svetlana uri Ljiljana omi Marina Topuzovi 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2007,12(3):175-185
The results of hydrobiological investigations of Grošnica and Gruža Reservoirs near the city of Kragujevac in Serbia indicated differences in their trophic status. Although considerably younger than Grošnica Reservoir, Gruža Reservoir manifests all the signs of accelerated eutrophication. Primary and secondary plankton productivity is significantly greater in Gruža Reservoir, as is macrophyte production. Accelerated eutrophication also is indicated with the results of an ecological analysis. The manifested differences can be attributed mainly to the greater human influences, as well as the unfavourable morphometric characteristics of Gruža Reservoir, compared to Grošnica Reservoir. 相似文献
Deborah L. Gribben Gavin N. Rees Roger L. Croome 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2003,8(2):95-104
The development and demise of substantial populations of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a and d containing phototrophs are documented within the bottom waters of a billabong (oxbow lake) in south‐eastern Australia. The observation of such populations within a freshwater body is unusual, illustrating an unexpected source of organic carbon within the floodplain ecosystem of one of Australia's principal rivers. Values of up to 1086 µg L?1 BChl a and 490 µg L?1 BChl d were recorded during an 11 month study of physico‐chemical parameters, algae and bacteria. An unusual density stratification was observed within the billabong, fostered by an increase in bivalent ions at depth, and leading to persistent anoxia below 0.75 m depth over summer. A marked vertical distribution was observed for both algae and bacteria, that for the bacteria being lost with a mixing event in late March. The presence of up to 74 µg L?1 BChl a at the surface of the billabong during the summer months is ascribed to entrainment of bacteria within bubble plumes rising from the sediments. 相似文献